Iterative modulo by repeated subtraction? - scheme

I am trying to write an iterative procedure to do modulo arithmetic in scheme without using the built in procedures modulo, remainder or /. However I ran into a few problems while trying to write the code, which looks like this so far:
(define (mod a b)
(define (mod-iter a b)
(cond ((= b 0) 0)
((< b 0) (+ old_b new_b))))
(mod-iter a (- a b)))
As you can see, I ran into the problem of needing to add the original value of b to the current value of b. I am not sure how to go about that. Also, when i left the second conditional's answer to be primitive data (just to make sure the enitre procedure worked), I would get an "unspecified return value" error, and I'm not sure why it happens because the rest of my code loops (or so it seems?)
Thank you in advance for any insight to this.

When you define your mod-iter function with arguments (a b) you are shadowing the arguments defined in mod. To avoid the shadowing, use different identifiers, as such:
(define (mod a b)
(define (mod-iter ax bx)
(cond ((= bx 0) 0)
((< bx 0) (+ b bx))))
(mod-iter a (- a b)))
Note, this doesn't look like the proper algorithm (there is no recursive call). How do you handle the common case of (> bx 0)? You'll need something like:
(define (mod a b)
(define (mod-iter ax bx)
(cond ((= bx 0) 0)
((< bx 0) (+ b bx))
((> bx 0) ...))) ;; <- something here with mod-iter?
(mod-iter a (- a b)))

First if you don't want to capture a variable name, use different variable names in the inner function. Second i think the arguments are wrong compared to the built-in version. (modulo 5 6) is 5 and (modulo 6 5) is 1. Anyways here is a variation in logrirthmic time. That based on generating a list of powers of b (2 4 8 16 32 ...) is b is 2, all the way up to just under the value of a. Then by opportunistically subtracting these reversed values. That way problems like (mod (expt 267 34) 85) return an answer very quickly. (a few hundred primitive function calls vs several million)
(define (mod a-in b-in)
(letrec ((a (abs a-in))
(sign (if (< 0 b-in) - +))
(b (abs b-in))
(lambda (next-exponent)
(cond ((> b a) '())
((= next-exponent 0)
(error "Number 0 passed as the second argument to mod
is not in the correct range"))
(else (cons next-exponent (powers-list (* b next-exponent))))))))
(let ((powers-list (reverse (powers-list-calc b))))
(let loop ((a a) (powers-L powers-list))
(cond ((null? powers-L) a)
((> a (car powers-L))
(loop (- a (car powers-L)) powers-L))
(else (loop a (cdr powers-L)))))))))


Geometric Series function in Scheme language

Im trying to learn scheme and Im having trouble with the arithmetic in the Scheme syntax.
Would anyone be able to write out a function in Scheme that represents the Geometric Series?
You have expt, which is Scheme power procedure. (expt 2 8) ; ==> 256 and you have * that does multiplication. eg. (* 2 3) ; ==> 6. From that you should be able to make a procedure that takes a n and produce the nth number in a specific geometric series.
You can also produce a list with the n first if you instead of using expt just muliply in a named let, basically doing the expt one step at a time and accumulate the values in a list. Here is an example of a procedure that makes a list of numbers:
(define (range from to)
(let loop ((n to) (acc '())
(if (< n from)
(loop (- 1 n) (cons n acc)))))
(range 3 10) ; ==> (3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
Notice I'm doing them in reverse. If I cannot do it in reverse I would in the base case do (reverse acc) to get the right order as lists are always made from end to beginning. Good luck with your series.
range behaves exactly like Python's range.
(define (range from (below '()) (step 1) (acc '()))
(cond ((null? below) (range 0 from step))
((> (+ from step) below) (reverse acc))
(else (range (+ from step) below step (cons from acc)))))
Python's range can take only one argument (the upper limit).
If you take from and below as required arguments, the definition is shorter:
(define (range from below (step 1) (acc '()))
(cond ((> (+ from step) below) (reverse acc))
(else (range (+ from step) below step (cons from acc)))))
Here is an answer, in Racket, that you probably cannot submit as homework.
(define/contract (geometric-series x n)
;; Return a list of x^k for k from 0 to n (inclusive).
;; This will be questionable if x is not exact.
(-> number? natural-number/c (listof number?))
(let gsl ((m n)
(c (expt x n))
(a '()))
(if (zero? m)
(cons 1 a)
(gsl (- m 1)
(/ c x)
(cons c a)))))

Elegant Way Of Accounting For "A" When Converting Strings To 26-Ary And Back?

I need to convert strings to 26-ary and then be able to convert them back.
My current code is:
(define (26-ary-word s)
(let ([len (string-length s)])
(let f ([n 0]
[acc (+
(- (char->integer (string-ref s 0)) 97)
1)]) ; adding 1 so that all strings start with 'b'
(if (< n len)
(f (add1 n) (+ (* acc 26) (- (char->integer (string-ref s n)) 97)))
(define (word-ary-26 n)
(let f ([n (/ (- n (modulo n 26)) 26)]
[acc (cons (integer->char (+ (modulo n 26) 97)) '())])
(if (> n 0)
(f (/ (- n (modulo n 26)) 26) (cons (integer->char (+ (modulo n 26) 97)) acc))
(list->string (cdr acc))))) ; remove "b" from front of string
I add 1 to acc to start with, and remove the "b" at the end. This is because multiplying "a" - 97 by 26 is still 0.
This is already ugly, but it doesn't even work. "z" is recorded as "701" when it's in the first position (26^2), which is translated back as "az".
I can add another if clause detecting if the first letter is z, but that's really ugly. Is there any way to do this that sidesteps this issue?
(if (and (= n 0) (= acc 26))
(f (add1 n) 51)
(f (add1 n) (+ (* acc 26) (- (char->integer (string-ref s n)) 97))))
This is the ugly edge case handling code I've had to use.
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what your code is doing, but either way, it's far more complicated than it needs to be. Converting a base-26 string to an integer is quite straightforward just by using some higher-order constructs:
; (char-in #\a #\z) -> (integer-in 0 25)
(define (base-26-char->integer c)
(- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\a)))
; #rx"[a-z]+" -> integer?
(define (base-26-string->integer s)
(let ([digits (map base-26-char->integer (string->list s))])
(for/fold ([sum 0])
([digit (in-list digits)])
(+ (* sum 26) digit))))
By breaking the problem into two functions, one that converts individual characters and one that converts an entire string, we can easily make use of Racket's string->list function to simplify the implementation.
The inverse conversion is actually slightly trickier to make elegant using purely functional constructs, but it becomes extremely trivial with an extra helper function that "explodes" an integer into its digits in any base.
; integer? [integer?] -> (listof integer?)
(define (integer->digits i [base 10])
(let loop ([i i])
(if (zero? i) empty
(let-values ([(q r) (quotient/remainder i base)])
(cons r (loop q)))))))
Then the implementation of the string-generating functions becomes obvious.
; (integer-in 0 25) -> (char-in #\a #\z)
(define (integer->base-26-char i)
(integer->char (+ i (char->integer #\a))))
; integer? -> #rx"[a-z]+"
(define (integer->base-26-string i)
(list->string (map integer->base-26-char (integer->digits i 26))))

Scheme check value if not even

I have the following function to check if a positive value is even.
(define (even? n)
((= n 0) #t)
((< n 0) #f)
(else (even? (- n 2)))
I am trying to use this function to increment a store counter when a checked value is not even (odd) using both the even? function and a logical not, but I can't seem to figure out the correct syntax.
(define (function a b)
(define (iter a b store)
((= b 1) (+ store a)
(iter (double a) (halve b) (if (not (even? b)) (+ a store) store)))
(iter a b 0)
Could anyone check my syntax to see what I am doing wrong?
A call of (function 1 1) should return 1
A call of (fucntion 1960 56) should return 109760 but I receive 141120
I realize that my halve funciton must be impromperly defined. I tried to implement a halving function that used only subtraction.
(define (halve n)
(define (iter src store)
((<= src 0) store)
(else (iter (- src 2) (+ store 1)))
(iter n 0)
Please note that the even? function is built-in, you don't have to implement it. Now regarding the problem - this line is not doing what you think:
(if (not (even? b)) (+ a store))
That expression doesn't update the value of store, it's just evaluating the result of adding a to store and then the value obtained is lost - we didn't save it, we didn't pass it to the recursion, the result of the addition is discarded and then the next line is executed.
In Scheme, we use set! to update a variable, but that's frowned upon, we try to avoid mutation operations - and in this case it's not necessary, we only need to pass the correct value to the recursive call.
Now that you've made it clear that you're implementing the Ethiopian multiplication algorithm, this is how it should be done:
(define (halve n)
(quotient n 2))
(define (double n)
(* 2 n))
(define (function a b)
(define (iter a b store)
((= a 0) store)
((even? a) (iter (halve a) (double b) store))
(else (iter (halve a) (double b) (+ store b)))))
(iter a b 0))
It works as expected:
(function 1 1)
=> 1
(function 1960 56)
=> 109760
You seem to be missing a ), just before the call to iter.

Scheme quadratic function/square root check

Im want to make a function where rootcheck has a list L as input, L always is 3 atoms (a b c) where a is coefficient of x^2, b coef of x and c is the constant. it checks if the equation is quadratic, using discriminant (b^2 - 4ac) and should output this (num 'L) where num is the number of roots and L is a list that contains the roots themselves (using quadratic formula), L is empty in case of no roots. here is my code:
(define roots-2
(lambda (L)
(let ((d (- (* (cdr L) (cdr L)) (4 (car L) (caddr L))))))
(cond ((< d 0) (cons(0 null)))
((= d 0) (cons(1 null)))
(else((> d 0) (cons(2 null)))))
its giving me no expression in body error.
also I tried to code the quadratic function and even tried some that are online, one compiled fint but gave me an error when I inserted input this is the code for the quadratic function, NOT MINE!
(define quadratic-solutions
(lambda (a b c) (list (root1 a b c) (root2 a b c))))
(define root1
(lambda (a b c) (/ (+ (- b) (sqrt (discriminant a b c)))
(* 2 a))))
(define root2
(lambda (a b c) (/ (- (- b) (sqrt (discriminant a b c)))
(*2 a))))
(define discriminant
(lambda (a b c) (- (square b) (* 4 (* a c)))))
There are several mistakes in the code:
Some parentheses are incorrectly placed, use a good IDE to detect such problems. This is causing the error reported, the let doesn't have a body
You forgot to multiply in the 4ac part
You're incorrectly accessing the second element in the list
The else part must not have a condition
The output list is not correctly constructed
This should fix the errors, now replace null with the actual call to the function that calculates the roots for the second and third cases (the (< d 0) case is fine as it is):
(define roots-2
(lambda (L)
(let ((d (- (* (cadr L) (cadr L)) (* 4 (car L) (caddr L)))))
(cond ((< d 0) (list 0 null))
((= d 0) (list 1 null))
(else (list 2 null))))))
for the quadractic function part, I found a code online and tweaked it to provide both roots of a quadratic equation. returns a list of both roots
(define (solve-quadratic-equation a b c)
(define disc (sqrt (- (* b b)
(* 4.0 a c))))
(list (/ (+ (- b) disc) (* 2.0 a))
(/ (- (- b) disc) (* 2.0 a))

Scheme prime numbers

this is possibly much of an elementary question, but I'm having trouble with a procedure I have to write in Scheme. The procedure should return all the prime numbers less or equal to N (N is from input).
(define (isPrimeHelper x k)
(if (= x k) #t
(if (= (remainder x k) 0) #f
(isPrimeHelper x (+ k 1)))))
(define ( isPrime x )
(( = x 1 ) #t)
(( = x 2 ) #t)
( else (isPrimeHelper x 2 ) )))
(define (printPrimesUpTo n)
(define result '())
(define (helper x)
(if (= x (+ 1 n)) result
(if (isPrime x) (cons x result) ))
( helper (+ x 1)))
( helper 1 ))
My check for prime works, however the function printPrimesUpTo seem to loop forever. Basically the idea is to check whether a number is prime and put it in a result list.
Thanks :)
You have several things wrong, and your code is very non-idiomatic. First, the number 1 is not prime; in fact, is it neither prime nor composite. Second, the result variable isn't doing what you think it is. Third, your use of if is incorrect everywhere it appears; if is an expression, not a statement as in some other programming languages. And, as a matter of style, closing parentheses are stacked at the end of the line, and don't occupy a line of their own. You need to talk with your professor or teaching assistant to clear up some basic misconceptions about Scheme.
The best algorithm to find the primes less than n is the Sieve of Eratosthenes, invented about twenty-two centuries ago by a Greek mathematician who invented the leap day and a system of latitude and longitude, accurately measured the circumference of the Earth and the distance from Earth to Sun, and was chief librarian of Ptolemy's library at Alexandria. Here is a simple version of his algorithm:
(define (primes n)
(let ((bits (make-vector (+ n 1) #t)))
(let loop ((p 2) (ps '()))
(cond ((< n p) (reverse ps))
((vector-ref bits p)
(do ((i (+ p p) (+ i p))) ((< n i))
(vector-set! bits i #f))
(loop (+ p 1) (cons p ps)))
(else (loop (+ p 1) ps))))))
Called as (primes 50), that returns the list (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47). It is much faster than testing numbers for primality by trial division, as you are attempting to do. If you must, here is a proper primality checker:
(define (prime? n)
(let loop ((d 2))
(cond ((< n (* d d)) #t)
((zero? (modulo n d)) #f)
(else (loop (+ d 1))))))
Improvements are possible for both algorithms. If you are interested, I modestly recommend this essay on my blog.
First, it is good style to express nested structure by indentation, so it is visually apparent; and also to put each of if's clauses, the consequent and the alternative, on its own line:
(define (isPrimeHelper x k)
(if (= x k)
#t ; consequent
(if (= (remainder x k) 0) ; alternative
;; ^^ indentation
#f ; consequent
(isPrimeHelper x (+ k 1))))) ; alternative
(define (printPrimesUpTo n)
(define result '())
(define (helper x)
(if (= x (+ 1 n))
result ; consequent
(if (isPrime x) ; alternative
(cons x result) )) ; no alternative!
;; ^^ indentation
( helper (+ x 1)))
( helper 1 ))
Now it is plainly seen that the last thing that your helper function does is to call itself with an incremented x value, always. There's no stopping conditions, i.e. this is an infinite loop.
Another thing is, calling (cons x result) does not alter result's value in any way. For that, you need to set it, like so: (set! result (cons x result)). You also need to put this expression in a begin group, as it is evaluated not for its value, but for its side-effect:
(define (helper x)
(if (= x (+ 1 n))
(if (isPrime x)
(set! result (cons x result)) ) ; no alternative!
(helper (+ x 1)) )))
Usually, the explicit use of set! is considered bad style. One standard way to express loops is as tail-recursive code using named let, usually with the canonical name "loop" (but it can be any name whatever):
(define (primesUpTo n)
(let loop ((x n)
(result '()))
((<= x 1) result) ; return the result
((isPrime x)
(loop (- x 1) (cons x result))) ; alter the result being built
(else (loop (- x 1) result))))) ; go on with the same result
which, in presence of tail-call optimization, is actually equivalent to the previous version.
The (if) expression in your (helper) function is not the tail expression of the function, and so is not returned, but control will always continue to (helper (+ x 1)) and recurse.
The more efficient prime?(from Sedgewick's "Algorithms"):
(define (prime? n)
(define (F n i) "helper"
(cond ((< n (* i i)) #t)
((zero? (remainder n i)) #f)
(F n (+ i 1)))))
"primality test"
(cond ((< n 2) #f)
(F n 2))))
You can do this much more nicely. I reformated your code:
(define (prime? x)
(define (prime-helper x k)
(cond ((= x k) #t)
((= (remainder x k) 0) #f)
(prime-helper x (+ k 1)))))
(cond ((= x 1) #f)
((= x 2) #t)
(prime-helper x 2))))
(define (primes-up-to n)
(define (helper x)
(cond ((= x 0) '())
((prime? x)
(cons x (helper (- x 1))))
(helper (- x 1)))))
(helper n)))
scheme#(guile-user)> (primes-up-to 20)
$1 = (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19)
Please don’t write Scheme like C or Java – and have a look at these style rules for languages of the lisp-family for the sake of readability: Do not use camel-case, do not put parentheses on own lines, mark predicates with ?, take care of correct indentation, do not put additional whitespace within parentheses.
