sub-subclass concept in OWL [closed] - subclass

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am posting this on stackoverflow since I am quite confused with OWL right now.
So in OWL file, can I represent a sub-subclass concept?
For example, entities belong to a class called Wine and it inside this class, we have a sub-class called WineType and then Within the WineType, we have sub-subclass called enzyme_avability. Would this be possible in OWL as a nested class concept? (e.g. )
Please help me with this

Yes it is possible. I think what you are looking for is here
So in sort you are representing a hierarchy structure which is completely supported by OWL.

You can write axioms like:
A subClassOf B
B subClassOf C
and so on, without limits on the number of levels you want to define. A reasoner will be able to answer queries like: is A subclass of C? by following the hierarchy.
Of course, more complex ways to arrange the hierarchy exist, e.g., the object property restrictions mentioned by Jinal.


Does the method name need to be grammatical? [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I have a question that may seem silly, my english is not very good, I often don't know how to name variables or methods.
For example, There is a method, its function is to open a modal for creating users, I will name it openCreateUserModal, Its corresponding English sentence is "open create user modal", I think this is not grammatical in English because there are two verbs. Would it be better to name it openCreatingUserModal?Or the method name does not need to follow English grammar?
I want to get a rule for naming complex methods
openCreateUserModal is perfectly fine. It clearly conveys what the function does. Following the rules of english grammar is not important in this context as long as the function name clearly indicates what the function does.
Since you haven't mentioned any particular language, below is a source c# naming conventions. The principles are the same for any programming language.

Map of type 'a key -> 'a in Rust [closed]

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Closed last year.
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In OCaml, there is a construct called univ_map.t, which allows you to map from 'a Type_equal.Id.t values to 'as. Here is an example.
Is there a construct that would allow me to do something similar in Rust? I know in OCaml they are implemented with open variants, which I don't believe Rust has.
I'm not familiar with OCaml, but looking at the docs:
Univ_map: Universal/heterogeneous maps [...] useful for storing values of arbitrary type in a single map [...] built on top of Univ.
Univ: An extensible universal variant type. Every type id corresponds to one branch of the variant type.
The closest thing that Rust has that sounds like Univ is the Any trait, which is designed to represent any type (with exceptions). However, there is no standard type for storing a collection of Anys that is accessed by its TypeId. From looking how popular crates handle this, its usually a bespoke wrapper around HashMap<TypeId, Box<dyn Any>> or similar. I hope I've understood correctly.

How to convert [u8] to [u32]? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I wanted to embed an image to my binary and used the "include_bytes" macro. The GUI library I wanted to use only accepts [u32] for input and the said macro produces only [u8].
How do I convert a [u8] to a [u32]? I've seen some in the internet but the explanations are a bit too technical for me (I'm only self-taught). There were several options that I saw like bitwise and a method in "u32" from the standard library. Anyone can give an actual code on how to do it? Like study it from there in case I will need it for other files in the future. Thank you. I almost always just understand things via code coz I'm not aware of many technical terms, algos, etc.
using .map(Into::<u32>::into)
fn main() {
assert_eq!([0_u8, 1_u8].map(Into::<u32>::into), [0_u32, 1_u32]);

golang structs or maps in RESTFUL API [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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When creating a webserver in golang, is there any specific reason why JSON data would be represented as a MAP over a STRUCT or vice versa? ..or is this decision based purely on user preference ?
I think this discussion could go either way but the advantages of using structs vs maps are that structs give you an idea of how the schema should look like whereas a map leaves the schema open-ended.
If you use structs, developers who look at the code will have a clear idea of what parameters you're expecting for the API or how the response of the API may look like without digging further into implementation detail. On the other hand if the requests or responses were maps, they would have to look at the implementation detail to see what keys and values are being assigned. Hope this helps!

What module do the class `Hash`, `Array`, `File` belong to? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Simple question:
What module do the class Hash, Array, File belong to ?
Would you just say that they are part of the ruby core?
They are instances of the Class module (class).
Classes don't "belong to modules". They are just objects like any other object. If you are asking about the constants Hash, Array, File, etc., those belong to the Object class. All constants that are not explicitly defined in some specific module belong to Object.
The simple answer to the simple question is Yes they are part of Ruby Core
Yes. Hash, Array, File they all belongs to core.
