Jmeter. Login stress-testing - jmeter

I am testing login flow on web site using jmeter
scenario was captured by jmeter http proxy server
during scenario execution parameters specific to authentication (session id in GET requests and cookies) are taken from previously captured http-request.
How should i change test plan configuration to capture session id reсeived from server?

Cookies should work fine if you add a an HTTP cookie mananger.
You need to use a regular expression to capture the authentication tokens if you want to pass them as a variable to the next request.
If this is an ASP.NET application here's a great tutorial:
If not, here a video on youtube that also covers the general scenario of extracting parameters to use for future requests:


HTTP Authorization Manager

I'm new to JMeter.
My web app is using windows authentication. As soon as you access the page, it logs you in without the need to enter credentials (No way to log out either). I was able to use HTTP Authorization Manager + HTTP Request Sampler to access the page.
My next step is to cycle through 5 test accounts against the same HTTP Request. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like HTTP Authorization Manager supports multiple logins for the same url. Running the test, it only uses the first set of credentials.
I tried using CVS DataSet Config, but the url does not support Post or Get method for login.
Any suggestions on how I would be able to create multiple logins for a HTTP Request Sampler? If it cannot be done with the HTTP Request Sampler, any alternative samplers I should use instead?
Figured out I was able to include variables within the HTTP Authorization Manager.
Combined it with the CSV Data Set Config and it works as expected!

Form based Authentication- Jmeter

I am testing an API endpoint for which there is a form based authentication(for additional security). Can someone suggest how to handle form based authentication in Jmeter. I tried with HTTP Authorization Manage, still my request is failing.
You basically need to submit a HTML Form by sending a HTTP POST request using JMeter's HTTP Request sampler.
Given you provide correct credentials you should be authorized for further actions.
In some cases you will need to perform correlation as you might have to provide a dynamic parameter (or several) along with the credentials as your application can use these parameters for i.e. CSRF protection or for other reasons so make sure to carefully inspect the request sent by the real browser (you can capture the original request using browser developer tools) and if there are any dynamic parameters - you should extract them from the previous response using a suitable JMeter Post-Processor
Once you successfully log in it should be enough to add HTTP Cookie Manager to maintain the user session.

Using JMeter to test an OpenXava application

I'm facing a problem when writing a JMeter test plan.
The goal is to test an OpenXava based application.
I perform the request with firefox then I try to copy the headers, parameters and cookies in my HTTP request sampler (thus in JMeter).
There are a lot of parameters (36) sent when trying to login. I copied all of them.
However, I can't make it work.
The HTTP response seems useless. It's nearly the same I get when sending a wwrong password with Firefox :
throw 'allowScriptTagRemoting is false.';
var s0={};
Do you have a clue about what is happening ? Should I try to test the login page with another method ?
Why don't you just record your flow using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and your browser.
Set up JMeter Proxy Server
Set up your browser to use JMeter as the proxy
Perform the test scenario in the browser - JMeter should capture the requests under the Recording Controller
Perform correlation if required. If your application is deployed in the Internet you might get benefit of cloud-based proxy service which can perform automated detection of dynamic parameters and generating the relevant code to extract the values and substitute recorded hard-coded parameters with the variables
Don't forget to add HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan - it deals with cookies and cookie-based authentication

browser session issue in jmeter

Iam testing an application which has the following behaviour
User1 loged into machine A using IE Then User2 cannot login into
Machine A using IE. So User2 should login from Machine B.
I have recorded the script using IE and when trying to test with 10 user load say U1 to U10, only U1 is able to login and rest all are do i simulatd the load in this case.
I checked with developers and they are not using IP address for this but using browser session for making single user logs in from a single browser.
Could you please help how do i overcome the issue and simulate the load
Try adding HTTP Cookie Manager, it can automatically handle cookies and define and maintain separate session for each thread.
If it doesn't help - inspect requests more closely with a sniffer tool like Wireshark to compare which request bits are different for different users. The possible options are:
Cookies - can be handled by aforementioned HTTP Cookie Manager
Headers - can be handled by HTTP Header Manager
Request parameters - it may be the case when server sends some parameter in the response and expects it to be present in the next request. In that case you need to extract it from the first response with i.e. Regular Expression Extractor, store it into a JMeter Variable and send with the next request.

Session Expired Response in JMeter

I am testing particular application using JMeter 2.9.There My test plan is Thread group--> Transaction Controller.Inside that various recorded requests are there.I am using HTTP request defaults,HTTP Cookie manager and HTTP header manager,and a view result tree for validation.I found one token i.e. CSRF token to be correlated and I did correlation.But for a particular request I am finding "Session expired..Login again" response much before the logout request.My transaction flow is to Login--> Search a content-->Logout.
Please help me finding a solution.
Try put the element: HTTP Cookie Manager in Thread Group, first item.
the problem can be in the following areas:
-you were redirected automatically instead of following redirects
-login hasn't succeeded
-the session id has not been successfully passed on to the request after login
The JMeter documentation states this:
I've set up JMeter to sample the same URLs as my browser, why is JMeter not seeing the same responses?
There are various different reasons for this:
Cookies - make sure you added a Cookie Manager. Browsers process cookies unless you set them up otherwise, but JMeter does not process cookies unless you add a Cookie Manager.
User-Agent - the User-Agent is a header that is sent by browsers; it identifies the browser type. Some servers are sensitive to this setting and generate different results for what they think are different browsers. The Header Manager is used to add headers such as User-Agent.
Hidden fields - if you did not use the JMeter Proxy (or other application) to record the test plan, then it is easy to miss hidden fields from forms.
Dynamic field names/content - some servers use varying names for fields. So although the test plan may be correct at the time of creation, it does not work when replayed.
URL rewriting - TBA
