CodeLens only finds tests that are written in MSTests - visual-studio-2013

I recently installed Visual Studio 2013 and CodeLens is amazing! The problem that I find is that whenever I open a class file that has methods in it, it doesn't seem to find the Unit Tests associated to the method if it is not written in MSTest. Is there anything that I have to do so that it can find other Unit tests like MSpec?
Is it because Machine Specifications has a different approach when creating unit tests vs MSTest or other testing framework out there?

The tested by and test status indicators are powered by the test explorer.
So if your MSpec tests show up in the test explorer and are written in C# or VB, they should also show up in CodeLens.
(same answer as Visual Studio 2013 feature Code Lens with NUnit)
I just did it with NUnit on a clean machine by installing Nunit and the Nunit extension in extension manager. Here Main shows one reference and one passing test, and the test itself shows the checkmark after successfully running.

I did the same thing that John Gardner showed in his answer, except I split it into 2 projects (to mimic the set up that I was working with in my real solution). At first it didn't work even though I could see the tests in Test Explorer. After a bit of searching, I stumbled onto the right answer for my situation.
It turns out that you need to:
(1) Create a new Unit Test Project (not a class library)
(2) Add NUnit reference to the Unit Test project (I used NuGet) and have the NUnit Test Adapter installed in VS2013
(3) Move your tests to this new project
(4) Once you save and build, now you can go back to your production code and see the "x/y passing" message and see the unit tests in the Test Explorer window.
Most of us that have been using NUnit for a long time are used to creating class libraries for our code instead of Unit Test Projects. It would be nice if the CodeLens documentation actually directly covered this (the documentation states "Test status indicators appear automatically in test projects" which was my clue).


Running Jasmine Unit Test within Visual Studio via TFS

Hello I got a question regarding implementing Jasmine unit tests within a specific build of TFS. I found this Tutorial which explains exactly what I want.
But I do not want to use this because I do not want to check in phantomjs.exe, which is a file of +/- 46 MB, so what could I do next?
Does anyone of you know if there is a tutorial available on the web regarding installing it (instead on the TFS) directly on the build server?
It's now possible to reference Chutzpah as a NuGet package:
With that package referenced (and Visual Studio 2013 update 2 or later), the tests will be executed during the build. You will need to perform the other steps of adjusting the .runsettings and the test assembly specification to include your test files ...;*.test.js

Can't debug NUnit tests with Visual Studio

Trying to debug an NUnit test in VS2010 and is not stopping on the breakpoint. It was working the last time I tried need to debug the test (maybe 1 yr ago) but now it doesn't work.
I've tried the following:
How to debug with 2008 and nunit?
I've tried attaching, rechecking my installation, updated the config file so it's using the 4.0 runtime, still doesn't hit the breakpoint.
What am I missing?
You can debug nunit tests in VS studio community version only. For this you need to install Nunit3testAdpter. You can add this in Tools -> Extension and updates. or from Nuget packages.
This is a long overdue question but I haven't seen the solution to debug NUnit tests directly within Visual Studio. This is quite easily possible and without any third party tools. All you have to do is configure your test project (which is just a plain old Class library project) so it will start NUnit test runner whenever you hit F5 or Ctrl-F5 (just run, no debugging).
Particularly you will have to configure your project properties to start an external program:
Step by step configuration is very well described in this blog post. It advises you to use NuGet to obtain NUnit test runner and configure project to execute the runner when you try running your library project. As simple as that. Using no specific tools which are usually not free.
There are multiple reasons why this may happen. If your application's target framework is different from NUnit's, then you won't be able to debug, because the tests are actually being run by nunit-agent.exe.
For me, my application was using 4.5, but NUnit's was using 3.5. (You can find this from one of the NUnit GUI applications -> Help -> About)
To fix this, change the nunit.exe.config file to include the following, inside the configuration section:
<requiredRuntime version="4.0.30319" />
This can also happen when your PDB generation is set to embedded. Switching it to full will allow the nunit test adapter to start with the debugger attached. At that point it can be switched back to embedded and it will debug again.
The setting is on the project properties pages, in the Build tab, then click the Advanced button. I always choose "All Configurations" at the top, so I make sure I'm emitting a useful PDB (or embedding the info) when building Release configuration assemblies too.
The other day I failed to hit a breakpoint in my NUnit debugging. It took me a while to realize that someone had copy/pasted the test into a different file and I was running a different test than the one that the breakpoint was in.
I recently had a similar problem. Changing the project's platform to AnyCPU solved it for me. Also worth checking:
1) Check NUnit's latest version (I was using 2.5.7, updated to 2.6.2)
2) The Target Framework for your test project. I was using .NET 4.0 (you can find it under Properties -> Application, on VS2010)
At least up to vs2010 the debugger can only debug 32 bit apps but not 64 bit apps.
With vs2010 I am using a 32bit nunit.exe version and use "attach to debugger". This workes well for me.
Please upgrade NUnit Test Extension and close the Visual studio so Visx (probably spell) will run and update NUnit tool.
After this you can open your project and run NUnit test project.
It will run.
I tested accurately.
Try changing the test to x64. From the menu do
Test -> Test Settings -> Default Processor Architecture -> x64.
i think u cant debug with Visual studio. better u install TestDriven.NET.
Put the BreakPoint on the test method
Right click on the test
select TestWith->Debugger

How do I run MSpec in Visual Studio's test system using Gallio?

I'm trying to run MSpec tests in Visual Studio's test system using Gallio, but it appears to be ignoring the MSpec plugin from the IDE. What I did:
Installed Gallio
Added the MSpec NuGet package to my test project
Added the Gallio NuGet package to my test project
Copied the three files required for the MSpec Gallio integration to an "MSpec" folder in Gallio's installation directory
Wrote an MSpec test
Ran "All Tests in Solution" in the IDE
This yielded the following error
"No tests were run because no tests are loaded or the selected tests are disabled"
To check Gallio itself, I added a reference to MbUnit and created a simple MbUnit test. I also ran Gallio's other tools to check if the plugin was being picked up at all. I even restarted VS for good measure.
Running the tests using Gallio.Echo or Gallio.Icarus successfully executes both MbUnit and MSpec tests, so the plugin is being picked up. Running the tests from Visual Studio runs the MbUnit test but not the MSpec test, so Gallio integration appears to be working (just not the MSpec plugin). Any thoughts?
Before anyone mentions it: yes, I'd rather be using ReSharper but licenses are not an option for my situation at the moment.
Update: The is now a project to integrate MSpec into VS2012's test system. It's available on the Visual Studio Gallery and the source is on GitHub.
After starting to debug the problem with both project's sources, it appears there are two underlying issues causing the incompatibility between MSpec and Gallio's VS runner. However, both issues stem from the fact that the VS runner uses Cecil to load type information from assemblies (presumably to avoid loading the test assembly into the main VS AppDomain).
I'll update this answer as I uncover more (hopefully resulting in one or more patch to fix the issues).
Issue 1: Nested types are ignored
I had been using nested types for my tests (SubjectSpec+when_something), which are ignored by the Cecil-based reflection used by Gallio's VS runner to avoid loading the test assembly into the app domain.
This ended up being a relatively simple fix, which I've submitted as a patch to the Gallio developers. I'll update this answer if/when I get confirmation of which release it will be part of.
Issue 2: MSpec causes "An exception occurred while invoking a test driver"
If the container type is removed to avoid issue 1, MSpec throws this error. The reason for this is that MSpec is trying to create an instance of the test object, but Gallio is only supplying it a wrapper Type object that can't actually be created.

xUnit + Gallio + code coverage in Visual Studio 2010

I'm trying to find a way to migrate from mstest to xunit and still benefit from the IDE integration which made me choose mstest in the first place. Gallio seems to accomplish this noble goal, plus it's free (don't want Reshaper or But I can't get code coverage to work.
My solution contains of two projects: project SUT (the assembly I need to test) and project SUT.Tests which is a VS test project (this allows Gallio to display xunit tests in VS's Test View). I have code coverage enabled in Local.testSettings for SUT.dll and instrumentation is in place. After the test run completes there is no code coverage. Code Coverage Results window reports: Empty results generated: none of the instrumented binary was used. Look at test run details for any instrumentation problems. Unfortunately the test run details do not contain any "instrumentation problems". I tried unchecking the instrument assemblies in place checkbox and re-running the unit test; same result.
Any idea what's wrong?
My setup:
- Windows 7 x64
- VS 2010 Premium (SP1)
- xUnit 1.8
- Gallio 3.3.1 x64 (installer, not zip)
Apologies for answering my own question:
Turns out Gallio loads SUT.dll from SUT.Tests\Bin\Debug rather than SUT\Bin\Debug. I added this path to code coverage details, selected it instead of the default SUT.dll path and now it works! This is better described at here, towards the end of the post.

BDD with Machine.Specifications in Visual Studio 2010

I'm beginning to get the grips of BDD and MSpec, but I'm still really bugged by the fact that I'm unable to debug my tests/specs, and that I have to leave the IDE to go to a html report file to see the results.
Currently, I have a post build event configured to run mspec.exe $(TargetFileName) --html “$(ProjectDir)Report.html”, but there must be some better way to do this.
Does anyone know any good add-ins, test runners or whatever that will let me
debug tests, instead of just running them
show the test results in a nice way inside Visual Studio
(Footnote: I'm running VS2010 Professional on Windows 7, if that matters.)
There are basically three options you have:
You can set up a custom tool in
Tools | External Tools to start
mspec.exe with the current project's
assembly to run the contexts and
generate the HTML report.
Install TestDriven.Net and
ensure that
are in your project's copy of MSpec.
You can then run and debug your
contexts from the context menu: "Run
Tests", "Run With | Debugger" without further installation.
There's an example of what the MSpec folder
looks like for all of my projects.
If you use ReSharper 4.1, 4.5, 5.0
or the latest 5.1 EAP (== beta)
there are runners for each of these
The ZIP download
contains batch files that install
the runner for each respective
version of ReSharper. ReSharper's
unit test support is pretty
extensive in terms of UI
widgets/shortcut support, the reporting
tree view and debugging.
If you're
a dotTrace user you can also profile
right from within Visual Studio.
dotCover (another JetBrains product)
allows you to calcualate code
coverage results from your MSpec
On top of that, you get
all the nice coding and navigation features that ReSharper provides.
Be aware that only the first option will generate the HTML report as both the TestDriven.Net and ReSharper runners do not support HTML report generation. From my point of view this isn't an issue since the TD.Net and ReSharper runners offer fairly complete reporting mechanisms through the Visual Studio UI.
Another option that might work (I haven't used it myself) is to leverage the Gallio support that MSpec has. Gallio is a runner/framework for several testing frameworks; it might as well support debug runs with MSpec. Contact #smaclell if you have questions about Gallio support.
