Changing no args default case in getopts - bash - bash

Whenever I use getopts and i don't give any argument for a given flag I get the following message: "option requires an argument -- d"
I would like to remove this message and allow the user to retype the options using the read command.
Here is my case in the getopts:
if [ $# -lt $OPTIND ]; then
echo "Option -d argument missing: needs 2 args"
echo "Please enter two args: <arg1> <arg2>"
read d_ID d_SIZE
echo "disc $d_ID $d_SIZE" >> $FILENAME
eval d_SIZE=\$$OPTIND
echo "disc $d_ID $d_SIZE" >> $FILENAME

I think the behavior you want is a bad idea; there exist programs that take options with optional arguments, and they work nothing like what you describe. Your approach will likely confuse your users; it will make it difficult for other programs to interoperate with it; and it will limit the future extensibility of your script. (Imagine you want to add another option later on. -d -e will pass -e as an argument to -d, even if the user wanted to use -d with no argument and intended -e as a separate option.) And it's especially bizarre to expect one argument if it's on the command line, but two arguments from standard input.
That said . . .
To achieve some of the effect of an optional option-argument, you can tell getopts to be "silent" (that is, to use "silent error reporting") by putting a colon : at the beginning of the option string. (For example, instead of getopts d: ..., you would write getopts :d: ....) Then, when an option's argument is missing, it will set the option-name to : (instead of d) and OPTARG to the option-name (namely d, instead of the option-argument).
For example, the below script can be called either as -d foo or as -d, with the latter causing the user to be prompted to type a value:
if getopts :d: arg ; then
if [[ "$arg" == d ]] ; then
read -p 'Enter d: ' d
echo "d is: $d"
echo 'no d'
Resulting in:
$ ./
no d
$ ./ -d
Enter d: x
d is: x
$ ./ -d y
d is: y


bash getopts behavior different in while loop vs commandline

$ getopts ":mnopq:rs" Option -q
$ echo $Option
$ echo $OPTARG
$ cat
echo '$#' is $#
while getopts ":mnopq:rs" Option
echo Option is $Option
case $Option in
m ) echo "Scenario #1: option -m- [OPTIND=${OPTIND}]";;
n | o ) echo "Scenario #2: option -$Option- [OPTIND=${OPTIND}]";;
p ) echo "Scenario #3: option -p- [OPTIND=${OPTIND}]";;
q ) echo "Scenario #4: option -q-\
with argument \"$OPTARG\" [OPTIND=${OPTIND}]";;
# Note that option 'q' must have an associated argument,
#+ otherwise it falls through to the default.
r | s ) echo "Scenario #5: option -$Option-";;
* ) echo "Unimplemented option chosen.";; # Default.
I get
$ ./ -q
$# is -q
Option is :
Unimplemented option chosen.
Why is there a difference in output between Commandline and Script ?
Have you run the "Commandline" test multiple times in the same shell? getopts uses the variable OPTIND to keep track of where it is in the argument list, so it doesn't just process the same option over and over. As a result, if you run the test multiple times it'll skip over what it processed last time. In your case, I suspect this is making it think it's at the end of the argument list (in which case it'll have an exit status of 1). Here's an excerpt from the bash man page:
[...] Each time it is invoked, getopts places [...] the index
of the next argument to be processed into the variable OPTIND. OPTIND
is initialized to 1 each time the shell or a shell script is invoked.
[...] The shell does not reset OPTIND automatically; it
must be manually reset between multiple calls to getopts within the
same shell invocation if a new set of parameters is to be used.
Here's an example:
$ getopts ":mnopq:rs" Option -q
$ echo "status=$?, Option='$Option', OPTARG='$OPTARG', OPTIND=$OPTIND"
status=0, Option=':', OPTARG='q', OPTIND=2
$ getopts ":mnopq:rs" Option -q
$ echo "status=$?, Option='$Option', OPTARG='$OPTARG', OPTIND=$OPTIND"
status=1, Option='?', OPTARG='', OPTIND=2
$ unset OPTIND
$ getopts ":mnopq:rs" Option -q
$ echo "status=$?, Option='$Option', OPTARG='$OPTARG', OPTIND=$OPTIND"
status=0, Option=':', OPTARG='q', OPTIND=2
The first time it does what you expect. The second time it indicates it's out of options to process, which matches what you're seeing. The third time OPTIND has been unset, so it defaults back to the beginning of the argument list.

Bash: handling mass arguments

I'd like to be able to handle multiple arguments to a given flag no matter what the order of flags is. Do you guys think this is acceptable? Any improvements?
$ ./script -c opt1 opt2 opt3 -b foo
opt1 opt2 opt3
echo_args () {
echo "$#"
while (( $# > 0 )); do
case "$1" in
echo $2
# start looping from this flag
for arg in ${#:2}; do
[ "${arg:0:1}" == "-" ] && break
echo_args "${c_args[#]}"
echo "huh?"
shift 1
The getopts utility shall retrieve options and option-arguments from a list of parameters.
$ cat
while getopts c:b: name
case $name in
b) bflag=1
c) cflag=1
?) printf "Usage: %s: [-c value] [-b value] args\n" $0
exit 2;;
if [ ! -z "$bflag" ]; then
printf 'Option -b "%s" specified\n' "$bval"
if [ ! -z "$cflag" ]; then
printf 'Option -c "%s" specified\n' "$cval"
shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
printf "Remaining arguments are: %s\n" "$*"
Note the Guideline 8:
When multiple option-arguments are specified to follow a single option, they should be presented as a single argument, using commas within that argument or <blank>s within that argument to separate them.
$ ./ -c "opt1 opt2 opt3" -b foo
Option -b "foo" specified
Option -c "opt1 opt2 opt3" specified
Remaining arguments are:
The standard links are listed below:
getopts - parse utility options
Section 12.2 Utility Syntax Guidelines
I noticed in the comments that you don't want to use any of these. What you could do is set all of the arguments as a string, then sort them using a loop, pulling out the ones you want to set as switched and sorting them using if statements. It is a little brutish, but it can be done.
#set all of the arguments as a variable
# Look at each argument and determine what to do with it.
for i in $ARGUMENTS; do
# If the previous loop was -b then grab the value of this argument
if [[ "$bgrab" == "1" ]]; then
#adds the value of -b to the b string
bval="$bval $i"
# If this argument is -b, prepare to grab the next argument and assign it
if [[ "$i" == "-b" ]]; then
#Collect the remaining arguments into one list per your example
RemainingArgs="$RemainingArgs $i"
echo "Arguments: $RemainingArgs"
echo "B Value: $bval"
I use something similar in a lot of my scripts because there are a significant amount of arguments that can be fed into some of them, and the script needs to look at each one to figure out what to do. They can be out of order or not exist at all and the code still has to work.

Variable arguments to a shell script

I would like to have my script accepting variable arguments. How do I check for them individually?
For example
./myscript arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
./myscript arg4 arg2 arg3
The arguments can be any number and in any order. I would like to check if arg4 string is present or not irrespective of the argument numbers.
How do I do that?
The safest way — the way that handles all possibilities of whitespace in arguments, and so on — is to write an explicit loop:
for arg in "$#" ; do
if [[ "$arg" = 'arg4' ]] ; then
if [[ "$arg4_is_an_argument" ]] ; then
: the argument was present
: the argument was not present
If you're certain your arguments won't contain spaces — or at least, if you're not particularly worried about that case — then you can shorten that to:
if [[ " $* " == *' arg4 '* ]] ; fi
: the argument was almost certainly present
: the argument was not present
This is playing fast and loose with the typical interpretation of command line "arguments", but I start most of my bash scripts with the following, as an easy way to add --help support:
if [[ "$#" =~ --help ]]; then
echo 'So, lemme tell you how to work this here script...'
The main drawback is that this will also be triggered by arguments like request--help.log, --no--help, etc. (not just --help, which might be a requirement for your solution).
To apply this method in your case, you would write something like:
[[ "$#" =~ arg4 ]] && echo "Ahoy, arg4 sighted!"
Bonus! If your script requires at least one command line argument, you can similarly trigger a help message when no arguments are supplied:
if [[ "${#---help}" =~ --help ]]; then
echo 'Ok first yer gonna need to find a file...'
exit 1
which uses the empty-variable-substitution syntax ${VAR-default} to hallucinate a --help argument if absolutely no arguments were given.
maybe this can help.
# this is
[ `echo $* | grep arg4` ] && echo true || echo false

Understanding parameters in a function

I found this function:
local case=""
local usage="findsit: find string in files.
Usage: fstr [-i] \"pattern\" [\"filename pattern\"] "
while getopts :it opt
case "$opt" in
i) case="-i " ;;
*) echo "$usage"; return;;
shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 ))
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
echo "$usage"
find . -type f -name "${2:-*}" -print0 | \
xargs -0 egrep --color=always -sn ${case} "$1" 2>&- | more
I understand the output and what it does, but there are some terms I still don't understand and find it hard to find a reference, but believe they would be useful to learn in my programming. Can anyone quickly explain them? Some don't have man pages.
Thank you.
local: Local variable. Let's say you had a variable called foo in your program. You call a function that also has a variable foo. Let's say the function changes the value of foo.
Try this program:
echo "In function: $foo"
echo "In program: $foo"
echo "After function in program: $foo"
Notice that the value of $foo has been changed by the function even after the function has completed. By declaring local foo="barfoo" instead of just foo="barfoo", we could have prevented this from happening.
case: A case statement is a way of specifying a list of options and what you want to do with each of those options. It is sort of like an if/then/else statement.
These two are more or less equivelent:
if [[ "$foo" == "bar" ]]
echo "He said 'bar'!"
elif [[ "$foo" == "foo" ]]
echo "Don't repeat yourself!"
elif [[ "$foo" == "foobar" ]]
echo "Shouldn't it be 'fubar'?"
echo "You didn't put anything I understand"
case $foo in
echo "He said 'bar'!"
echo "Don't repeat yourself!"
echo "Shouldn't it be 'fubar'?"
echo "You didn't put anything I understand"
The ;; ends the case option. Otherwise, it'll drop down to the next one and execute those lines too. I have each option in three lines, but they're normally combined like
foobar) echo "Shouldn't it be 'fubar'?";;
shift: The command line arguments are put in the variable called $*. When you say shift, it takes the first value in that $* variable, and deletes it.
getopts: Getopts is a rather complex command. It's used to parse the value of single letter options in the $# variable (which contains the parameters and arguments from the command line). Normally, you employ getopts in a while loop and use case statement to parse the output. The format is getopts <options> var. The var is the variable that will contain each option one at a time. The specify the single letter parameters and which ones require an argument. The best way to explain it is to show you a simple example.
$#: The number of parameters/arguments on the command line.
${var:-alternative}: This says to use the value of the environment variable $var. However, if this environment variable is not set or is null, use the value alternative instead. In this program ${2:-*} is used instead. The $2 represents the second parameter of what's left in the command line parameters/arguments after everything has been shifted out due to the shift command.
2>&-: This moves Standard Error to Standard Output. Standard Error is where error messages are put. Normally, they're placed on your terminal screen just like Standard Output. However, if you redirect your output into a file, error messages are still printed to the terminal window. In this case, redirecting the output to a file will also redirect any error messages too.
Those are bash built-ins. You should read the bash man page or, for getopts, try help getopts
One at a time (it's really annoying to type on ipad hence switched to laptop):
local lets you define local variables (within the scope of a function)
getopts is a bash builtin which implements getopt-style argument processing (the -a, -b... type arguments)
case is the bash form for a switch statement. The syntax is
case: case WORD in [PATTERN [| PATTERN]...) COMMANDS ;;]... esac
shift shifts all of the arguments by 1 (so that the second argument becomes the first, third becomes second, ...) similar to perl shift. If you specify an argument, it will shift by that many indices (so shift 2 will assign $3 -> $1, $4 -> $2, ...)
$# is the number of arguments passed to the function
${2:-*} is a default argument form. Basically, it looks at the second argument ($2 is the second arg) and if it is not assigned, it will replace it with *.
2>&- is output redirection (in this case, for standard error)

How to handle "--" in the shell script arguments?

This question has 3 parts, and each alone is easy, but combined together is not trivial (at least for me) :)
Need write a script what should take as its arguments:
one name of another command
several arguments for the command
list of files
./my_script head -100 a.txt b.txt ./xxx/*.txt
./my_script sed -n 's/xxx/aaa/' *.txt
and so on.
Inside my script for some reason I need distinguish
what is the command
what are the arguments for the command
what are the files
so probably the most standard way write the above examples is:
./my_script head -100 -- a.txt b.txt ./xxx/*.txt
./my_script sed -n 's/xxx/aaa/' -- *.txt
Question1: Is here any better solution?
Processing in ./my_script (first attempt):
args=`echo $* | sed 's/--.*//'`
filenames=`echo $* | sed 's/.*--//'`
#... some additional processing ...
"$command" "$args" $filenames #execute the command with args and files
This solution will fail when the filenames will contain spaces and/or '--', e.g.
/some--path/to/more/idiotic file name.txt
Question2: How properly get $command its $args and $filenames for the later execution?
Question3: - how to achieve the following style of execution?
echo $filenames | $command $args #but want one filename = one line (like ls -1)
Is here nice shell solution, or need to use for example perl?
First of all, it sounds like you're trying to write a script that takes a command and a list of filenames and runs the command on each filename in turn. This can be done in one line in bash:
$ for file in a.txt b.txt ./xxx/*.txt;do head -100 "$file";done
$ for file in *.txt; do sed -n 's/xxx/aaa/' "$file";done
However, maybe I've misinterpreted your intent so let me answer your questions individually.
Instead of using "--" (which already has a different meaning), the following syntax feels more natural to me:
./my_script -c "head -100" a.txt b.txt ./xxx/*.txt
./my_script -c "sed -n 's/xxx/aaa/'" *.txt
To extract the arguments in bash, use getopts:
while getopts "c:" opt; do
case $opt in
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if [ -z "$command" ] || [ -z "$*" ]; then
echo "Usage: $SCRIPT -c <command> file [file..]"
If you want to run a command for each of the remaining arguments, it would look like this:
for target in "$#";do
eval $command \"$target\"
If you want to read the filenames from STDIN, it would look more like this:
while read target; do
eval $command \"$target\"
The $# variable, when quoted will be able to group parameters as they should be:
for parameter in "$#"
echo "The parameter is '$parameter'"
If given:
head -100 test this "File name" out
Will print
the parameter is 'head'
the parameter is '-100'
the parameter is 'test'
the parameter is 'this'
the parameter is 'File name'
the parameter is 'out'
Now, all you have to do is parse the loop out. You can use some very simple rules:
The first parameter is always the file name
The parameters that follow that start with a dash are parameters
After the "--" or once one doesn't start with a "-", the rest are all file names.
You can check to see if the first character in the parameter is a dash by using this:
if [[ "x${parameter}" == "x${parameter#-}" ]]
If you haven't seen this syntax before, it's a left filter. The # divides the two parts of the variable name. The first part is the name of the variable, and the second is the glob filter (not regular expression) to cut off. In this case, it's a single dash. As long as this statement isn't true, you know you have a parameter. BTW, the x may or may not be needed in this case. When you run a test, and you have a string with a dash in it, the test might mistake it for a parameter of the test and not the value.
Put it together would be something like this:
for parameter in "$#" #Quotes are important!
if [[ "x${parameter}" == "x${parameter#-}" ]]
if [[ "x${parameter}" == "x--" ]]
print "Parameter \"$parameter\" ends the parameter list"
if [ -n $parameterFlag ]
print "\"$parameter\" is a file"
echo "The parameter \"$parameter\" is a parameter"
Question 1
I don't think so, at least not if you need to do this for arbitrary commands.
Question 3
while [ $1 != '--' ]; do
args="$args $1"
while [ -n "$1" ]; do
echo "$1"
done | $command $args
Question 2
How does that differ from question 3?
