Windows command line: why environment variable is not available after & - windows

Have a look at the following commands: why is the value of a not available immediately after the &?
C:\>set a=
C:\>set a=3&echo %a%
C:\>echo %a%
C:\>set a=3&echo %a%
But when I do
C:\>set a=
C:\>set a=3&set
a=3 is included in the listed variables!
I need this for a trick I learned here, to get the exit code of a command even output is piped:
Windows command interpreter: how to obtain exit code of first piped command
but I have to use it in a make script, that's why everything must be in one line!
This is what I am trying to do:
($(command) & call echo %%^^errorlevel%% ^>$(exitcodefile)) 2>&1 | tee $(logfile) & set /p errorlevel_make=<$(exitcodefile) & exit /B %errorlevel_make%
But errorlevel_make is always empty (the file with the exit code exists and contains the correct exit code).
Is this a bug in cmd? Any ideas what I can do?

The reason for the observed behaviour is how the command line is processed.
In first case set a=3&echo %a%, when the line is interpreted BEFORE EXECUTING IT, all variables are replaced with their values. a has no value until line executes, so it can not be substituted in echo
In second case, set a=3&set, there is no variable substitution before execution. So, when set is executed, a has the value asigned.

It's much easier to create a seperate batch file to solve this, as it isn't obvious even for experts.
But in your case this should work
($(command) & call echo %^^^^errorlevel% >$(exitcodefile)) 2>&1 | tee $(logfile) & set /p errorlevel_make=<$(exitcodefile) & call exit /B %^errorlevel_make%
A seperate batch could look like
#echo off
("%~1" & call echo %%^^errorlevel%% > "%~2") 2>&1 | tee "%~3" & set /p errorlevel_make=<"%~2"
exit /B %errorlevel_make%
Then you could start the batch from your make file
extBatch.bat $(command) $(exitcodefile) $(logfile)

Inspired by the nice answer of jeb, I modified the code a little to be able to grab errorlevel for each side of the pipe, separately. For example you have the following pipe in your batch file:
CD non_exisitng 2>&1 | FIND /V ""
ECHO Errorlevel #right: %errorlevel%
The errorlevel above refers to the right-hand side of the pipe only, and it indicates if the FIND command succeeded of not.
However, to be able to get the errorlevel of both sides, we can change the above code to something like this:
(CD non_exisitng & CALL ECHO %%^^errorlevel%% >err) 2>&1 | FIND /V ""
ECHO Errorlevel #right: %errorlevel%
SET /P err=<err
ECHO Errorlevel #left: %err%
The system cannot find the path specified.
errorlevel #right: 0
errorlevel #left: 1
I realize this comes a bit late, but might be helpful for others. In addition to jeb's method of an external batch file, the original problem can also be solved as one-liner:
($(command) & call echo %%^^errorlevel%% >$(exitcodefile)) 2>&1 | tee $(logfile) & set /p errorlevel_make=<$(exitcodefile) & cmd /c call exit /B %%errorlevel_make%%


I can't save cmd comand.bat to file [duplicate]

I am creating a batch file with some simple commands to gather information from a system. The batch file contains commands to get the time, IP information, users, etc.
I assembled all the commands in a batch file, and it runs, but I would like the batch file, when run to output the results to a text file (log). Is there a command that I can add to the batch that would do so?
Keep in mind I do not want to run the batch from cmd, then redirect output ; I want to redirect the output from inside the batch, if that is possible.
The simple naive way that is slow because it opens and positions the file pointer to End-Of-File multiple times.
#echo off
command1 >output.txt
command2 >>output.txt
commandN >>output.txt
A better way - easier to write, and faster because the file is opened and positioned only once.
#echo off
>output.txt (
Another good and fast way that only opens and positions the file once
#echo off
call :sub >output.txt
exit /b
Edit 2020-04-17
Every now and then you may want to repeatedly write to two or more files. You might also want different messages on the screen. It is still possible to to do this efficiently by redirecting to undefined handles outside a parenthesized block or subroutine, and then use the & notation to reference the already opened files.
call :sub 9>File1.txt 8>File2.txt
exit /b
echo Screen message 1
>&9 echo File 1 message 1
>&8 echo File 2 message 1
echo Screen message 2
>&9 echo File 1 message 2
>&8 echo File 2 message 2
exit /b
I chose to use handles 9 and 8 in reverse order because that way is more likely to avoid potential permanent redirection due to a Microsoft redirection implementation design flaw when performing multiple redirections on the same command. It is highly unlikely, but even that approach could expose the bug if you try hard enough. If you stage the redirection than you are guaranteed to avoid the problem.
3>File1.txt ( 4>File2.txt call :sub)
exit /b
if you want both out and err streams redirected
dir >> a.txt 2>&1
I know this is an older post, but someone will stumble across it in a Google search and it also looks like some questions the OP asked in comments weren't specifically addressed. Also, please go easy on me since this is my first answer posted on SO. :)
To redirect the output to a file using a dynamically generated file name, my go-to (read: quick & dirty) approach is the second solution offered by #dbenham. So for example, this:
#echo off
> filename_prefix-%DATE:~-4%-%DATE:~4,2%-%DATE:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.log (
echo Your Name Here
echo Beginning Date/Time: %DATE:~-4%-%DATE:~4,2%-%DATE:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.log
REM do some stuff here
echo Your Name Here
echo Ending Date/Time: %DATE:~-4%-%DATE:~4,2%-%DATE:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.log
Will create a file like what you see in this screenshot of the file in the target directory
That will contain this output:
Your Name Here
Beginning Date/Time: 2016-09-16_141048.log
Your Name Here
Ending Date/Time: 2016-09-16_141048.log
Also keep in mind that this solution is locale-dependent, so be careful how/when you use it.
echo some output >"your logfile"
echo some output
echo more output
)>"Your logfile"
should fill the bill.
If you want to APPEND the output, use >> instead of >. > will start a new logfile.
#echo off
>output.txt (
echo Checking your system infor, Please wating...
systeminfo | findstr /c:"Host Name"
systeminfo | findstr /c:"Domain"
ipconfig /all | find "Physical Address"
ipconfig | find "IPv4"
ipconfig | find "Default Gateway"
Add these two lines near the top of your batch file, all stdout and stderr after will be redirected to log.txt:
if not "%1"=="STDOUT_TO_FILE" %0 STDOUT_TO_FILE %* >log.txt 2>&1
shift /1
There is a cool little program you can use to redirect the output to a file and the console
some_command ^| TEE.BAT [ -a ] filename
:: Check Windows version
IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO Syntax
:: Keep variables local
:: Check command line arguments
SET Append=0
IF /I [%1]==[-a] (
SET Append=1
IF [%1]==[] GOTO Syntax
IF NOT [%2]==[] GOTO Syntax
:: Test for invalid wildcards
SET Counter=0
FOR /F %%A IN ('DIR /A /B %1 2^>NUL') DO CALL :Count "%%~fA"
IF %Counter% GTR 1 (
SET Counter=
GOTO Syntax
:: A valid filename seems to have been specified
SET File=%1
:: Check if a directory with the specified name exists
DIR /AD %File% >NUL 2>NUL
SET File=
GOTO Syntax
:: Specify /Y switch for Windows 2000 / XP COPY command
VER | FIND "Windows NT" > NUL
:: Flush existing file or create new one if -a wasn't specified
IF %Append%==0 (COPY %Y% NUL %File% > NUL 2>&1)
:: Actual TEE
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%A IN ('FIND /N /V ""') DO (
>> %File% ECHO.%%B
:: Done
SET /A Counter += 1
SET File=%1
ECHO Tee.bat, Version 2.11a for Windows NT 4 / 2000 / XP
ECHO Display text on screen and redirect it to a file simultaneously
IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" ECHO Usage: some_command ³ TEE.BAT [ -a ] filename
IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO Skip
ECHO Usage: some_command ^| TEE.BAT [ -a ] filename
ECHO Where: "some_command" is the command whose output should be redirected
ECHO "filename" is the file the output should be redirected to
ECHO -a appends the output of the command to the file,
ECHO rather than overwriting the file
ECHO Written by Rob van der Woude
ECHO Modified by Kees Couprie
ECHO and Andrew Cameron
#echo OFF
[your command] >> [Your log file name].txt
I used the command above in my batch file and it works. In the log file, it shows the results of my command.
Adding the following lines at the bottom of your batch file will grab everything just as displayed inside the CMD window and export into a text file:
powershell -c "$wshell = New-Object -ComObject; $wshell.SendKeys('^a')
powershell -c "$wshell = New-Object -ComObject; $wshell.SendKeys('^c')
powershell Get-Clipboard > MyLog.txt
It basically performs a select all -> copy into clipboard -> paste into text file.
This may fail in the case of "toxic" characters in the input.
Considering an input like thisIsAnIn^^^^put is a good way how to get understand what is going on.
Sure there is a rule that an input string MUST be inside double quoted marks but I have a feeling that this rule is a valid rule only if the meaning of the input is a location on a NTFS partition (maybe it is a rule for URLs I am not sure).
But it is not a rule for an arbitrary input string of course (it is "a good practice" but you cannot count with it).

Windows Batch - CHOICE is useless after manually setting ERRORLEVEL

I ran into a problem in a bigger batch file I was making, and narrowed it down to a very particular problem. If I manually set the errorlevel like this: set errorlevel=5 , then the "choice" command can't set or override my errorlevel. How can I get past this from happening?
I made a batch file to test this out. Here it is:
#echo off
set errorlevel=5
choice /c 123
echo %errorlevel%
And the output, if you were to press 2:
Press any key to continue . . .
I used to use a simple subroutine to set the errorlevel to any value:
#echo off
call :errorlevel=5
echo %errorlevel%
goto :EOF
exit /B %1
use cmd /c exit /b 5 instead of set errorlevel=5
like this:
#echo off
cmd /c exit /b 5
choice /c 123
echo %errorlevel%
System environment variables can be used by the batch file writer, but that is a really bad idea.
PATH TEMP WINDIR USERNAME USERPROFILE ERRORLEVEL TIME DATE are some of variable names you should avoid using. Type SET at a cmd prompt to see the usual ones that are in use, but it doesn't show them all.
Choice is operating normally, and other tools will fail to set an errorlevel too.

Redirecting Output from within Batch file

I am creating a batch file with some simple commands to gather information from a system. The batch file contains commands to get the time, IP information, users, etc.
I assembled all the commands in a batch file, and it runs, but I would like the batch file, when run to output the results to a text file (log). Is there a command that I can add to the batch that would do so?
Keep in mind I do not want to run the batch from cmd, then redirect output ; I want to redirect the output from inside the batch, if that is possible.
The simple naive way that is slow because it opens and positions the file pointer to End-Of-File multiple times.
#echo off
command1 >output.txt
command2 >>output.txt
commandN >>output.txt
A better way - easier to write, and faster because the file is opened and positioned only once.
#echo off
>output.txt (
Another good and fast way that only opens and positions the file once
#echo off
call :sub >output.txt
exit /b
Edit 2020-04-17
Every now and then you may want to repeatedly write to two or more files. You might also want different messages on the screen. It is still possible to to do this efficiently by redirecting to undefined handles outside a parenthesized block or subroutine, and then use the & notation to reference the already opened files.
call :sub 9>File1.txt 8>File2.txt
exit /b
echo Screen message 1
>&9 echo File 1 message 1
>&8 echo File 2 message 1
echo Screen message 2
>&9 echo File 1 message 2
>&8 echo File 2 message 2
exit /b
I chose to use handles 9 and 8 in reverse order because that way is more likely to avoid potential permanent redirection due to a Microsoft redirection implementation design flaw when performing multiple redirections on the same command. It is highly unlikely, but even that approach could expose the bug if you try hard enough. If you stage the redirection than you are guaranteed to avoid the problem.
3>File1.txt ( 4>File2.txt call :sub)
exit /b
if you want both out and err streams redirected
dir >> a.txt 2>&1
I know this is an older post, but someone will stumble across it in a Google search and it also looks like some questions the OP asked in comments weren't specifically addressed. Also, please go easy on me since this is my first answer posted on SO. :)
To redirect the output to a file using a dynamically generated file name, my go-to (read: quick & dirty) approach is the second solution offered by #dbenham. So for example, this:
#echo off
> filename_prefix-%DATE:~-4%-%DATE:~4,2%-%DATE:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.log (
echo Your Name Here
echo Beginning Date/Time: %DATE:~-4%-%DATE:~4,2%-%DATE:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.log
REM do some stuff here
echo Your Name Here
echo Ending Date/Time: %DATE:~-4%-%DATE:~4,2%-%DATE:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.log
Will create a file like what you see in this screenshot of the file in the target directory
That will contain this output:
Your Name Here
Beginning Date/Time: 2016-09-16_141048.log
Your Name Here
Ending Date/Time: 2016-09-16_141048.log
Also keep in mind that this solution is locale-dependent, so be careful how/when you use it.
#echo off
>output.txt (
echo Checking your system infor, Please wating...
systeminfo | findstr /c:"Host Name"
systeminfo | findstr /c:"Domain"
ipconfig /all | find "Physical Address"
ipconfig | find "IPv4"
ipconfig | find "Default Gateway"
echo some output >"your logfile"
echo some output
echo more output
)>"Your logfile"
should fill the bill.
If you want to APPEND the output, use >> instead of >. > will start a new logfile.
Add these two lines near the top of your batch file, all stdout and stderr after will be redirected to log.txt:
if not "%1"=="STDOUT_TO_FILE" %0 STDOUT_TO_FILE %* >log.txt 2>&1
shift /1
There is a cool little program you can use to redirect the output to a file and the console
some_command ^| TEE.BAT [ -a ] filename
:: Check Windows version
IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO Syntax
:: Keep variables local
:: Check command line arguments
SET Append=0
IF /I [%1]==[-a] (
SET Append=1
IF [%1]==[] GOTO Syntax
IF NOT [%2]==[] GOTO Syntax
:: Test for invalid wildcards
SET Counter=0
FOR /F %%A IN ('DIR /A /B %1 2^>NUL') DO CALL :Count "%%~fA"
IF %Counter% GTR 1 (
SET Counter=
GOTO Syntax
:: A valid filename seems to have been specified
SET File=%1
:: Check if a directory with the specified name exists
DIR /AD %File% >NUL 2>NUL
SET File=
GOTO Syntax
:: Specify /Y switch for Windows 2000 / XP COPY command
VER | FIND "Windows NT" > NUL
:: Flush existing file or create new one if -a wasn't specified
IF %Append%==0 (COPY %Y% NUL %File% > NUL 2>&1)
:: Actual TEE
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%A IN ('FIND /N /V ""') DO (
>> %File% ECHO.%%B
:: Done
SET /A Counter += 1
SET File=%1
ECHO Tee.bat, Version 2.11a for Windows NT 4 / 2000 / XP
ECHO Display text on screen and redirect it to a file simultaneously
IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" ECHO Usage: some_command ³ TEE.BAT [ -a ] filename
IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO Skip
ECHO Usage: some_command ^| TEE.BAT [ -a ] filename
ECHO Where: "some_command" is the command whose output should be redirected
ECHO "filename" is the file the output should be redirected to
ECHO -a appends the output of the command to the file,
ECHO rather than overwriting the file
ECHO Written by Rob van der Woude
ECHO Modified by Kees Couprie
ECHO and Andrew Cameron
#echo OFF
[your command] >> [Your log file name].txt
I used the command above in my batch file and it works. In the log file, it shows the results of my command.
Adding the following lines at the bottom of your batch file will grab everything just as displayed inside the CMD window and export into a text file:
powershell -c "$wshell = New-Object -ComObject; $wshell.SendKeys('^a')
powershell -c "$wshell = New-Object -ComObject; $wshell.SendKeys('^c')
powershell Get-Clipboard > MyLog.txt
It basically performs a select all -> copy into clipboard -> paste into text file.
This may fail in the case of "toxic" characters in the input.
Considering an input like thisIsAnIn^^^^put is a good way how to get understand what is going on.
Sure there is a rule that an input string MUST be inside double quoted marks but I have a feeling that this rule is a valid rule only if the meaning of the input is a location on a NTFS partition (maybe it is a rule for URLs I am not sure).
But it is not a rule for an arbitrary input string of course (it is "a good practice" but you cannot count with it).

Why doesn't enabledelayedexpansion work with pipelined commands?

I'm trying to use a Windows batch file to run a command, pipe its output to another command, and capture the exit status of the first command. But apparently, I can't do that, although I'll grant that Windows batch files are so arcane that I may have missed a technique. How can I both capture the exit status of a command and pipe its output?
It's the classic do_a_thing | tee logfile.txt usage, but I want to be able to check whether do_a_thing succeeded or not. After lots of fooling around, googling, and reading StackOverflow, I came up with the following:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set rc=-1
( false & set rc=!errorlevel! & echo rc=!rc! ) | tee logfile.txt
echo %rc%
Which I had hoped would produce:
C:\>setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
C:\>set rc=-1
C:\>(false & set rc=!errorlevel! & echo rc=!rc! ) | tee logfile.txt
C:\>echo 1
But, alas, it did not:
C:\>setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
C:\>set rc=-1
C:\>(false & set rc=!errorlevel! & echo rc=!rc! ) | tee logfile.txt
C:\>echo -1
Removing the "| tee logfile.txt" produces the expected value of !rc!, but of course, it doesn't let me capture the log file.
C:\>setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
C:\>set rc=-1
C:\>(false & set rc=!errorlevel! & echo rc=!rc! )
C:\>echo 1
What you are trying to to do does not work because each side of the pipe is executed in its own command shell in a command line context with delayed expansion off by default. See Why does delayed expansion fail when inside a piped block of code? for more info. The accepted answer explains everything, and the other answers help give context to the accepted answer.
The easiest solution is to write the error code to a temp file and then read the file into a variable after the command has completed.
( false & call echo %%^^errorlevel%%>returnCode.txt ) | tee logfile.txt
set "rc="
<returnCode.txt set /p "rc="
del returnCode.txt
echo rc=%rc%
The CALL statement provides another level of parsing that occurs after the command has run. The trick is to delay the expansion OF %errorlevel% until after the command you are testing has run. In a command context you can simply use CALL ECHO %^ERRORLEVEL%. But the command line must also pass through a batch context parse before it reaches the command context, so the percents must be escaped as %% and the caret as ^^.

%~$PATH:1 expansion issue

So I recently stumbled on the (potentially) useful %~$PATH:1 expansion, however I seem to be unable to make it work correctly. I tried to use it to make a cheap Windows version of the which command, however the syntax seems to be defeating me. My batch file looks like this:
#echo off
echo %~$PATH:1
However when I run this with for example
which cmd
all I get as output of "ECHO is off.", which means according to the docs that the %~$PATH:1 didn't find "cmd". What am I doing wrong?
Checking for files with the extensions .exe, .cmd or .bat is not enough. The set of applicable extensions is defined in the environment variable PATHEXT.
Here is my version of a which command that honors the PATHEXT variable upon search:
#echo off
rem Windows equivalent of Unix which command
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%~1"=="" (
echo Usage: which cmdname
exit /b 1
call :findOnPath "%~1"
if not errorlevel 1 exit /b 0
for %%E in (%PATHEXT:;= %) do (
call :findOnPath "%~1%%E"
if not errorlevel 1 exit /b 0
echo "%~1" not found on PATH.
exit /b 1
if not "%~$PATH:1" == "" (
echo "%~$PATH:1"
exit /b 0
exit /b 1
Shoot! I just figured it out! I need to use the full "cmd.exe" as a parameter instead of just "cmd". D'oh! ;] So, the complete which.cmd script looks like this:
#echo off
call :checkpath %1
call :checkpath %1.exe
call :checkpath %1.cmd
call :checkpath %1.bat
if "%~$PATH:1" NEQ "" echo %~$PATH:1
Yeah! Finally a which command on Windows! ;]
I have been using this one for a while, it also checks built-in commands
