Golang : interface to swap two numbers - go

I want to swap two numbers using interface but the interface concept is so confusing to me.
This is the code and playground. How do I use interface and swap two input numbers? Do I need to define two structures?
type num struct {
value interface{}
type numbers struct {
b *num
c *num
func (a *num) SwapNum(var1, var2 interface{}) {
var a num
temp := var1
var1 = var2
var2 = temp
func main() {
a := 1
b := 2
c := 3.5
d := 5.5
SwapNum(a, b)
fmt.Println(a, b) // 2 1
SwapNum(c, d)
fmt.Println(c, d) // 5.5 3.5

First of all, the interface{} type is simply a type which accepts all values as it is an interface with an empty method set and every type can satisfy that. int for example does not have any methods, neither does interface{}.
For a method which swaps the values of two variables you first need to make sure these variables are actually modifiable. Values passed to a function are always copied (except reference types like slices and maps but that is not our concern at the moment). You can achieve modifiable parameter by using a pointer to the variable.
So with that knowledge you can go on and define SwapNum like this:
func SwapNum(a interface{}, b interface{})
Now SwapNum is a function that accepts two parameters of any type.
You can't write
func SwapNum(a *interface{}, b *interface{})
as this would only accept parameters of type *interface{} and not just any type.
(Try it for yourself here).
So we have a signature, the only thing left is swapping the values.
func SwapNum(a interface{}, b interface{}) {
*a, *b = *b, *a
No, this will not work that way. By using interface{} we must do runtime type assertions to check whether we're doing the right thing or not. So the code must be expanded using the reflect package. This article might get you started if you don't know about reflection.
Basically we will need this function:
func SwapNum(a interface{}, b interface{}) {
ra := reflect.ValueOf(a).Elem()
rb := reflect.ValueOf(b).Elem()
tmp := ra.Interface()
This code makes a reflection of a and b using reflect.ValueOf() so that we can
inspect it. In the same line we're assuming that we've got pointer values and dereference
them by calling .Elem() on them.
This basically translates to ra := *a and rb := *b.
After that, we're making a copy of *a by requesting the value using .Interface()
and assigning it (effectively making a copy).
Finally, we set the value of a to b with [ra.Set(rb)]5, which translates to *a = *b
and then assigning b to a, which we stored in the temp. variable before. For this,
we need to convert tmp back to a reflection of itself so that rb.Set() can be used
(it takes a reflect.Value as parameter).
Can we do better?
Yes! We can make the code more type safe, or better, make the definition of Swap type safe
by using reflect.MakeFunc. In the doc (follow the link) is an example which is very
like what you're trying. Essentially you can fill a function prototype with content
by using reflection. As you supplied the prototype (the signature) of the function the
compiler can check the types, which it can't when the value is reduced to interface{}.
Example usage:
var intSwap func(*int, *int)
a,b := 1, 0
intSwap(&a, &b)
// a is now 0, b is now 1
The code behind this:
swap := func(in []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
ra := in[0].Elem()
rb := in[1].Elem()
tmp := ra.Interface()
return nil
makeSwap := func(fptr interface{}) {
fn := reflect.ValueOf(fptr).Elem()
v := reflect.MakeFunc(fn.Type(), swap)
The code of swap is basically the same as that of SwapNum. makeSwap is the same
as the one used in the docs where it is explained pretty well.
Disclaimer: The code above makes a lot of assumptions about what is given and
what the values look like. Normally you need to check, for example, that the given
values to SwapNum actually are pointer values and so forth. I left that out for
reasons of clarity.


Generic function which appends two arrays

Not able to figure out how to convert interface{} returned from function into an array of structs
As part of some practise i was trying to create a function which can take 2 slices of some type and concatenates both and returns the slice.
The code can be found here - https://play.golang.org/p/P9pfrf_qTS1
type mystruct struct {
name string
value string
func appendarr(array1 interface{}, array2 interface{}) interface{} {
p := reflect.ValueOf(array1)
q := reflect.ValueOf(array2)
r := reflect.AppendSlice(p, q)
return reflect.ValueOf(r).Interface()
func main() {
array1 := []mystruct{
mystruct{"a1n1", "a1v1"},
mystruct{"a1n2", "a1v2"},
array2 := []mystruct{
mystruct{"a2n1", "a2v1"},
mystruct{"a2n2", "a2v2"},
arrayOp := appendarr(array1, array2)
fmt.Printf("arr: %#v\n", arrayOp) // this shows all the elements from array1 and 2
val := reflect.ValueOf(arrayOp)
fmt.Println(val) // output is <[]main.mystruct Value>
fmt.Println(val.Interface().([]mystruct)) // exception - interface {} is reflect.Value, not []main.mystruct
I may have slices of different types of structs. I want to concatenate them and access the elements individually.
If there is any other way of achieving the same, please do let me know.
reflect.Append() returns a value of type reflect.Value, so you don't have to (you shouldn't) pass that to reflect.ValueOf().
So simply change the return statement to:
return r.Interface()
With this it works and outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
arr: []main.mystruct{main.mystruct{name:"a1n1", value:"a1v1"}, main.mystruct{name:"a1n2", value:"a1v2"}, main.mystruct{name:"a2n1", value:"a2v1"}, main.mystruct{name:"a2n2", value:"a2v2"}}
[{a1n1 a1v1} {a1n2 a1v2} {a2n1 a2v1} {a2n2 a2v2}]
[{a1n1 a1v1} {a1n2 a1v2} {a2n1 a2v1} {a2n2 a2v2}]
You also don't need to do any reflection-kungfu on the result: it's your slice wrapped in interface{}. Wrapping it in reflect.Value and calling Value.Interface() on it is just a redundant cycle. You may simply do:
On a side note: you shouldn't create a "generic" append() function that uses reflection under the hood, as this functionality is available as a built-in function append(). The builtin function is generic, it gets help from the compiler so it provides the generic nature at compile-time. Whatever you come up with using reflection will be slower.

How to Make array of elements with type specified at run time

I am trying to create a array of elements with a type known only at the run time (a pkg API gets to retrieve elements in json and convert to struct). I have a helper function something like below, which takes an interface as a param and trying to get the type of interface while calling make.
golang compiler doesn't seems to like it.
var whatAmI = func(i interface{}) {
a := reflect.TypeOf(i)
//var typ reflect.Type = a
b := make (a, 10) //10 elem with type of i
//b := new (typ)
fmt.Printf ("a: %v b: %v", a, b)
prog.go:21:14: a is not a type
I tried various combinations of reflects but no help so far.
This seems to me can be a common problem to run in to. How can I solve/workaround this?
Get the type for a slice given a value of the element type, v:
sliceType := reflect.SliceOf(reflect.TypeOf(v))
Create a slice with length and capacity (both 10 here).
slice:= reflect.MakeSlice(sliceType, 10, 10)
Depending on what you are doing, you may want to get the actual slice value by calling Interface() on the reflect.Value:
s := slice.Interface()
Run it on the playground.
Just make like :
b := make([]interface{}, 10)
for i := range b {
b[i] = reflect.Zero(a)

Appending to a slice using reflection

I would like to append to a slice using only reflection. But I can't figure out how to "replace" the value of a with the new slice.
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, playground")
a := []string {"a","b","c"}
values := []string {"d","e"}
v := reflect.ValueOf(a)
fmt.Printf("%t\n\n", v.Type())
fmt.Printf("%t\n\n", v.Type().Elem().Kind())
for _, val := range values {
v.Set(reflect.Append(v, reflect.ValueOf(val)))
fmt.Printf("%t - %v", a, a)
This code is available for fiddling at https://play.golang.org/p/cDlyH3jBDS.
You can't modify the value wrapped in reflect.Value if it originates from a non-pointer. If it would be allowed, you could only modify a copy and would cause more confusion. A slice value is a header containing a pointer to a backing array, a length and a capacity. When you pass a to reflect.ValueOf(), a copy of this header is made and passed, and any modification you could do on it could only modify this header-copy. Adding elements (and thus changing its length and potentially the pointer and capacity) would not be observed by the original slice header, the original would still point to the same array, and would still contain the same length and capacity values. For details see Are Golang function parameter passed as copy-on-write?; and Golang passing arrays to the function and modifying it.
You have to start from a pointer, and you may use Value.Elem() to obtain the reflect.Value descriptor of the pointed, dereferenced value. But you must start from a pointer.
Changing this single line in your code makes it work:
v := reflect.ValueOf(&a).Elem()
And also to print the type of a value, use the %T verb (%t is for bool values):
fmt.Printf("%T\n\n", v.Type())
fmt.Printf("%T\n\n", v.Type().Elem().Kind())
// ...
fmt.Printf("%T - %v", a, a)
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
Hello, playground
[]string - [a b c d e]
For a deeper understanding of Go's reflection, read the blog post: The Laws of Reflection
And read related questions+answers:
Assigning a value to struct member through reflection in Go
Changing pointer type and value under interface with reflection
Using reflection SetString

Pointer to loop variable for range over map or slice of interface{}

I'm using go-hdf5 and I'm hitting a problem when trying to write attributes in a loop from a map.
The attributes are created correctly (correct name and datatype) but the written value is garbage.
The same code outside of the loop works fine. I tried both the v := v idiom and wrapping the code in a closure to capture v but it doesn't make a difference.
Here is the gist of the code (error checking intentionally left out for clarity):
m := map[string]interface{"foo", 42}
for k, v := range m {
// [...]
v := v
attr.Write(&v, dtype)
The Write method is using reflection to grab a pointer to the value and forwards it to the C library. The relevant part of the code is just:
func (s *Attribute) Write(data interface{}, dtype *Datatype) error {
v := reflect.ValueOf(data)
addr := unsafe.Pointer(v.Pointer())
return h5err(C.H5Awrite(s.id, dtype.id, addr))
If I replace the map by a slice of interface{}, I get the exact same problem so my hunch is that this has to do with the binding of loop variables, but yet v := v doesn't help so I'm not sure.
I'm quite familiar with Go, HDF5 (C library) and go-hdf5 but I'm really stuck here. Any idea?
BTW I'm using go1.5.1 darwin/amd64.
The Write method needs a pointer to a value, not a pointer to an interface containing the value. You can get it using reflection:
u := reflect.New(reflect.ValueOf(v).Type())
v := u.Interface()

How to iterate over different types in loop in Go?

In Go, in order to iterate over an array/slice, you would write something like this:
for _, v := range arr {
However, I want to iterate over array/slice which includes different types (int, float64, string, etc...). In Python, I can write it out as follows:
a, b, c = 1, "str", 3.14
for i in [a, b, c]:
How can I do such a work in Go? As far as I know, both array and slice are supposed to allow only same-type object, right? (say, []int allows only int type object.)
As Go is a statically typed language, that won't be as easy as in Python. You will have to resort to type assertions, reflection or similar means.
Take a look at this example:
package main
import (
func main() {
slice := make([]interface{}, 3)
slice[0] = 1
slice[1] = "hello"
slice[2] = true
for _, v := range slice {
switch v.(type) {
case string:
fmt.Println("We have a string")
case int:
fmt.Println("That's an integer!")
// You still need a type assertion, as v is of type interface{}
fmt.Printf("Its value is actually %d\n", v.(int))
fmt.Println("It's some other type")
Here we construct a slice with the type of an empty interface (any type implements it), do a type switch and handle the value based on the result of that.
Unfortunately, you'll need this (or a similar method) anywhere where you'll be dealing with arrays of unspecified type (empty interface). Moreover, you'll probably need a case for every possible type, unless you have a way to deal with any object you could get.
One way would be to make all of the types you want to store implement some interface of yours and then only use those objects through that interface. That's kind of how fmt handles generic arguments – it simply calls String() on any object to get its string representation.
