Save file that doesn't get deleted at unistall - windows-phone-7

I want to save a file on a Windows Phone 8 system that doesn't get deleted at unistall.
The file contains data that I whould like to restore if the app gets reinstalled.
In my research I found that I can't write to a file outside my Isolated Storage. is there a way to do this on Windows Phone 8?

the only way to do this is using a web storage method (skydrive, mobile services, azure...) to upload the data and, when the user logs again in the app restore from the web that info if not present locally...


Xamarin Essentials Share does not have load option

My app backs up its data in a zip file that uses Share.RequestAsync to store the file. This works great because it presents all the possible sharing options including email, messaging, and cloud devices like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.
In order to load that zip file from wherever it was stored I use FilePicker.PickAsync. The problem is that this presents a very limited number of options for selecting the file. It offers either the local device or a single cloud service (iCloud on iOS or Drive on Android). What if I want to restore the zip file from Drive in my app on my iPhone?
Why is there such a difference in the xamarin share options when it comes to saving and loading files? It seems like the Share class should offer a method to load files that presents the same options that it does for sharing. Or at least the FilePicker.PickAsync should present the same interface as Share.RequestAsync for load options. Am I missing something?
Here is what the share dialog looks like compared to the file picker on iOS. It is similar on Android. The share offers access to iCloud, Drive and Dropbox while the picker only offers access to iCloud.

Where to store data files in WinStore app (win32 Project Centennial)

I am porting my native Win32 app to Windows 10 Store with Desktop App Convertor.
What is the most recommended place to store local data files, it seems %APPDATA% works, but is it most recommended place for user data in Win10 Store Apps?
Is this %appdata% virtualized and cleaned automatically if user uninstall app from Win Store?
If the data has to be saved per Windows user (every windows user has its own data) then it is the right place
The saved data will not be cleaned up when the user uninstall the app
%LOCALAPPDATA% is new requirement to be compatible with store

create exe file from windows universal app

I have created a windows universal app with WinJS in visual studio 2015. Now I can run it from my visual studio. How can i make an exe file of the app so that i can distribute it to my friends? Is it only possible to upload in windows store?
I guess you're talking about an app for Windows 10!?
There are several ways to get this done.
The best way is to distribute it via Windows Store. You can hide the app there so that it is only visible to people who have the direct link to the app.
Your friends can download it directly from the store.
Another option is to provide the live IDs of your friends in the store. Then your friends get an email with a direct link.
The option you might actually be looking for which doesn't involve the store at all is to create an app package and to deploy this package to your friends. (See screenshot)
For Windows Store Apps you won't create an .exe-File, you only create .appx Packages.
Choose not to upload to the store in the next dialog. Then click create.
In the output directory you will find the *.appx file (not an *.exe)
You can distribute the appx via sideloading. Simply copy the content of the output folder to your friends's machine and run the ps1 script in Powershell. This will start the installation of the app.
Little hint: This requires your friends PCs to be enabled for sideloading.
You can set this in the settings dialog. See Screenshot.
In Current Windows Dev account, you can use Promotional codes to distribute the app to your friends instead of using side load.If the app is company app, I recommend by using sideload method.

Create PDF file in WP7 using C#

I want to develop small application for WINDOWS PHONE7 in which User enters Transaction details eg.Transaction Amount and Bank code.
I want to create new PDF file and write this data in it.
I tried adding iTextSharp.dll but is gives Error: Reference cannot be added it Windows Phone project will work with Windows Phone assemblies.
Please suggest other way or assemblies available for it.
You cannot do this on the phone. So don't do it on the phone. Do it on a server in a web service. You can deliver the PDF back to the phone if that is its final destination, or email it directly from the server.

Launching other applications in Windows phone 7 Programatically

I am downloading a file from Internet, and I am saving this in IsolatedStorage. and Now I want to Open that file, ie if it is excel we should open a file with excel if excel is installed, or otherwise prompt the user to choose the application to open that file as like in PC windows os, How can we do this.. give me some Idea..
As general rule, there is no way to do what you are describing. The exception to this is for media, for which you can integrate with the Music and Video hub. This would allow you to, for instance, download a movie and then play it in the same way as if it was part of the zune collection, even though it's in IsolatedStorage.
If you want to download office files from the internet you can simply link to them directly by opening them in a WebBrowserTask. The user would then be able to open the file in the relevant office program. So, if you did the follwoing, the file would be opened in Excel:
var wbt = new WebBrowserTask();
wbt.URL = "";
This would not allow you to store the file in IsolatedStorage and that may or may not be an issue for you.
Windows Phone applications run in isolation and with very few exceptions cannot interact with other programs. So there's not a way for you to present a program chooser to allow the user to choose another application to launch.
I am pretty sure there are system launchers for different applications. For example, the YouTube application can be launched programatically the way I showed here - basically it is similar to the way Matt showed. Ultimately, each app is launched via a UIX reference (catched here), but there is no public endpoint to open a res URL.
