How to use HTML helpers on an IEnumerable? -

I have the following IEnumerable
public class AuditDetailsViewModel
public string CustAddress { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<DefectDetailsViewModel> DefectDetails { get; set; }
public class DefectDetailsViewModel
public string Description { get; set; }
public string Comments { get; set; }
In my razor view how I can enumerate over this using the Html helpers? If it was a list I could do the something like the following
#model AIS.Web.Areas.Inspector.ViewModel.AuditDetailsViewModel
#for (int i = 0; i < Model.DefectDetails.Count(); i++)
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.DefectDetails[i].Description)
but how can I do that if the viewmodel is an IEnumerable?

I use a foreach when looping through an ienumerable
foreach(var temp in Model.DefectDetails){
#Html.TextBoxFor(x => temp.Description)
Hopefully this helps

You will have to use ToList()
var items = Model.DefectDetails.ToList();
#for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Description[i].ToBeAudited)
You cannot apply indexing to an IEnumerable, that is true, which is why you must transform it into a List by using ToList().
If you use a for..each loop, then when you postback to the controller, the content in the textboxes will not be transferred. You must use a for...loop with an indexer, else the MVC model binder cannot bind the data correctly.
In your code, you're not calling ToList() before iterating over the collection, hence your getting the error that it cannot apply indexing to an enumerable.


LINQ result is not showing as expected

I'm trying to query for a particular column & to show the item list in view properly one after another. Here is my code:
public ActionResult ShowImage()
using (var context = new ImageTrialDBEntities())
var pathlist = (from s in context.Images
select s.ImageLink).ToList();
var model = new ImageModel();
model.ImageList = pathlist;
return View(model);
public class ImageModel
public string Image { get; set; }
public IList<string> ImageList { get; set; }
#foreach (var s in Model.ImageList)
<br />
The list is showing like this:
I would like to show one at a time with a break in between. Please help.
You have 2 loops in the view code. Try just printing out the variable s.

MVC 3 Post of Viewmodel with Completex IEnumerable

I have a complex class that is part of a property of a viewmodel. My viewmodel has a wine class property and a wine class has a ICollection property called CaseProductions. The CaseProduction class has several properties as well.
On the create GET event, the NewWineViewModel is instantiated, then it runs a GetCaseProductionDefaults with create a list of CaseProduction classes that have some default values, but are mostly empty.
Now, I originally used razor to do a foreach statement and just pop out my table the way I wanted it. But I've see around that doesn't work to bind this type of IEnumerable back to the viewmodel on POST. I've tried to use the below, but no dice.
EditorFor(m => m.Wine.CaseProductions)
I'm really looking for advise on what the best way to handle this is. Each wine will have a collection of caseproductions, and I want that to bind back to the wine within the viewmodel. Is their some way I can edit the ids of those elements in razor to make sure they bind? What's the best way to handle this one?
public class NewWineViewModel
public Wine Wine { get; set; }
public VOAVIRequest VOAVIRequest { get; set; }
public bool IsRequest { get; set; }
public Dictionary<int, int> BottlesPerCase { get; set; }
public SelectList VarTypes { get; set; }
public SelectList Origins { get; set; }
public SelectList Apps { get; set; }
public SelectList Vintages { get; set; }
public SelectList Importers { get; set; }
case production class:
public class CaseProduction
public int CaseProductionID { get; set; }
public int WineID { get; set; }
public int CaseProductionSizeID { get; set; }
public int CaseCount { get; set; }
public int CountPerCase { get; set; }
public virtual CaseProductionSize CaseProductionSize { get; set; }
public virtual Wine Wine { get; set; }
getting default case productions:
public List<CaseProduction> GetCaseProductionDefaults(vfContext db)
//creates blank list of all formats
List<CaseProduction> cp = new List<CaseProduction>();
foreach (CaseProductionSize size in db.CaseProductionSizes)
int defaultBottlesPerCase = 1;
switch ((CaseProductionSizeEnum)size.CaseProductionSizeID)
case CaseProductionSizeEnum.s187ml:
defaultBottlesPerCase= 24;
case CaseProductionSizeEnum.s375ml:
defaultBottlesPerCase = 12;
case CaseProductionSizeEnum.s500ml:
defaultBottlesPerCase = 12;
case CaseProductionSizeEnum.s750ml:
defaultBottlesPerCase = 12;
defaultBottlesPerCase = 1;
cp.Add(new CaseProduction { CaseProductionSizeID = size.CaseProductionSizeID, CountPerCase = defaultBottlesPerCase, CaseProductionSize = size, WineID = this.Wine.WineID });
return cp;
my razor code for the case production table:
#foreach (vf2.Models.CaseProduction cp in Model.Wine.CaseProductions)
<td>#Html.Raw(#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Wine.CaseProductions.Where(c => c.CaseProductionSizeID == cp.CaseProductionSizeID).First().CaseCount, new { #class = "caseCount", id = "txt" + cp.CaseProductionSize.Name }).ToString().Replace("CaseCount","txt" + cp.CaseProductionSize.Name))
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Wine.CaseProductions.Where(c => c.CaseProductionSizeID == cp.CaseProductionSizeID).First().CountPerCase, new SelectList(Model.BottlesPerCase, "Key", "Value", cp.CountPerCase), new { #class = "countPerCase", id = "ddl" + cp.CaseProductionSize.Name, name = "ddl" + cp.CaseProductionSize.Name})
<td class="totalBottleCalc">
instantiation of my caseproduction collection:
public ActionResult Create(int ID = 0, int VintUpID = 0)
NewWineViewModel nw = new NewWineViewModel();
nw.Wine.CaseProductions = nw.GetCaseProductionDefaults(db);
nw.BottlesPerCase = nw.GetBottlesPerCase(db);
I believe the model binder isn't picking up on your CaseProduction objects because they don't look like a CaseProduction objects.
You have renamed CaseCount, your CaseProductionSize has no Id (nor does you CaseProduction, and it's missing several properties. In your loop you have to include all properties, and keep the names consistent with the names of your POCOs. Otherwise the model binder won't know what they are. You can put all the properties in hidden fields if you want.
You must instantiate your nested Lists and complex models in your parent models constructor. The default model binder will not instantiate child classes.
If you do that, then you can use the EditorFor(m => m.Wine.CaseProductions) should work, and you don't need the complex view code you are using.
If you want to customize how the CaseProduction is rendered, then you can create a CaseProduction.cshtml file in ~/Shared/EditorTemplates and it will use this definition to render each item in the collection (it will automatically iterate over the collection for you).
Also, you shouldn't do linq queries in your view. Your problem there is that it looks like you're passing your data entity directly to the view. This is bad design. You need to instead create a ViewModel that contains only the information needed to render the view. Then, you filter your data before you assign it to the View model.

How to use dynamic linq to query through nested arrays?

If I have class structure as follows:
private class A
int afoo { get; set; }
B[] bList { get; set; }
private class B
String bfoo { get; set; }
C[] cList { get; set; }
private class C
String cfoo { get; set; }
int cfoo2 { get; set; }
public class Master
A[] aList;
//qry for all where A.B.C.cfoo = "test"
How would I construct a dynamic LINQ statement to query for items in class C? Something like this
1) var qry = aList.blist.clist.AsQueryable().Where("cfoo = \"Test\"").Select();
My ultimate solution would be to pass the entire path in the dynamic part like this:
2) var qry = aList.AsQueryable().Where("bList.cList.cFoo = ""Test"").Select();
But from what I have tried you can not have the nested objects in the Where. So I am going to live with using templates to build the methods as in 1) above.
[Also, I am using the dynamic library from Scott Gu for the dynamic part.]
But, I can't get that to work. Any suggestions?
aList.SelectMany(a => a.bList)
.SelectMany(b => b.cList)
.Where(c => c.cfoo == "\"Test\"");
Try this:
aList.SelectMany(a => a.bList.SelectMany(b => b.cList))
.Where(c => c.cf002 == "Test")

Razor view engine and model in html helpers

I'm trying to create form from such model:
class NewContractorModel
public PhotoModel photos { get; set; }
class PhotoModel
public List<Photo> f { get; set; }
From controller I do some manipulation (actually I removed some photos from the collection) on the model object and put them into the view page using this:
return new View("SomeView", model);
I've tried to create inputs (lets say hidden inputs) for each Photo.
for (int i = 0; i <; ++i)
#Html.HiddenFor(m =>[i].Uri)
#Html.HiddenFor(m =>[i].ThumbnailUri)
#Html.HiddenFor(m =>[i].SmallThumbnailUri)
#Html.TextBoxFor(m =>[i].Description, new { placeholder = "Dodaj opis" })
But as I noticed that this doesnt work because it dismiss all of model modifications (it still stores all Photos in List despite the fact that I've removed them in Controler method).
Then I tried this code:
for (int i = 0; i <; ++i)
Photo photo =[i];
<input id="photos_f_#{#i}__Uri" name="photos.f[#{#i}].Uri" type="hidden" value="#photo.Uri"/>
<input id="photos_f_#{#i}__ThumbnailUri" name="photos.f[#{#i}].ThumbnailUri" type="hidden" value="#photo.ThumbnailUri"/>
<input id="photos_f_#{#i}__SmallThumbnailUri" name="photos.f[#{#i}].SmallThumbnailUri" type="hidden" value="#photo.SmallThumbnailUri"/>
<input id="photos_f_#{#i}__Description" name="photos.f[#{#i}].Description" placeholder="Dodaj opis" type="text" value="#photo.Description"/>
...and this time IT WORKS!
Can anyone explain me what is the difference between those two parts of code?
I've tried to swich this code more than ten times and it always work the same so it's not my fault. ;)
I think that there is a bug in HtmlHelper methods but is there any walk-around ? I'd like to use helpers methods instead of raw html.
This is simplified controller class.
public class MyController
private NewContractorModel _model = null;
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
_model = SerializationUtility.Deserialize(Request.Form["Data"]) as NewContractorModel;
if (_model == null)
_model = TempData["Data"] as NewContractorModel;
if (_model == null)
_model = new NewContractorModel() as NewContractorModel;
protected override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.Result is RedirectToRouteResult)
TempData["Data"] = _model;
private bool CheckModel(object model)
Type type = model.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo p in properties)
object[] attr = p.GetCustomAttributes(true);
foreach (object a in attr)
if (a is ValidationAttribute)
object value = p.GetValue(model, null);
if (!((ValidationAttribute)a).IsValid(value))
return false;
return true;
protected ActionResult SelectPage(string delPhoto)
if (!CheckModel(_model))
// Do some action
foreach (ZAY.Database.Photo p in
if (p.Uri == Request["delPhoto"])
return View("SomeView", _model);
I noticed that inside lambdas the model looks just like after TryUpdateModel call (before modifications). If I don't use lambdas the model is modified... :/
And also my Photo class (generated from EntityFramework - so there is nothing interesting) and also simplified:
public class Photo : EntityObject
public string Uri { get; set; }
public string ThumbnailUri { get; set; }
public string SmallThumbnailUri { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
I'm sorry that I'm writing only such small snippets but the whole code is more complicated - there is only the most interesting part of it.
This is the answer to my problem:
I wonder why it is not mentioned in documentation... :/
From your description, I don't really understand what's going wrong in your first sample. But you certainly have a problem with the scope of the loop variable i.
Since the expression m =>[i] involves closures, it will be evaluated at a later time, at a time when the for loop has already finished. The expression captures the variable i (and not the value of the variable i). When it is eventually evaluated, it finds the value in the variable i. So all hidden fields and textboxes will use the same invalid value of i.
Your second code sample avoids this problem by using a local variable within the for loop.

How to use EditorForModel and DataAnnotations for complex types in a wrapping ViewModel?

I have a ViewModel wrapping two complex types:
public class EditProductViewModel
public ProductData ProductData { get; set; }
public FridgeContent FridgeContent { get; set; }
and this view:
#model EditProductViewModel
#using (Html.BeginForm("Edit", "ProductData", FormMethod.Post))
ProductData and FridgeContent contain POCO properties with DataAnnotations like this:
public class FridgeContentMetadata : DatabaseEntityMetadataBase
[HiddenInput(DisplayValue = false)]
public int ProductDataId { get; set; }
public int ScaleId { get; set; }
[Range(0.01, float.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "The weight of a product must be positive.")]
public float Weight { get; set; }
I want to edit both ProductData and FridgeContent in the EditProductView using the appropriate data annotations from those classes and the EditorForModel() method (I don't want to generate the templates myself). I therefore created the templates ProductData.cshtml and FridgeContent.cshtml in /Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/:
#model FridgeContent
Unfortunately, the view for EditProductViewModel is empty (no errors raised). If I use EditorForModel for either FridgeContent or ProductData alone, it's working fine. I also tried adding [UIHInt("..")] annotations to EditProductViewModel but that doesn't make a difference.
What am I missing?
#model EditProductViewModel
#using (Html.BeginForm("Edit", "ProductData", FormMethod.Post))
#Html.EditorFor(o=> o.ProductData )
#Html.EditorFor(o=> o.FridgeContent )
or create an edit template for you ViewModel containing these two lines
#Html.EditorFor(o=> o.ProductData )
#Html.EditorFor(o=> o.FridgeContent )
Oh got it finally because the rendering engine will not go more that one step in object hierarchy, you can find it in mvc code also.
Check the MVC 3.0 Source Code Here:
There is a file named DefaultEditorTemplates.cs which contains this method:
internal static string ObjectTemplate(HtmlHelper html, TemplateHelpers.TemplateHelperDelegate templateHelper) {
ViewDataDictionary viewData = html.ViewContext.ViewData;
TemplateInfo templateInfo = viewData.TemplateInfo;
ModelMetadata modelMetadata = viewData.ModelMetadata;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (templateInfo.TemplateDepth > 1) { // DDB #224751
return modelMetadata.Model == null ? modelMetadata.NullDisplayText : modelMetadata.SimpleDisplayText;
foreach (ModelMetadata propertyMetadata in modelMetadata.Properties.Where(pm => ShouldShow(pm, templateInfo))) {
if (!propertyMetadata.HideSurroundingHtml) {
string label = LabelExtensions.LabelHelper(html, propertyMetadata, propertyMetadata.PropertyName).ToHtmlString();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(label)) {
builder.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<div class=\"editor-label\">{0}</div>\r\n", label);
builder.Append("<div class=\"editor-field\">");
builder.Append(templateHelper(html, propertyMetadata, propertyMetadata.PropertyName, null /* templateName */, DataBoundControlMode.Edit, null /* additionalViewData */));
if (!propertyMetadata.HideSurroundingHtml) {
builder.Append(" ");
return builder.ToString();
which clearly states that if the TemplateDepth > 1 just render a simple text.
As the above answer shows, this problem seems related to the framework limiting the depth of nesting it will consider.
One way to work around the problem is to use your own editor template. Create the partial view, Object.cshtml, in Views/Shared/EditorTemplates. Here's an example template taken from here:
Func<ModelMetadata, bool> ShouldShow = metadata =>
metadata.ShowForEdit && !ViewData.TemplateInfo.Visited(metadata);
#if (ViewData.TemplateInfo.TemplateDepth > 5) {
if (Model == null) {
} else {
} else {
foreach (var prop in ViewData.ModelMetadata.Properties.Where(ShouldShow)) {
if (prop.HideSurroundingHtml) {
} else {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Html.Label(prop.PropertyName).ToHtmlString())==false) {
<div class="editor-label">
<div class="editor-field">
In the above example, you can set the maximum nesting depth by changing the 5 constant.
