hashes output more often in command line ftp - shell

I use a command line ftp (the one on mac osx) inside some application I developed.
The thing is, this application will be used on very slow internet connexions.
In the actual configuration, I use the stdout with hashes to determine upload progress this way:
I first get the exact file size.
I activate hash output in ftp
3 I then simply count each time I read something from stdout how many hashes have been printed, and add them to my interal counter
4 multiplying this hashcount by 1024 bytes, I get the transferred data over the total data to caculate percentage.
This works but isn't as fluid as I would like it to be..
The final results jumps 20-30% at a time and 'waits' for 2-3 seconds between each stdout.
on large files with a fast internet connection, let's say a 100mb file over a 50mbps connection, this is very fluid..
Is there a way to tell ftp to output the current upload state more often? like based on a time interval, every 200ms or so... ?


ftrace: output through GPIO

I am doing some research and need to collect all the kernel function calls within a certain time span, e.g. 60 seconds. I am using Raspberry Pi 4B.
I've tried to use the function tracer ftrace and read the trace_pipe via
echo function > current_tracer
echo 1 > tracing_on
cat trace_pipe > /home/pi/trace/test.txt
This method seems to be too slow and too much data gets lost due to overfilled buffer: approx. 50-60M data points get lost and I only get about 3 M data points. So that's not a good statistics.
I also tried to use trace-cmd:
trace-cmd record -p function sleep 60
With trace-cmd about 20 M data points get lost, which is much better, but still not good enough to build a good statistics. Furthermore the file I get by doing
trace-cmd report > /home/pi/trace/test_trace-cmd.txt
is about 5-6 Gb and takes a few minutes to write. I don't have an intention to make this file smaller (I assume it is impossible). But I just can't wait for so long.
I also worry about producing too much overhead to the system by saving such big trace files. Is it the case?
I am wondering, if it would possible to direct the output of the trace_pipe (or maybe of some other tracing file) to some I/O pin, so that I can connect some logic analyser to this pin and read the data flow by some other device? There will be no need to save the tracing file on the raspberry itself then. I also hope I can reduce the amount of data getting lost.

Transfer data async from one program to another

I am running a python program on a Raspberry Pi. This program writes data to a txt-file every second (every second some data is changed).
On a laptop I am running a Studio Basic program that reads that data file over the network from the Raspberry. This works OK as long as the time between the reads from that that file are more than 15 seconds apart. If I read/access faster than the same data is read. It looks that the windows program reads from a cache if it is accessed in less than 15 seconds. Is there a way to change the time limit so I can read more often (let us say every 5 seconds).
Note if I read the txt-data file using another python program in the Raspberry Pi than the changed data is read OK by that program. So the problem lies in the Windows system.
Please refer to this File Caching document, use win32file.CreateFile and specify FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING to disable the cache, all read and write operations will directly access the physical disk.
For using CreateFile in VB.net, please refer to:

VBscript alternatives to writing variables to a file needed (FSO.write is too slow)

TL;DR: I need something way faster than FSO.write OR another way to share a variable in memory between different script instances.
Hello, I am running CCPulse (on Windows 7), which is a Call Center monitoring tool. Agents are represented as "Objects" and can have various statistics (like calls taken, total talk duration etc). CCPulse allows to apply thresholds and actions to any statistic. These are basically vbscripts and as far as I can tell, there are no restrictions.
This allows me to take the "Threshold StatValue" and do things with it, ie writing it to a file. The issue is that if I apply a threshold to a statistic for all agents, the script executes for each agent object seperately (in sequence, not parallel). However, I want to export all the agent stats to a single csv file.
I already got it working, by creating a file if it doesn't exist, then open/ReadAll into a string. If an agent has not been written to the file yet his stat values get appended as a newline in the string, if he already exists in this file I search and replace his line using a regex pattern. I then write the entire multiline string back to the file:
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(inFile,2)
objFile.Write strMemoryBuffer
set objFile = nothing
strMemoryBuffer contains the files original content, with either a new line or a modified line. This string (and subsequently the export file) is around 30kb in size after all agents have been exported. It looks like this (simplified):
As I said, since the script runs seperately for each agent, only one line is ever added/modified per pass (CCpulse will execute the script one object at a time, until all are finished).
The write process is very slow however, using Timer() it says it needs between 0.10 and 0.15 seconds! That is way too slow, as I need to run the script on almost 500 agents (ideally in no more than 30 second intervals), but all the writing would take over a minute (CCPulse would create a backlog of threshold operations which could never be finished. I can decrease the recalculation frequency, but that is detrimental in other ways).
If I comment out only the above block, execution time dramatically decreases to ~0.02 seconds. So reading the file and manipulating the string takes almost no time at all, just the write process is slow.
I am writing the file locally to a hard drive (no SSD though). I cannot use a RAM Disk.
I also already tried writing to the volatile environment, but somehow, this is even slower (it does work, but for some reason the explorer process goes crazy with up to 50% cpu usage and ccpulse locks up, allthough the export file is still being updated).
The ideal solution would to have the string being repeadetly manipulated only in memory, and then written to file like only once every 30 seconds or something like that, but I don't know how I can make the strMemoryBuffer variable available to the "next" agent. Any ideas?

How to optimize the file processing?

I'm working on a Perl/CGI script which reads an 8MB file with over 100k lines and displays it in chunks of 100 lines (using pagination).
Which one of the following will be faster
Storing the entire input file into an array and extracting 100 lines for each page (using array slicing)
my #extract = #main_content[101..200];
For each page, using the sed command to extract any 100 lines that the user wants to view.
sed -n '101,200'p filename
If you really want performance then don't use CGI, try using something that keeps a persistent copy of the data in memory between requests. 8mb is tiny these days but loading for every request would not be sensible nor would scanning the whole file. Modperl was the older way of doing this , it was a perl interpreter embedded in the webserver , the newer way is to use catalyst or dancer, instructions for those are outside the scope of this reply. You could get away with using CGI if this was only to be use occasionally and was password protected to limit use.

NodeJS - failed to read newly uploaded file

I was trying to build a system (NodeJS + Express 4) that reads a user uploaded text file, process it, and feed it back to the user. I was trying to use ajax upload, and multer as the parser for multi-part data. The whole workflow is supposedly to be like this:
User chooses a local file, and clicks the upload button.
Server received file, and read it.
Server do some processing with the data
Send results back
Every part of the link works except the server read part - sometimes the file is not read fully even though the server signals that the file upload was completed (I have tried multiple libraries, like multer, busboy, formidable that triggers the file upload complete event). I have done various experiments, and here's what I find (with 1000 lines of file):
the fs.readFile sometimes ends prematurely. The result file can be anywhere between 100 - 1000 lines.
missing part is almost always the last small piece, feels like the pipe was not fully flushed yet. I have tried file size between 1000 lines to 200,000 lines, and it's always missing the last few hundred lines.
using streaming almost solved the issue - like createReadStream, or byline, line-by-line, but sometimes the result can be 'undefined' or missing the last few lines, but a lot less frequent.
trigger the read twice, and the second time is almost guaranteed to read the full 1000 lines.
Is there anyway to force NodeJS to 'flush' the uploaded file? Somehow I feel the upload complete event was triggered (regardless of library, and everyone is dependent on FileSystem I guess) before the last piece of file was flushed in the stream. Or maybe there are some other issues - reading a static files always give the correct results. I could use the http POST forms but I'd like to use ajax to improve user experience.
Any thoughts?
