EJBs, XA transactions and error handling - jdbc

We have what we believe is a fairly common XA use case:
read a message from an in-queue
write some data to a database
write a response message to an out-queue (which is different from the in-queue)
However we also need a way to handle internal errors and poison messages. The control flow we have in mind is something like this:
read the message from the in-queue
write to the database
if there's an exception roll back the database transaction
if there's no exception run commit phase1 on the database
if everything went fine (no rollback and commit phase1 ok) write a success message to the out-queue
if either commit phase1 on the database failed or there was an exception and the database transaction was rolled back write a failure message to the out-queue
commit the in-queue, the out-queue and the database (unless rolled by because of an exception)
Is this a good approach, should we do it differently? How can we do this with EJBs?
We're using EJB 3.1 on JBoss AS 7.2 / EAP 6.1, coding against Narayana directly is an option. The JDBC driver is ojdbc7- and the JMS RAR is MQ Series (don't know the version).

What you could do is to use the Java EE event mechanism to get a notification when your transaction fails and create a subsequent output message.
(EE7) http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/tutorial/doc/cdi-adv005.htm
(EE6) http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/gkhic.html
You need to use a new transaction to write to the out queue to avoid rolling back the message writing as well.
You will still have the message in the input queue which caused the exception, since the rollback will prevent the successfull consumption. You need to handle that separately, for example by the JMS provider.


JMS and JPA transactions without two phase commit (i.e. JTA is not supported)

I am migrating a Spring boot app running on a JEE app server which makes use of JTA to coordinate JMS and JPA transactions:
Exceptions raised while processing a message trigger a JPA and JMS roll-backs (i.e. message goes back to the originating queue)
If all database operations are successful, and, the message is successfully moved to the next queue, JPA and JMS transactions are both committed
The target environment does not support JTA.
I am looking for guidance on how to setup transaction managers so that:
a JPA transaction is started immediately after starting the JMS transaction
a JPA transaction is concluded just before terminating the JMS transaction
a failure of terminating the JPA transaction would fail the JMS transaction
Any documentation or sample code would be awesome.
Many thanks in advance
A possible way forward for this scenario where none of the resources support XA or JTA:
JMS provider
Database driver
... is to use a "bracketing" transaction manager configured to run two transactions. At high level, steps are as specified in Dave Syer's article
Start messaging transaction
Receive message
Start database transaction
Update database
Commit database transaction
Commit messaging transaction
The Spring Data project provides such a transaction manager: see ChainedTransactionManager .
This strategy works well when the error occurs in committing the database transaction, i.e. step 5. For cases where the error happens in the JMS commit, i.e. step 6, one will end up with the message in dead-letter.
Testing this implementation with 100,000 messages showed that about 0.005 % message end up in dead letter. For some, the error occurred when committing the JPA transaction, some for JMS.
For the system to be operable, messages in dead-letter should be retriable regardless of the point of failure. This means that the bracketing transaction manager option is only viable if the app is changed to implement idempotency: keep a trace of the JMS Message IDs already processed. The app has to skip the update part, step 4, for when the JMS Message ID was already processed.

Wildfly 10 jms send Message to queue as part of XA transaction

I have recently had to support a colleague in verifying why some system tests are not passing in wildfly, system tests that pass consistently on weblogic and glass fish.
After analysing the log, it became clear the reason is related to a JMS message sent by a backed thread getting committed to a queue too soon, when the expectation was the message would be committed when the entry point Container Managed Transaction of an MDB commits. So the message is going out before the MDB that sends it is done running.
In weblogic, to achieve the expected behaviour, you need to make sure that when you take the connection factory given by the container , which is XA configured, you set the connection.createseesion with
transacted = true and
acknowledgement = session transacted.
In a process similar to the one depicted in this URL
Except in the snippet above auto acknowledge is set and the first parameter is set to false.
In wildly when our weblogic and glass fish configuration is used, nothing is committed and the system behaves as if the JMS message sent were to be rolled back.
If configuration as in the example above were to be used, instead what would happen is that the JMS message is immediately and the consumer MDB immediately launches being trigerred before the producer transaction actually ends, causing the system test to fail.
According to the official JMS configuration, by using a connection-pooled factory with the transaction=XA attribute, the container should immediately bind the commit of the transaction to the lifecycle of the parent transaction.
See official documentation bellow in particular in respect to the Java:/JmsXa connection factory.
My colleague was initially using a non pooled connection factory, but the injection info reference has since then been fixed. I have tried all possible combinations of parameters in the shed message, but my outcome is sitll:
Either sent too soon or never sent.
To conclude all the other resources are XA. Namely the oracle db is using the XA driver.
Can anyone confirm if in wildly the send JMS message only when parent transaction commits is working and if so how the session is being configured?
I will check if perhaps my colleague has not made a mistake in terms of the configuration of the connection factory used by the Men's themselves to consume messages out of the queue.but if that one is also XA... Then it is a big problem.
So the issues is fixed.
The commit of the JMS message to the queue at the end of the transaction works perfectly.
The issue was two fold:
(a) First spot of code I was looking at address the issue was not correct. Someone had decided to write his own send telegram to queue API elsewhere, and was not using the central API for sneding telegrams, so any modification I to the injection connection factory was actually not taking effect. The stale connection factories were still being used.
(b) Once the correct API was spotted it was easy to make the mechanism work by using the widlfy XA pooled connection factory mentioned in the post above.
The one thing that was tweaked was the connection.CreationSession api.
The API in JEE 7 has been enlarged and it is now better documented than in jEE 6.
To send a JMS message in a container as part of an XA transaction one should do:
connection.createSession() without any parameters.
This can easily be seen in the connection javadoc:
This method has been superseded by the method createSession(int
sessionMode) which specifies the same information using a single
argument, and by the method createSession() which is for use in a Java
EE JTA transaction. Applications should consider using those methods
instead of this one.
In a Java EE web or EJB container, when there is an active JTA
transaction in progress:
Both arguments transacted and acknowledgeMode are ignored. The session will participate in the JTA transaction and will be committed
or rolled back when that transaction is committed or rolled back, not
by calling the session's commit or rollback methods. Since both
arguments are ignored, developers are recommended to use
createSession(), which has no arguments, instead of this method.
Which means, the code snippet in:
Is not appropriate. What one should be doing is creating the session without any parameter and leting the container handle the rest.
Which it does just fine.

How do I hold a jms message in queue until it is saved?

I just started using Weblogic JMS. I was able to send messages to the queue and pull them off with a messagebean. Now I want to save the message to a database.
So my question is, how do I tell JMS not to delete the message from the queue until I have successfully written the message to the database?
I was able to send messages to the queue and pull them off with a
I suppose you are talking about message-driven bean (MDB)?
So my question is, how do I tell JMS not to delete the message from
the queue until I have successfully written the message to the
MDBs are part of implicit container-managed transaction and the message will not be removed as long as your transaction hasn't commited (that is, as long as your onMessage method hasn't reached its end).
In case of rollback (i.e. you throw an exception or call context.setRollbackOnly() on the MessageDrivenContext), message will be redelivered. You can avoid this behaviour by making transaction bean-managed or using #TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED), but in your situation that should not be the case. Stick with default configuration and everything should work as you wish.

Spring Integration, JMS Inbound channel gateway and transactions

I am using SI configured with a jms:message-driven-channel-gateway . My use case is to receive a message from the queue, save it via JDBC to a database, commit the message from the queue, and then let this message continue to flow through the various channels depending on its type. If the message subsequently errors this is ok as I have the original stored in the database so it can be replayed.
My issue is with trying to commit the transaction from the queue immediately after the database persist. This is effectively mid flow and I have only been able to get the spring transaction management to try and commit right at the end. This is not suitable as if an error is thrown after the database persist it still leaves the message on the JMS queue, as this is where the outer transaction originated.
So, is there an easy way to pull the message from a JMS queue, save to database, then commit it off the queue ?
You need to go asynch after the DB commit - use an ExecutorChannel or a QueueChannel after the DB update; the downstream flow will then run on another thread and the transactions will commit after the handoff.

JMS rollback

I have a process which involves sending a JMS message.
The process is part of a transaction.
If a later part of the transaction fails, a part that is after a previous part that sent the message, I need to cancel the message.
One thought I had was to somehow set on the message that it is not to be picked up for a certain amount of time, and if I need to rollback, then I could go and cancel the message.
Not knowing messaging, I do not know if the idea is possible.
Or, is there a better idea?
You can use JMS and JTA (Java Transaction API) together. When doing that, the sending of a JMS message or the consumption of a received message actually happens atomically as part of the transaction commit.
What does this mean? If the transaction fails or is rolled back, the "sent" message doesn't go out and any "received" messages aren't really consumed. All handled for you by your JMS and JTA provider.
You need to be using a JMS implementation that supports JTA. Sounds like you're already using transactions, so it might be a matter of doing some configuration to make it happen (waving hand vigorously...).
I've had experience using this (BEA WebLogic 7 w/ BEA WebLogic Integration). Worked as advertised -- "the outside world" saw no impact of JMS stuff I tried unless the transaction committed successfully.
Earlier versions of this linked to a Java page describing JMS/JTA integration generally. The page went stale and I don't see an equivalent replacement. This javadoc is for a JMS interface related to this capability.
What you have described is an XA transaction. This allows a transaction to scope across multiple layers i.e. JMS provider, DB or any other EIS. Most containers can be configured to use both non XA and none XA transaction so check your container settings!
For example if you are using JMS with XA transactions the following is possible.
Start Transaction
DB Insert
Send JMS Msg
More DB Inserts
Commit Transaction <- Only at this point will the database records be inserted and the JMS message sent.
XA Tranactions are only available in full Java EE containers so XA transactions are not available in Tomcat.
Good luck!
