I have a set number of equal sized linear "containers." For this example say I have 10 containers that can hold up to a maximum value of 28. These containers are filled serially with incoming objects of varying values. The objects will have a known minimum and maximum value, for this example the minimum would be 3.5 and the maximum 15. The objects can be any size between this minimum and maximum. The items leave the containers in an unknown order. If there is not enough room in any of the containers for the next incoming object it is rejected.
I am looking for an algorithm that utilizes the container space the most efficiently and minimizes the amount of rejected objects.
The absolute best solution will depend on the actual sizes, distribution of incoming objects, and so on. I would strongly recommend setting up realistic distributions that you experience in the real world as test code, and trying out different algorithms against it.
The obvious heuristic that I would want to try is to always put each object in the fullest bin that it can fit in.
In short: I am using k-means clustering with correlation distance. How to check, how many clusters should be used, if any?
There are many indices and answers on how to establish a number of clusters when grouping data:
example 1, example 2, etc. For now, I am using Dunn's index, but it is not sufficient due to one of the reasons described below.
All those approaches exhibit at least one of following problems, I have to avoid:
clustering quality index derivation makes some assumptions regarding data covariance matrix, i.e. since such moment only euclidean or euclidean-like metrics apply - correlation one is not an option anymore
it requires at least two nonempty clusters to compare already calculated partitions - there is no possibility to state whether there is any reason to make a division into groups at all
Clustering approaches:
clustering approaches estimating number of clusters itself (e.g. affinity propagation) are much slower and do not scale well
To sum up: is there any criterion or index, which allows to check for existence of groups in data (maybe estimating number of them), without limitation on metric used?
EDIT: Space I am operating on has up to few thousands features.
I have a method, but it is my own invention and rather experimental. Whilst theoretically it works in multi-dimensions, I've only had any success in 2D (take the first two principal components if clustering multi-dimensional data).
I call it gravitational clustering. You pass in a smear, then you produce a attraction round each point using 1 / (d + smear)^2 (smear prevents values going to infinity, and controls the granularity of the clustering). Points them move uphill to their local maximum on energy field. If they all move to the same point, you have no clusters, if they move to different points, you have clusters, if they all stay at their their own local maximum, again you have no clusters.
Here in the DCOS documents it is stated that
"Deciding where to run processes to best utilize cluster resources is
hard, NP-hard in-fact."
I don't deny that that sounds right, but is there a proof somewhere?
Best utilization of resources is variation of bin packaging problem:
In the bin packing problem, objects of different volumes must be
packed into a finite number of bins or containers each of volume V in
a way that minimizes the number of bins used. In computational
complexity theory, it is a combinatorial NP-hard problem. The decision
problem (deciding if objects will fit into a specified number of bins)
is NP-complete.
We have n-dimension space where every dimension corresponds with one resource type. Each task to be scheduled has specific volume defined by required resources. Additionally task can have constraints that slightly change original task but we can treat this constraints as an additional discrete dimension. The task is to schedule tasks in a way to minimize slack resources and so prevent fragmentation.
For example Marathon uses first fit algorithm which is approximation allogrithm but is not that bad:
This is a very straightforward greedy approximation algorithm. The algorithm processes the items in arbitrary order. For each item, it attempts to place the item in the first bin that can accommodate the item. If no bin is found, it opens a new bin and puts the item within the new bin.
It is rather simple to show this algorithm achieves an approximation factor of 2, that is, the number of bins used by this algorithm is no more than twice the optimal number of bins.
In our company, we regularly import merchandises over the sea.
When we make an order, we have to distribute them into containers.
We basically can choose between three types of containers,
and our goal is of course to distribute the items so that we use the minimum number of container (and if possible the smallest container as they are cheaper).
We have two physical constraints:
- we cannot exceed the container maximum weight
- we cannot exceed the container maximum volume
We have the volume and weight of each item.
Actually, we do the distribution manually, but it would be great if there was some kind of algorithm that could help make a distribution proposition for us.
So I found the bin-packing algorithm, but it often treats only the weight, or the volume, but not both at the same time.
My question is: is there an existing algorithm for our problem (and if so what's its name and how would you use it), or is it something that remains to be created?
Actually I came across such issue few days ago, If I were you I would use the Genetic Algorithm to improve the output of bin-packing algorithm for weight or volume, using the following assumptions:
1- Each Chromosome represents materials that can be fit in one container.
2- The Chromosome is valid only when it contains valid sum of weights and dimensions.
3- Fitness function would be combination of (occupied space/total space and materials weight/allowed weight).
4- Mutation should be inserting a new item that is not previously used.
My friend did such research as a kind of homework, it might be not that good, but if you wish I can send it to you.
I'm writing a courier/logistics simulation on OpenStreetMap maps and have realised that the basic A* algorithm as pictured below is not going to be fast enough for large maps (like Greater London).
The green nodes correspond to ones that were put in the open set/priority queue and due to the huge number (the whole map is something like 1-2 million), it takes 5 seconds or so to find the route pictured. Unfortunately 100ms per route is about my absolute limit.
Currently, the nodes are stored in both an adjacency list and also a spatial 100x100 2D array.
I'm looking for methods where I can trade off preprocessing time, space and if needed optimality of the route, for faster queries. The straight-line Haversine formula for the heuristic cost is the most expensive function according to the profiler - I have optimised my basic A* as much as I can.
For example, I was thinking if I chose an arbitrary node X from each quadrant of the 2D array and run A* between each, I can store the routes to disk for subsequent simulations. When querying, I can run A* search only in the quadrants, to get between the precomputed route and the X.
Is there a more refined version of what I've described above or perhaps a different method I should pursue. Many thanks!
For the record, here are some benchmark results for arbitrarily weighting the heuristic cost and computing the path between 10 pairs of randomly picked nodes:
Weight // AvgDist% // Time (ms)
1 1 1461.2
1.05 1 1327.2
1.1 1 900.7
1.2 1.019658848 196.4
1.3 1.027619169 53.6
1.4 1.044714394 33.6
1.5 1.063963413 25.5
1.6 1.071694171 24.1
1.7 1.084093229 24.3
1.8 1.092208509 22
1.9 1.109188175 22.5
2 1.122856792 18.2
2.2 1.131574742 16.9
2.4 1.139104895 15.4
2.6 1.140021962 16
2.8 1.14088128 15.5
3 1.156303676 16
4 1.20256964 13
5 1.19610861 12.9
Surprisingly increasing the coefficient to 1.1 almost halved the execution time whilst keeping the same route.
You should be able to make it much faster by trading off optimality. See Admissibility and optimality on wikipedia.
The idea is to use an epsilon value which will lead to a solution no worse than 1 + epsilon times the optimal path, but which will cause fewer nodes to be considered by the algorithm. Note that this does not mean that the returned solution will always be 1 + epsilon times the optimal path. This is just the worst case. I don't know exactly how it would behave in practice for your problem, but I think it is worth exploring.
You are given a number of algorithms that rely on this idea on wikipedia. I believe this is your best bet to improve the algorithm and that it has the potential to run in your time limit while still returning good paths.
Since your algorithm does deal with millions of nodes in 5 seconds, I assume you also use binary heaps for the implementation, correct? If you implemented them manually, make sure they are implemented as simple arrays and that they are binary heaps.
There are specialist algorithms for this problem that do a lot of pre-computation. From memory, the pre-computation adds information to the graph that A* uses to produce a much more accurate heuristic than straight line distance. Wikipedia gives the names of a number of methods at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shortest_path_problem#Road_networks and says that Hub Labelling is the leader. A quick search on this turns up http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/142356/HL-TR.pdf. An older one, using A*, is at http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/64505/goldberg-sp-wea07.pdf.
Do you really need to use Haversine? To cover London, I would have thought you could have assumed a flat earth and used Pythagoras, or stored the length of each link in the graph.
There's a really great article that Microsoft Research wrote on the subject:
The original paper is hosted here (PDF):
Essentially there's a few things you can try:
Start from the both the source as well as the destination. This helps to minimize the amount of wasted work that you'd perform when traversing from the source outwards towards the destination.
Use landmarks and highways. Essentially, find some positions in each map that are commonly taken paths and perform some pre-calculation to determine how to navigate efficiently between those points. If you can find a path from your source to a landmark, then to other landmarks, then to your destination, you can quickly find a viable route and optimize from there.
Explore algorithms like the "reach" algorithm. This helps to minimize the amount of work that you'll do when traversing the graph by minimizing the number of vertices that need to be considered in order to find a valid route.
GraphHopper does two things more to get fast, none-heuristic and flexible routing (note: I'm the author and you can try it online here)
A not so obvious optimization is to avoid 1:1 mapping of OSM nodes to internal nodes. Instead GraphHopper uses only junctions as nodes and saves roughly 1/8th of traversed nodes.
It has efficient implements for A*, Dijkstra or e.g. one-to-many Dijkstra. Which makes a route in under 1s possible through entire Germany. The (none-heuristical) bidirectional version of A* makes this even faster.
So it should be possible to get you fast routes for greater London.
Additionally the default mode is the speed mode which makes everything an order of magnitudes faster (e.g. 30ms for European wide routes) but less flexible, as it requires preprocessing (Contraction Hierarchies). If you don't like this, just disable it and also further fine-tune the included streets for car or probably better create a new profile for trucks - e.g. exclude service streets and tracks which should give you a further 30% boost. And as with any bidirectional algorithm you could easily implement a parallel search.
I think it's worth to work-out your idea with "quadrants". More strictly, I'd call it a low-resolution route search.
You may pick X connected nodes that are close enough, and treat them as a single low-resolution node. Divide your whole graph into such groups, and you get a low-resolution graph. This is a preparation stage.
In order to compute a route from source to target, first identify the low-res nodes they belong to, and find the low-resolution route. Then improve your result by finding the route on high-resolution graph, however restricting the algorithm only to nodes that belong to hte low-resolution nodes of the low-resolution route (optionally you may also consider neighbor low-resolution nodes up to some depth).
This may also be generalized to multiple resolutions, not just high/low.
At the end you should get a route that is close enough to optimal. It's locally optimal, but may be somewhat worse than optimal globally by some extent, which depends on the resolution jump (i.e. the approximation you make when a group of nodes is defined as a single node).
There are dozens of A* variations that may fit the bill here. You have to think about your use cases, though.
Are you memory- (and also cache-) constrained?
Can you parallelize the search?
Will your algorithm implementation be used in one location only (e.g. Greater London and not NYC or Mumbai or wherever)?
There's no way for us to know all the details that you and your employer are privy to. Your first stop thus should be CiteSeer or Google Scholar: look for papers that treat pathfinding with the same general set of constraints as you.
Then downselect to three or four algorithms, do the prototyping, test how they scale up and finetune them. You should bear in mind you can combine various algorithms in the same grand pathfinding routine based on distance between the points, time remaining, or any other factors.
As has already been said, based on the small scale of your target area dropping Haversine is probably your first step saving precious time on expensive trig evaluations. NOTE: I do not recommend using Euclidean distance in lat, lon coordinates - reproject your map into a e.g. transverse Mercator near the center and use Cartesian coordinates in yards or meters!
Precomputing is the second one, and changing compilers may be an obvious third idea (switch to C or C++ - see https://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/ for details).
Extra optimization steps may include getting rid of dynamic memory allocation, and using efficient indexing for search among the nodes (think R-tree and its derivatives/alternatives).
I worked at a major Navigation company, so I can say with confidence that 100 ms should get you a route from London to Athens even on an embedded device. Greater London would be a test map for us, as it's conveniently small (easily fits in RAM - this isn't actually necessary)
First off, A* is entirely outdated. Its main benefit is that it "technically" doesn't require preprocessing. In practice, you need to pre-process an OSM map anyway so that's a pointless benefit.
The main technique to give you a huge speed boost is arc flags. If you divide the map in say 5x6 sections, you can allocate 1 bit position in a 32 bits integer for each section. You can now determine for each edge whether it's ever useful when traveling to section {X,Y} from another section. Quite often, roads are bidirectional and this means only one of the two directions is useful. So one of the two directions has that bit set, and the other has it cleared. This may not appear to be a real benefit, but it means that on many intersections you reduce the number of choices to consider from 2 to just 1, and this takes just a single bit operation.
Usually A* comes along with too much memory consumption rather than time stuggles.
However I think it could be useful to first only compute with nodes that are part of "big streets" you would choose a highway over a tiny alley usually.
I guess you may already use this for your weight function but you can be faster if you use some priority Queue to decide which node to test next for further travelling.
Also you could try reducing the graph to only nodes that are part of low cost edges and then find a way from to start/end to the closest of these nodes.
So you have 2 paths from start to the "big street" and the "big street" to end.
You can now compute the best path between the two nodes that are part of the "big streets" in a reduced graph.
Old question, but yet:
Try to use different heaps that "binary heap". 'Best asymptotic complexity heap' is definetly Fibonacci Heap and it's wiki page got a nice overview:
Note that binary heap has simpler code and it's implemented over array and traversal of array is predictable, so modern CPU executes binary heap operations much faster.
However, given dataset big enough, other heaps will win over binary heap, because of their complexities...
This question seems like dataset big enough.
OK guys I have a real world problem, and I need some algorithm to figure it out.
We have a bunch of orders waiting to be shipped, each order will have a volume (in cubic feet), let's say, V1, V2, V3, ..., Vn
The shipping carrier can provide us four types of containers, and the volume/price of the containers are listed below:
Container Type 1: 2700 CuFt / $2500;
Container Type 2: 2350 CuFt / $2200;
Container Type 3: 2050 CuFt / $2170;
Container Type 4: 1000 CuFt / $1700;
No single order will exceed 2700 CuFt but likely to pass 1000 CuFt.
Now we need a program to get an optimized solution on freight charges, that is, minimum prices.
I appreciate any suggestions/ideas.
My current implementation is using biggest container at first, apply the first fit decreasing algorithm for bin packing to get result, then parse through all containers and adjust container sizes according to the content volume...
I wrote a similar program when I was working for a logistics company. This is a 3-dimensional bin-packing problem, which is a bit trickier than a classic 1-dimensional bin-packing problem - the person at my job who wrote the old box-packing program that I was replacing made the mistake of reducing everything to a 1-dimensional bin-packing problem (volumes of boxes and volumes of packages), but this doesn't work: this problem formulation states that three 8x8x8 packages would fit into a 12x12x12 box, but this would leave you with overlapping packages.
My solution was to use what's called a guillotine cut heuristic: when you put a package into the shipping container then this produces three new empty sub-containers: assuming that you placed the package in the back bottom left of the container, then you would have a new empty sub-container in the space in front of the package, a new empty sub-container in the space to the right of the package, and a new empty sub-container on top of the package. Be certain not to assign the same empty space to multiple sub-containers, e.g. if you're not careful then you'll assign the section in the front-right of the container to the front sub-container and to the right sub-container, you'll need to pick just one to which to assign it. This heuristic will rule out some optimal solutions, but it's fast. (As a concrete example, say you have a 12x12x12 box and you put an 8x8x8 package into it - this would leave you with a 4x12x12 empty sub-container, a 4x8x12 empty sub-container, and a 4x8x8 empty sub-container. Note that the wrong way to divide up the free space is to have three 4x12x12 empty sub-containers - this is going to result in overlapping packages. If the box or package weren't cubes then you'd have more than one way to divide up the free space - you'd need to decide whether to maximize the size of one or two sub-containers or to instead try to create three more or less equal sub-containers.) You need to use a reasonable criteria for ordering/selecting the sub-containers or else the number of sub-containers will grow exponentially; I solved this problem by filling the smallest sub-containers first and removing any sub-container that was too small to contain a package, which kept the quantity of sub-containers to a reasonable number.
There are several options you have: what containers to use, how to rotate the packages going into the container (there are usually six ways to rotate a package, but not all rotations are legal for some packages e.g. a "this end up" package will only have two rotations), how to partition the sub-containers (e.g. do you assign the overlapping space to the right sub-container or to the front sub-container), and in what order you pack the container. I used a randomized algorithm that approximated a best-fit decreasing heuristic (using volume for the heuristic) and that favored creating one large sub-container and two small sub-containers rather than three medium-sized sub-containers, but I used a random number generator to mix things up (so the greatest probability is that I'd select the largest package first, but there would be a lesser probability that I'd select the second-largest package first, and so on, with the lowest probability being that I'd select the smallest package first; likewise, there was a chance that I'd favor creating three medium-sized sub-containers instead of one large and two small, there was a chance that I'd use three medium-sized boxes instead of two large boxes, etc). I then ran this in parallel several dozen times and selected the result that cost the least.
There are other heuristics I considered, for example the extreme point heuristic is slower (while still running in polynomial time - IIRC it's a cubic time solution, whereas the guillotine cut heuristic is linear time, and at the other extreme the branch and bound algorithm finds the optimal solution and runs in exponential time) but more accurate (specifically, it finds some optimal solutions that are ruled out by the guillotine cut heuristic); however, my use case was that I was supposed to produce a fast shipping estimate, and so the extreme point heuristic wasn't appropriate (it was too slow and it was "too accurate" - I would have needed to add 10% or 20% to its results to account for the fact that the people actually packing the boxes would inevitably make sub-optimal choices).
I don't know the name of a program offhand, but there's probably some commercial software that would solve this for you, depending on how much a good solution is worth to you.
Zim Zam's answer is good for big boxes, but assuming relatively small boxes you can use a much simpler algorithm that amounts to solving an integral linear equation with a constraint:
Where a, b, c and d are integers being the number of each type of container used:
2700a + 2350b + 2050c + 1000d <= V (where V is the total volume of the orders)
You want to find a, b, c, and d such that the following function is minimized:
Total Cost C = 2500a + 2200b + 2170c + 1700d
It would seem you can brute force this problem (which is NP hard). Calculate every possible viable combination of a, b, c and d, and calculate the total cost for each combination. Note that no solution will ever use more than 1 container of type d, so that cuts down the number of possible combinations.
I am assuming orders can be split between containers.