Unity3D - GUIText Does Not Show On Collision With Object - user-interface

Ive been following this article online and have swapped a few names and tags about but I dont seem to see any text appearing on the screen...
Here is my PlayerCollision script:
#pragma strict
function Update () {
function OnControllerColliderHit(hit : ControllerColliderHit){
if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Collider"){
ShowMessage.message = "HELLO WORLD";
ShowMessage.turnTextOn = true;
This is my ShowMessage script:
#pragma strict
static var turnTextOn : boolean = false;
static var message : String;
private var timer : float = 0.0;
function Start(){
timer = 0.0;
turnTextOn = false;
guiText.text = "";
function Update () {
guiText.enabled = true;
guiText.text = message;
timer += Time.deltaTime;
if(timer >= 5){
turnTextOn = false;
guiText.enabled = false;
timer = 0.0;
I have linked the ShowMessage script to my GUIText object and have linked the PlayerCollision script with the CharacterController. There is also a box collider object with the Collision tag I also Have the GUIText in view just to rule that out.
Anyone any idea what is wrong? Thanks

The tag should be "Collider" not "Collision" because if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Collider")

Problem solved. Turns out I ticked isTrigger which stopped the collision from being detected. This gives the problem of the character not being able to move through the object. What i did was tick the isTrigger option and change OnControllerColliderHit(hit : ControllerColliderHit) to OnTriggerEnter (obj : Collider)


RayCast not working as expected, help! (Unity 3D)

Okay so I'm making a photography game where when you 'take a photo', Unity sends a few raycasts forward to check if certain tagged items are in the photo (all within the cameras FOV). My problem is, this seems to work intermittently! Sometimes it finds the tagged objects, other times it will be right in front of the view yet it will miss it completely! Can anyone advise about what I'm doing wrong?
public static Transform target;
public static GameObject[] targetName;
public static float length = 250f;
public static Transform thisObject;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
thisObject = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent<Transform>();
//target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Trees").transform;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public static bool InFront(Transform target1)
Vector3 directionToTarget = thisObject.position - target1.position;
float angleOnXAxis = Vector3.Angle(thisObject.right, directionToTarget);
float angleOnYAxis = Vector3.Angle(thisObject.up, directionToTarget);
if (Mathf.Abs(angleOnXAxis) < 130 && Mathf.Abs(angleOnXAxis) > 50
&& Mathf.Abs(angleOnYAxis) < 115 && Mathf.Abs(angleOnYAxis) > 62)
//Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, target.position, Color.green);
return true;
return false;
public static bool HasLineOfSight(string objectTag)
RaycastHit hit;
Vector3 direction = target.position - thisObject.position;
if (Physics.Raycast(thisObject.position, direction, out hit, length))
if (hit.transform.tag == objectTag)
Debug.DrawRay(thisObject.position, direction * 0.96f, Color.red);
return true;
return false;
return false;
public static GameObject SortObjects(string objectTag)
targetName = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(objectTag);
GameObject closestObject = null;
for (int i = 0; i < targetName.Length; i++)
if (Vector3.Distance(thisObject.position,
targetName[i].transform.position) <= length)
if (InFront(targetName[i].transform))
if (closestObject == null)
closestObject = targetName[i];
if (Vector3.Distance(targetName[i].transform.position, thisObject.position) <= Vector3.Distance(closestObject.transform.position, thisObject.position))
closestObject = targetName[i];
return closestObject;
public static bool ObjectCheck(string objectTag)
if (SortObjects(objectTag) != null)
target = SortObjects(objectTag).transform;
if (InFront(target) && HasLineOfSight(objectTag))
return true;
return false;
return false;
I'm essentially calling ObjectCheck() with the tag I want to check for to get the closest, visible, object with that tag. What is wrong with this code??
In your script, only the closest object to the main camera gets checked. SortObjects() determines the closest tagged object, and then you only handle that single object in ObjectCheck(). - That object might be obstructed by something else, so the method returns false. And other tagged objects that are actually visible, are not picked up this way...
So, you could rename and change your SortObjects() function to check for both conditions right in the loop (InFront(target) && HasLineOfSight(objectTag)), and filter the objects out right in there, since only those objects are of interest.
Also, your HasLineOfSight() method checks the tag of the hit object, but what you probably wanted to do, is to check if the raycast actually hits that exact object. So it should instead compare the hit's gameObject to the target's gameObject, ignoring the tag, since a correct tag alone isn't enough. (Side note: it would make sense to place all "photographable objects" on a "photo layer", and set the layer mask in the Physics.Raycast() call accordingly, it's more efficient that way in larger scenes.)
The way the angles are calculated in the InFront() method is probably causing issues, because the direction vector to the target is really in 3D. To calculate the angles, you could try to use Vector3.Project() or Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(), but that will also be problematic, because of perspective camera issues.
This check is strongly related to the topic of "frustum culling", a technique usually used for rendering. But it's similar to what you need, to filter out all the (possibly) visible objects in the camera's field of view (frustum culling doesn't handle obstruction, it is just a geometric check to see if a point lies within the camera's frustum space). See:
If you want to dig deeper and optimize this, there are a couple of ways this can be done. But luckily, Unity comes with many useful related functions already built into the Camera class. So instead, you could use Camera.WorldToScreenPoint() (or Camera.WorldToViewportPoint()), and compare the resulting screen coordinates to the screen size or viewport, like discussed in Unity forum. (The frustum math is hidden behind these compact functions, but beware that this is probably not the optimal way to do this.)
Instead of calling FindGameObjectsWithTag() every time, you could do it only once in Start(), assuming objects do not get created/destroyed while the game is running.
I've tried to modify your script, since I'm also learning Unity again... The script can be dragged to the main camera, and it should show the "focus object" in the Scene view with the green debug line. I hope this helps:
using UnityEngine;
public class PhotoCast : MonoBehaviour
public float maxDistance = 250.0f;
public string objectTag = "photo";
protected GameObject[] objs;
protected GameObject objFocus;
protected Camera cam;
public void Start() {
objs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(objectTag);
cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
public void Update() {
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) {
objFocus = CheckObjects();
if (objFocus) {
Debug.Log("closest object in view: " + objFocus.name);
/* TODO: take actual photo here */
if (objFocus) {
objFocus.transform.position, Color.green);
GameObject CheckObjects() {
GameObject obj_closest = null;
float dist_closest = float.MaxValue;
foreach (GameObject o in objs) {
float dist = Vector3.Distance(
o.transform.position, transform.position);
if (dist < maxDistance && dist < dist_closest
&& InViewport(o.transform.position)
&& HasLineOfSight(o.transform)) {
dist_closest = dist;
obj_closest = o;
return obj_closest;
bool InViewport(Vector3 worldPos) {
Vector3 p = cam.WorldToViewportPoint(worldPos);
return (p.x > 0.0f && p.x <= 1.0f && p.y > 0.0f && p.y <= 1.0f
&& p.z > cam.nearClipPlane);
bool HasLineOfSight(Transform target) {
RaycastHit hit;
Vector3 dir = target.position - transform.position;
if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, dir, out hit, maxDistance)) {
if (hit.collider.gameObject == target.gameObject) {
return true;
return false;
Side notes:
Another issue with this technique is, that there can be tagged objects right in front of the camera, but other tagged objects that are closer on the side will be picked up instead of the obvious one. Many small issues to fine-tune until the scripts fits the game, I guess. Instead of only using one Raycast per object, you could use multiple ones, and take the bounding box or the actual collider shape into account.
An improved version of the script could make use of the Physics.Overlap*() or Physics.*Cast*() functions, documented here.

Optimizing Ragdoll Behaviour in Unity

I'm trying to make a realistic transition between a walking animation and the falling process with a ragdoll. Basically when calling the "DoRagdoll" function, I'm adding the previous force from the walking animation to all rigidbody components in respect of their masses. Then I deactivate the animator component and turn on gravity for all rigidbodies. It works but it still kinda looks weird. I already tried a lot like the Unity documentation site for problems with ragdolls and I also played around with the joints of the different bodyparts. I used the buildin system to create the ragdoll. Any Ideas on how to improve the transition or how to create a more realistic ragdoll?
void Awake()
rbs = GetComponentsInChildren<Rigidbody>();
foreach (Rigidbody rb in rbs)
rb.useGravity = false;
//rb.isKinematic = true;
public void DoRagdoll (bool isRagdoll)
if (isRagdoll)
foreach (Rigidbody rb in rbs)
rb.AddForce(rb.mass * rb.velocity, ForceMode.Impulse);
GetComponent<Animator>().enabled = !isRagdoll;
if (isRagdoll)
foreach (Rigidbody rb in rbs)
rb.maxDepenetrationVelocity = 0.01f;
rb.useGravity = true;
//rb.isKinematic = false;
NavMeshAgent agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
rbSlowdown = true;
ragdollOn = true;
GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>().speed = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("root").GetComponent<OldmanMovement>().movSpeed;
foreach (Rigidbody rb in rbs)
rb.useGravity = false;
//rb.isKinematic = true;
ragdollOn = false;

In UnityScript, why does GUI not get called within hit on collider?

I'm trying to print out text when a user touches a sprite, however, even though I get no errors when building and running the code, the code refuses to printout the text and I cannot understand what I am doing wrong. Please help me understand why it does not print.
It prints the debug text when I touch the sprite, but not the GUI text with total.
This is the code:
#pragma strict
function Start () {
function OnGUI(){
//var total = 0;
//GUI.Label( myRect, total.ToString() ); // Displays "10".
//GUI.Label( myRect, "" + bullets ); // Displays "10".
// GUI.Label(Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height),"Total:"+total);
//function Update () {
var platform : RuntimePlatform = Application.platform;
function Update(){
if(platform == RuntimePlatform.Android || platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer){
if(Input.touchCount > 0) {
if(Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began){
}else if(platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor){
if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
function checkTouch(pos){
var total = 0;
var wp : Vector3 = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos);
var touchPos : Vector2 = new Vector2(wp.x, wp.y);
var hit = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(touchPos);
//total = total +1;
You cannot put a gui item outside the OnGUI Method. You need to set a boolean to turn on the label.
Something along these lines.
GUI.Label ....
labelbool = true;

XNA Hold screen to move object

im working with windows phone game using xna... and looking a way to make my object to move with holding some rectangle that i made as a button on screen....
i already tried this but it just read tap gesture only
foreach (GestureSample gestureSample in input.Gestures)
switch (gestureSample.GestureType)
case GestureType.Hold:
case GestureType.Tap:
Point tapLocation = new Point((int)gestureSample.Position.X, (int)gestureSample.Position.Y);
if (rightRectangle.Contains(tapLocation))
rightTouched = true;
player.Catapult.CurrentState = CatapultState.MoveRight;
playerPositionUpdate.X += 20;
player.catapultPosition.X += 20;
player.Catapult.catapultPosition.X += 20;
player.Catapult.projectilePositionUpdate.X += 20;
if (player.Catapult.catapultPosition.X == player.Catapult.catapultPosition.X + 20)
rightTouched = false;
CenterOnPosition(player.Catapult.Position - catapultCenterOffset);
Gestures are discrete events. You want to poll the state of the touch panel every frame. Use TouchPanel.GetState() for that.
See Working with Touch Input (Windows Phone) for information.
As mentioned above you shouldn't use GestureSample for that purpose, because using dragcomplete and freedrag a bit tricky. Instead you should code your own gestures using TouchPanel.GetState()
TouchCollection touchCollection = TouchPanel.GetState();
if (touchCollection.Count == 1)
var touch = touchCollection[0];
switch (touch.State)
case TouchLocationState.Pressed:
if (rectangle.Contains((int) touch.Position.X, (int) touch.Position.Y))
isMoving = true;
case TouchLocationState.Moved:
if (isMoving)
TouchLocation prevLocation;
touch.TryGetPreviousLocation(out prevLocation);
if (prevLocation.Position != touch.Position)
Vector2 delta = touch.Position - prevLocation.Position;
//offset your rectangle on delta
case TouchLocationState.Released:
isMoving = false;
else if (touchCollection.Count == 2)
var touchOne = touchCollection[0];
var touchTwo = touchCollection[1];
//pinch logic here
I guess you understand the idea.

xna 4.0 animation looping

Hello everyone I have been following this tutorial here http://www.gogo-robot.com/2011/05/30/xna-skinned-model-animations/ and so far its great got the animations playing and everything, but now I want to expand it and stop the continuous loops say for instance i press the a key to make the model jump when i release the a key i want him to stop jumping but if i hold the a key i want him to keep jumping. Here what i have tried so far
and none of it works.
I am stumped here on how to do this thanks for any help with this.
private void HandleInput(GameTime gameTime)
currentGamePadState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);
// Check for changing anims
//SkinningData skinningData = model.Tag as SkinningData;
SkinningData sd = jumper.model.Tag as SkinningData;
if (currentGamePadState.Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed)
if (jumper.animationPlayer.CurrentClip.Name != "Fire")
if (currentGamePadState.Buttons.X == ButtonState.Pressed)
if (jumper.animationPlayer.CurrentClip.Name != "DieF")
//does not work
if (currentGamePadState.Buttons.X == ButtonState.Released)
if (jumper.animationPlayer.CurrentClip.Name == "DieF")
if (currentGamePadState.Buttons.Y == ButtonState.Pressed)
if (jumper.animationPlayer.CurrentClip.Name != "Idel")
//does not work
if (jumper.animationPlayer.CurrentTime == jumper.animationPlayer.CurrentClip.Duration)
//set him back to idel
I have tried these configuration with no luck in the game
// Starts playing the entirety of the given clip
public void StartClip(string clip, bool loop)
AnimationClip clipVal = skinningData.AnimationClips[clip];
StartClip(clip, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), clipVal.Duration, loop);
// Plays a specific portion of the given clip, from one frame
// index to another
public void StartClip(string clip, int startFrame, int endFrame, bool loop)
AnimationClip clipVal = skinningData.AnimationClips[clip];
StartClip(clip, clipVal.Keyframes[startFrame].Time,
clipVal.Keyframes[endFrame].Time, loop);
// Plays a specific portion of the given clip, from one time
// to another
public void StartClip(string clip, TimeSpan StartTime, TimeSpan EndTime, bool loop)
CurrentClip = skinningData.AnimationClips[clip];
currentTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0);
currentKeyframe = 0;
Done = false;
this.startTime = StartTime;
this.endTime = EndTime;
this.loop = loop;
// Copy the bind pose to the bone transforms array to reset the animation
skinningData.BindPose.CopyTo(BoneTransforms, 0);
Can you not attach a bool on the animation clip to tell it to play only once, or an active variable that can be called.
