Jasmine-node CLI: Specify file match parameter - jasmine

I'm trying to execute just a subset of my node jasmine tests.
I have a project structure as follows
+ server
+ invite
.. many more spec files
+ auth
.. many spec files
I can execute all tests from root by running:
node-jasmine --verbose server/
I'm trying to figure out how to use the -m parameter, so that I can just run the test matching a certain file name pattern.
node-jasmine --verbose -m invite server/
should run all tests which contain invite, according to the few examples I've found. But instead it just finds one single test.
If I try to run a similar variation e.g.
node-jasmine --verbose -m send server/
it will find no tests.
What is the correct syntax for selecting a subset of tests?
p.s. I'm running jasmine-node 11.1.0 (so its not the walkdir issue)

-m or --match parameter is indeed used for file name matching.
I banged my had against the keyboard for couple of hours, and ended up looking at source for cli.js.
So here is the ticket (cli.js, line 228):
var regExpSpec = new RegExp(match + (matchall ? "" : "spec\\.") + "(" + extensions + ")$", 'i')
First, you MUST specify --matchall key, otherwise it will use default "spec" prefix.
Second, there is no way you can specify extensions, they are either js or js|coffee|litcoffee if you use --coffee command line parameter
My test files have unit.js suffix (do not ask why), so I ended up with
cli.js --verbose --matchall --match unit\. --test-dir C:\MyProject\
and it did the job.

Your file names are right and
from the docs github.com/mhevery/jasmine-node
Note: your specification files must be named as *spec.js, *spec.coffee
or *spec.litcoffee, which matches the regular expression
/spec.(js|coffee|litcoffee)$/i; otherwise jasmine-node won't find
them! For example, sampleSpecs.js is wrong, sampleSpec.js is right.
You just need to run the hole folder:
node-jasmine --verbose server/invite/specs/
node-jasmine --verbose server/auth/specs/


autoconf: how do I substitute the library prefix?

CLISP's interface to PARI is configured with the configure.in containing AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS([pari]) from lib-link.m4.
The build process also requires the Makefile to know where the datadir of PARI is located. To this end, Makefile.in has
DATADIR = #datadir#
and expects to find $(DATADIR)/pari/pari.desc (normally
/usr/share/pari/pari.desc or /usr/local/share/pari/pari.desc).
This seems to work on Mac OS X where PARI is installed by homebrew in /usr/local (and LIBPARI_PREFIX=/usr/local), but not on Ubuntu, where PARI is in /usr, and LIBPARI_PREFIX is empty.
How do I insert the location of the PARI's datadir into the Makefile?
PS. I also asked this on the autoconf mailing list.
PPS. In response to #BrunoHaible's suggestion, here is the meager attempt at debugging on Linux (where LIBPARI_PREFIX is empty).
$ bash -x configure 2>&1 | grep found_dir
+ found_dir=
+ eval ac_val=$found_dir
+ eval ac_val=$found_dir
You are trying to use $(prefix) in an unintended way. In an Autotools-based build system, the $(prefix) represents a prefix to the target installation location of the software you're building. By setting it in your Makefile.in, you are overriding the prefix that configure will try to assign. However, since you appear not to have any installation targets anyway, at least at that level, that's probably more an issue of poor form than a cause for malfunction.
How do I insert the location of the PARI's datadir into the Makefile?
I'd recommend computing or discovering the needed directory in your configure script, and exporting it to the generated Makefile via its own output variable. Let's take the second part first, since it's simple. In configure.in, having in some manner located the wanted data directory and assigned it to a variable
, you would make an output variable of that via the AC_SUBST macro:
Since you are using only Autoconf, not Automake, you would then manually receive that into your Makefile by changing the assignment in your Makefile.in:
Now, as for locating the data directory in the first place, you have to know what you're trying to implement before you can implement it. From your question and followup comments, it seems to me that you want this:
Use a data directory explicitly specified by the user if there is one. Otherwise,
look for a data directory relative to the location of the shared library. If it's not found there then
(optional) look under the prefix specified to configure, or specifically in the specified datadir (both of which may come from the top-level configure). Finally, if it still has not been found then
look in some standard locations.
To create a configure option by which the user can specify a custom data directory, you would probably use the AC_ARG_WITH macro, maybe like this:
AC_ARG_WITH([pari-datadir], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-pari-datadir],
[explicitly specifies the PARI data directory])],
[], [with_pari_datadir=''])
Thanks to #BrunoHaible, we see that although the Gnulib manual does not document it, the macro's internal documentation specifies that if AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS locates libpari then it will set LIBPARI_PREFIX to the library directory prefix. You find that that does work when the --with-libpari option is used to give it an alternative location to search, so I suggest working with that. You certainly can try to debug AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS to make it set LIBPARI_PREFIX in all cases in which the lib is found, but if you don't want to go to that effort then you can work around it (see below).
Although the default or specified installation prefix is accessible in configure as $prefix, I would suggest instead going to the specified $datadir. That is slightly tricky, however, because by default it refers to the prefix indirectly. Thus, you might do this:
eval "datadir_expanded=${datadir}"
Finally, you might hardcode a set of prefixes such as /usr and /usr/local.
Following on from all the foregoing, then, your configure.in might do something like this:
for d in \
${with_pari_datadir} \
${datadir_expanded}/pari \
/usr/local/share/pari \
AS_IF([test -r "$[]d/pari.desc"], [DATADIR="$[]d"; break])
AS_IF([test x = "x$DATADIR"], [AC_MSG_ERROR(["Could not identify PARI data directory"])])
Instead of guessing the location of datadir, why don't you ask PARI/GP where its datadir is located? Namely,
$ echo "default(datadir)" | gp -qf
does the trick.

automake: how set path to linker script?

I've just set up a cross-helloworld automake project (for stm32f4-discovery). There I have a custom discovery.ld scrpt. I put a line in my Makefile.amAM_LDFLAGS = -T discovery.ld. The problem starts when I run confgure from a different folder (e.g. /path/to/source/build) to the one in which the script is situated (/path/to/source). Effectively, being in /path/to/source/build directory, make runs gcc -T discovery.ld ... and fails to find the script because it's in /path/to/source directory and it's not included in the search path list.
-L/path/to/source or -L.. would solve the problem but I don't want to hardcode things.
Maybe there a autoconf/automake variable exists which points to the folder where configure script (and also my discovery.ld) are situated so that I could use it in my Makefile.am?
I'd be glad to any advice.
Many thanks to William Pursell:
AM_LDFLAGS = -T $(top_srcdir)/path/to/discovery.ld

cleartool ls: Error: Pathname is not within a VOB: "."

I am trying to use cleartool to browse some CC repositories. I can get a list of VOBs from lsvob but when I pick a VOB entry, cd into it, and try to do ls . to see what's inside, I get the following error message:
cleartool> ls .
cleartool: Error: Pathname is not within a VOB: "."
The following link says I have to be within a view to run ls but how do I know where to go if I can't get a directory listing -- or a view listing to go to.
It seems kind of like you have to already know where you wanna go to and can't get a list of choices.
Question: How do I go past this point?
You must be on Unix in order to be able to do a cd /vobs/aVobTag, but that won't give you anything as long as you aren't in a view (or as long as you didn't do a cleartool setview aViewTag, which would allows /vobs/aVobTag do display anything: see "ClearCase setview").
Plus those are for dynamic view consultation, which means you need to mount the Vob first (cleartool mount)
Create a view first, I recommend a dynamic one (easier and quicker to setup: see "How to open a dynamic view in clear case with a given config specs using command prompt?" as an example), and go to:
cleartool mount /vobs/aVobTag
cd /view/yourView/vobs/aVobTag
You will see files there, provided you had checked in files on the /main branch, since the default config spec of a Base ClearCase view is element * /main/LATEST: see "Config spec in Rational ClearCase".

Intltool with an autoconf-generated .desktop file

In the Emperor project, I'm having some issues getting intltool to work when doing an out-of-tree build. When running make check out-of-tree, which is one of the things make distcheck does, intltool fails thus:
INTLTOOL_EXTRACT="/usr/bin/intltool-extract" XGETTEXT="/usr/bin/xgettext" srcdir=../../po /usr/bin/intltool-update --gettext-package emperor --pot
can't open ../../po/../data/emperor.desktop.in: No such file or directory at /usr/bin/intltool-extract line 212.
intltool is looking for emperor.desktop.in, which is listed in po/POTFILES.in, in the source tree. However, emperor.desktop.in is generated by the configure script from a file called emperor.desktop.in.in, in order to insert the installed executable path as configured by the user, and lands in the build tree.
These are the relevant bootstrap.sh lines:
echo +++ Running intltoolize ... &&
intltoolize --force --copy &&
cat >>po/Makefile.in.in <<EOF
cd ../data && \$(MAKE) _column_names.h
The setup code in configure.ac:
[The domain to use with gettext])
data/emperor.desktop.in is listed in AC_CONFIG_FILES.
data/Makefile.am contains these lines:
desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
desktop_in_files = emperor.desktop.in
desktop_DATA = $(desktop_in_files:.desktop.in=.desktop)
and po/POTFILES.in contains the line
You can review all the details in the public git repository if you wish.
Can I somehow tell intltool that this file will be located in the build tree, not in the source tree? Otherwise, my options appear to be to break make distcheck (not a great option), or to ship a desktop file that doesn't include the full path and assumes that the executable is installed in the PATH. (just as messy, IMHO) - Any other options?
In your source code you have emperor.desktop.in.in, which does not seem to be in any rule as a dependency. That file has to be converted first to emperor.desktop.in and later to emperor.desktop, which does not seem to be the case in your data/Makefile.am.
desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
desktop_in_in_files = emperor.desktop.in.in
desktop_in_files = $(desktop_in_in_files:.desktop.in.in=.desktop.in)
desktop_DATA = $(desktop_in_files:.desktop.in=.desktop)
$(desktop_in_in_files) \
$(desktop_in_in_files) contains $(desktop_in_in_files), and Makefile will know how to deal with that.
Some further digging has brought me believe that the answer is: intltool does not support source files that aren't source files in the project. Ergo, any additional processing must be done after intltool is through
Intltool requires the lines in POTFILES to be relative to the (build-time) working directory. The file POTFILES is generated by the configure script from POTFILES.in with a simple sed script defined in the IT_PO_SUBDIR autoconf macro (called by IT_PROG_INTLTOOL) that simply prepends the relative location of the top-level source directory to the paths. Alas, modifying POTFILES does not help: the intltool-extract script does everything it can to get the source directory right. I don't believe files that are sometimes inside and sometimes outside the source tree can be supported without modifying intltool itself.

Join multiple Coffeescript files into one file? (Multiple subdirectories)

I've got a bunch of .coffee files that I need to join into one file.
I have folders set up like a rails app:
Coffeescript has a command that lets you join multiple coffeescripts into one file, but it only seems to work with one directory. For example this works fine:
coffee --output app/controllers.js --join --compile src/controllers/*.coffee
But I need to be able to include a bunch of subdirectories kind of like this non-working command:
coffee --output app/all.js --join --compile src/*/*.coffee
Is there a way to do this? Is there a UNIXy way to pass in a list of all the files in the subdirectories?
I'm using terminal in OSX.
They all have to be joined in one file because otherwise each separate file gets compiled & wrapped with this:
(function() { }).call(this);
Which breaks the scope of some function calls.
From the CoffeeScript documentation:
-j, --join [FILE] : Before compiling, concatenate all scripts together in the order they were passed, and write them into the specified file. Useful for building large projects.
So, you can achieve your goal at the command line (I use bash) like this:
coffee -cj path/to/compiled/file.js file1 file2 file3 file4
where file1 - fileN are the paths to the coffeescript files you want to compile.
You could write a shell script or Rake task to combine them together first, then compile. Something like:
find . -type f -name '*.coffee' -print0 | xargs -0 cat > output.coffee
Then compile output.coffee
Adjust the paths to your needs. Also make sure that the output.coffee file is not in the same path you're searching with find or you will get into an infinite loop.
http://man.cx/find |
Additionally you may be interested in these other posts on Stackoverflow concerning searching across directories:
How to count lines of code including sub-directories
Bash script to find a file in directory tree and append it to another file
Unix script to find all folders in the directory
I've just release an alpha release of CoffeeToaster, I think it may help you.
The most easy way to use coffee command line tool.
coffee --output public --join --compile app
app is my working directory holding multiple subdirectories and public is where ~output.js file will be placed. Easy to automate this process if writing app in nodejs
This helped me (-o output directory, -j join to project.js, -cw compile and watch coffeescript directory in full depth):
coffee -o web/js -j project.js -cw coffeescript
Use cake to compile them all in one (or more) resulting .js file(s). Cakefile is used as configuration which controls in which order your coffee scripts are compiled - quite handy with bigger projects.
Cake is quite easy to install and setup, invoking cake from vim while you are editing your project is then simply
:!cake build
and you can refresh your browser and see results.
As I'm also busy to learn the best way of structuring the files and use coffeescript in combination with backbone and cake, I have created a small project on github to keep it as a reference for myself, maybe it will help you too around cake and some basic things. All compiled files are in www folder so that you can open them in your browser and all source files (except for cake configuration) are in src folder. In this example, all .coffee files are compiled and combined in one output .js file which is then included in html.
Alternatively, you could use the --bare flag, compile to JavaScript, and then perhaps wrap the JS if necessary. But this would likely create problems; for instance, if you have one file with the code
i = 0
foo = -> i++
then there's only one var i declaration in the resulting JavaScript, and i will be incremented. But if you moved the foo function declaration to another CoffeeScript file, then its i would live in the foo scope, and the outer i would be unaffected.
So concatenating the CoffeeScript is a wiser solution, but there's still potential for confusion there; the order in which you concatenate your code is almost certainly going to matter. I strongly recommend modularizing your code instead.
