Case statement within a case statement - vhdl

Is it synthesizable to use:
case statement within a case statement
case statement within an if statement
if statement within a case statement
I can compile it without any errors, but I'm still not sure if it would mess up the hardware structure and make it to complex.
Reason why I'm doing this:
I have a couple of states (state machine), and to make them go through all states I use case statements. But I also need to make some conditions (cases and ifs) within some of these states, some of them are quite big.

There's no reason the synthesiser shouldn't handle nested ifs and cases. And indeed I have done so many times in the past.
I imagine the algorithms of the synthesiser treats an if as just a 2-branch version of a case statement when it comes to logic implementation, so the type of decision function is not an issue. Nesting them will just cause it to create a set of logic for each decision, which is cascaded in the case of the nested decision.
If you find it doesn't work, file a bug report!
Of course, if you have very aggressive timing constraints, and many nested conditions, you may find that the logic the synthesiser produces, while correct, is not quick enough to meet your clock period target. In that case, there's nothing much for it but to refactor your logic to reduce the depth of the decisions.

Annex J of IEEE Std 1076-2008 (the LRM) references IEEE Std 1076.6-2004, IEEE Standard for VHDL Register-Transfer Level (RTL) Synthesis, wherein case statements are supported and a case statement alternative (the actual choice and associated sequence of statements) may specify sequential statements including case statements.
So the answer is yes, you should in general expect to have cases statements in case statement alternatives be capable of being synthesized. Whether or not a particular vendor fully supports 1076.6 or not is a separate question.


Does the order of if-conditions inside a loop influence execution speed?

In order to optimize for execution speed, it is recommended to avoid using if-conditions inside a loop. Imagine there is a case where loop unswitching is not possible, but information (or an estimate) about the frequency of the conditions is available.
Does the order of conditions in an if-else-statement influence execution speed?
Assume I now (or estimate) condition A occurs 80%, B occurs 15% and C only 5% and the times to calculate the conditions is equal. Would it the better to write the loop like this or does the order makes no difference in execution time?
for (i in N){
if (A(i))
else if (B(i))
Are there any best practices regarding order of conditions? Is it language dependent? What if the time to evaluate conditions is not equal? Would it be the best to order the conditions from cheapest to most expensive in that case?
In theory, placing the most likely branch first should be fastest, because less conditions need to be checked. To exchange the order of checks, it is important that for all inputs i, exactly one of the possible conditions is fulfilled.
In practice, you will probably not be able to tell the difference in the performance, because of branch prediction, if you are using a compiled language. A great explanation was provided here. For interpreted languages, this aspect has probably no impact, because the interpreter needs anyway full instructions to read the text line so that the pipelining can't kick in anyway.
If your language features a switch statement, you should probably use it, because there the compiler knows better what it got, so it can pull out maybe some more tricks

Case statement vs If else in VHDL

What is main differences between if else and case statement in VHDL. Although both look similar and sometime replace each other.but What logic circuit appear after synthesis . When should we go for if else or case statement ?
Assuming an if-statement and a case-statement describes the same behavior, then the resulting circuit is likely to be identical after the synthesis tools done the translation and optimization.
As Paebbels writes in the comment, the details are described for each tool in the relevant synthesis guide, and there are probably tool-dependent cases where the result may differ, but as a general working assumption, then the synthesis tool will get to the same circuit for equivalent if-statements and case-statements.
The critical point is usually to make correct and maintainable VHDL code, and here readability counts, so choose an if-statement or a case-statement depending on what makes the code most straight forward, and don't try to control the resulting circuit through VHDL constructions, unless there is a specific reason that this is required.
Note that in the if-statement early conditions takes priority over later, but in the case-statement all when have equal priority.
Remember that VHDL is parallel programming language and a form of declarative programming see here as opposed to procedural programming like c/c++ and another other sequential language.
This means in essence, you are telling or attempting to describe to the compiler with your code what the behavior should be, and not specifically telling it what to do or what the behavior is like with procedural programming. This might be what prompted you to ask the question.
Now remember however, that the sequencing of the if or case will affect synthesis. With FPGA's nowadays, all combinatorial part of the logic are in the form of Loop up tables which are internally designed as cascaded arrays multiplexers grouped together to form LUTs with input number N commonly 4 See here for more details, and the compiler decides how to configure these arrays of LUTs.
The ordering can affect the number of cascaded multiplexer that the compiler calculates before the output is resolved.
Note that although in theory, it is possible to get the same behaviour for both if and switch. Case is looking at a single variable and deciding cases for each possible outcome while an If statement can be applied to multiple variables at the same time.
So flexibility? I would say goes to If. However with great power comes great responsibility, if is easy it use several signals from everywhere and if not done properly can lead to bad design, ie coupling of too many variable and any change is subject to failure due to too many dependency issues. Case is suitable for state machines but that is also true for procedural languages I suppose.
In addition, if you use too many different signals to act as conditions to your If, it can affect timing. which may mean limitation in your clock frequency, if you are working with high speed and the list goes on. clock skew, need to constrain signals etc.

Are muxes more "expensive" than other logic?

This is mostly out of curiosity.
One fragment from some VHDL code that I've been working on recently resembles the following:
led_q <= (pwm_d and ch_ena) when pwm_ena = '1' else ch_ena;
This is a mux-style expression, of course. But it's also equivalent to the following basic logic expression (at least when ignoring non-binary states):
led_q <= ch_ena and (pwm_d or not pwm_ena);
Is one "better" than the other in terms of logic utilisation or efficiency when actually implemented in an FPGA? Is it preferable to use one over the other, or is the compiler smart enough to pick the "best" on its own?
(For the curious, the purpose of the expression is to define the state of an LED -- if ch_ena is false it should always be off as the channel is disabled, otherwise it should either be on solidly or flashing according to pwm_d, according to pwm_ena (PWM enable). I think the first form describes this more obviously than the second, although it's not too hard to realise how the second behaves.)
For a simple logical expression, like the one shown, where the synthesis tool can easily create a complete truth table, the expression is likely to be converted to an internal truth table, which is then directly mapped to the available FPGA LUT resources. Since the truth table is identical for the two equivalent expressions, the hardware will also be the same.
However, for complex expressions where a complete truth table can't be generated, e.g. when using arithmetic operations, and/or where dedicated resources are available, the synthesis tool may choose to hold an internal representation that is more closely related to the original VHDL code, and in this case the VHDL coding style can have a great impact on the resulting logic, even for equivalent expressions.
In the end, the implementation is tool specific, so the best way to find out what logic is generated is to try it with the specific tool, in special for large or timing critical parts of the design, where the implementation is critical.
In general it depends on the target architecture. For Xilinx FPGAs the logic is mostly mapped into LUTs with sporadic use of the hard logic resources where the mapper can make use of them. Every possible LUT configuration has essentially equal performance so there's little benefit to scrutinizing the mapper's work unless you're really pushing the speed limits of the device where you'd be forced into manually instantiating hand-mapped LUTs.
Non-LUT based architectures like the Actel/Microsemi device families use 2-input muxes as the main logic primitive and everything is mapped down to them. You can't generalize what is best across all types of FPGAs and CPLDs but nowadays you can mostly trust that the mapper will do a decent enough job using timing constraints to push it toward the results you need.
With regards to the question I think it is best to avoid obscure Boolean expressions where possible. They tend to be hard to decipher months later when you forgot what you meant them to do. I would lean toward the when-else simply from a code maintenance point of view. Even for this trivial example you have to think closely about what behavior it describes whereas the when-else describes the intended behavior directly in human level syntax.
HDLs work best when you use the highest abstraction possible and avoid wallowing around with low-level bit twiddling. This is a place where VHDL truly shines if you leverage the more advanced features of the language and move away from describing raw logic everywhere. Let the synthesizer do the work. Introductory learning materials focus on the low level structural gate descriptions and logic expressions because that is easiest for beginners to get a start on but it is not the best way to use VHDL for complex designs in the long run.
Of course there are situations where Booleans are better, particularly when doing bitwise operations across vectors in parallel which requires messy loops to do the same imperatively. It all depends on the context.

Driving module output from combinatorial block

Is it a good design practice to use combinatorial logic to drive the output of a module in VHDL/Verilog?
Is it okay to use the module input directly inside a combinatorial block,and use the output of that combinatorial block to drive another sequential block in the same module?
An answer to the two questions really depends on the overall design methodology
and conditions, and will be opinion based, as Morgan points out in his comment.
The questions are in special relevant for a large design with timing pushed to
the limit, and where multiple designers contribute with different modules. In
this case it is important to determine a design methodology up front which
answers the two questions, in order to ensure that modules provided by
different designers can be integrated smoothly without timing issues.
Designing with flip-flops on all outputs of each module, gives the advantage
that when an output is used as input to other module, then the input timing is
reasonable well defined, and only depends on the routing delay. This makes it
a Yes to question 1.
Having a reasonable well-defined input timing makes it possible to make complex
combinatorial logic directly on the inputs, since most of the clock cycle will
be available for this. So this also makes it a Yes to question 2.
With the above Yes/Yes design methodology, the available cycle time is only
used once, and that is at the input side of the module, before the flip-flops
that goes on the output. The result is that multiple modules will click nicely
together like LEGO bricks, as shown in the figure below.
If a strict design methodology is not adhered to in different modules, then
some modules may place flip-flops on the input, and some on the output. A
longer cycle time, thus slower frequency, is then required, since the worst
case path goes through twice the depth of combinatorial logic. Such a design
is shown in the figure below, and should be avoided.
A third option exists, where flip-flops are placed on all inputs, and the
design will look like the figure below if two different modules use the same
One disadvantage with this approach is that the number of flip-flops may be
higher, since the same output is used as input to multiple flip-flops, and the
synthesis tool may not combine these equivalent flip-flops. And even more
flip-flops than this may be required, if the module that generates the output
will also have to make a flip-flopped version for internal use, which is often
the case.
So the short answer to the questions is: Yes and Yes.
The answer to both questions as expressed is basically yes, provided the final design meets speed targets, and the input signals are clean.
The problem with blocks designed this way are that the signal timings through them are not accurately defined, so that combining several such blocks may result in an absurdly slow design, or one in which fast input signals don't propagate cleanly through the design.
If you design such a circuit, and it meets ALL your input and output timing constraints as well as any clock speed constraints you set, it will work.
However if it fails to meet the clock constraints you will have to insert registers to "pipeline" the design, breaking up long slow chains of combinational logic. And you will have to observe the input and output timings reported by synthesis and PAR, and they can get complicated.
In practice (in an FPGA : ASICs can be different) registers are free with each logic block (Xilinx/Altera, not true for Actel/Microsemi) and placing registers on each block's inputs and/or outputs makes the timings much simpler to understand and analyse.
And because such a design is pipelined, it is normally also much faster.

Difference between two types of iterations

This is a core question
please don't say with regard to syntax or semantics,
the question is that what is the actual difference between
WHILE loop and FOR loop, everything written in for loop can be done
with while loop then why two loops?
This is asked in a seminar at the university of Cambridge.
so i think we have to explain in terms of performance overheads and WC complexity.
I think we have to go in terms of Floyd-Hoare logic
As far as performance overheads go, that will depend on the compiler and language you're using.
The major difference between them is that for loops are easier to read when iterating over a collection of something, and while loops are easier to read when a specific condition or boolean flag is being evaluated.
The only difference between the two looping constructs is the ability to do pre-loop initialization and post-loop changes in the header of the for loop. There is no performance difference between
while (condition) {
for ( ; condition ; ) {
constructs. The alternative is added for convenience and readability, there are no other implications.
The difference is that a for() loop condenses a number of steps into a single line. Ultimately, all answers will boil down to syntax or semantics in this way, so there can't be an answer that really pleases you.
A while() loop only states the condition under which the loop will terminate, while the for() loop can stipulate a variable to measure by as well as a counter in addition to this.
(Actually, for() loops are very versatile and a lot can happen in their declarations to make them pretty fancy, but the above statement sums up almost all of the for() loops you will ever see, even in a production environment.)
One occasionally relevant difference between the two is that a while loop can have a more complex condition imposed on it than a for loop
The FOR loop is best exployed when looping through a collection of predictable size
This I guess would be considered syntactical, but I consider it to refute the concept that the for loop can do anything the while loop can, though the reverse is indeed correct
There is obviously no need for two loops, you need only one. And indeed, many textbooks consider a language (usually named Imp) which desugars for to while with an initialization statement before the while.
That being said, if you try working out the difference in the loop invariants, and associated rules in Hoare logic for these two loops, they differ just a bit, because of the init block. Since this looks like homework, I'll let you work out the details.
So the answer is: "It makes things just a little easier, on the syntax and proof side, but it's merely cosmetic, for all intents an purposes you really only need one..."
So far none of the other answers point out what I think the really important part of the distinction is for your question: which is probably that they change things a little bit with the Hoare connectives...
Also, note that speculating on performance based on Hoare logic is silly. If you care about the semantics, your professor probably doesn't give a damn or want to hear about performance :-)
everything can be done with if-goto statement. so why any loops at all? it's a syntax sugar to make developer's life easier and to allow writing better structured (smaller and more readable) code. it has nothing to do with performance
