How to decode HEVC files to YUV? - ffmpeg

I would like to decode HEVC encoded files to YUV files.
Is there any simple way to do this yet? An executable would be nice but I would make do with source code that is easily compilable.

It's as simple as (guide assumed linux, tweek it to your needs)
Clone the official reference codec (the official-official is a svn-repo found at but a read-only git-repo that is kept in sync with the svn is provided by BBC which is so much easier to work with IMHO)
git clone git://
To create the executables:
cd jctvc-hm/build/linux && make -f makefile
Binaries are now placed in
Now, to decode a HEVC-encoded binary file into YCbCr, do
./TAppDecoderStatic -b encoded_file.bin -o reconstructed.yuv
If you are not on a linux system, just goto the build folder and you will hopefully find something you can use for your system:
$ cd jctvc-hm/build && ls
HM_vc10.sln HM_vc8.sln HM_vc9.sln linux/ vc10/ vc8/ vc9/

Follow the instructions on, the source code can be downloaded from by using any subversion software.
You can build it on both Windows and Linux based OS. After you built the software, you may run the exe files as it is instructed on the software manual.

Alternatively, you can use libde265 as a much faster decoder.
Get the latest version from its github release page.
Configure with ./configure --disable-sherlock265
Compile: make
Generate the YUV file with
./dec265/dec265 hevc-file.bin -o output.yuv -t4
The option -t4 is for multi-threaded decoding. You can also do more things like input NAL-unit streams, dump the headers, directly display the video, or check the SEI hashes.

You can download the ffmpeg windows build exe file
simply decoding HEVC bitstream.
ffmpeg.exe -i xxx.bin out.yuv


ffmpeg framemd5 errors with FFV1.mkv in Windows

I'm using framemd5 to check lossless transcoding to FFV1.mkv and am getting mismatches between my source and FFV1 files.
If I generate the framemd5 files in Windows, I get presentation timestamp mismatches on the audio between the source file and FFV1. The MD5s themselves match.
If I generate the framemd5 files for the FFV1 in Linux (WSL), everything matches just fine.
Is there something I am doing wrong, or is this just a quirk of the ffmpeg/FFV1/Windows combination?
I am using ffmpeg version in Windows and
ffmpeg version 4.4.2-0ubuntu1~20.04.sav2 in WSL.
Many thanks!

How to transcribe audio without using external APIs?

I would prefer not to use Amazon, Google etc, so how would I use my own computer (macOS) to get a time-stamped transcription of mp3s and videos? Preferably on the command line. So I could do something like this
transcribe -o oliver_twist.mp3
.. to create a SRT subtitle file from an mp3.
For Linux there's a package called voice2json:
simply if you have an audio file: sample.wav you run
voice2json transcribe-wav < simple.wav
and you get the output
{"text": "sample voice recording", "transcribe_seconds": 0.123, "wav_seconds": 1.23}
I believe you can install this Linux package to macOS. To do that just look at:
To get the srt, you need a package called jq. You can install it the same way. Let's say your output from previous command is output.json. What you need to do is:
jq .text output.json > and the output will be saved as
Kdenlive is able to generate SRT files from an audio file: see Kdenlive. It is also available for MacOs.
Once Kdenlive is installed, you can install Kdenlive command line tools to operate Kdenlive from the command line: see Kdenlive command line.

How to stream all videos in a folder?

Hi i want to stream videos over web using ffserver. i got this link as reference.
Now what i am not able to figure out is how to pass a folder(which content all videos i want to stream) as input to stream all videos. I also want add more videos dynamically to this folder in time to time and streaming should happen(like how it works in Darwin). now i can't use Darwin because it doesn't support for iOS.
please give me a suggestion.
is there any other open source tool by which i can do this?
I wrote a bash script for this, it's working in ubuntu 16
Hopefully someone else can write it up in a less terrible language
Here's the script:
echo -e "HTTPPort 8090\nHTTPBindAddress\nMaxHTTPConnections 2000\nMaxClients 1000\nMaxBandwidth 1000\nCustomLog -\n<Stream stat.html>\nFormat status\n</Stream>"
for i in *.mp3; do
echo -e "<Stream \"$(urlencode $i)\">\nFile \"$(pwd)/$i\"\nFormat mp2\nAudioCodec libmp3lame\nAudioBitRate 64\nAudioChannels 1\nAudioSampleRate 44100\nNoVideo\n</Stream>"
save this as a bash script in the folder you want to serve, I'll refer to it as:
it's hard coded for mp3, you'd have to sort through my echos to get it to do another format.
run the server with:
ffserver -f <(bash -e ./
I had to install a package for the url encoding:
sudo apt install gridsite-clients
(and of course you need ffserver as well, in the ffmpeg package)
I stream the files by going to:
http://<ip address of streaming server>:8090/stat.html
and clicking on the urlencoded values, (using chromium). This will open the stream and start playing.
ffserver doesn't like wildcards, or at least I never figured that out, so I'm just creating an entry for each file in the server. The urlencoding is annoying but necessary for the stat page links to work properly.

Pdflatex for windows

Does anyone know how to convert .tex files to .pdf in windows? I tried cygwin but it said the command "pdflatex" was not recognised
There's no reason to complicate things with Cygwin. Go download and install a TeX distribution for Windows - I personally use TeX Live, but various other distributions are available, such as MikTeX or W32TeX.
If you want to use UTF-8 for your bibliography, and you're using BibTeX, I recommend using bibtexu instead of the regular bibtex (since bibtex doesn't actually support UTF-8). There's a download on the W32TeX site.
If you need to stick with cygwin, install texlive and texlive-collection-latex
The following command worked for me, under cygwin. I installed pandoc 1.13.2 and MiKTeX 2.9.5105 64-bit. Then I ran:
pandoc -s \
--latex-engine='C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64\pdflatex.exe' \
-f markdown_github -t latex \
"" -o "my-file.pdf"
The key here is that I gave the full path for MiKText's pdflatex.exe in the --latex-engine key, in quotes, using the windows path (as the pandoc I installed is the windows pandoc, it requires windows-style paths to find resources).
I used -f markdown_github because of the file format of
I used -t latext but that's optional AFAIK.
Installing tetex(and optionally tetex-extra) package in Cygwin worked for me.
MikTex and texify work for me under plain Windows.

Untar multipart tarball on Windows

I have a series of files named filename.part0.tar, filename.part1.tar, … filename.part8.tar.
I guess tar can create multiple volumes when archiving, but I can't seem to find a way to unarchive them on Windows. I've tried to untar them using 7zip (GUI & commandline), WinRAR, tar114 (which doesn't run on 64-bit Windows), WinZip, and ZenTar (a little utility I found).
All programs run through the part0 file, extracting 3 rar files, then quit reporting an error. None of the other part files are recognized as .tar, .rar, .zip, or .gz.
I've tried concatenating them using the DOS copy command, but that doesn't work, possibly because part0 thru part6 and part8 are each 100Mb, while part7 is 53Mb and therefore likely the last part. I've tried several different logical orders for the files in concatenation, but no joy.
Other than installing Linux, finding a live distro, or tracking down the guy who left these files for me, how can I untar these files?
Install 7-zip. Right click on the first tar. In the context menu, go to "7zip -> Extract Here".
Works like a charm, no command-line kung-fu needed:)
I only now noticed that you mention already having tried 7zip. It might have balked if you tried to "open" the tar by going "open with" -> 7zip - Their command-line for opening files is a little unorthodox, so you have to associate via 7zip instead of via the file association system built-in to windows. If you try the right click -> "7-zip" -> "extract here", though, that should work- I tested the solution myself (albeit on a 32-bit Windows box- Don't have a 64 available)
1) download gzip for windows and unpack it
2) gzip -c filename.part0.tar > foo.gz
gzip -c filename.part1.tar >> foo.gz
gzip -c filename.part8.tar >> foo.gz
3) unpack foo.gz
worked for me
As above, I had the same issue and ran into this old thread. For me it was a severe case of RTFM when installing a Siebel VM . These instructions were straight from the manual:
cat \
OVM_EL5U3_X86_ORACLE11G_SIEBEL811ENU_SIA21111_PVM.tgz.1of3 \
OVM_EL5U3_X86_ORACLE11G_SIEBEL811ENU_SIA21111_PVM.tgz.2of3 \
OVM_EL5U3_X86_ORACLE11G_SIEBEL811ENU_SIA21111_PVM.tgz.3of3 \
| tar xzf –
Worked for me!
The tar -M switch should it for you on windows (I'm using tar.exe).
tar --help says:
-M, --multi-volume create/list/extract multi-volume archive
I found this thread because I had the same problem with these files. Yes, the same exact files you have. Here's the correct order: 042358617 (i.e. start with part0, then part4, etc.)
Concatenate in that order and you'll get a tarball you can unarchive. (I'm not on Windows, so I can't advise on what app to use.) Note that of the 19 items contained therein, 3 are zip files that some unarchive utilities will report as being corrupted. Other apps will allow you to extract 99% of their contents. Again, I'm not on Windows, so you'll have to experiment for yourself.
Enjoy! ;)
This works well for me with multivolume tar archives (numbered .tar.1, .tar.2 and so on) and even allows to --list or --get specific folders or files in them:
mkdir -p $RDEST
$TAR vf $ARCHIVE.tar.1 -F 'echo '$ARCHIVE'.tar.${TAR_VOLUME} >&${TAR_FD}' -C $RDEST --get $RPATH --exclude "$EXCLUDE"
Copy to a script file, then just change the parameters:
TAR=location of tar binary
ARCHIVE=Archive base name (without .tar.multivolumenumber)
RPATH=path to restore (leave empty for full restore)
RDEST=restore destination folder (relative or absolute path)
EXCLUDE=files to exclude (with pattern matching)
Interesting thing for me is you really DON'T use the -M option, as this would only ask you questions (insert next volume etc.)
Hello perhaps would help.
I had the same problems ...
a save on my web site made automaticaly in Centos at 4 am create multiple file in multivolume tar format (saveblabla.tar, saveblabla.tar1.tar, saveblabla.tar2.tar,etc..)
after downloading this file on my PC (windows) i can't extract them with both windows cmd or 7zip (unknow error).
I thirst binary copy file to reassemble tar files. (above in that thread)
copy /b file1+file2+file3 destination
after that, 7zip worked !!! Thanks for you help
