Deploying an app on previously created app name in heroku - heroku

i deploy an app on heroku damp-woodland-6747 .and deployed a rail app . now i want to deploy a node app on this app to do this ??please guideline
in past i mainly run two commands
heroku create
git push heroku master

Heroku doesn't allow two apps with the same name.
So, what you can do is delete the old app from heroku or change its name, log into Heroku's site, go to your new Node App, and set the name in the app's "Settings" to damp-woodland-6747.


How to deploy a github repo to heroku containing multiple projects?

I'm new to deploying stuff and I need some help deploying a school project to Heroku.
So I've got a github repo set up like this:
The folders e2e-tests, client, server and shared are all their own projects. The server is a nodeJS backend that communicates with a mongoDB and the client is a React app. They communicate via localhost.
Because the root folder does not have a package.json file I can't deploy to Heroku using their standard buildpack. Is it possible to deploy my app (client + server) to Heroku?
If so, how would I do that?
Heroku doesn’t natively support multiple apps in a single repository, you might find that this thirdparty buildpack,, gives you the functionality that you need?

Deploying Laravel on Heroku through github getting forbidded 403 page

I am deploying a Laravel application to Heroku. I just installed a Laravel project. But did not make any changes because I installed it just to try out the Laravel deployment on the Heroku. Then I created repository. Then I created a pipeline and a production app within it on the Heroku. Then I synced the production app to the master branch of my Github repo.
This is the screenshot
Then I configured the env variables in the Heroku like this.
When I open or view the app on the browser, it says 403 forbidden. What is wrong with and how can I fix it?
To deploy your application to Heroku, you must first create a Procfile, which tells Heroku what command to use to launch the web server with the correct settings. After you’ve done that, you’re going to create an application instance on Heroku, configure some Laravel environment variables, and then simply git push to deploy your code!

Delete one of the two app on the heroku account

I'm new to Heroku. I've mistakenly created second app on my account and now I can't execute heroku open command to see my app running on the server. I'm posting the screen of the error message. I need only the one named guarded-wildwood-67162. How can I delete other app - shielded-sea-53572?
To permanently destroy a Heroku app you can use heroku apps:destroy --app <app-name> or use the Heroku web interface. Note that this doesn't just disconnect the app; it completely destroys it.

How to git push heroku master by using hubot on hipchat?

I installed hubot, heroku and hipchat. I deployed Hubot to Heroku and I tested on hipchat, I typed some command line example: #hubot help, #hubot image me "hubot".... and It worked fine.
But in my project, I need use hipchat to deploy my project to heroku. Example when I type on hipchat is: #hubot deploy app, then my project will be deployed to heroku (instead of tying: "git push heroku master" on Terminal). Please help me, I really thank you so much!
This is a very broad questions. There is no single answer.
For sure, you need a deployment service that performs the deployment. Hubot should ping the deployment service when you send the deploy command.
The deployment service should have access to your repository and Heroku account and perform the git push command for the deploy. The deployment service may have a local clone of your project, or download it from some centralized location (E.g. GitHub) and perform a push to Heroku.
The deployment service can be a server you control, a third party service such as this one, the server where Hubot is running (not ideal).
Heroku also offers Dropbox sync and is experimenting deploy from GitHub. In this case, the deploy doesn't require a deployment service (or to be more correct, the deployment service is in fact Heroku). Hubot would simply trigger a new synchronization at Heroku, as long as Heroku is connected to either GitHub or Dropbox (depending on where the app is stored).

Connect to a Heroku app after directory (and all other data) deleted on local machine

I lost all the data on my localmachine (Macbook Pro) and, to make matters worse, the repo for a Rails app hosted on Heroku has also been deleted on github. Since I lost all the data on my localmachine, whatever security keys I had installed have also been deleted so if I try to connect to Heroku it won't even recognize me. What can I do in this situation to download the app and export the database?
Are you still able to log into If so, you should be able to set up the heroku CLI again with a new public key. Then you should be able to use heroku git:clone APP to get the code from heroku.
With your database, there should be options for managing it on or via the heroku CLI (e.g. heroku pg:pull if you're using postgres).
