What is the difference between Datalog and LogiQL? - datalog

The LogicBlox database is programmed using the LogiQL language, which is according to their site some sort of variant of Datalog:
Applications are written using the LogiQL language, an extended version of Datalog
What exactly are the differences between Datalog and LogiQL?

LogiQL is indeed a superset of Datalog, adding various features, including:
Transaction support
An extensional database where facts can be dynamically inserted and removed (i.e. the set of facts is not "static")
Delta logic to update the extensional database
Pulse predicates whose facts are only kept during the lifetime of a transaction
Modules, for large-scale application development
Support for machine learning and optimization
There's probably more that I'm forgetting.

Indeed, the "academic" version of Datalog used for studying database theory is purposefully limited. Each "industrial" variant of Datalog adds its own extensions to support programming real applications. In addition to the things Zef listed, some other features LogiQL supports are
Useful primitive types such as datetime, int, string -- types that have infinite number of values
Operations over primitive types, e.g. datetime functions for getting the time now, parsing time, numeric comparisons, numeric functions such as addition or generating random numbers, etc. All the stuff you really need to build real applications, but can make the theory rather nasty if you studied it academically, and thus left out of the academic version of Datalog
Ability to construct new entities
Negation. Currently LogiQL supports globally stratified negation, meaning if a predicate A is defined by negating over predicate B, then predicate B's definition cannot also, transitively, negate over predicate A.

LogiQL is very much a superset of Datalog. Originally it was simply referred to internally at LogicBlox as "Datalog". Very much like other implementations of Datalog, there were additions unique to the LogicBlox flavor. At some point the language grew much more extensive, with so many new added features, that it was decided to rename it to "LogiQL" instead. But LogiQL is still LogicBlox's unique flavor and superset of Datalog.


Is there a higher order Prolog that wouldn't need a type system?

I suspect that λProlog needs a type system to make their higher
order unification sound. Otherwise through self application some
Russell type anomalies can appear.
Are there alternative higher order Prologs that don't need .sig files?
Maybe by a much simpler type system, that doesn't need that many
declarations but still has some form of higher order unification?
Can this dilemma be solved?
Is there a higher order Prolog that wouldn't need a type system?
These are type-free:
From the HiOrd paper:
The framework proposed gives rise to many questions the authors hope to ad-
dress in future research. In particular, a rigorous treatment must be developed for
comparison with other higher-order formal systems (Hilog, Lambda-Prolog). For
example, it is reasonably straightforward to conservatively translate the Higher-
order Horn fragment of λProlog into Hiord by erasing types, as the resolution
rules are essentially the same (assuming a type-safe higher-order unification pro-
Ciao (includes HiOrd)

Attributed variables: library interfaces / implementations / portability

When I was skimming some prolog related questions recently, I stumbled upon this answer by #mat to question How to represent directed cyclic graph in Prolog with direct access to neighbour verticies .
So far, my personal experience with attributed variables in Prolog has been very limited. But the use-case given by #mat sparked my interest. So I tried using it for answering another question, ordering lists with constraint logic programming.
First, the good news: My first use of attributed variables worked out like I wanted it to.
Then, the not so good news: When I had posted by answer, I realized there were several API's and implementations for attributed variables in Prolog.
I feel I'm over my head here... In particular I want to know the following:
What API's are in wide-spread use? Up to now, I found two: SICStus and SWI.
Which features do the different attributed variable implementations offer? The same ones? Or does one subsume the other?
Are there differences in semantics?
What about the actual implementation? Are some more efficient than others?
Can be (or is) using attributed variables a portability issue?
Lots of question marks, here... Please share your experience / stance?
Thank you in advance!
Edit 2015-04-22
Here's a code snippet of the answer mentioned above:
init_att_var(X,Z) :-
get_att_value(Var,Value) :-
So far I "only" use put_attr/3 and get_attr/3, but---according to the SICStus Prolog documentation on attributed variables---SICStus offers put_attr/2 and get_attr/2.
So even this very shallow use-case requires some emulation layer (one way or the other).
I would like to focus on one important general point I noticed when working with different interfaces for attributes variables: When designing an interface for attributed variables, an implementor should also keep in mind the following:
Is it possible to take attributes into account when reasoning about simultaneous unifications, as in [X,Y] = [0,1]?
This is possible for example in SICStus Prolog, because such bindings are undone before verify_attributes/3 is called. In the interface provided by hProlog (attr_unify_hook/2, called after the unification and with all bindings already in place) it is hard to take into account the (previous) attributes of Y when reasoning about the unification of X in attr_unify_hook/2, because Y is no longer a variable at this point! This may be sufficient for solvers that can make decisions based on ground values alone, but it is a serious limitation for solvers that need additional data, typically stored in attributes, to see whether a unification should succeed, and which are then no longer easily available. One obvious example: Boolean unification with decision diagrams.
As of 2016, the verify-attributes branch of SWI-Prolog also supports verify_attributes/3, thanks to great implementation work by Douglas Miles. The branch is ready for testing and intended to be merged into master as soon as it works correctly and efficiently. For compatibility with hProlog, the branch also supports attr_unify_hook/2: It does so by rewriting such definitions to the more general verify_attributes/3 at compilation time.
Performance-wise, it is clear that there may be a downside to verify_attributes/3, because making several variables ground at the same time may let you sooner see (in attr_unify_hook/2) that a unification cannot succeed. However, I will gladly and any time exchange this typically negligible advantage for the improved reliability, ease of use, and increased functionality that the more general interface gives you, and which is in any case already the standard behaviour in SICStus Prolog which is on top of its generality also one of the faster Prolog systems around.
SICStus Prolog also features an important predicate called project_attributes/2: It is used by the toplevel to project constraints to query variables. SWI-Prolog also supports this in recent versions.
There is also one huge advantage of the SWI interface: The residual goals that attribute_goals//1 and hence copy_term/3 give you are always a list. This helps users to avoid defaultyness in their code, and encourages a more declarative interface, because a list of pure constraint goals cannot contain control structures.
Interestingly, neither interface lets you interpret unifications other than syntactically. Personally, I think there are cases where you may want to interpret unifications differently than syntactically, however, there may also be good arguments against that.
The other interface predicates for attributed variables are mostly easily interchangable with simple wrapper predicates for different systems.
Jekejeke Minlog has state-less or thin attribute variables. Well not exactly, an attribute variable can have zero, one or many hooks, which are allowed to be closures, and hence can carry a little state.
But typically an implementation manages the state elsewere. For this
purpose Jekejeke Minlog allows creating reference types from variables,
so that they can be used as indexes into tables.
The full potential is unleashed if this combined with trailing and/or
forward chaining. As an example we have implemented CLP(FD). There is also a little solver tutorial.
The primitive ingredients in our case are:
1) State-less Attribute Variables
2) Trailing and Variable Keys
3) Continuation Queue
The attribute variables hooks might have binding effects upto extending the continuation queue but are only executed once. Goals from the continuation queue can be non-deterministic.
There are some additional layers before realizing applications, that are mostly aggregations of the primitives to make changes temporarily.
The main applications so far are open source here and here:
a) Finite Domain Constraint Solver
b) Herbrand Constraints
c) Goal Suspension
An additional perspective on attributed variable libraries is how many attributes can be defined per module. In the case of SWI-Prolog/YAP and citing SWI documentation:
Each attribute is associated to a module, and the hook
(attr_unify_hook/2) is executed in this module.
This is a severe limitation for implementers of libraries such as CLP(FD) as it forces using additional modules for the sole purpose of having multiple attributes instead of being able to define as many attributes as required in the module implementing their library. This limitation doesn't exist on the SICStus Prolog interface, which provides a directive attribute/1 that allows the declaration of an arbitrary number of attributes per module.
You can find one of the oldest and most elaborate implementations of attributed variables in ECLiPSe, where it forms part of the wider infrastructure for implementing constraint solvers.
The main characteristics of this design are:
attributes must be declared, and in return the compiler supports efficient access
a syntax for attributed variables, so that they can be read and written
a more complete set of handlers for attribute operations, so that attributes are not only taken into account for unification, but also for other generic operations such as term copying and subsumption tests
a clear separation between the concepts of variable attribute and suspended goals
used in over a dozen of ECLiPSe's libraries
This paper (section 4) and the ECLiPSe documentation have more details.

O(1) term look up

I wish to be able to look up the existence of a term as fast as possible in my current prolog program, without the prolog engine traversing all the terms until it finally reaches the existing term.
I have not found any proof of it.. but I assume that given
% thousands of other animals
The swi-prolog engine will have to go through thousands of animals trying to unify with tiger in order to confirm that animal(tiger) is in my prolog database.
In other languages I believe a HashSet would solve this problem, enabling a O(1) look up... However I cannot seem to find any hashsets or hashtables in the swi-prolog documentation.
Is there a swi-prolog library for hashsets, or can I somehow built it myself using term_hash\2?
Bonus info, I will most likely have to do the look up on some dynamically added data, either added to a hashset data-structure or using assertz
All serious Prolog systems perform this O(1) lookup via hashing automatically and implicitly for you, so you do not have to do it yourself.
It is called argument-indexing, and you find this explained in all good Prolog books. See also "JIT (just-in-time) indexing" in more recent versions of many Prolog systems, including SWI. Indexing is applied to dynamically added clauses too, and is one reason why assertz/1 is slowed down and therefore not a good choice for data that changes more often than it is read.
You can also easily test this yourself by creating databases with increasingly more facts and seeing that the lookup time remains roughly constant when argument indexing applies.
When the built-in first argument indexing is not enough (note that some Prolog systems also provide multi-argument indexing), depending on the system, you can construct your own indexing scheme using a built-in or library term hashing predicate. In the case of ECLiPSe, GNU Prolog, SICStus Prolog, SWI-Prolog, and YAP, look into the documentation of the term_hash/4 predicate.

Optimal planning with incrementally tabled abductive logic programming

I'd like to use abductive logic programming to find optimal plans. Exhaustively searching the space of plans would be impractical but there are ordering heuristics that, in ordinary logic programming, would be used to represent facts (ground predicates) as sorted lists. Sorted lists can, of course, be recast in predicate form as facts (ground predicates) with an ordering predicate -- and it is in this form that I would prefer to work given that abducibles are predicates.
In this form, I'd like to search the ground predicates with priority accorded to the their (respective) ordering predicate(s), and terminate at the first solution as it is provable that any other solutions would be less optimal.
I understand that this would require, at the very least, tabled logic programming. Fortunately tabling is now widely supported. However, it may also require incremental tabling as abducibles are asserted and retracted during abduction -- which would limit it to XSB, AFAIK.
How can one tell the Prolog engine to use an ordering predicate to search ground terms?
Also, is incremental tabling necessary to make this practical?
Tabling, at least in XSB, follows (by default) a scheduling strategy known as local scheduling. This means that answers to a goal are not returned as they are derived (like in the usual Prolog, without tabling), but only when the table of that goal has been completed. For this reason, the use of tabling to help return (and terminate at) the first solution only (as in your case) may not be appropriate. One can nevertheless opt for batched scheduling of XSB tabling, so the answers are returned as soon as they are derived. But this option can be only be set during the XSB installation, and not in the level of predicate.
Alternatively, XSB provides tries data structure that can be used to store facts. It can be used to simulate batched scheduling (returning an answer as soon as it is derived) in the presence of the default local scheduling. This technique is used for example in computing dual rules by-need. The idea is to compute and store in a trie the solutions one by one according to the given ordering.
These strategies, and their (dis)advantages, along with tries are discussed in XSB first manual.
With respect to the use of incremental tabling, it can certainly be useful if the asserted or retracted abducibles affect other tabled predicates; the latter predicates should then be incrementally tabled and abducibles should be declared incrementally dynamic (not just simply dynamic predicates). So doing, the tabled predicates will correctly reflect such updates.
I and my PhD student Ari Saptawijaya,ari.saptawijaya#gmail.com, have been publishing on tabled abduction, implemented in XSB, and you might like to see our publications, available for download at my home page (where you can find our latest paper, accepted at ICLP'14). At present we are combining tabled abduction with tabled incremental updating of fluents, where we abduce actions and incrementally propagate their effects on fluents.
One general concept we use is contextual abduction, whereby abductive may be usable from one context to another, or reject worse attempted solutions. The issues there are quite technical and not susceptible to explaining here.
I suggest you glance at our papers and come back to us, after seeing how you are attempting might benefit from our stance. I also advise you to look at the tabling chapters of the XSB user's manual, available at Sourceforge. Professor David Warren, the main architect of XSB Prolog may help you too.
Best wishes
Luis Moniz Pereira

Expert system for writing programs?

I am brainstorming an idea of developing a high level software to manipulate matrix algebra equations, tensor manipulations to be exact, to produce optimized C++ code using several criteria such as sizes of dimensions, available memory on the system, etc.
Something which is similar in spirit to tensor contraction engine, TCE, but specifically oriented towards producing optimized rather than general code.
The end result desired is software which is expert in producing parallel program in my domain.
Does this sort of development fall on the category of expert systems?
What other projects out there work in the same area of producing code given the constraints?
What you are describing is more like a Domain-Specific Language.
It wouldn't be called an expert system, at least not in the traditional sense of this concept.
Expert systems are rule-based inference engines, whereby the expertise in question is clearly encapsulated in the rules. The system you suggest, while possibly encapsulating insight about the nature of the problem domain inside a linear algebra model of sorts, would act more as a black box than an expert system. One of the characteristics of expert systems is that they can produce an "explanation" of their reasoning, and such a feature is possible in part because the knowledge representation, while formalized, remains close to simple statements in a natural language; matrices and operations on them, while possibly being derived upon similar observation of reality, are a lot less transparent...
It is unclear from the description in the question if the system you propose would optimize existing code (possibly in a limited domain), or if it would produced optimized code, in that case driven bay some external goal/function...
Well production systems (rule systems) are one of four general approaches to computation (Turing machines, Church recursive functions, Post production systems and Markov algorithms [and several more have been added to that list]) which more or less have these respective realizations: imperative programming, functional programming, rule based programming - as far as I know Markov algorithms don't have an independent implementation. These are all Turing equivalent.
So rule based programming can be used to write anything at all. Also early mathematical/symbolic manipulation programs did generally use rule based programming until the problem was sufficiently well understood (whereupon the approach was changed to imperative or constraint programming - see MACSYMA - hmmm MACSYMA was written in Lisp so perhaps I have a different program in mind or perhaps they originally implemented a rule system in Lisp for this).
You could easily write a rule system to perform the matrix manipulations. You could keep a trace depending on logical support to record the actual rules fired that contributed to a solution (some rules that fire might not contribute directly to a solution afterall). Then for every rule you have a mapping to a set of C++ instructions (these don't have to be "complete" - they sort of act more like a semi-executable requirement) which are output as an intermediate language. Then that is read by a parser to link it to the required input data and any kind of fix up needed. You might find it easier to generate functional code - for one thing after the fix up you could more easily optimize the output code in functional source.
Having said that, other contributors have outlined a domain specific language approach and that is what the TED people did too (my suggestion is that too just using rules).
