Update on has_many should update attribute on the parent class - activerecord

I have a User model which has_many :scores.
If I add a :score to the user, the user should do a recalculation of the playcounter:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :scores, inverse_of: :user
accepts_nested_attributes_for :scores
attr_accessible :level
before_save: set_levels
def set_levels
self.level = calculate_level
def calculate_level
When I add a score via User.score.create(:time => 10) the score get's saved but the level does not get updated.
How can I rerun the set_levels if a child was attached?
(it's not a countercache column, method it's more complex, just sketched here)
many thanks

You need to add a callback to the Score model, perhaps an after_commit on the score model to tell the parent User to recalculate the level.
class Score < ActiveRecord::Base
after_commit do
# can just call touch, as before_save will calc
Now, that is only if you want to recalculate on every score, and synchronously.
More often I will drop a message, such as to resque/sidekiq, to do this, so my score create/updates are fast.
class Score < ActiveRecord::Base
after_commit do
class UpdateUserLevelWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(user_id)
# can just call touch, as before_save will calc

I've got it working with
after_create :set_level
def set_level
self.update_attribute :level, calculate_level


How should I use attributes on the "through" object in a has_many: through: ActiveRecord relation?

class Reservation << ApplicationRecord
has_many :charges_reservations, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :charges, :through => :charges_reservations
monetize :price_cents
def associate_charge(charge, portion)
# looking for help here
def owing
price - amount_paid
def amount_paid
# looking for help here
class ChargesReservation << ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :charge
belongs_to :reservation
monetize :portion_cents
class Charge << ApplicationRecord
has_many :charges_reservations
has_many :reservations, :through => :charges_reservations
monetize :amount_cents
validates :state, inclusion: {in: %w(failed successful pending)}
def successful?
state == "successful"
What I want to know is, how to access the portion attribute on
ChargesReservation both when associating the charges with the reservations,
and when asking whether the reservation is fully paid. Both Charge and
Reservation are created at different points in the user flow.
So my question is twofold:
what's the best way to create the association once I have a charge?
how do I get the sum of a reservation's portions of all successful charges
associated with it, as a model method. I know, roughly, how to achieve this
in SQL (I'm rusty, but I'd get there) but I'm stumped in ActiveRecord.

Using decrement_counter in after_update callback is subtracting 2?

I have three models. Employer, User, Job.
class Employers
has_many :jobs
has_many :users, through: :jobs
class User
has_many :jobs
class Job
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :employer
The Job model has a boolean column named "current". An employers user count is derived by counting all the associated jobs marked 'current'.
I opted to rolled my own cache counter, rather than use active records.
Im using a before filter in the Job model to either increment or decrement a users_count in the Employer model. The increment works as expected, but no matter how I tweak the code...the decrement drops the count by a value of 2.
Im sure I can clean these methods up a bit...there might be some redundancy.
1 Why is the decrement subtracting 2 instead of 1?
2 Can the active record cache counter handle logic like this?
class Job
before_destroy :change_employer_users_counter_cache_after_destroy
before_create :change_employer_users_counter_cache_after_create
before_update :change_employer_users_counter_cache_after_update
def change_employer_users_counter_cache_after_create
Operator.increment_counter(:users_count, self.operator_id) if self.current == true
def change_employer_users_counter_cache_after_update
if self.current_changed?
if self.current == true
Operator.increment_counter(:users_count, self.operator_id)
Operator.decrement_counter(:users_count, self.operator_id)
def change_employer_users_counter_cache_after_destroy
Operator.decrement_counter(:users_count, self.operator_id)
the gem "counter_culture" handled this very nicely...and cleaned up my code.

How to have an ordered model association allowing duplicates

I have two models, Song and Show. A Show is an ordered list of Songs, in which the same Song can be listed multiple times.
That is, there should be an ordered array (or hash or anything) somewhere in Show that can contain Song1, Song2, Song1, Song3 and allow re-ordering, inserting, or deleting from that array.
I cannot figure out how to model this with ActiveRecord associations. I'm guessing I need some sort of special join table with a column for the index, but apart from starting to code my SQL directly, is there a way to do this with Rails associations?
Some code as I have it now (but doesn't work properly):
class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title
has_and_belongs_to_many :shows
class Show < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :date
has_and_belongs_to_many :songs
song1 = Song.create(title: 'Foo')
song2 = Song.create(title: 'Bar')
show1 = Show.create(date: 'Tomorrow')
show1.songs << song1 << song2 << song1
puts "show1 size = #{show1.songs.size}" # 3
show1.delete_at(0) # Should delete the first instance of song1, but leave the second instance
puts "show1 size = #{show1.songs.size}" # 2
puts "show1 size = #{show1.songs.size}" # 3 again, annoyingly
Inserting might look like:
show1.songs # Foo, Bar, Foo
song3 = Song.create(title: 'Baz')
show1.insert(1, song3)
show1.songs # Foo, Baz, Bar, Foo
And reordering might (with a little magic) look something like:
show1.songs # Foo, Bar, Foo
show1.move_song_from(0, to: 1)
show1.songs # Bar, Foo, Foo
You're on the right track with the join table idea:
class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title
has_many :playlist_items
has_many :shows, :through => :playlist_items
class PlaylistItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :shows #foreign_key show_id
belongs_to :songs #foreign_key song_id
class Show < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :date
has_many :playlist_items
has_many :songs, :through => :playlist_items
Then you can do stuff like user.playlist_items.create :song => Song.last
My current solution to this is a combination of has_many :through and acts_as_list. It was not the easiest thing to find information on combining the two correctly. One of the hurdles, for example, was that acts_as_list uses an index starting at 1, while the array-like methods created by the ActiveRecord association start at 0.
Here's how my code ended up. Note that I had to specify explicit methods to modify the join table (for most of them anyway); I'm not sure if there's a cleaner way to make those work.
class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title
has_many :playlist_items, :order => :position
has_many :shows, :through => :playlist_items
class PlaylistItem < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :position, :show_id, :song_id
belongs_to :shows
belongs_to :songs
acts_as_list :scope => :show
class Show < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :date
has_many :playlist_items, :order => :position
has_many :songs, :through => :playlist_items, :order => :position
def song_at(index)
def move_song(index, options={})
raise "A :to option is required." unless options.has_key? :to
self.playlist_items[index].insert_at(options[:to] + 1) # Compensate for acts_as_list starting at 1
def add_song(location)
self.songs << location
def remove_song_at(index)
I added a 'position' column to my 'playlist_items' table, as per the instructions that came with acts_as_list. It's worth noting that I had to dig into the API for acts_as_list to find the insert_at method.

Rails callback after_save not setting attribute

I'm dealing with a problem on a after_save callback. I'm sure there is a easy solution, but I can't figure it out.
I have 3 models: User, Product, Bid. The Product table contains a boolean field "available", which is set default to true. If a User places a bid, the available field should be set to false.
I thought this should work with a callback on the bid model.
I can access and set the available field in the console by typing:
b = Bid.last
b.product.available = false
=> false
However I can't change it via the controller, so I think it doesn't execute the callback. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you all for your help!
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :bid
belongs_to :user
class Bid < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :product_id, :user_id, :product
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :user
after_save :set_product_status
def set_product_status
self.product.available = false
def create
#user = current_user
product = Product.find(params[:product_id])
#bid = #user.bids.build(product: product)
respond_to do |format|
if #bid.save
Since bid belongs_to product, you should save the product too.
def set_product_status
self.product.available = false

Rails 3. Decide on save if the object should be saved or not

iam just asking myself, whats the best solution for my problem.
Here are my models:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :prices, :class_name => "ProductPrice"
accepts_nested_attributes_for :prices
class ProductPrice < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
The controller
def create
#product = Product.new(params[:product])
What i want to do is to prevent all ProductPrices from being saved when product_price.value == nil or product_price.value == 0.0
before_save hook in ProductPrice. return false will rollback the whole transaction, thats not what i want to do. i just want to "kick" all prices with value == 0 or value == nil
first kick all price_params from params[...] and than call Product.new(params[:product]) seems not to be the rails way eighter...
after Product.new(params[:product]) iterate over all prices and delete them from the array. but the logic should be in my models right? i just dont want to repeat myself on every controller that creates new prices...
can someone tell me the best solution for that? whats the rails way?
What you want it called a validation hook, something like this:
class ProductPrice < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
validates :value, :numericality => {:greater_than => 0.0 }
See http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_validations_callbacks.html for other ways you may want to do this with finer control.
To avoid adding these invalid prices in the first place, you can remove them from the nested attributes hash like this:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.clean_attributes!(product_params)
product_prices = product_params['prices'] || []
product_prices.reject!{|price| price['value'].to_f == 0 rescue true }
