How to define a link in joomla Module Manager? - joomla

I am using Joomla to develop our website.
I have a link to show current openings page. In that current openings page, I place a link "Apply" and assign the link "".
When i save and run that link redirects into ""22"%22".
It Adds Some special characters automatically (the '%22'). help to overcome this issue

This problem is because of magic quotes. Turn off magic quotes in your php.ini and it should work.


How can I test Joomla 3.2.1's use of custom template error.php file?

Joomla documentation indicates that if your templates/mytemplate/error.php exists Joomla will load it instead of templates/system/error.php.
This is not happening on my site. Is there some setting or other condition that would prevent this from happening? I'm using the same template on another site with no problem. Maybe a php.ini, or .htaccess setting could be causing the problem.
As it turned out, I'm using a small template for only the "home" Joomla link. The entire site, with the exception of the "home" landing page is using mytemplate. When I moved the "home" menu selection to another link which was part of the main menu, all is well. The small template doesn't have an error.php file. So, Joomla must correlate the "home" menu selection's template assignment to the place where it will find the error.php file. I couldn't find any documentation to that effect.

Images display only if article is on first page

My Joomla 1.5 site was reinstalled after some problems. Since then, when I add images to an existing or new article, the new images display fine if the article appears on the first page, but not if the article is linked to a menu. The old pictures that were there before the reinstall are fine either way.
Any idea how to solve this problem ?
Thnks !
You have a problem with relative / absolute paths.
The former i.e. images/something.png will fail when you have SEF urls turned on (so if your URL looks like, the relative path is interpreted as instead of looking for the image at its location in the root.
Most likely you weren't using SEF on the previous host. Joomla controls this through the SEF plugin (which you need to enable in the plugins administrator page). Just enable the plugin, clear the cache and you should start seeing the images again.

Why won't Joomla render my PHP/Javascript tags on the front page?

This is my first project on website development using Joomla. I am trying to make a dashboard implementation. My problem is that whenever I edit my script in article using source tags, the changes are not reflected on my site immediately. I have even tried restarting my Wamp server, but in vain. Any tips that I should follow?
Depending on your Joomla-Version there are different options to check to suppress stripping or filtering of tags like <script> for the frontend. Here are some hints:
First of all your tags could be filtered out client-sided depending on the editor you selected. If you use the standard TinyMCE e.g. go to Extensions - Plugins - TinyMCE where you will find a list of prohibited Elements which may include script. Be exactly sure what you do though, always check who should be allowed to enter script tags in an article, this is almost always a major security risk if anybody else like you as an administrator has the right to use them. So another option could be to just set the editor for your administrator/author accout to plain text and leave TinyMCE untouched.
Another filtering is done server-sided by joomla itself which can be controlled in "Global Configuration" -> "Text filter". After a standard installation all groups will use Default Black List filtering which includes removing script tags. Here you could define "No Filtering" for the Super User group e.g.
Again, all this depends on your Joomla-Version (my examples are referring to 2.5) and are hints to get around the issue but without knowing your security concept.

Joomla 2.5 shows add/edit form for article/category incompletely

When I click on add new article, Joomla shows the page incompletely.
It doesn't even show the form itself completely.
Even now that I have enabled the debug mode, it doesn't show anything. I think that something die()s the process of outputting the page to the browser.
Please note that I haven't had a bad joomla installation. It was working very well a bit little ago.
I haven't also changed a deep core setting. I think that I have only changed jcomment setting that doesn't look related to the problem.
Add this code in this file root/administrator/components/com_content/content.php
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
If no error comes check for die or exit statement with any of the editor which has search functionality.If this also does not work rename the com_content of administrator and upload the fresh one.
let me know if it does not work.
Disable that plugin.
Did you just add it or update?
If the file is there check the ownership.

Get preview link to article before publishing

In Joomla 1.5, I created an article. Before publishing it, I want to send a preview URL to my colleagues (they are not registered to Joomla).
I'm looking for something like adding task=preview to the URL and it would show the article.
It would be enough if the article would be normally published but would not be displayed on the main page in the latest news. I tried to set "Front Page" to "No" but without success.
How can I solve the problem?
Joomla! 1.5 doesn't have a feature like this and from the way it's built I'm not sure it's possible without modifying the core com_content files. You could try a search of the Joomla! Extension Directory to see if someone has implemented what you're after.
In the meantime if the article is turning up on the websites front page even when you've set it not to - then the front page must be using a Section/Category Blog page style rather than a Joomla Frontpage page. In this case you could find out which category is set to show on the menu item being used for the front page and then temporarily change your article to another that doesn't appear there.
Once you've got it in another Category you should be able to get a link to the article by doing a search from the front end (assuming you don't want to create a menu link).
try creating a new category called Preview and since that wouldn't have been assigned to any pages yet, it should not appear. If you have trouble finding the article then, you could temporarily publish it either on the home page or somewhere in the menu. Then when you have found and copied the url, you can remove the article from the home page or menu or wherever you temporarily have it appear.
If you should ever want several 'preview' articles appearing on one page, create a new menu item, assign it to the Preview category you made, and in System Parameters, click on Show Title: 'No' so it doesn't appear in the menu. I don't know about what shows up in Google for example so if it's sensitive data I can't say it won't show in search engines, it probably will.
It probably appears on the Front Page because as you say it's part of the 'latest news' module. You could also try removing it from the module feed, but a new category is what I'd do.
I just selected Section: "Uncategorised" and the article went out from the latest news. Hope it's not accessible any other way in the current setup (there is no search function hopefully). It's not a cleanest solution, but it seems to work.
