Building InstallShield LE project with MSBuild - Error MSB4062 - visual-studio

I work with Visual Studio 2012, and I just switched my deployment tools from NSIS to InstallShield. I've added new projects to my solution for InstallShield installers. When I build in Visual Studio (the IDE) I've no errors, no warnings and I'm happy.
Now, I want to have a script that build the full solution without launching the IDE. But when I run MSBuild in the command line, like that
MSBuild MySolution.sln /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release
I get following error MSB4062
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\InstallShield\2012SpringLimited\InstallShield.targets(21,3): error MSB4062: The "Microsoft.Build.Tasks.AssignProjectConfiguration" task could not be loaded from the assembly Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v3.5. Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v3.5' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, that the assembly and all its dependencies are available, and that the task contains a public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask.
My searches lead me to the conclusion that I must buy the Premier Edition of InstallShield to take profit of ISCmdBuild. But I can't afford it, and I think there might be another solution.
Any idea?

Using Fusion logging the MSBuild checks for the DLL here: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v3.5.DLL.
I copied
And the error is gone.
Alternatively open your *.isproj file and change from "3.5" to "4.0" on top on the tag:
<Project ToolsVersion="3.5"...> --> <Project ToolsVersion="4.0" ...>

Another solution is to force MSBuild to use the x86 platform. See
If you're building from a TFS build, this can be configured from the build options:

I found the solution. Use the command devenv.exe instead of MSBuild.exe. It will be similar to launching Visual Studio and clicking the Build button. That's all!
devenv.exe MySolution.sln /build Release


Build specific Visual studio project under project solution using Msbuild and devenv

I have Visual studio project solution which has multiple .csproj. Each .csproj has some reference libraries.The project settings are made in such a way the reference libraries are built first and then .csproj is built. This works as expected when i run it in visual studio IDE. But when i try to execute using msbuild i'm getting an error saying target doesn't exist. Gone through many posts related to this issue ,tried possible things.But didn't built.Looks like i might be doing something silly or missing something in the settings.
Also tried using devenv from commandline. With this option i dont see any error but at same time the project doesnt build.I dont see any message after execution of command.Im using visual studio 2015
Here is my project structure
msbuild "project.sln" target:"D:\Projects\Source\Demo\ProjectA\ProjectA.csproj" /t:build
"/p:Configuration=Debug" "/p:platform=x86"
I see the below error
"D:\project.sln" (D:\Projects\Source\Demo\ProjectA\;build target) (1) ->
D:\project.sln.metaproj : error MSB4057: The target "D:\Projects\Source\Demo\ProjectA" does not exist in the project. [D:\project.sln]
Here is the command used using devenv
devenv.exe "project.sln" /build Debug /project `"D:\Projects\source\Demo\Applications\ProjectA\ProjectA.csproj" /projectconfig Debug
After executing the above its doesnt build and i dont see any error too.
error MSB4057: The target "D:\Projects\Source\Demo\ProjectA" does not
exist in the project.
The error indicates your path in command is not valid and project.sln can't recognize the path. So you actually meet one path-related issue. And you should pass the ProjectA to the targets argument instead of ProjectA.csproj! More details see tip3 in For MSBuild.
For MSBuild:
1.If you're only trying to build ProjectA and its reference libraries.
Navigate(cd) to path where ProjectA.csproj exists, and then use command msbuild ProjectA.csproj /t:build /p:Configuration=Debug /p:platform=x86
Also you can directly use command msbuild AbsolutePath\ProjectA.csproj /t:build /p:Configuration=Debug /p:platform=x86. It's not necessary to use " to cover the path and arguments.
(ProjectA.csproj file should have definitions about the reference to those two library projects, so msbuild ProjectA.csproj will build those two projects first. You don't need to specify the xx.sln in your command.)
2.If you're trying to build whole solution(all the projects):
msbuild project.sln /t:build /p:Configuration=xxx /p:platform=xxx
Navigate to solution folder when you run above command, or use absolutepath\project.sln with that command.
3.When you want to build specific projects(more than one) in solution:
Check How to: Build Specific Targets in Solutions By Using MSBuild.exe. Since you're only build ProjectA, you don't need to use this format. For example: Only when you need to build both ProjectA and ProjectB, but not build ProjectC... You can use command like:
msbuild xxx.sln /t:NotInSlnfolder:Build;NewFolder\InSolutionFolder:Build
Pay attention to the path when you use this format. Whether your project is in solution folder can affect the build result a lot ! And, the direct cause of your issue, this command's targets argument needs one ProjectName as input instead of ProjectName.csproj.
For Devenv command:
1.I always use VS2017 and VS2019,so I'm not certainly sure if VS2015's devenv related command has big difference from VS2017's or VS2019's. But according to details from this VS2017 document:
Commands that begin with devenv are handled by the utility, which delivers output through standard system streams, such as stdout and stderr.
Alternatively, commands that begin with devenv.exe can use the same switches, but the utility is bypassed. Using devenv.exe directly prevents output from appearing on the console.
I think that's why you don't see any message after execution of command. You should use command to see the output in console. And it's by design that devenv.exe will prevents output from appearing on the console.
2.The following command builds the project CSharpWinApp, using the Debug project build configuration within MySolution.
devenv "%USERPROFILE%\source\repos\MySolution.sln" /build Debug /project "CSharpWinApp\CSharpWinApp.csproj" /projectconfig Debug
More details about devenv reference please check this document.
In addition:
1.Looks like you have one strange project structure. I checked your error message above and it seems your several projects(xx.csproj) are not under Solution(xx.sln) folder. Just a suggestion, the normal folder structure for VS2015 is always:
Solution folder
ProjectA folder
ProjectB folder
2.For most of the projects, build using msbuild is more powerful and convenient than build using devenv. So if you don't have special reason, I recommend using Msbuild, the build engine of VS.
Hope all above helps to resolve your issue and puzzle. Let me know if your issue persists:)
File "/Users/morel893/Desktop/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 84, in _execute
return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: relation "projects_project" does not exist
LINE 1: ...ct"."technology", "projects_project"."image" FROM "projects_...

Error while building SSIS project using MSBuild during CI/CD implementation

Can someone assist with the following error which i am getting while building SSIS project using msbuild. I am having Visual studio 2015 in the machine. Using MSBuild 14.0
error MSB4041: Th e default XML namespace of the project must be the
MSBuild XML namespace. If the project is authored in the MSBuild 200 3
format, please add
xmlns="" to the
element. If the proje ct has been authored in the old 1.0 or
1.2 format, please convert it to MSBuild 2003 format.
I have gone through some articles online but couldn't find solution with this scenario.
*" I have gone through some articles online but couldn't find solution with this scenario.
I'm afraid the answer is negative. For now this scenario(build SSIS project using msbuild) is not supported.
Someone has post this issue in DC forum, see Support SSIS, SSRS, SSAS in MSBuild. So if you're trying to use azure devops for CI/CD process, please vote and track this issue to get notifications when there's any update. And if you're using other tools for CI/CD process, I suggest you open a new feature request to support SSIS building for stand-alone msbuild tools in local machine.
And here're two workarounds which may help:
1.Since you have VS2015 installed, instead of msbuild command, you can try using devenv command.
For VS2015, we can find devenv.exe and in path C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE. Both devenv.exe and works for this, but note: Using devenv.exe directly prevents output from appearing on the console.
So ... xxx.dtproj /build can work to build the SSIS project.
2.We can find binary(Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Build.dll) of the SQL Server Data Tools in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE. Then we can use msbuild UsingTask element to call the tasks defined in that assembly.
The core is to call DeploymentFileCompilerTask task for SSIS build in our custom msbuild target after defining this statement:
<UsingTask TaskName="DeploymentFileCompilerTask" AssemblyFile="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Build.dll" />
More details please refer to here and here.
If we have several Database projects and SSIS projects in same solution. Using command like xx.dtproj directly will actually build all projects.
So I suggest we use command in this way:
Open Developer command prompt for VS
cd to solution directory
use command: SolutionName.sln /Build Development /Project SolutionName\xxx.dtproj /ProjectConfig Development
This will only build the SSIS project actually.
In addition: If you see the message The project 'DatabaseProjectName.sqlproj' will close once model building has paused. If it doesn't affect your build, just ignore it. After my check if won't actually build Database project(the output of database project is empty) if we use command above.

The project file could not be loaded. Root element is missing

I am trying to build a dotnet 3.5 project solution file with VS Build tools 2017 in Jenkins. The project is compiling well with DotNet 3.5's MSBuild, but when I try the same activity with MSBuild Engine Version 15.9.21+g9802d43bc3, it is throwing MSBUILD : error MSB4025: The project file could not be loaded. Root element is missing.
This is the command which I have used to compile dotnet 3.5 project.
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\MSBuild\15.0\Bin"
MSBuild.exe "%WORKSPACE%\WBR.sln" /p:Configuration=Debug /p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=True /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=True
Please find below Jenkins execution logs
C:\Users\Netadmin\.jenkins\jobs\FCRS\jobs\FCRS_VS\workspace>cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\MSBuild\15.0\Bin"
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\MSBuild\15.0\Bin>MSBuild.exe "C:\Users\Netadmin\.jenkins\jobs\FCRS\jobs\FCRS_VS\workspace\WBR.sln" /p:Configuration=Debug /p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=True /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=True
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.9.21+g9802d43bc3 for .NET Framework
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch.
Build started 8/19/2019 6:38:12 PM.
MSBUILD : error MSB4025: The project file could not be loaded. Root element is missing.
MSBUILD : error MSB4025: The project file could not be loaded. Root element is missing.
0 Warning(s)
1 Error(s)
The below pic is my jenkins workspace directory.
Any help would be great.
When you use command msbuild xx.sln, you are actually build the projects belonging to the solution.
According to your error message: One of the project's project file (xx.csproj) is not loaded cause the msbuild can't read the xml content well. You can try:
1.Open the xx.csproj file and make sure its format is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
2.Save it with UTF-8 encoding to avoid BOM be messed up
3.Backup and then delete the .suo and .csproj.user files
4.Otherwise, since it's a mvc project, you can create a same-name mvc project by vs2017, copy all the source files to the new project to migrate the project to VS2017
5.Make sure your build tools package install the web development workload:
6.Since it works well when using msbuild from .net3.5, you can install the .net framework 3.5 in your server and try calling the msbuild from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5 instead of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\MSBuild\15.0\Bin when building .net 3.5 projects from vs2010.

MSBuild task to Build other solution projects fails in VS but works with MSBuild.exe command line

I have a custom MSBuild task which among other things adds embedded resources to other projects in the solution. After adding the resources I'd like to then build those projects, but found I can't get this working within Visual Studio.
To test, I stripped out the custom task entirely and redefined a simple AfterBuild target in the web project of a Silverlight solution. The target uses the MSBuild task to build the Silverlight application project in the solution, and looks like this:
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<MSBuild Condition="'$(LinkedProject)' != '' "
Properties="CustomFlag=true" >
The odd thing is that this works perfectly when using MSBuild from the command line, yet does not work in Visual Studio when building the web project. I thought this might be some sort of Silverlight problem, and had the task build a .NET class library project instead, but the result was the same - it worked from the command line but not within VS. In VS there's no actual error - it's just that the Csc task does not compile the assembly and generates no output.
What do I need to do to get this working within Visual Studio?
Pass the 'UseHostCompilerIfAvailable=false' property to the MSBuild task.
It looks like Visual Studio breaks badly if csc is invoked from a MSBuild task as it reuses the initial project build settings for its in-process host compiler. In my case, I was building the same project twice - default build was using target framework v3.5, with a AfterBuild MSBuild task specifying v4.0. I ended up with the same issue - csc appeared to run but produced no output. I think what was happening was that with the UseHostCompilerIfAvailable property set to true, csc was calling the hosted compiler which reused my initial project settings, so even though the command line showed csc "building" my v4.0 assembly, the host compiler was simply overwriting the v3.5 one I had just built!
Change Visual Studio verbosity to detailed and check build log. I think that CoreBuild is not executed if your files have not changed, so you could try to use AfterCompile instead of AfterBuild.

How can I build a SharePoint 2010 package using command line?

I have a Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint project. If I choose 'Package' from the project menu, a .wsp file is generated. How can I invoke the same build from command line (i.e. what /target is required for MSBuild)?
I got it to work, finally. The tricky part is the fact that the SharePoint targets do not exist when MSBuild loads the .sln file, you have to load the individual .csproj files.
set msbuild="C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe"
set config=Debug
set outdir="C:\out\"
%msbuild% /p:Configuration=%config% /m ../My.SharePoint.Project/My.SharePoint.Projectcsproj /t:Package /p:BasePackagePath=%outdir%
This is also a useful document here:
"To generate packages when building in
TFS 2010, set the parameter
/p:IsPackaging=True on MSBuild"
Also to package project with msbuild you can use target Package:
Define new target "BuildAndPackage"
<Target Name="BuildAndPackage">
<CallTarget Targets="Build"/>
<CallTarget Targets="Package"/>
Use new target in build process:
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="BuildAndPackage">
But this approach not recommended because it may cause errors in TFS Build process..
Set the MSBuild's verbosity to 'maximum' and you should see what is called from the build console.
In VS2010 of course :)
