How do I start a specific bundle in my own OSGi application deployed in WAS 8.0? - osgi

I have quite a sophisticated OSGi application which uses Declarative Services and was designed to be deployed in Equinox. Now the task is to make this application be deployable in WAS 8.
The first try was quite pragmatic: I have deployed an EAR which has started basically the same Equinox and after some WAS class loading policy tweaks it has worked.
Now I want to go further: get rid of the Equinox runtime and deploy my bundles "natively" in WAS 8. So I have composed an EBA, consisting out of my business bundles, their dependencies and Equinox DS runtime. The EBA is deployed as an asset and integrated into a BLA. The application has even started and runs but the components are not initialized.
The point is that one has to start equinox.ds in front of the own business bundles (UPDATE: not a must, s. discussion below) in order to make DS do its job. But how do I tell the bundles which is to be started first within the deployed EBA? I need some analog of Equinox' config.ini file.
I know I can rewire my components with natively supported Blueprint, but frankly this is the last thing I'd like to do. It should be possible to make Equinox DS work, shouldn't it?
Another question is: how to get the OSGi console for one's own application deployed under WAS 8? I want to control my bundles but seems that there is no way to do it from the Management Console.
Thanks to BJ and Neil (s. discussion below), the question takes down to "How do I start a specific bundle in my own OSGi application deployed in WAS 8.0?"

To answer the OSGi console part of your question, a normal OSGi console won't work because the OSGi applications are managed in nested frameworks. WebSphere provides its own console which can navigate the nested applications:


Update for JavaEE application

Our application are built on Spring boot, the app will be packaged to a war file and ran with java -jar xx.war -Dspring.profile=xxx. Generally the latest war package will served by a static web server like nginx.
Now we want to know if we can add auto-update for the application.
I have googled, and people suggested to use the Application server which support hot deployment, however we use spring boot as shown above.
I have thought to start a new thread once my application started, then check update and download the latest package. But I have to terminate the current application to start the new one since they use the same port, and if close the current app, the update thread will be terminated too.
So how to you handle this problem?
In my opinion that should be managed by some higher order dev-ops level orchestration system not by either the app nor its container. The decision to replace an app should not be at the dev-ops level and not the app level
One major advantage of spring-boot is the inversion of the traditional application-web-container to web-app model. As such the web container is usually (and best practice with Spring boot) built within the app itself. Hence it is fully self contained and crucially immutable. It therefore should not be the role of the app-web-container/web-app to replace either part-of or all-of itself.
Of course you can do whatever you like but you might find that the solution is not easy because it is not convention to do it in this way.

How do you call an OSGi application from a non-OSGi application, and vice versa

I am considering writing a new set of applications using OSGi, but they will need to interact heavily with existing non-OSGi applications.
To clarify, the new applications will need to call into existing non-OSGi code bases maintained by other teams (usually propriety services of varying protocols), and new non-OSGi applications will need to call the new OSGi services.
I am not seeing much documentation for how to do this.
Can someone please point me to the correct steps
It sounds like you want to embed OSGi into a larger application. A good starting point for this is a blog post I wrote some time ago:
The trick to creating visibility between OSGi bundles and the objects "outside" OSGi is to publish and/or consume services using the system bundle's BundleContext. The embedding code must be aware of the objects from the outer application that you want to make visible into OSGi, and it should publish them as services. Be aware that you need to export the service interface packages via the system bundle exports -- how to do this is described in the blog post.
OSGi services are only for communications inside the same JVM process. So I guess you want to communicate between processes. In this case you have all the usual remoting protocols like SOAP, Rest, RMI. On the OSGi side you can bridge from OSGi services to offering SOAP or REST endpoints using Distributed OSGi (DOSGi).

Branding Apache Felix web console

I am trying to brand a Apache Felix web console, but I am not able to find resource for the same. As per Apache Felix website,
Branding for the Web Console can be provided in two ways: By registering a BrandingPlugin service or by providing a branding properties files. The Web Console uses the branding from the BrandingPlugin service registered with the highest ranking.
But I am not understanding how to register a BrandingPlugin service? What and Jar files should I put? Is there any guidance or tutorial available for the same? If yes, can you guide me in this?
Since I am totaly getting confused with Apache Felix's website, since those documents are not clear on this.
You may find it helpful to do some background reading on OSGi services. OSGi provides a service registry, and most interactions in an OSGi environment are handled by registering and consuming services. It doesn't matter what jar file you put the service in; the only thing that matters is the interface name its registered under.
You can register services in lots of ways; programmatically from a BundleActivator, using Declarative Services (also known as SCR), and using Blueprint are some of the most popular patterns. Which one is easiest for you depends on how you're building your jars and what other OSGi facilities you're using. If you've already got an Activator the programmatic route may be the quickest way to get started; if you're using the Maven bundle plugin you may find SCR annotations easiest.
What you'll need to do is include an implementation of the 'BrandingPlugin' interface in a jar which gets started by your OSGi runtime, and register that implementation as an OSGi service. Once you've done this you should see that the Felix console discovers your BrandingPlugin implementation and uses it.

OSGI Embedded Equinox - Bundle to access pojos not instantiated in osgi framework

I have a server side application and want to embed an osgi framework into for dynamic bundle loading.
Suppose I want to expose a QuoteImpl implementing IQuote(instantiated as part of the server container bootstrap/Spring) to be used by different Bundles.
Q1. Is there a clean way of exposing server-application instances to Bundles ? (btw because of legacy it is not possible to make server code into bundle :) and donot want to make entire application osgi'ed.
Tried exposing via a service and bundle to cast into an IQuote. Not sure I am doing it well but fails with unresolved compilation problems as IQuote resides in the core app projects as opposed to the bundle project. any ideas?
Yes the way to do this is with a service. The "host" application would publish the service and the bundles inside OSGi would consume the service in the normal way.
The key to get this working is that the service API (i.e. the package containing IQuote) must be exported by the host application through the system bundle exports. You can control this by setting the org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra property when you create the embedded OSGi framework. I wrote a blog post on this subject that should help you get started (look for the heading "Exposing Application Packages").
You state that you have compilation problems. To fix those it's necessary to know how you have structured your projects and build system.
This is how I embedded Equinox OSGi runtime in my Java class. I suppose you could do the same.

web.xml in OSGi container

pros! Looks like basic question, but I just can't find what I am looking for.
I have Equinox and want to run Spring in it (bootstraped in Servlet).
I can't use dm-server, nor can I use the http-bridge, just plain standalone Equinox.
On the other side, using plugin.xml http registry servlet extension is not good enough, since I need the fully-blown web.xml in order to bootstrap Spring.
Where should I dig?
To support "traditional" (aka legacy) web.xml file for webapp deployment you need an implementation of the OSGi Web Applications spec, part of the OSGi R4.2 Enterprise spec. This will allow you to deploy "Web Application Bundles" (WABs) or even plain old WAR files.
There are implementations of this container in both the Eclipse Gemini and Apache Aries projects. Note that the one found in Eclipse Gemini is also found in Eclipse Virgo (the new name for dm Server). You may find that using Virgo will give you a cleaner out-of-the-box experience rather than having to assemble components yourself. Then again I fully understand if it also provides an awful lot more than you really want!
An alternative to this is to move away from web.xml and to register servlets programmatically with the OSGi HttpService. This should be a lot more lightweight, but I don't know whether it will work for "bootstrapping Spring" — quite a vague requirement.
Or you can use the tomcat OSGi bundle that will make you to be able to load bundles as war files. The problem there is that your web bundle's name must end with ".war" and all that stands before that suffix is the application name. So if your bundle's name is myapp.war you connect to it with (and as far as i know there's no way to change that)
