How to query a Mongoid Regexp Field? - ruby

I want to create a regex field in my Mongoid document so that I can have a behavior something like this:
MagicalDoc.create(myregex: /abc\d+xyz/)
MagicalDoc.where(myregex: 'abc123xyz')
I'm not sure if this is possible and what kind of affect it would have. How can I achieve this sort of functionality?
Update: I've learned from the documentation that Mongoid supports Regexp fields but it does not provide an example of how to query for them.
class MagicalDoc
include Mongoid::Document
field :myregex, type: Regexp
I would also accept a pure MongoDB answer. I can find a way to convert it to Mongoid syntax.
Update: Thanks to SuperAce99 for helping find this solution. Pass a string to a Mongoid where function and it will create a javascript function:
search_string = 'abc123xyz'
MagicalDoc.where(%Q{ return this.myregex.test("#{search_string}") })
The %Q is a Ruby method that helps to escape quotes.

regexp is not a valid BSON type, so you'll have to figure out how Mongoid represents it to devise a proper query.
Query String using Regex
If you want to send MongoDB a regular expression and return documents MongoDB provides the $regex query operator, which allows you to return documents where a string matches your regular expression.
Query Regex using String
If you want to sent Mongo a string and return all documents that have a regular expression that matches the provided string, you'll probably need the $where operator. This allows you to run a Javascript command on each document:
db.myCollection.find( { $where: function() { return (this.credits == this.debits) } } )
You can define a function which returns True when the provided string matches the Regex stored in the document. Obviously this can't use an Index because it has to execute code for every document in the collection. These queries will be very slow.


Passing parameter to Match query in Neo4j using Spring

I am trying to compare node name from Neo4j database with given technology name. I am doing using Spring Application.
#Query("MATCH (n) WHERE =~ '(?i){0}' RETURN")
String getTechnology(String technologyname);
Request is like
WHERE =~ '(?i){0}'
with params {0=AVM}.
But it's returning null. However, if I do it actual technology name it's working fine.
Pass the parameter as WHERE =~ {0}. What's happening is that the parameter isn't substituted from within the string, so the parameter has no binding in the query, and instead you're searching for the string literal "{0}" which always fails.
If you want to pass a regex as a parameter, you'll need to put the "(?i)" part in the string getting passed, effectively letting your code decide the regex, not just a string inside of it.
You need to separate the regular expression part from the parameter part like this:
#Query("MATCH (n) WHERE =~ '(?i)' + {0} RETURN")
String getTechnology(String technologyname);
As You'd concatenate in Neo4j.

How to use regex to match for number and string? [duplicate]

I have some IDs 214001, 214002, 215001, etc...
From a searchbar, I want autocompletion with the ID
"214" should trigger autocompletion for IDs 214001, 214002
Apparently, I can't just do a
scope :by_number, ->(number){
where(:number => /#{number.to_i}/i)
with mongoid. Anyone know a working way of matching a mongoid Integer field with a regex ?
This question had some clue, but how can I do this inside Rails ?
EDIT : The context is to be able to find a project by its integer ID or its short description :
scope :by_intitule, ->(regex){
where(:intitule => /#{Regexp.escape(regex)}/i)
# TODO : Not working !!!!
scope :by_number, ->(numero){
where(:number => /#{number.to_i}/i)
scope :by_name, ->(regex){
any_of([by_number(regex).selector, by_intitule(regex).selector])
The MongoDB solution from the linked question would be:
db.models.find({ $where: '/^124/.test(this.number)' })
Things that you hand to find map pretty much one-to-one to Mongoid:
where(:$where => "/^#{numero.to_i}/.test(this.number)")
The to_i call should make string interpolation okay for this limited case.
Keep in mind that this is a pretty horrific thing to do to your database: it can't use indexes, it will scan every single document in the collection, ...
You might be better off using a string field so that you can do normal regex matching. I'm pretty sure MongoDB will be able to use an index if you anchor your regex at the beginning too. If you really need it to be a number inside the database then you could always store it as both an Integer and a String field:
field :number, :type => Integer
field :number_s, :type => String
and then have some hooks to keep :number_s up to date as :number changes. If you did this, your pattern matching scope would look at :number_s. Precomputing and duplicating data like this is pretty common with MongoDB so you shouldn't feel bad about it.
The way to do a $where in mongoid is using Criteria#for_js
Something like this
Model.for_js("new RegExp(number).test(this.int_field)", number: 763)

Rails mongoid regex on an Integer field

I have some IDs 214001, 214002, 215001, etc...
From a searchbar, I want autocompletion with the ID
"214" should trigger autocompletion for IDs 214001, 214002
Apparently, I can't just do a
scope :by_number, ->(number){
where(:number => /#{number.to_i}/i)
with mongoid. Anyone know a working way of matching a mongoid Integer field with a regex ?
This question had some clue, but how can I do this inside Rails ?
EDIT : The context is to be able to find a project by its integer ID or its short description :
scope :by_intitule, ->(regex){
where(:intitule => /#{Regexp.escape(regex)}/i)
# TODO : Not working !!!!
scope :by_number, ->(numero){
where(:number => /#{number.to_i}/i)
scope :by_name, ->(regex){
any_of([by_number(regex).selector, by_intitule(regex).selector])
The MongoDB solution from the linked question would be:
db.models.find({ $where: '/^124/.test(this.number)' })
Things that you hand to find map pretty much one-to-one to Mongoid:
where(:$where => "/^#{numero.to_i}/.test(this.number)")
The to_i call should make string interpolation okay for this limited case.
Keep in mind that this is a pretty horrific thing to do to your database: it can't use indexes, it will scan every single document in the collection, ...
You might be better off using a string field so that you can do normal regex matching. I'm pretty sure MongoDB will be able to use an index if you anchor your regex at the beginning too. If you really need it to be a number inside the database then you could always store it as both an Integer and a String field:
field :number, :type => Integer
field :number_s, :type => String
and then have some hooks to keep :number_s up to date as :number changes. If you did this, your pattern matching scope would look at :number_s. Precomputing and duplicating data like this is pretty common with MongoDB so you shouldn't feel bad about it.
The way to do a $where in mongoid is using Criteria#for_js
Something like this
Model.for_js("new RegExp(number).test(this.int_field)", number: 763)

Is it possible to exclude some of the string used to match from Ruby regexp data?

I have a bunch of strings that look, for example, like this:
<option value="Spain">Spain</option>
And I want to extract the name of the country from inside.
The easiest way I could think of to do this in Ruby was to use a regular expression of this form:
country = line.match(/>(.+)</)
However, this returns >Spain<. So I did this:
Works well enough, but I'd be surprised if there's not a more elegant way to do this? It seems like using a regular expression to declare how to find the thing you want, without actually wanting the enclosing strings that were used to match it to be part of the data that gets returned.
Is there a conventional approach to this problem?
The right way to deal with that string is to use an HTML parser, for example:
country = Nokogiri::HTML('<option value="Spain">Spain</option>').at('option').text
And if you have several such strings, paste them together and use search:
html = '<option value="Spain">Spain</option><option value="Canada">Canada</option>'
countries = Nokogiri::HTML(html).search('option').map(&:text)
# ["Spain", "Canada"]
But if you must use a regex, then:
country = '<option value="Spain">Spain</option>'.match('>([^<]+)<')[1]
Keep in mind that match actually returns a MatchData object and MatchData#to_s:
Returns the entire matched string.
But you can access the captured groups using MatchData#[]. And if you don't like counting, you could use a named capture group as well:
country = '<option value="Spain">Spain</option>'.match('>(?<name>[^<]+)<')['name']

Ruby regex match specific string with special conditions

I'm currently trying to parse a document into tokens with the help of regex.
Currently I'm trying to match the keywords in the document. For example I have the following document:
Func test()
Return blablaFuncblabla
The keywords that needs to be matched is Func, Return and EndFunc.
I've comed up with the following regex: (\s|^)(Func)(\s|$) to match the Func keyword, but it doesn't work exactly like I want, the whitespaces are matched as well!
How can I match it without capturing the whitespaces?
?: makes a group non-capturing.
