Are ElasticClient.MapRaw and .CreateIndexRaw gone? - elasticsearch

After updating to NEST 0.11.5, it appears as if the NEST.ElasticClient.MapRaw and .CreateIndexRaw methods aren't supported anymore. Have they been renamed or moved or are they completely gone?
In case they're gone, how can I define custom analysis settings on index creation? This is what I've tried:
var indexSettings = new IndexSettings()
NumberOfReplicas = 1,
NumberOfShards = 2,
Analysis = new AnalysisSettings() // doesn't work, no setter
// here's where my settings would go...
var response = elasticClient.CreateIndex(indexName, indexSettings);
Doesn't work since there's no setter defined for IndexSettings.Analysis.

The Raw calls have been pushed down to elasticClient.Raw.CreateIndexPost(...).
For the release i created my own script that scans the elasticsearch source code to generate all the raw calls. Appearantly the elasticsearch dev's have also done this so the IRawElasticClient signatures might changes again in the release as NEST will be compatible with the new low level client guidelines.
Also be sure to check out the MapFluent() call though
And CreateIndex() also exposes a fully mapped fluent variant


Elasticsearch NEST Document count for default index

I am using NEST for Elasticsearch 6 and would like to get the number of documents for the default index.
The documentation refers to the 1.1 version of the API which no longer seems to work.
I have created the connection settings using a default index:
var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings().DefaultIndex("test_docs");
When I try the code from the 1.1 api documentation:
var result = client.Count();
I get the following error:
The type arguments for method
'ElasticClient.Count(Func, ICountRequest>)'
cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments
When I supply a type it is appended to the path. For example:
Generates a URL of http://localhost:9200/test_docs/testdocument/_count when what I really need is http://localhost:9200/test_docs/_count
For those needing the new way of doing this (like myself). I would use the following to get a count from a specific index.
var countRequest = new CountRequest(Indices.Index("videos"));
long count = (await _ecClient.CountAsync(countRequest)).Count;
You can use
var countResponse = client.Count<TestDocument>(c => c.AllTypes());
which will call the API
GET http://localhost:9200/test_docs/_count

Is it possible to use ElasticSearch.Net or Nest for dynamic response

Is there a client.Read(...) without generics? I have found none, neither in Nest nor ElasticSearch.Net.
Version 1.5 has an IDocument that might solve my problem but I cannot use that version with Elasticsearch5.5.
All examples, version 5 and 6, of ElasticSearch.Net and Nest require me to know the format of the response as generic at compile time. E.g. Read<Customer>(...)
My problem is that the we do not know the format of the database and we don't know the format of the output; but it should all be configurable.
You can use dynamic as the generic type if the response is truly dynamic.
In 5.x, this will be Json.NET's JObject type under the covers (so you could use JObject instead if you prefer).
In 6.x, dynamic will also work but the actual type will be an internal JObject type. If you would prefer to work with Json.NET's JObject type, you can hook up Json.NET as the serializer using the NEST.JsonNetSerializer nuget package, to use as the serializer for your documents and then use its JObject type as per 5.x.
(Feels strange to answer my own question but I want to show the resulting code for future reference.)
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri(#"http://localnhost:9200"))
var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
var res = client.Search<dynamic>(s => s
var rows = res.Documents;
Assert.IsTrue(rows.Count >= 1);
dynamic row = res.Documents.First();
Assert.AreEqual("50.7031526",; // It is case sensitive.
Assert.AreEqual(50.7031526, (double); // Convert to type explicitly.

Dynamics 365 implementation auto number with plugin

I have already implement auto number with plugin, and it is through another entity type to ensure all operations are in one transaction.
but I have another question, that is can we use process lock(eg. mutex) to fix it? this will more flexible than before, isn't it?
Dynamics 365 has native support for auto-numbering fields since v9.0, with the minor inconvenience of having to manipulate them through code only.
Unless it's a broken feature (it happens), there's no need for custom autonumbers anymore.
CreateAttributeRequest widgetSerialNumberAttributeRequest = new CreateAttributeRequest
EntityName = "newWidget",
Attribute = new StringAttributeMetadata
//Define the format of the attribute
AutoNumberFormat = "WID-{SEQNUM:5}-{RANDSTRING:6}-{DATETIMEUTC:yyyyMMddhhmmss}",
LogicalName = "new_serialnumber",
SchemaName = "new_SerialNumber",
RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
MaxLength = 100, // The MaxLength defined for the string attribute must be greater than the length of the AutoNumberFormat value, that is, it should be able to fit in the generated value.
DisplayName = new Label("Serial Number", 1033),
Description = new Label("Serial Number of the widget.", 1033)
Docs point out that
The sequential segment is generated by SQL and hence uniqueness is guaranteed by SQL.
XrmToolbox should have a plugin to manage auto number fields (thus making it easier), but I haven't tried it.
Plugin's can be run on multiple machines concurrently depending on your installation - that's why the entity (database) lock is regularly used.

How can I change the column name of an existing Class in the Web Browser interface?

I couldn't find a way to change a column name, for a column I just created, either the browser interface or via an API call. It looks like all object-related API calls manipulate instances, not the class definition itself?
Anyone know if this is possible, without having to delete and re-create the column?
This is how I did it in python:
import json,httplib,urllib
connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection('', 443)
params = urllib.urlencode({"limit":1000})
connection.request('GET', '/1/classes/Object?%s' % params, '', {
"X-Parse-Application-Id": "yourID",
"X-Parse-REST-API-Key": "yourKey"
result = json.loads(connection.getresponse().read())
objects = result['results']
for object in objects:
connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection('', 443)
objectId = object['objectId']
objectData = object['data']
connection.request('PUT', ('/1/classes/Object/%s' % objectId), json.dumps({
"clonedData": objectData
}), {
"X-Parse-Application-Id": "yourID",
"X-Parse-REST-API-Key": "yourKEY",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
This is not optimized - you can batch 50 of the processes together at once, but since I'm just running it once I didn't do that. Also since there is a 1000 query limit from parse, you will need to do run the load multiple times with a skip parameter like
params = urllib.urlencode({"limit":1000, "skip":1000})
From this Parse forum answer :
Columns cannot be renamed. This is to avoid breaking an existing app.
If your app is still under development, you can just query for all the
objects in your class and copy the value of the old column to the new
column. The REST API is very useful for this. You may them drop the
old column in the Data Browser
Hope it helps
Yes, it's not a feature provided by Parse (yet). But there are some third party API management tools that you can use to rename the fields in the response. One free tool is called
It's a work around, but I hope it helps

Cannot specify child attributes in the columnset for Retrieve

In attempting to merge contacts in Microsoft CRM, I am using the following code -
//c1ID and c2ID are GUIDs of duplicated contacts.
EntityReference target = new EntityReference();
target.LogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName;
target.Id = c2ID;
MergeRequest merge = new MergeRequest();
// SubordinateId is the GUID of the account merging.
merge.SubordinateId = c1ID;
merge.Target = target;
merge.PerformParentingChecks = true;
Contact updater = new Contact();
Contact updater2 = new Contact();
updater = (Contact)xrmSvc.ContactSet.Where(c => c.ContactId.Equals(c1ID)).First();
updater2 = (Contact)xrmSvc.ContactSet.Where(c => c.ContactId.Equals(c2ID)).First();
MergeResponse mergedR = (MergeResponse)xrmSvc.Execute(merge);
When I try my Execute call here,I get this error -
Cannot specify child attributes in the columnset for Retrieve. Attribute: owneridname.
Am I not setting something correctly?
Having updatecontent does not change the issue. In fact, I get the error on lookups entered into the updatecontent. I find you have to build new entityreferences:
if (match.Contains("new_mostrecentcampaign"))
master["new_mostrecentcampaign"] =
new EntityReference(match.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("new_mostrecentcampaign").LogicalName
, match.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("new_mostrecentcampaign").Id);
Merge.UpdateContent = master
I realize this is a pretty old question, but for those of you who have run into the same issue in 2021 and beyond, here's the reason this error happens.
TL;DR: Ensure the EntityReference values for the attributes does not specify the Name property.
Everything that gets added to the Entity set to UpdateContent will be applied to the Target contact. When programmatically executing a MergeRequest within a plugin/workflow, the attributes of the UpdateContent get applied (as desired).
Where this breaks down is for EntityReference value types (lookups). The internal Microsoft code that performs this operation tries to interpret all properties of the EntityReference object, including Name.
So when the existing values from the SubordinateId contact are pulled using IOrganizationService.Retrieve (to dynamically get the latest version), the Name property is automatically set for those lookup attributes (the child record). This operation is not valid, even though it's not the user code that's directly executing it.
This brings us full circle to explain the original error:
Cannot specify child attributes in the columnset for Retrieve
I wish I had some documentation for this, but although the official documentation notes that the UpdateContent is optional, experience proves that it is in fact necessary. In the MergeRequests I've tested, I always include that property in the request, and there's a post in the MSDN forums for Dynamics 3.0 that suggests the same.
In fact, when I try to merge two contacts in my org without UpdateContent assigned, I actually get a FaultException saying the following:
Required field 'UpdateContent' is missing
Even though the documentation says it's optional!
So I'd suggest populating the UpdateContent property with something as in the below and see if that works:
var merge = new MergeRequest
// SubordinateId is the GUID of the account merging.
SubordinateId = c1ID,
Target = target,
PerformParentingChecks = true,
UpdateContent = new Contact()
