Where do the contents of the charcter device read parmeters come from? - linux-kernel

I have read that, the read function of a character device driver looks like
static ssize_t device_read(struct file *filp, /* see include/linux/fs.h */
char *buffer, /* buffer to fill with data */
size_t length, /* length of the buffer */
loff_t * offset)
My questions are
These parameters are mandatory?
Couldn't see *filp and *offset used in the sample driver. what is the use of that ?
Where do the data for *buffer and *length actually come from? In the code it is said that buffer is in the user data segment. What does it mean actually?

These parameters are mandatory?
No, these parameters are not mandatory. It all depends on how you want to implement your read operation. But yes, user space application has to pass everything whichever is required in read system call and then its up to driver that what driver wants to use.
Couldn't see *filp and *offset used in the sample driver. what is the use of that ?
That is because sample driver is not reading the actual device, it just reads the global char string. But in actual driver it reads some device. To inform driver on which device user space wants to read, *filp is used as a device identifier. Offset just gives position from where start to read on device.
Where do the data for *buffer and *length actually come from? In the code it is said that buffer is in the user data segment. What does it mean actually?
In actual scenario, data is read from device indicated by filp and that data goes to buffer and length is set accordingly. But in sample driver, instead of reading a device, it is just reading global char string for sake of simplicity. This *buffer is in user data segment, meaning user space application has allocated that buffer in its own data segment and it has passed its pointer to kernel space so kernel can pass data to user space application which driver has read from a device. put_user is used for appropriate transfer of data to user space buffer.

Lets say a user process wants to read some data from a file using the read system call. The user process provides a file descriptor, a buffer where the data should be read into, and the number of bytes to read.
The file descriptor of the read call gets translated to a struct file * by the kernel. The buffer and length arguments are the buffer and byte-count provided by the user process.


file descriptor in kernel space

I'm developing a charachter device driver for Linux.
I want to implement file-descriptor-targeted read() operation which will be a bit specific every time you open a device.
It is possible to identify the process where read() called from (using kernel current macro), but there can be several file descriptor associated with my device in this process.
I know that file descriptors got mapped to struct file objects just before making system call but can I get it back?
welcome to stackoverflow!
To achieve the goal you have specified in comment there are two methods:
ioctl and read :
Here you will have multiple buffers for each consumer to read from, and write buffer is different from read buffer. Each consumer immediatly after opening the device will fire an ioctl which will result in new buffer being allocated and a new token being generated for that buffer (something like this token numeber means this buffer). this token number should be passed back to the concernted consumer.
Now each consumer before making a read call will fire the ioctl giving the token number that will switch the current read buffer to that associated with that token number.
Now this method adds over head and you need to add locks too. Also no more than one consumer at a time can read from the device.
ioctl and mmap:
you can mmap the read buffer for each consumer and let it read from it at its own pace, using ioctl to request new data etc.
This will allow multiple consumers to read at the same time.
Or, you can malloc a new data buffer to read from on each open call and store the pointer to buffer in the private field of the file structure.
when ever a read is called this way you can just read the private data field of the file structure passed with the call and see which buffer is being talked about.
Also you can embed the whole structure containing the buffer pointer and size etc in the private field.

Working of mmap()

I am trying to get an idea on how does memory mapping take place using the system call mmap.
So far I know mmap takes arguments from the user and returns a logical address of where the file is stored. When the user tries to access it takes this address to the map table converts it to a a physical address and carries the operation as requested.
However I found articles as code example and Theoretical explanation
What it mentions is the memory mapping is carried out as:
A. Using system call mmap ()
B. file operations using (struct file *filp, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
What I am trying to figure out is:
How the arguments passed in the mmap system call are used in the struct vm_area_struct *vma) More generally how are these 2 related.
for instance: the struct vm_area_struct has arguments such as starting address, ending address permissions,etc. How are the values sent by the user used to fill values of these variables.
I am trying to write a driver so, Does the kernal fill the values for variables in the structure for us and I simply use it to call and pass values to remap_pfn_range
And a more fundamental question, why is a different file systems operation needed. The fact that mmap returns the virtual address means that it has already achieved a mapping doesnt it ?
Finally I am not that clear about how the entire process would work in user as well as kernal space. Any documentation explaining the process in details would be helpful.

IOCTL from kernel space

Roughly speaking, I am trying to issue an IOCTL call from kernel space without going to user space. (All the answers I found in SO propose going through user space).
Specifically, I try to fill the entropy pool (/dev/random) from kernel space (using a kernel module) [I know the dangers of doing this ;)]. Filling up the entropy pool from user space is done using IOCTL, e.g., rngaddentropy. Is there a way to do the same thing from kernel space?
You can use ioctl from the kernel space too.
Because ioctl command RNDADDENTROPY is file-specific, its processing should be implemented in the .unlocked_ioctl operation for /dev/random file (and it is actually implemented this way, see function random_ioctl).
For file-specific ioctl commands you may call .unlocked_ioctl file's operation directly:
// Open file
struct file* f = filp_open("/dev/random", O_WRONLY, 0);
// Replace user space with kernel space
mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs();
f->f_op->unlocked_ioctl(f, RNDADDENTROPY, entropy);
// Restore space
// Close file
filp_close(f, 0);

What does actually cdev_add() do? in terms of registering a device to the kernel

What does cdev_add() actually do? I'm asking terms of registering a device with the kernel.
Does it add the pointer to cdev structure in some map which is indexed by major and minor number? How exactly does this happen when you say the device is added/registered with the kernel. I want to know what steps the cdev_add takes to register the device in the running kernel. We create a node for user-space using mknod command. Even this command is mapped using major and minor number. Does registration also do something similar?
cdev_add registers a character device with the kernel. The kernel maintains a list of character devices under cdev_map
static struct kobj_map *cdev_map;
kobj_map is basically an array of probes, which in this case is the list of character devices:
struct kobj_map {
struct probe {
struct probe *next;
dev_t dev;
unsigned long range;
struct module *owner;
kobj_probe_t *get;
int (*lock)(dev_t, void *);
void *data;
} *probes[255];
struct mutex *lock;
You can see that each entry in the list has the major and minor number for the device (dev_t dev), and the device structure (in the form of kobj_probe_t, which is a kernel object, which represents a cdev in this case). cdev_add adds your character device to the probes list:
int cdev_add(struct cdev *p, dev_t dev, unsigned count)
error = kobj_map(cdev_map, dev, count, NULL,
exact_match, exact_lock, p);
When you do an open on a device from a process, the kernel finds the inode associated to the filename of your device (via namei function). The inode has the major a minor number for the device (dev_t i_rdev), and flags (imode) indicating that it is a special (character) device. With this it can access the cdev list I explained above, and get the cdev structure instantiated for your device. From there it can create a struct file with the file operations to your cdev, and install a file descriptor in the process's file descriptor table.
This is what actually 'registering' a character device means and why it needs to be done. Registering a block device is similar. The kernel maintains another list for registered gendisks.
You can read Linux Device Driver. It is a little bit old, but the main ideas are the same. It is difficoult to explain a simple operation like cdev_add() and all the stuff around in few lines.
I suggest you to read the book and the source code. If you have trouble to navigate your source code, you can use some tag system like etags + emacs, or the eclipse indexer.
Please see the code comments here:
cdev_add() - add a char device to the system 464 *
#p: the cdev structure for the device 465 * #dev: the first device
number for which this device is responsible 466 * #count: the number
of consecutive minor numbers corresponding to this 467 *
device 468 * 469 * cdev_add() adds the device represented by #p to
the system, making it 470 * live immediately. A negative error code
is returned on failure. 471 */ `
the immediate answer to any such question is read the code. Thats what Linus say.
the cdev_add basically adds the device to the system. What it means essentially is that after the cdev_add operation your new device will get visibility through the /sys/ file system. The function does all the necessary house keeping activities related to that particularly the kobj reference to your device will get inserted at its position in the object hierarchy. If you want to get more information about it, I would suggest some reading around /sysfs/ and struct kboj

Why does DeviceIoControl prepend 12 bytes of information to the user-provided input buffer?

I hope this does not turn out to be a totally braindead question.
I am editing a template WDF Windows USB device driver to send formatted data to one of the device's bulk out pipes; the data has to be set up in a certain way to tell the device to read an internal register.
The problem is that I cannot get the data to go across the bus in the exact format necessary. I wrote a small test app to enumerate the device and call DeviceIoControl with the input buffer set to a struct I set up according to spec.
I have a copy of a USB bus trace for a working case (performed by a driver whose source I have no access to), and I captured a bus trace for what happens when I call the custom IOCTL in my driver. What I see go across the bus is the data structure I set up prefixed with twelve bytes of data; the data structure is correct, but I want to know what the initial twelve bytes of data are, and stop the driver from sending them.
The driver, I believe, has been written properly; I put some debug traces in the driver and it looks like the buffer retrieved by WdfRequestRetrieveInputMemory already has the 12 bytes prepended, so this seems like this is happening pre-driver.
If it is useful information, the IOCTL is set up as METHOD_BUFFERED with FILE_ANY_ACCESS.
The relevant portion of the test code that sets this up is very simple:
const ULONG ulBufferSize = sizeof( CONTROL_READ_DATA );
unsigned char pBuffer[sizeof(CONTROL_READ_DATA)];
DWORD dwBytesReturned;
readData->field1 = data;
readData->field2 = moreData;
// ... all fields filled in...
// Send IOCTLs into camera
if( !::DeviceIoControl( hDevice,
NULL ) )
dwError = ::GetLastError();
// Clean up here
return dwError;
The data I see go across the bus is: 80FD1200 CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC + (My data).
Does anyone have any insights?
Wow, really ridiculous error. Notice I'm passing the address of readData to DeviceIoControl, which itself is already a pointer. I can't believe I wasted so much time on this.
Thanks all!
Alignment of the data is the culprit. Check out http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2e70t5y1(v=vs.80).aspx to set it to one.
