Where Can I find the source of this temp file in VB 6.0 - vb6

I Want to know the sourse of this table. How it is calculated from the table. I am using sql server r2 2008 and I searched for that table, but it is not there. It is formed by manipulating some rows of different tables. Is there any way to find it. I searched the corresponding table in VB 6 also. but it is not there. Is there Any way to find the source table?
Source in local variables is :
"Select * From #70554TempShiz52"

Tables with name starting with # or ## are temporary tables (Quick Overview: Temporary Tables in SQL Server 2005).
The table exists only as long as the connection in which table was created exists. It is accessible only from connection which has created it.
To find the table you should look for an appropriate statement CREATE TABLE #70554TempShiz52 in the code.
The table is exists in tempdb database. An admin can see it there using ssms (only when the connection is still open and table was not dropped). I usually put a breakpoint to achieve desired state. The name of the table looks like #70554TempShiz52__________...some number (to distinguish tables from other users).
I can be useful to use a name starting with ## for debugging because such a table is visible from other connections.


oracle synchronize 2 tables

I have the following scenario and need to solve it in ORACLE:
Table A is on a DB-server
Table B is on a different server
Table A will be populated with data.
Whenever something is inserted to Table A, i want to copy it to Table B.
Table B nearly has similar columns, but sometimes I just want to get
the content from 2 columns from tableA and concatenate it and save it to
Table B.
I am not very familiar with ORACLE, but after researching on GOOGLE
some say that you can do it with TRIGGERS or VIEWS, how would you do it?
So in general, there is a table which will be populated and its content
should be copien to a different table.
This is the solution I came up so far
create public database link
connect to
identified by
using 'tns-entry';
CREATE TRIGGER modify_remote_my_table
How can I select the latest row that was inserted?
If the databases of these two tables are in two different servers, then you will need a database link (db-link) to be created in Table A schema so that it can access(read/write) the Table B data using db-link.
Step 1: Create a database link in Table A server db pointing to Table B server DB
Step 2: Create a trigger for Table A, which helps in inserting data to the table B using database link. You can customize ( concatenate the values) inside the trigger before inserting it into table B.
This link should help you
Yes you can do this with triggers. But there may be a few disadvantages.
What if database B is not available? -> Exception handling in you trigger.
What if database B was not available for 2h? You inserted data into database A which is now missing in database B. -> Do crazy things with temporarily inserting it into a cache table in database A.
Performance. Well, the performance for inserting a lot of data will be ugly. Each time you insert data, Oracle will start the PL/SQL engine to insert the data into the remote database.
Maybe you could think about using MViews (Materialized Views) to replicate the data via database link. Later you can build your queries so that they access tables from database B and add the required data from database A by joining the MViews.
You can also use fast refresh to replicate the data (almost) realtime.
From perspective of an Oracle Database Admin this would make a lot more sense than the trigger approach.
try this code
database links are considered rather insecure and oracle own options are having licences associated these days, some of the other options are deprecated as well.
uses ora_rowscn to sync tables across two different oracle databases.

Can EF6 use oracle database links?

We have a legacy app that I am rewriting in .net. All of our databases are oracle and make use of database links. Is there any way for Entity Framework 6 to generate models based on tables located on a different database?
Currently the legacy app gets data from table like this
SELECT * FROM emp#foo2;
where its db connection is to database foo that has a database link to the database foo2.
I would like to reproduce this using EF6. So far all I have found regarding this is this question.
You can do two things that EF 4 or higher will work with:
LOBS are not accessible across a database link without some contorted PL/SQL processing to read the LOB piece by piece.
I believe fast refresh does not work across database links so you must consider the size of the table on the linked database. If you are refreshing a million rows you may find the time to do this is an issue. Most large tables are full of tombstone data that never changes so a timestamp column with the last modified date could help you create a package that only picks out the changed data.
If you are doing complicated joins for either ensure that Oracle considers the column that would be the primary key as not null.
You can add a primary key on views and materialized view but it must be disabled. See here for details.

DDL sync informatica

I have a question: I have a table (say tableA) in a database (say dbA) and I need to mirror tableA as another table (say tableB) in another database (say dbB).
I know this can be done via (materialised) view or via informatica. But by problem is that I need to sync DDL as well. For example if a column is added in tableA, the column should automatically reflect in tableB.
Can this be done anyway directly via oracle or Informatica.
(or I will have to write a procedure to sync table on basis of all_tab_cols).
Yes, you could:
create another database as a logical standby database with Data Guard
use Oracle Streams
I would use (2) if you just need a single table in the other database or (1) if you need an entire schema (or more).

Selection of table (or view) in oracle, that I cannot find in TOAD

I am reverse-engineering an application which administers an Oracle database.
Everything is new to me (application + database)
There is a statement there somewhere, which is:
SELECT * FROM XXX#YYY (XXX is a word, YYY another word)
If I go into my database with TOAD I can't find an 'XXX#YYY' table nor view. If I copy paste the statement in TOAD's editor, I get results as if the table exists.
I know that the '#' symbol is allowed for naming an Oracle object. Is it possible that it means something else here though?
How can I find the table (or view)? Is it possible to get information through a statement such as which schema does 'XXX#YYY' belong to or weather it is a table or a view, so that I can track it?
The database consists of many schemas. There is a default one. Is it possible that XXX#YYY may belong to another schema, rather than the default?
Please help me find the table.
Identifier behind # is database link. It is a way to access objects on some remote Oracle server. more info on http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e26088/statements_5005.htm#SQLRF01205
In Toad/Oracle XXX#YYY means object#database_link.
Look for the schema in your DB, there you will find the table.
Btw: I think its better to use SCHEMA.TABLENAME
If you have problems finding the SCHEMA, go to View->Toad Options, select Treeview at Browser style and then it should display all schemas.

Attempting to use SQL-Developer to analyze a system table dump created with 'exp'

I'm attempting to recover the data from a specific table that exists in a system table dump I performed earlier. I would like to append the rows existing in the dump to any rows that may exist in the active table. The problem is, it's likely that the name of the table in the dump is not the same as what exists in the database currently (They're dynamically created with a prefix of ARC_TREND_). In addition, I don't know the name of the table as it exists in the dump, I was hoping to use SQL Developer to analyze the dump file as I can recognize the correct table by it's columns and it's existing rows.
While i'm going on blind faith that SQL Developer can work with my dump file, when attempting to open it, i'm getting a Java Heap OutOfMemory exception raised. I've adjusted the maximum heap size from 640m to 1024m in both sqldeveloper.bat and in sqldeveloper.conf, but to no avail.
Can someone recommend a course of action for me to take to recover the data from a table which exists in a exp created dump file? A graphical tool would be nice, but I'm no stranger to the command line. I need to analyze the tables that exist in the dump in order to pick the correct one out. Then I assume I can use imp TABLE= to bring it back into the active instance. It likely won't match the existing table name, so I will use SQL Developer to copy the rows from the imported table to the table where I need them to be.
The dump was taken from a Linux server running 10g, and will be imported to (the same server & database instance, upgraded) an 11g instance of the same database.
Since you're referring to imp rather than impdp, I assume this wasn't exported with data pump. Either way, I doubt you'll get anything useful through SQL Developer.
Fortunately most of what you're trying to do is quite easy from the command line; just run imp with the INDEXFILE parameter, which will give you a text file containing all the table (commented out with REM) and index creation commands. From that you should be able to spot the table from its column names.
You can't really see any row data though, so if there's more than one possible match you might need to import several tables and inspect the data in them in the database to see which one you really want.
