How do I get pathogen working on Windows? - windows

Over the weekend I reengineered my .vim directory on OS X to use pathogen.vim. This worked perfectly and I checked everything into github once I finished.
Today, I pulled everything down to my Windows installation of vim and found out it doesn't work here.
The issue I'm encountering is that pathogen.vim doesn't load any plugins, and further, prevents loading anything else from my vimfiles directory (e.g., colorschemes). I've tried to debug it a little bit using vim -V. From what I can tell, pathogen.vim has a function called pathogen#glob_directories which is returning [] when it should be returning a list of all plugin directories. But I'm not really sure why this is happening.
Can someone help me figure out how to get pathogen working on Windows?
My .vim files on github and in particular, my .vimrc.
Here is the output of vim -V with various error reporing levels.
vim -Vlog
vim -V12log
vim -V15log


Cocoapods sudo-less installation

Hi I follow this guideline for sudo-less installation and I stuck on /Users/eloy/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bin/pod install
Terminal says [!] No Podfile found in the project directory.
Command gem which cocoapods correctly shows path to cocoapds so I guess installation succeed. I tried changing paths in .profile file but it's not a problem. Please give me some ideas.
I followed the same guidelines for sudo-less installation, and I had the same results and issues. I'm very new to all of this, so take this answer with a healthy dose of skepticism unless someone more experienced confirms it.
After some poking around on google, I stumbled upon this article.
Following these instructions resolved my issues, so I hope they help you as well.
EDIT: This temporarily adds CocoaPods to your path. I am using a Mac that uses a zsh shell for the I'm not sure what shell you have, but for Macs you'll need to edit your .zshrc file (or create one because you will not have a .zshrc file on your Mac if you have not created one yourself already). I found this answer that shows how to create the .zshrc file through the terminal. You can find the .zshrc file you have created by navigating to Macintosh HD > Users > [INSERT_USERNAME] and pressing "cmd + shift + ." to show hidden files. Scroll down until you see the .zshrc file, open it with a text editor, and input the code from the first page I linked. Save it and exit. Now you should always have CocoaPods in your path every time you open up the terminal!
Probably an easier way to do this, but it worked for me.

Syntastic not working in gVim windows7

I have installed syntastic on gVim using pathogen. I can access syntastic documentation and stuff. But syntastic can't check my files for error. I have setup the path for php even then it wont check
Here is the screenshot of errors-
After dong lots of googling I figured out the answer myself. The E484 error in VIM refers to the case when Vim is unable to execute system level commands, like creating temp files, directories etc.
To check this run echo system("echo hello")
In my case I couldn't run this successfully. So I went through my _vimrc and found that somewhere I was setting set shell=/bin/bash -> On a windows machine
After this the fix was simple. I just set the shell as
set shell=%System32%\cmd
Hope this helps anyone who is experience this kind of problem.

Anyone get the MacPorts' Mercurial package to work with MercurialEclipse plugin?

I'm trying to get the Mercurial Eclipse plugin to use my MacPorts version of Mercurial (since I need to access a repo that's using the new dotencode format), but I can't get the Mercurial preference page under "Team" to save the changes. It will recognize "/opt/local/bin" as a valid directory for the "hg" executable, but when exiting the workspace the changes don't appear to be saved properly, since the next time I launch Eclipse, the old "/usr/local/bin" is back there again.
Has anyone else had problems with this? "/opt/local/bin/hg" is a symlink to "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/hg" on my system, but that file also contains a shebang ("#!") with the same path (duh!). Is that known to cause any problems on anyone else's machine?
Edit: Symlinking /usr/local/bin/hg to /opt/local/bin/hg works, but this doesn't fix the cause of the problem.
There are no errors being logged in the Eclipse Error Log view, other than "abort: requirement 'dotencode' not supported!" on startup. I.e. no errors on validating the settings or when saving the workspace.
Do you have another version of hg in /usr/local/bin? If not or if you no longer need it, you might be able to work around the issue by making a symlink:
sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/hg /usr/local/bin/hg
sudo chmod -h g+rx,o+rx /usr/local/bin/hg

Can't use gvim with pathogen under windows

I have pathogen setup and working fine under Linux, but when I try to use the some configuration with gvim73 under windows it doesn't work at all. I don't get any errors but it does nothing.
Here is my dotfiles repository up on git. I've checked this out to ~/vimfiles and I added the following to _vimrc:
filetype off
call pathogen#helptags()
call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
I've tried just about everything including putting the autoload/pathogen.vim and bundles/ folders in the /vim73 directory under program files. Nothing.
Does anyone have some experience with this? I'm assuming there is something windows specific that needs to happen to make this work.
Edit: It is probably also worth noting I can run pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() even using tab completion so pathogen is being loaded, but my plugins are just not working.
I'm not sure it will help but here is my working configuration:
d:\soft\vim\vim73\ - gvim itself, i.e.
pathogen.vim is copied into the
d:\soft\vim\vimfiles\bundle - directory
for plugins
Corresponding lines from configuration file d:\soft\vim\_vimrc:
" Use pathogen to load plugins from bundle directory
filetype off
call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
call pathogen#helptags()
Also I changed pathogen#helptags because original didn't work for my paths:
dir[0 : strlen($VIM)-1] !=# $VIM has been changed to stridx(dir, "bundle") != -1
It's an old question, but I had the same issue and solution as the OP, and it has a mildly annoying origin. I was using the following script to install everything on Windows (Vista+ and run as admin if you want the mklink part to work):
cd "%UserProfile%"
rmdir vimfiles /S /Q
git clone vimfiles
del _vimrc
mklink _vimrc vimfiles\vimrc
cd vimfiles
git submodule init
git submodule update
The above is just a Windows-y version of a Vimcast on syncing your Vim preferences with GitHub and is fairly straightforward, so I figure others may be doing something similar.
Anyway, your experience may differ (and this doesn't apply to Cygwin), but when I just copied and pasted this into the terminal, git submodule update got "eaten" while git submodule init was running. I didn't figure it out initially because this had never happened to me on Linux. In short, wait until everything else has completed before running git submodule update and you should be golden. (Also, FWIW, I'm using the current version of pathogen, which was last updated September 25, 2011.)
For me renaming the .vim folder into vimfiles solved the problem for Vim 7.4.
I had some kind of issue on Windows when I used the pathogen version provided by
However, using github pathogen head, the issue was fixed.
I think the latest release from is from January last year, and the latest commit on github is from November.
Specifically, I had this issue with after directory:
I know this is a long time ago, but maybe it will help someone ... I had the same issue. It wouldn't give me any errors, but no plugins would be loaded. I then RTFM and noticed that he explicitly states at the top of this page that it should go in your vimrc not gvimrc. After I changed that I had no problems.

How to initialize sparkup plugin in Vim for MacOS?

Im new to Vim and am having trouble installing the sparkup plugin found at I've copied the contents of the zip into the ftplugin folder and have tried to expand the div tag by pressing command e but appears.
Im stumped, any assistance would be appreciated
Make sure you have filetype detection enabled. That was the issue I ran into a while back on sparkup, with similar symptoms.
Try adding the following to your ~/.vimrc:
filetype indent plugin on
Most of the time, vim plugins come with specific help files, it does not seem to be the case for that one...
You can check the following things :
This a "file type" plugin : so it will only trigger when you are editing a *.html file. So make sure you're not doing your test on a new buffer but on a previously saved .html file.
Regarding your installation and the path of the sparkup files, make sure than and sparkup.vim are in ~/.vim/ftplugin/html (and not something like ~/vim/vim/ftplugin/html) or it won't work
Type :scriptnames it will list all loaded plugin : so somewhere in that list you should see sparkup.vim, if not it means it is not correctly installed or detected by Vim.
Regarding the shortcut to invoke sparkup, it seems to be <CTRL>e.
You can use vim version of Sparkup tailored for easy installation
With Pathogen
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone ''
With Vundle. Add this to .vimrc:
Bundle 'pyp/vim-sparkup'
