Simple explanation of different ElasticSearch similarity algorithms - algorithm

I am looking into the different similarity algorithms which define how the score of each document is computed during search. The available algorithms are listed here:
My problem is that I have problems to understand them when digging through the wikipedia articles or the class descriptions in the lucene API documentation. I really like the answer about explaining the TF/IDF similarity algorithm (the default in ElasticSearch) here: What is the reasoning behind the ranking of this ElasticSearch query? (so this one I understand to a certain amount).
Can somebody provide similiar simple explanations to the other algorithms outlined there? These include:
bm25 similarity
drf similarity
ib similarity
Thank you in advance.

The problem you run into here, is by the description set forward in the linked answer, Lucene's default similarity, and bm25 are fundamentally identical, in that they both factor in:
more occurrences in the document are preferred
terms rarer in the corpus are preferred
shorter documents are more heavily weighted
other functions used to adjust score, boosts, etc.
dfr actually encompasses 7 different base-models alone, each using a different scoring algorithm, followed by two highly configurable normalization steps. A number of configuration options fit the very general steps above, some diverge from it.
Similarly, ib allows some significant configuration as well, but generally hits the same high points, of favoring higher term frequency, favoring matches on terms that are more rare (by some description), and adjusting for document length, boosts, and other possible normalizations.


How does calculating relevance scoring in Elasticsearch differ from Couchbase?

I wonder whether relevance score in elasticsearch has differences with couchbase or not?
As per this 2019 couchbase thread, it looks like they are still using the tf/idf for scoring, while Elasticsearch used to have the same algorithm but now moved to BM25 algorithm for score calculation from 5.0.
Note: TF/IDF is a very popular algorism for calculating the relevance score and based on term frequency and inverse document frequency, while BM25 is the latest and improvised form based on probabilistic scoring more details about them can be found here and here.
Note: As in the question, it's not mentioned for what purpose you are comparing both the relevance of the system, My two cents are if you are building a full-blown search system and relevance matters for you, then you should choose Elasticseaech whose primary function is to search and has a lot of flexibility in choosing different algorithm and different ways to define the scoring mechanism, which is not present in NoSQL solution like Couchbase.

Keywords Ranking

I have a list of keywords taken from 95 documents. I'd like to rank their importance, but I have only the number of documents in which the keywords appear and the maximum frequency of a keyword among all the documents. I'm looking for a ranking formula that could help. At the moment I'm using IDF, but I'd like to know if there is any better formula.
word frequency is already done by listing the most important words in English ( and many other langs ) by Wikitionary Frequency Lists which has many type of lists based on the most important and top words, besides the TV and Movies most frequent words and many others.
If you like to do some algorithm based on word ranking I would suggest you don't go far away from
and here you can find the Latent semantic indexing algorithm which might me an asset for you.
Hope that is what you needed.
TF-IDF is definitely a good base and easy to implement.
It is also really common to add other bias such as the position of your terms inside your documents; a term occurring at the beginning of a document, or better, in its title tends to be more relevant than the ones occurring in the middle or at the end.
But you have to keep in mind that choosing an algorithm and its bias also depends on the nature of your documents. For instance, long documents (e.g. research papers or books) would need a position bias, but not necessarily news articles. Same thing for the "IDF" measure, it has to be computed on a large corpus of documents with similar type of content than your documents. You don't want to have a relevancy score computed on a "TV and Movies" corpus if for instance your documents are research papers about semi-conductors.
My two cents.

How to deal with very uncommon terms in tf-idf?

I'm implementing a naive "keyword extraction algorithm". I'm self-taught though so I lack some terminology and maths common in the online literature.
I'm finding "most relevant keywords" of a document thus:
I count how often each term is used in the current document. Let's call this tf.
I look up how often each of those terms is used in the entire database of documents. Let's call this df.
I calculate a relevance weight r for each term by r = tf / df.
Each document is a proper subset of the corpus so no document contains a term not in the corpus. This means I don't have to worry about division by zero.
I sort all terms by their r and keep however many of the top terms. These are the top keywords most closely associated with this document. Terms that are common in this document are more important. Terms that are common in the entire database of documents are less important.
I believe this is a naive form of tf-idf.
The problem is that when terms are very uncommon in the entire database but occur in the current document they seem to have too high an r value.
This can be thought of as some kind of artefact due to small sample size. What is the best way or the usual ways to compensate for this?
Throw away terms less common in the overall database than a certain threshold. If so how is that threshold calculated? It seems it would depend on too many factors to be a hard-coded value.
Can it be weighted or smoothed by some kind of mathematical function such as inverse square or cosine?
I've tried searching the web and reading up on tf-idf but much of what I find deals with comparing documents, which I'm not interested in. Plus most of them have a low ratio of explanation vs. jargon and formulae.
(In fact my project is a generalization of this problem. I'm really working with tags on Stack Exchange sites so the total number of terms is small, stopwords are irrelevant, and low-usage tags might be more common than low-usage words in the standard case.)
I spent a lot of time trying to do targeted Google searches for particular tf-idf information and dug through many documents.
Finally I found a document with clear and concise explanation accompanied by formulae even I can grok: Document Processing and the Semantic Web, Week 3 Lecture 1: Ranking for Information Retrieval by Robert Dale of the Department of Computing at Macquarie University:
Page 20:
The two things I was missing was taking into account the number of documents in the collection, and using the logarithm of the inverse df rather than using the inverse df directly.

N-gram text categorization category size difference compensation

Lately I've been mucking about with text categorization and language classification based on Cavnar and Trenkle's article "N-Gram-Based Text Categorization" as well as other related sources.
For doing language classification I've found this method to be very reliable and useful. The size of the documents used to generate the N-gram frequency profiles is fairly unimportant as long as they are "long enough" since I'm just using the most common n N-grams from the documents.
On the other hand well-functioning text categorization eludes me. I've tried with both my own implementations of various variations of the algorithms at hand, with and without various tweaks such as idf weighting and other peoples' implementations. It works quite well as long as I can generate somewhat similarly-sized frequency profiles for the category reference documents but the moment they start to differ just a bit too much the whole thing falls apart and the category with the shortest profile ends up getting a disproportionate number of documents assigned to it.
Now, my question is. What is the preferred method of compensating for this effect? It's obviously happening because the algorithm assumes a maximum distance for any given N-gram that equals the length of the category frequency profile but for some reason I just can't wrap my head around how to fix it. One reason I'm interested in this fix is actually because I'm trying to automate the generation of category profiles based on documents with a known category which can vary in length (and even if they are the same length the profiles may end up being different lengths). Is there a "best practice" solution to this?
If you are still interested, and assuming I understand your question correctly, the answer to your problem would be to normalise your n-gram frequencies.
The simplest way to do this, on a per document basis, is to count the total frequency of all n-grams in your document and divide each individual n-gram frequency by that number. The result is that every n-gram frequency weighting now relates to a percentage of the total document content, regardless of the overall length.
Using these percentages in your distance metrics will discount the size of the documents and instead focus on the actual make up of their content.
It might also be worth noting that the n-gram representation only makes up a very small part of an entire categorisation solution. You might also consider using dimensional reduction, different index weighting metrics and obviously different classification algorithms.
See here for an example of n-gram use in text classification
As I know the task is to count probability of generation some text by language model M.
Recently i was working on measuring the readaiblity of texts using semantic, synctatic and lexical properties. It can be also measured by language model approach.
To answer properly you should consider these questions:
Are you using log-likelihood approach?
What levels of N-Grams are you using? unigrams digrams or higher level?
How big are language corpuses that you use?
Using only digrams and unigrams i managed to classify some documents with nice results. If your classification is weak consider creating bigger language corpuse or using n-grams of lower levels.
Also remember that classifying some text to invalid category may be an error depending on length of text (randomly there are few words appearing in another language models).
Just consider making your language corpuses bigger and know that analysing short texts have higher probability of missclasification

Is there an algorithm that tells the semantic similarity of two phrases

input: phrase 1, phrase 2
output: semantic similarity value (between 0 and 1), or the probability these two phrases are talking about the same thing
You might want to check out this paper:
Sentence similarity based on semantic nets and corpus statistics (PDF)
I've implemented the algorithm described. Our context was very general (effectively any two English sentences) and we found the approach taken was too slow and the results, while promising, not good enough (or likely to be so without considerable, extra, effort).
You don't give a lot of context so I can't necessarily recommend this but reading the paper could be useful for you in understanding how to tackle the problem.
There's a short and a long answer to this.
The short answer:
Use the WordNet::Similarity Perl package. If Perl is not your language of choice, check the WordNet project page at Princeton, or google for a wrapper library.
The long answer:
Determining word similarity is a complicated issue, and research is still very hot in this area. To compute similarity, you need an appropriate represenation of the meaning of a word. But what would be a representation of the meaning of, say, 'chair'? In fact, what is the exact meaning of 'chair'? If you think long and hard about this, it will twist your mind, you will go slightly mad, and finally take up a research career in Philosophy or Computational Linguistics to find the truth™. Both philosophers and linguists have tried to come up with an answer for literally thousands of years, and there's no end in sight.
So, if you're interested in exploring this problem a little more in-depth, I highly recommend reading Chapter 20.7 in Speech and Language Processing by Jurafsky and Martin, some of which is available through Google Books. It gives a very good overview of the state-of-the-art of distributional methods, which use word co-occurrence statistics to define a measure for word similarity. You are not likely to find libraries implementing these, however.
For anyone just coming at this, i would suggest taking a look at SEMILAR - . They implement a lot of the modern research methods for calculating word and sentence similarity. It is written in Java.
SEMILAR API comes with various similarity methods based on Wordnet, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), BLEU, Meteor, Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI), Dependency based methods, optimized methods based on Quadratic Assignment, etc. And the similarity methods work in different granularities - word to word, sentence to sentence, or bigger texts.
You might want to check into the WordNet project at Princeton University. One possible approach to this would be to first run each phrase through a stop-word list (to remove "common" words such as "a", "to", "the", etc.) Then for each of the remaining words in each phrase, you could compute the semantic "similarity" between each of the words in the other phrase using a distance measure based on WordNet. The distance measure could be something like: the number of arcs you have to pass through in WordNet to get from word1 to word2.
Sorry this is pretty high-level. I've obviously never tried this. Just a quick thought.
I would look into latent semantic indexing for this. I believe you can create something similar to a vector space search index but with semantically related terms being closer together i.e. having a smaller angle between them. If I learn more I will post here.
Sorry to dig up a 6 year old question, but as I just came across this post today, I'll throw in an answer in case anyone else is looking for something similar. has developed a process for calculating the semantic similarity of two expressions and they have a demo of it up on their website. They offer a free API providing access to the functionality, so you can use it in your own application without having to implement the algorithm yourself.
One simple solution is to use the dot product of character n-gram vectors. This is robust over ordering changes (which many edit distance metrics are not) and captures many issues around stemming. It also prevents the AI-complete problem of full semantic understanding.
To compute the n-gram vector, just pick a value of n (say, 3), and hash every 3-word sequence in the phrase into a vector. Normalize the vector to unit length, then take the dot product of different vectors to detect similarity.
This approach has been described in
J. Mitchell and M. Lapata, “Composition in Distributional Models of Semantics,” Cognitive Science, vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 1388–1429, Nov. 2010., DOI 10.1111/j.1551-6709.2010.01106.x
I would have a look at statistical techniques that take into consideration the probability of each word to appear within a sentence. This will allow you to give less importance to popular words such as 'and', 'or', 'the' and give more importance to words that appear less regurarly, and that are therefore a better discriminating factor. For example, if you have two sentences:
1) The smith-waterman algorithm gives you a similarity measure between two strings.
2) We have reviewed the smith-waterman algorithm and we found it to be good enough for our project.
The fact that the two sentences share the words "smith-waterman" and the words "algorithms" (which are not as common as 'and', 'or', etc.), will allow you to say that the two sentences might indeed be talking about the same topic.
Summarizing, I would suggest you have a look at:
1) String similarity measures;
2) Statistic methods;
Hope this helps.
Try SimService, which provides a service for computing top-n similar words and phrase similarity.
This requires your algorithm actually knows what your talking about. It can be done in some rudimentary form by just comparing words and looking for synonyms etc, but any sort of accurate result would require some form of intelligence.
Take a look at This paper describes an algorithm called Word Mover distance that tries to uncover semantic similarity. It relies on the similarity scores as dictated by word2vec. Integrating this with GoogleNews-vectors-negative300 yields desirable results.
