Connect to local server on MAC from WINDOWS? - windows

I am trying to connect to a .local server on my MacBook Pro from my Windows 8 desktop for testing. Is this possible?
I can "access" it from computername.local/serverlocationfolder, but it messes up all of paths/styles since the install is using a CMS.
Is there something I can do from the Mac or PC side to make this possible? Or will I have to install a local server (mysql, php, etc etc) on my Windows machine to test properly?
** I wanted to clarify that both of these machines are on the same network.

You may need to add the domain name you are using to access your mac to your vhosts as a ServerAlias so that it points to the correct docroot. Don't forget to restart apache! :)

If you find out the IP address of the machine you want to access and you have the appropriate ports open, you should be able to access any protocol from any machine.
You can use the IP address instead of the .local address anytime.


how to Accessing localhost (xampp) from another computer over LAN network?

I have a WI-FI & LAN network at office. I have all my files on my desktop computer ( and want to access local host over there from another computer (
My xampp version is v3.2.2 and windows 7 64 bit.
On my desktop I can access localhost through the normal http://localhost. Apache is running on port 80 as usual.
Exactly what do I have to do to achieve this? There is documentation on the net but they either don't work me or are too old and confusing to understand.
Any ideas as to what changes to make it possible? Please give me step by step instructions.
User should have access of your localhost, you can check this by sharing the folder and check on other machine that folder is accessible or not, If it is accessible then that user easily can access your local host by using the http:/IPAddress, If not contact to IT department they will help to achieve this by removing some restriction on network.

How can I access a webpage located inside a VM from the host machine's browser?

I am able to access the link http://localhost/men/tops-men/jackets-men.html successfully from my VM (configured using X2Go client).
IP Address of the VM:
I am also able to ping the VM successfully from my host machine (Windows).
The page that I am trying to access is a php page deployed on Apache Web Server.
However I am not able to do so from my Windows host machine.
I tried from my Windows machine but it did not work.
Do I have to configure something on my host machine or on my VM ?
Not sure what I am missing.
On VM check you can view
If not you need to configure the web server to listen on that IP (if you're running IIS this is under "bindings" in the right-hand side panel of IIS Manager).
On Host open a cmd window and check you can ping
If not check your firewall settings on the VM.
If neither of these 2 things help then you need to add more information about your setup to the question. Those are 2 very simple things you can do to diagnose 2 basic problems you might be having.
I was finally able to solve the problem based on this SO link: Unable to access magento site from anywhere but localhost
Updated the DB table core_config_data and updated the data by replacing http://localhost with http://ip-of-vm and then restarted the apache web server.

Cannot access macOS Server from the other mac using wifi

This is how it is managed in macOS Server:
and then from the other mac I do:
but it doesn't work, cannot login to remote mac. Why?
User kuna exists on mac with macOS Server and is an admin.
If you want to access your server from inside the office, don’t use the public IP - use the server’s local IP (one of the ones starting 192.168....)
If you want to access your server from outside the office, you may have to configure your office router to forward the relevant traffic to your server. This process is called port forwarding.
find out the port numbers you need to forward on this page
Google <name of your router> setup port forwarding for how to enter them into your router - although with many routers, the process is pretty self-explanatory in the admin interface.

Windows 7 as Public Server

I want to create a TFTP server on my computer, and I found a program named TFTPD32 that can help me. But when I try to bind my local IP (192.168.X.X) to a public one as I see in a tutorial, it doesn't show as a possible choice in that program.
As far as I know, to make this to work you need to install a server OS like Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7 Ultimate is a client one.
Is there a way to configure Windows 7 Ultimate as a public server?
Or maybe I am doing something wrong?
P.S.: I am sorry for my bad English.
If you can get that working in a LAN environment, then the solution is what ElGalivan said - take a look at the NAT table in your router.
Typically you need to do NAT over the UDP port 69 to your sever LAN IP address.
Tftpd32 can only "bind" to IP addresses available to the Windows OS where Tftpd32 runs.
In the very unusual case that your host is directly attached to a public IP Tftpd32 sure will have that public IP available for binding.
In a more normal case your host will be behind a router/NAT etc then your host will only have private IPs (192.168.x.x) available. In this case you should forward certain IP ports in your router in order to let exterior users reaching your server services.
But please consider; you should never do this with TFTP; TFTP is a protocol not meant for Internet traffic. It is used in the early stages of PXE booting strategies in LANs (Local Area Networks).

xampp and acces Local area network

I create a local network between my physical machine (windows) and my virtual machine (Fedorat)
I installed xampp on fedorat and I want to access my web application located in / opt / lampp / htdocs / MyApplication from my physical machine by ip address of the virtual machine
But its not working
What changes must I do that on xampp to make it accessible
Is your webserver running and is it possible to access the webserver locally (from your Fedora VM)?
What do you mean by not working? There are so many things that could be wrong... Do you receive a 404? Timeout? Are your machines on the same subnet? Are you able to ping your Fedora machine from Windows?
Had a similar problem once. In my case, it was because of firewall settings.
Try connecting your own machine to a LAN access point in the same router as the VM is connected.
I don't have much tech. background, but maybe if you narrow it to this specific case, someone else can help you.
I ping my VM from my physical machine and it works very well
How long have I install wamp on my physical machine and I set up for access to local network and I accessed from my VM
So the network between two machines running very well
my question is not about the establishment of networks between the two machines but rather how to configure XAMPP that it is accessible by
other machine in network
(I was already a problem on windows with wamp parail I solved by configuring wamp but I recall more of what I did)
