Webdriver in Ruby, how to run a test case x times - ruby

I have a Webdriver test case written in Ruby as below, and I want to make it run for example 100 times:
require 'rubygems'
require 'selenium-webdriver'
$i = 0
$num = 100
while $i<$num do
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
driver.get "https://dev08-olb.nz.thenational.com/ib4b/app/login"
# some other test which require $i to be incremental as unique ID
It does like it.
Can you show me how to execute it as many time as I want?

Not sure what you are trying to do here but try this
num = 100
num.times do |i|
#INSERT YOUR BLOCK TO RUN HERE i will increment from 0..num
if you want to specify a different number of times each time it is called I would create a method
def run_times(n)
n.times do |i|
Then you can call it with run_times 100


Firefox Webdriver take so long to open on multithread

I Trying to open multiple instance of Firefox browser from my ruby code.
I use selenium 2.53.4 and firefox 47.0.2
The problem is after the thread has been created, the driver not initiate imidiately. it's took so long time until it's opened. And the second driver will opened after the first one is almost finished, this make multithread useless.
Here is my code
require "selenium-webdriver"
th = Array.new
i = 0
limit = 3
while i < 10
if(Thread.list.count <= 3)
th[i] = Thread.new(i){ |index|
start = Time.new
puts "#{index} - Start Initiate at #{start}"
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
finish = Time.new
puts "#{index} - Finish Initiate at #{finish}"
driver.get "http://google.com"
puts "#{index} - Finished"
i = i + 1
puts "Thread - #{i} Created"
end # end if
end # end while
Did I code it properly? or it's firefox limitation? or selenium?
Note :
When I remove the thread it's take lesser time (about 6 s until navigate to intended URL)
it's work great using chrome driver

Ruby: Decorator pattern slows simple program by a lot

I recently wrote a program to return a bunch of stocks from the stock market that are unhealthy. The basic algorithm is this:
Look up all the quotes of every stock in an exchange (either NYSE or NASDAQ)
Find the ones that are less than 5 dollars from step 1
Find the ones from step 2 that are down 3 days and have large volume (expensive because I have to make a request for each stock, which is like ~700 currently for nasdaq).
Scan the news for the ones returned by step 3.
I had this all in one file:
Original implementation (https://github.com/EdmundMai/minion/blob/aa14bc3234a4953e7273ec502276c6f0073b459d/lib/minion.rb):
require 'bundler/setup'
require "minion/version"
require "yahoo-finance"
require "business_time"
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
module Minion
class << self
def query(exchange)
client = YahooFinance::Client.new
all_companies = CSV.read("#{exchange}.csv")
small_caps = []
ticker_symbols = all_companies.map { |row| row[0] }
ticker_symbols.each_slice(200) do |batch|
data = client.quotes(batch, [:symbol, :last_trade_price, :average_daily_volume])
small_caps << data.select { |stock| stock.last_trade_price.to_f < 5.0 }
attractive = []
small_caps.flatten!.each_with_index do |small_cap, index|
data = client.historical_quotes(small_cap.symbol, { start_date: 2.business_days.ago, end_date: Time.now })
closing_prices = data.map(&:close).map(&:to_f)
volumes = data.map(&:volume).map(&:to_i)
negative_3_days_in_a_row = closing_prices == closing_prices.sort
larger_than_average_volume = volumes.reduce(:+) / volumes.count > small_cap.average_daily_volume.to_i
if negative_3_days_in_a_row && larger_than_average_volume
attractive << small_cap.symbol
puts "Qualified: #{small_cap.symbol}, finished with #{index} out of #{small_caps.count}"
puts "Not qualified: #{small_cap.symbol}, finished with #{index} out of #{small_caps.count}"
rescue => e
puts e.inspect
final_results = []
attractive.each do |symbol|
rss_feed = Nokogiri::HTML(open("http://feeds.finance.yahoo.com/rss/2.0/headline?s=#{symbol}&region=US&lang=en-US"))
html_body = rss_feed.css('body')[0].text
diluting = false
['warrant', 'cashless exercise'].each do |keyword|
diluting = true if html_body.match(/#{keyword}/i)
final_results << symbol if diluting
This was really fast and would finish processing like ~700 stocks in a minute or less.
Then, I tried refactoring and splitting up the algorithm into different classes and files without changing the algorithm at all. I decided on using the decorator pattern since it seems to fit. However when I run the program now, it makes each request really slowly (15+ min). I know this because my puts statements get printed out really slowly.
New and slower implementation (https://github.com/EdmundMai/minion/blob/master/lib/minion.rb)
require 'bundler/setup'
require "minion/version"
require "yahoo-finance"
require "minion/dilution_finder"
require "minion/negative_finder"
require "minion/small_cap_finder"
require "minion/market_fetcher"
module Minion
class << self
def query(exchange)
all_companies = CSV.read("#{exchange}.csv")
all_tickers = all_companies.map { |row| row[0] }
short_finder = DilutionFinder.new(NegativeFinder.new(SmallCapFinder.new(MarketFetcher.new(all_tickers))))
The part it's lagging at according to my puts:
require "yahoo-finance"
require "business_time"
require_relative "stock_finder"
class NegativeFinder < StockFinder
def results
client = YahooFinance::Client.new
results = []
finder.results.each_with_index do |stock, index|
data = client.historical_quotes(stock.symbol, { start_date: 2.business_days.ago, end_date: Time.now })
closing_prices = data.map(&:close).map(&:to_f)
volumes = data.map(&:volume).map(&:to_i)
negative_3_days_in_a_row = closing_prices == closing_prices.sort
larger_than_average_volume = volumes.reduce(:+) / volumes.count > stock.average_daily_volume.to_i
if negative_3_days_in_a_row && larger_than_average_volume
results << stock
puts "Qualified: #{stock.symbol}, finished with #{index} out of #{finder.results.count}"
puts "Not qualified: #{stock.symbol}, finished with #{index} out of #{finder.results.count}"
rescue => e
puts e.inspect
It's lagging on step 3 (making one request for each stock). Not sure what's going on so any advice would be appreciated. If you want to clone the program and run it, just comment in the last line in lib/minion.rb and type ruby lib/minion.rb
After debugging it I figured it out. It was because I was calling finder.results (results being the decorated method) inside of the loop as shown below:
require 'bundler/setup'
require "minion/version"
require "yahoo-finance"
require "minion/dilution_finder"
require "minion/negative_finder"
require "minion/small_cap_finder"
require "minion/market_fetcher"
module Minion
class << self
def query(exchange)
all_companies = CSV.read("#{exchange}.csv")
all_tickers = all_companies.map { |row| row[0] }
short_finder = DilutionFinder.new(NegativeFinder.new(SmallCapFinder.new(MarketFetcher.new(all_tickers))))
The part it's lagging at according to my puts:
require "yahoo-finance"
require "business_time"
require_relative "stock_finder"
class NegativeFinder < StockFinder
def results
client = YahooFinance::Client.new
results = []
finder.results.each_with_index do |stock, index|
data = client.historical_quotes(stock.symbol, { start_date: 2.business_days.ago, end_date: Time.now })
closing_prices = data.map(&:close).map(&:to_f)
volumes = data.map(&:volume).map(&:to_i)
negative_3_days_in_a_row = closing_prices == closing_prices.sort
larger_than_average_volume = volumes.reduce(:+) / volumes.count > stock.average_daily_volume.to_i
if negative_3_days_in_a_row && larger_than_average_volume
results << stock
// HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
puts "Qualified: #{stock.symbol}, finished with #{index} out of #{finder.results.count}" <------------------------------------
// AND HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
puts "Not qualified: #{stock.symbol}, finished with #{index} out of #{finder.results.count}" <-----------------------------------------------------------
rescue => e
puts e.inspect
This caused a cascade of requests every time I iterated through the loop in NegativeFinder. Removing that call fixed it. Lesson: When using the decorator pattern, either only call the decorated method once, especially when you're doing something expensive in each call. Either that or hold the returned variable in an instance variable so you don't have to calculate it each time.
Also as a side note, I've decided not to go with the decorator pattern because I don't think it applies well here. Something like SmallCapFinder.new(SmallCapFinder.new(MarketFetcher.new(all_tickers))) doesn't add functionality at all (the primary function of using the decorator pattern), so chaining decorators doesn't do anything. Therefore, I'm just going to make them methods instead of adding unnecessary complexity.
There are some thing missing in the code you gave us (Base class StockFinder, MarketFetcher). But I think you are now instantate more than one YahooFinance::Client. Input/Output to other systems is very often the cause for speed problems.
I suggest that you first encapsulate the finance client and access to financial data. This makes it easier when you want to switch your financial data provider, or add another one. Instead of the decorator pattern, I would just use plain old methods for finding small caps, finding negative, etc.

Ruby Threads: progress bar during copy

I'm pretty new to Ruby Threads, so could someone let me know what I'm doing wrong here?
require 'fileutils'
require 'zip'
require 'rubygems'
require 'progressbar'
oraclePath = "\\\\server\\Oracle Client\\Oracle_11gR2\\win64_11gR2_client.zip"
tmpDir = Dir.mktmpdir("ora-")
progress = Thread.new(){
Thread.current[:name] = "FileProgress"
sourceFileSize = File.size("#{oraclePath}")
batch_bytes = ( in_size / 100 ).ceil
total = 0
p_bar = ProgressBar.new('Copying', 100)
buffer = "#{oraclePath}".sysread(batch_bytes)
while total < sourceFileSize do
total += batch_bytes
if (sourceFileSize - total) < batch_bytes
batch_bytes = (sourceFileSize - total)
buffer = "#{oraclePath}".sysread(batch_bytes)
puts "#{tmpDir}"
Zip::File.open("#{tmpDir}/win64_11gR2_client.zip") do |zipfile|
`unzip -j #{zipfile} -d #{dir}`
#zipfile.each do |file|
#zipfile.extract(file, "#{tmpDir}")
# remove the temp directories
FileUtils.remove_entry_secure tmpDir
The copying works, but the thread doesn't - I can't even step into it; it just skips it entirely.
A Ruby Thread will start running the moment it's instantiated with Thread.new, so in your example the copy begins immediately and the line progress.run isn't necessary.
You would only need to call run if the thread itself had stopped (i.e. called stop on itself while waiting for further instructions).
As reference, you can find more information here: http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.0.0/Thread.html

Mongo / Ruby driver output specific number of documents at a time?

Ruby Mongo Driver question:
How do I output 5_000 document batches from the collection at a time until I read the last document in the collection without dumping the entire database into memory first?
This is really bad method for me:
mongo = MongoClient.new('localhost', 27017)['sampledb']['samplecoll']
Mongo::Collection#find returns a Mongo::Cursor that is Enumerable. For batch processing Enumerable#each_slice is your friend and well worth adding to your toolkit.
Hope that you like this.
require 'mongo'
require 'test/unit'
class FindEachSliceTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
#samplecoll = Mongo::MongoClient.new('localhost', 27017)['sampledb']['samplecoll']
def test_find_each_slice
12345.times{|i| #samplecoll.insert( { i: i } ) }
slice__max_size = 5000
#samplecoll.find.each_slice(slice__max_size) do |slice|
puts "slice.size: #{slice.size}"
assert(slice__max_size >= slice.size)
ruby find_each_slice_test.rb
Run options:
# Running tests:
slice.size: 5000
slice.size: 5000
slice.size: 2345
Finished tests in 6.979301s, 0.1433 tests/s, 0.4298 assertions/s.
1 tests, 3 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Ruby Test:Unit, how to know fail/pass status for each test case in a test suite?

This question sounds stupid, but I never found an answer online to do this.
Assume you have a test suite like this page:
or code:
require "simpleNumber"
require "test/unit"
class TestSimpleNumber < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_simple
assert_equal(4, SimpleNumber.new(2).add(2) )
assert_equal(4, SimpleNumber.new(2).multiply(2) )
def test_typecheck
assert_raise( RuntimeError ) { SimpleNumber.new('a') }
def test_failure
assert_equal(3, SimpleNumber.new(2).add(2), "Adding doesn't work" )
Running the code:
>> ruby tc_simpleNumber2.rb
Loaded suite tc_simpleNumber2
Finished in 0.038617 seconds.
1) Failure:
test_failure(TestSimpleNumber) [tc_simpleNumber2.rb:16]:
Adding doesn't work.
<3> expected but was
3 tests, 4 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors
Now, how to use a variable (what kind?) to save the testing results?
e.g., an array like this:
[{:name => 'test_simple', :status => :pass},
{:name => 'test_typecheck', :status => :pass},
{:name => 'test_failure', :status => :fail},]
I am new to testing, but desperate to know the answer...
you need to execute your test script file, that's it, the result will display pass or fails.
Suppose you save file test_unit_to_rspec.rb, after that execute below command
ruby test_unit_to_rspec.rb
Solved the problem with setting a high verbose level, in a test runner call.
require 'test/unit'
require 'test/unit/ui/console/testrunner'
class MySuperSuite < Test::Unit::TestSuite
def self.suite
suites = self.new("My Super Test Suite")
suites << TestSimpleNumber1
suites << TestSimpleNumber2
return suites
#run the suite
# Pass an io object
#new(suite, output_level=NORMAL, io=STDOUT)
runner = Test::Unit::UI::Console::TestRunner.new(MySuperSuite, 3, io)
results will be saved in the io stream in a nice format fo each test case.
What about using '-v' (verbose):
ruby test_unit_to_rspec.rb -v
This should show you a lot more information
You can check out another of Nat's posts for a way to capture the results. The short answer to your question is that there is no variable for capturing the results. All you get is:
Loaded suite My Special Tests
Finished in 1.000935 seconds.
2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
Which is not very helpful if you want to report to someone else what happened. Nat's other post shows how to wrap the Test::Unit in rspec to get a better result and more flexibility.
class Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
#id = self.class.to_s()
def teardown
#test_result = "pass"
if(#_result.failure_count > 0 || #_result.error_count > 0)
#test_result = "fail"
# making sure no errors/failures exist before the next test case runs.
i = 0
while(i < #_result.failures.length) do
i = i + 1
while(i < #_result.errors.length) do
i = i + 1
#test_result = "fail"
end # if block ended
puts"#{#id}: #{#test_result}"
end # teardown definition ended
end # class Test::Unit::TestCase ended
Example Output :
test1: Pass
test2: fail
so on....
