How does Spring wire method parameters? - spring

I have this Spring method which just maps a resource onto a .jsp :
#ResourceMapping(value = "display")
public String displayResult() {
return "mypage"
If I update the method to :
#ResourceMapping(value = "display")
public String displayResult(javax.portlet.ResourceResponse rr) {
return "mypage"
the variable rr is initialised but what Spring "magic" is occurring in the background to initialise the object javax.portlet.ResourceResponse ?

This is part of the Spring MVC framework. The default rules are explained in the section "Defining #RequestMapping handler methods" of the Spring documentation (Link for 3.2.x)
My guess is that you have a helper library on your classpath which extends the defaults for the annotation #ResourceMapping and the type ResourceResponse

As Aaron pointed out, there default rules for resolving arguments for handler methods explained in a link he provided.
However, making a handler method accept other types of parameters is achieved not by extending #ResourceMapping annotation, but by implementing new WebArgumentResolver prior to Spring 3.1 and HandlerMethodArgumentResolver from 3.1. See
In your case, javax.portlet.ResourceResponse is probably directly supported by the Spring web mvc portlet framework, though I couldn't find a documentation for this. In your IDE, you can have a look at all classes implementing HandlerMethodArgumentResolver (or WebArgumentResolver)


Automatically document #PathVariable annotated parameters within #ModelAttribute annotated methods

In our REST-API we need to be multi-tenant capable. For achiving this all rest controllers subclass a common REST controller which defines a request mapping prefix and exposes a model attribute as follows
#RequestMapping(path = "/{tenantKey}/api")
public class ApiController {
public Tenant getTenant(#PathVariable("tenantKey") String tenantKey) {
return repository.findByTenantKey(tenantKey);
Derived controllers make use of the model attributes in their request mapping methods:
public class FooController extends ApiController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/foo", method = GET)
public List<Foo> getFoo(#ApiIgnore #ModelAttribute Tenant tenant) {
return service.getFoos(tenant);
This endpoint gets well documented in the swagger-ui. I get an endpoint documented with a GET mapping for path /{tenantKey}/api/foo.
My issue is, that the {tenantKey} path variable is not documented in swagger-ui as parameter. The parameters section in swagger is not rendered at all. If I add a String parameter to controller method, annotating it with #PathVariable("tenantKey) everything is fine, but I don't want a tenantKey parameter in my controller method, since the resolved tenant is already available as model attribute.
So my question is: Is there a way do get the #PathVariable from the #ModelAttriute annotated method in ApiController documented within swagger-ui in this setup?
Project-Setup is
Spring-Boot (1.4.2)
springfox-swagger2 (2.6.1)
springfox-swagger-ui (2.6.1)
This is certainly possible. Model attributes on methods are not supported currently. Instead, you could take the following approach.
Mark the getTenant method with an #ApiIgnore (not sure if it gets treated as a request mapping.)
In your docket you can add tenantKey global path variable (to all end points). Since this is a multi-tenant app it's assuming this applies to all endpoints.

Configuring Spring MockMvc to use custom argument resolver before built-in ones

I have a straightforward test case. I have a controller which has a parameter of a type Spring doesn't support by default, so I wrote a custom resolver.
I create the mock mvc instance I'm using like so:
mvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(controller).setCustomArgumentResolvers(new GoogleOAuthUserResolver()).build();
However, Spring is also registering almost 30 other argument resolvers, one of which is general enough that it is getting used to resolve the argument before mine. How can I set or sort the resolvers so that mine is invoked first?
This worked for me without reflection:
public class CustomerNumberArgumentResolverRegistration {
private final RequestMappingHandlerAdapter requestMappingHandlerAdapter;
public void prioritizeCustomArgumentResolver () {
final List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers = new ArrayList<>(Objects.requireNonNull(requestMappingHandlerAdapter.getArgumentResolvers()));
argumentResolvers.add(0, new CustomerNumberArgumentResolver());
The issue was that the People class the Google OAuth library I am using extends Map and the mock servlet API provides no way to manipulate the order in which the handlers are registered.
I ended up using reflection to reach into the mocks guts and remove the offending handler.

Null Pointer Exception In Spring Proxy Class and Kotlin

I am facing some problems with kotlin in conjunction with spring.
I have a controller bean (without an interface btw) which has an auto-wired service bean via the primary constructor.
It works perfectly unless I use caching annotations for the controller. Apparently springs caching generates a proxy class under the hood which deals with the caching.
My code looks like this:
open class RegionController #Autowired constructor(val service: RegionService) {
#RequestMapping("{id}", method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.GET))
#Cacheable(cacheNames = arrayOf("regions"))
fun get(#PathVariable id: Long): RegionResource {
return this.service.get(id)
The problem now is a null pointer exception when the method is executed, actually this.service is null which technically is not possible as it is a nonnull variable in kotlin.
I assume that class proxies generated by spring initialize the class with null values instead of the autowired bean. This must be a common pitfall using kotlin and spring. How did you circumvent this problem?
In Kotlin both classes and members are final by default.
For the proxying library (CGLIB, javaassist) to be able to proxy a method it has to be declared non final and in a non final class (since those libraries implement proxying by subclassing). Change your controller method to:
#RequestMapping("{id}", method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.GET))
#Cacheable(cacheNames = arrayOf("regions"))
open fun get(#PathVariable id: Long): RegionResource {
return this.service.get(id)
You probably see a warning in console regarding RegionController methods not being subject to proxying.
The Kotlin compiler plugin
The Kotlin team has acknowledged this difficulty and created a plugin that marks the standard AOP proxy candidates e.g. #Component with open.
You can enable the plugin by in your build.gradle:
plugins {
id "org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.spring" version "1.1.60"
Soon this might not be a problem any longer.
There is work in progress that any lib (including spring for example) can specify a list of annotations a file in META-INF. Once a class is annotated with one of these, it will default to open for the class itself and all its functions. This is also true for classes inheriting from an annotated class.
For more details, have a look at

Spring Controller fetch query parameter for a wrapper request class

I am trying to build RESTful web service by using spring 4.0
I have a controller:
public class Controller{
public ResultResponse fetchController(ResultRequest req){
return new ResultResponse(100);
return new ResultResponse(0);
and my ResultRequest.class
public class ResultRequest{
private String name;
If I hit the url to //host//contextPath/test/fetch?name=John
the controller will return the object ResultResponse(100)
my question is, there no #RequestParam or other annotation in the request parameter,
how does the spring controller know to set the query parameter "name" as the property of wrapper class
ResultRequest ?
Spring uses implementations of an interface called HandlerMethodArgumentResolver for resolving arguments to pass to handler methods, ie. methods annotated with #RequestMapping.
One of these is a ModelAttributeMethodProcessor. Its javadoc states
Resolves method arguments annotated with #ModelAttribute and handles
return values from methods annotated with #ModelAttribute.
Model attributes are obtained from the model or if not found possibly
created with a default constructor if it is available. Once created,
the attributed is populated with request data via data binding and
also validation may be applied if the argument is annotated with
When this handler is created with annotationNotRequired=true, any
non-simple type argument and return value is regarded as a model
attribute with or without the presence of an #ModelAttribute.
Spring registers two objects of this type. One to handle parameters annotated with #ModelAttribute and one to handle ones without.
Further reading:
Form submit in Spring MVC 3 - explanation
An Errors/BindingResult argument is expected to be declared immediately after the model attribute, the #RequestBody or the #RequestPart arguments

Why does Spring allow controller annotated request mappings on private methods?

Just came accross this today in a Spring MVC cotnroller class,
#RequestMapping(value = { "/foo/*" }, method = { RequestMethod.GET})
private String doThing(final WebRequest request) {
return "jsp";
This is making it a bit harder to write a test, I'll probably change it to public but what's the point of allowing mappings on private methods?
Java does not provide a mechanism for limiting the target of annotations based on access modifier.
As #smp7d stated, Java does not limit the target of annotations based on access modifiers, but syntactically speaking, #RequestMapping should not work on private methods. Also we cannot limit this, since it would break the backward compatibility. So, you can either go for defining your methods as public or you can create your own custom implementation.
Take a look at this: Spring's #RequestMapping annotation works on private methods
