ASP.NET MVC enable custom validation attributes -

I'm attempting to create my own model validation attributes for an ASP.NET MVC project. I've followed the advice from this question but cannot see how to get #Html.EditorFor() to recognise my custom attributes. Do I need to register my custom attribute classes in the web.config somewhere? A comment on this this answer seems to be asking the same thing.
FYI the reason I'm creating my own attributes is because I want to retrieve the field display names and validation messages from Sitecore and don't really want to go down the route of creating a class with a ton of static methods to represent each text property, which is what I'd have to do if I were to use
public class MyModel
[DisplayName("Some Property")]
[Required(ErrorMessageResourceName="SomeProperty_Required", ErrorMessageResourceType=typeof(MyResourceClass))]
public string SomeProperty{ get; set; }
public class MyResourceClass
public static string SomeProperty_Required
get { // extract field from sitecore item }
//for each new field validator, I would need to add an additional
//property to retrieve the corresponding validation message

This question has been answered here:
How to create custom validation attribute for MVC
In order to get your custom validator attribute to work, you need to register it. This can be done in Global.asax with the following code:
public void Application_Start()
typeof (MyNamespace.RequiredAttribute),
typeof (System.Web.Mvc.RequiredAttributeAdapter));
(If you're using WebActivator you can put the above code into a startup class in your App_Start folder.)
My custom attribute class looks like this:
public class RequiredAttribute : System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RequiredAttribute
private string _propertyName;
public RequiredAttribute([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
_propertyName = propertyName;
public string PropertyName
get { return _propertyName; }
private string GetErrorMessage()
// Get appropriate error message from Sitecore here.
// This could be of the form "Please specify the {0} field"
// where '{0}' gets replaced with the display name for the model field.
public override string FormatErrorMessage(string name)
//note that the display name for the field is passed to the 'name' argument
return string.Format(GetErrorMessage(), name);


ASP.NET Web API - how to pass unknown number of form-encoded POST values

The front-end of my application can send unknown number of POST values inside a form. Fro example in some cases there will be 3 values coming from certain textboxes, in some cases there will be 6 values coming from textboxes, dropdowns etc. The backend is ASP.NET Web API. I know that a simple .NET value can be passed in URI parameter to a "POST Action" using FromURI attribute and a complex type can be passed in body and fetched using FromBody attribute, in any POST Action. But in my case the number of form data values will NOT be constant rather variable and I can't use a pre-defined class to hold values using 'FromBody' attribute.
How can I tackle this situation?
You can use the FormDataCollection from the System.Net.Http.Formatting namespace.
public class ApiFormsController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult PostForm(FormDataCollection form)
NameValueCollection items = form.ReadAsNameValueCollection();
foreach (string key in items.AllKeys)
string name = key;
string val = items[key];
return Ok();
Try to send this properties as list of properties. Make model something like this:
public class PostModel
public IEnumerable<PropertyModel> Properties { get; set; }
public class PropertyModel
public string Value { get; set; }
public string Source { get; set; }
// etc.
And action:
public IHttpActionResult Post(PostModel model)
return Ok();

Custom Validation For Required fields

Hi I would want to have validations something of this sort
[RequiredCustom(ActionType=(int)Action.Update, ActionType=(int)Action.Delete)]
public string NotesID { get; set; }
public int ActionType { get; set; }
I would want to validate this NotesID only when Updation and Deletion is taking place. I don't need any javascript code for unobtrusive and all. I just want server side validation.
Please don't suggest use of separate models I can't do that. Something similar solution will also do.
Let me know if this requires more clarification, Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you are ok with placing the validation data annotations on the class itself, you could do something like the answer to this post (by Gary.S) suggests.
In essense, just create a new custom validation attribute and since its an attribute at class level, you will have access to the object itself and hence access to other properties.
You custom attribute should look something like this (Assuming your class name is 'Notes')
public class RequiredCustom: ValidationAttribute
List<int> actions;
public RequiredCustom(int[] actions)
this.actions = new List<int>();
public override bool IsValid(object value)
bool isValid = true;
Notes testVal = value as Notes;
isValid = false;
return isValid;
Then, add the validation attribute on the class and send the array of enums you want to test for. This way it will be dynamic enough to send other later. In this case, I am sending an ARRAY of Update and Delete enums since you have a special case for these two.
[RequiredCustom(new int[] {(int)Action.Update, (int)Action.Delete)}]
public class Notes
public string NotesID { get; set; }
public int ActionType { get; set; }
Remember, this will work only if you set the attribute on the class, not on the NotesId property.

Failing to get unobtrusive client validation

I figured out that property i want to be validated has to have [Required] attribute in C#
(am i right?)
If so -my model is linq generated class - how to add this attribute?
You can do it a couple of ways:
If it's possible, make the field non-nullable in the database. This will make the field required at the data layer.
Create a partial class that adds a property to your model class. Use this property instead of the database-generated property.
For example:
public partial class YourEntity
public string YourNewProperty
get { return this.TheRealProperty; }
set { this.TheRealProperty = value; }
Hopefully this helps
well, you could always make a new class, as a part of a Data access layer, with the same attributes, just put [required] where you want.
I believe your LINQ classes are partials. With MVC, you can use the "MetatDataTypeAttribute"
Like so
public partial class User {
class UserMetadataSource {
[HiddenInput(DisplayValue = false)]
public int UserId { get; set; }

How does one bind the value of a field to a property with a different name using ASP.NET MVC 3?

Consider the following model which uses XmlSerializer and to serialize the object to and from the respective formats.
public class MyModel {
public string Property1 { get; set; }
public string IsReallyImportant { get; set; }
Now consider the following ASP.NET MVC 3 action that accept JSON or XML requests and returns model in the respective format (based on the accept header).
public class MyController {
public ActionResult Post(MyModel model) {
// process model
string acceptType = Request.AcceptTypes[0];
int index = acceptType.IndexOf(';');
if (index > 0)
acceptType = item.Substring(0, index);
switch(acceptType) {
case "application/xml":
case "text/xml":
return new XmlResult(model);
case "application/json":
return new JsonNetResult(model);
return View();
Custom ValueProviderFactory implementations exist for JSON and XML inputs. As it stands the IsReallyImportant is being ignored when the input is being mapped to MyModel. However, if I define the attributes of IsReallyImportant to use "isreallyimportant", then information is correctly serialized.
public string IsReallyImportant { get; set; }
As expected the default binder uses the property name when mapping incoming values to the model. I had a look at the BindAttribute, however its not supported on properties.
How does one tell ASP.NET MVC 3 that the property IsReallyImportant should be bound to "important" in the incoming request?
I have too many models to write a custom binder for each. Note that I don't use ASP.NET Web API.
You can do only one custom ModelBinder which will look for JSonProperty and XMLElement attributes to map the right properties. This way you could use it everywhere and you won't have to develop a modelbinder for each model. Unfortunately, there is no other option to modify the property bindings than custom modelbinders.

MVC3 / EF CustomValidator two fields in model

Using MVC3 and EF4.1 how do I validate on client and server more than one field in my view model?
I have a start date text box (that can be modified) and I have the original start date in a hidden field. When the user submits the form I want to check that the modied start date is no more than one month either side of the original start date.
I can't figure out how this can be done with DataAnnotation and CustomValidation (or maybe I'm going down the wrong road)? This is an example of whay I've been working with:
public partial class MyUser
public System.DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
Partial Class
public class MyUserMetaData
[CustomValidation(typeof(AmendedStartDate), "amendedstartdate", ErrorMessage = "Invalid date."]
public DateTime StartDate { get; set; };
public DateTime OriginalStartDate { get; set; };
Custom Validator
public class AmendedStartDate : ValidationAttribute, IClientValidatable
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
// How do I get multiple field values from object value?
public IEnumerable<ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules(Modelmetadata metadate, ControllerContext context)
var rule = new ModelClientValidationRule
ErrorMessage = FormatErrorMessage(metadata.GetDisplayName()),
ValidationType = "amendedstartdate"
yield return rule;
I know I've still to add jQuery to the view for this validator.
Instead of using data annotations implement IValidatableObject on your model class - it is simpler and much more clear in scenarios with cross validation.
If you still want to use ValidationAttribute you have two parameters in the IsValid method:
value represents validated value of the property where the attribute is assigned
context is context in which the property is validated. It also contains ObjectInstance and ObjectType properties to access the whole model and its type so you can cast the instance and access other properties.
The question asked in MVC custom validation: compare two dates has an example of a validator which compares to a second value in the model. That should get you started.
