Full-text schema in ElasticSearch - elasticsearch

I'm (extremely) new to ElasticSearch so forgive my potentially ridiculous question. I currently use MySQL to perform full-text searches, and want to move this to ElasticSearch. Currently my table has a fulltext index spanning three columns:
In ES, each document would therefore have title, description and tags fields, allowing me to do a fulltext search for a general phrase, or filter on a given tag.
I also want to add further searchable fields such as username (so I can retrieve posts by a given user). So, how do I specify that a fulltext search should match title OR description OR tags but not username?
From the OR filter example, I'd assume I'd have to use something like this:
"filtered" : {
"query" : {
"match_all" : {}
"filter" : {
"or" : [
"term" : { "title" : "foobar" }
"term" : { "description" : "foobar" }
"term" : { "tags" : "foobar" }
Coming at this new, it doesn't seem like this is very efficient. Is there a better way of doing this, or do I need to move the username field to a separate index?

This is fine.
I general I would suggest getting familiar with ElasticSearch mapping types and options.


How to limit elasticsearch to a list of documents each identified by a unique keyword

I have an elasticsearch document repository with ~15M documents.
Each document has an unique 11-char string field (comes from a mongo DB) that is unique to the document. This field is indexed as keyword.
I'm using C#.
When I run a search, I want to be able to limit the search to a set of documents that I specify (via some list of the unique field ids).
My query text uses bool with must to supply a filter for the unique identifiers and additional clauses to actually search the documents. See example below.
To search a large number of documents, I generate multiple query strings and run them concurrently. Each query handles up to 64K unique ids (determined by the limit on terms).
In this case, I have 262,144 documents to search (list comes, at run time, from a separate mongo DB query). So my code generates 4 query strings (see example below).
I run them concurrently.
Unfortunately, this search takes over 22 seconds to complete.
When I run the same search but drop the terms node (so it searches all the documents), a single such query completes the search in 1.8 seconds.
An incredible difference.
So my question: Is there an efficient way to specify which documents are to be searched (when each document has a unique self-identifying keyword field)?
I want to be able to specify up to a few 100K of such unique ids.
Here's an example of my search specifying unique document identifiers:
"_source" : "talentId",
"from" : 0,
"size" : 10000,
"query" : {
"bool" : {
"must" : [
"bool" : {
"must" : [ { "match_phrase" : { "freeText" : "java" } },
{ "match_phrase" : { "freeText" : "unix" } },
{ "match_phrase" : { "freeText" : "c#" } },
{ "match_phrase" : { "freeText" : "cnn" } } ]
"bool" : {
"filter" : {
"bool" : {
"should" : [
"terms" : {
"talentId" : [ "goGSXMWE1Qg", "GvTDYS6F1Qg",
"-qa_N-aC1Qg", "iu299LCC1Qg",
"0p7SpteI1Qg", ... 4,995 more ... ]
#jarmod is right.
But if you don't wanna completely redo your architecture, is there some other single talent-related shared field you could query instead of thousands of talendIds? It could be one more simple match_phrase query.

Protecting data in elastic search

I have a elastic search engine running locally with an index which contains data from Multiple customers. When a customer makes a query, is there a way to dynamically add Customer Id in the filtering criteria so a customer cannot access the records from other customers.
Yes, you can achieve that using filtered aliases. So you'd create one alias per customer like this:
POST /_aliases
"actions" : [
"add" : {
"index" : "customer_index",
"alias" : "customer_1234",
"filter" : { "term" : { "customer_id" : "1234" } }
Then your customer can simply query the alias customer_1234 and only his data is going to come back.

How to run Elasticsearch completion suggester query on limited set of documents

I'm using a completion suggester in Elasticsearch on a single field. The type contains documents of several users. Is there a way to limit the returned suggestions to documents that match a specific query?
I'm currently using this query:
"name" : {
"text" : "Peter",
"completion" : {
"field" : "name_suggest"
Is there a way to combine this query with a different one, e.g.
"term" : {
"user_id" : "590c5bd2819c3e225c990b48"
Have a look at the context suggester, which is just a specialized completion suggester with filtering capabilities - however this is still not a regular query filter, just keep that in mind.
You can specify both the query and the suggester in your query, like this:
"term" : {
"user_id" : "590c5bd2819c3e225c990b48"
"suggest": {
"name" : {
"text" : "Peter",
"completion" : {
"field" : "name_suggest"
I have a similar use case, and I've posted my question on elastic search forum, see here
From what I've read so far, I don't think with completion suggester you can limit documents. They essentially create a finite state transducer (prefix tree) at index time, this makes it fast but you lose the flexibility of filtering on additional fields. I don't think context suggester would work in your case (let me know if i am wrong), because the cardinality of user_id is very high.
I think edge-ngrams partial matching is more flexible and might actually work in your use case.
Let me know what you end up implementing.

Multi word partial search

i am very new to the Elastic search.
Like to know how to search partial multi word search.
for ex :
My document
"title":"harry porter"
i need this document with search with following string
1.)har por
same as sql query (select * from books where title like '%har%' or title like '%por%')
Using a completion suggester will provide most of the feature you want. It will find words starting with an arbitrary string, like "har" or "por".
Check out this question for a full example on how to set up a completion suggester.
As described in the documentation, you can achieve multi-word search (i.e. returning "harry horter" from a search for "por") by creating your analyzer with the option preserve_position_increments set to false
PUT books
"mappings": {
"book" : {
"properties" : {
"suggest" : {
"type" : "completion",
"preserve_position_increments": false
"title" : {
"type": "keyword"
Refer to this : Edge NGram Tokenizer
This helps in partial multi-word search (similar to autocomplete suggestions). Hope this helps!

How to use elastic search for advanced queries:

I'm using elasticsearch. I'm already pretty deep into it but I'm very confused as to how to go about writing advanced queries. There are queries / filters / etc. I'm confused as to how to proceed.
I have a schema that looks like this:
photos: {people: [{person_id: 1, person_name:"john kealy"}],
tags: [{tag_id: 1, tag_name:"other tag"},
by_line: "John D Kealy/My website.com",
location: "Some Place OUt West"]
I need to be able to string together these queries dynamically ALWAYS pulling in FULL MATCHES, e.g. I would like to search for
people.person_id: [1,2] (pulls in only photos with BOTH or more peole)
tags.tag_id: [1,2,3] (pulls in only photos with all three or more tags)
by_line: "John D. Kealy/My Website.com" (the full name including the slash)
location: "some place out west"
I would like to write one query with all these items. I need to include the slash in "by_line", i don't care up upper or lower case. I need the exact match "some place out west". What do I use here? Queries or filters / filtered?
General guidelines for bool filters/queries can be found here.
If you are constructing an "exact match" query, you can often use the term filter (or query).
If you are constructing a search that requires a solid performance speed wise, a filtered query is often advisable, as filters are set before the query is run, often improving performance.
As for your specific example, the below filters should work, throw it around a matchAll query or anything else you need [With the non-analyzed by_line field, the analyzed one has a query). This should give you an idea as how to construct future queries:
NOTE: This assumes that your by_line field is not analyzed. The double slash will escape your slash delimiter, if you are using an analyzed field you must use a match query.
Without analyzer on by_line
"query" : {
"filtered" : {
"filter" : {
"bool" : {
"must" : [
{ "terms" : {"people.person_id" : ["1", "2"]}},
{ "terms" : {"tags.tag_id" : ["1", "2", "3"]}},
{ "term" : {"by_line" : "John D. Kealy\\/My Website.com"}},
{ "term" : {"location" : "some place out west"}}
I will keep the above there for future readers, however I see in your post history that you are using the standard analyzer, your query should be structured as follows.
With analyzer on by_line
"query" : {
"filtered" : {
"query": {
"match": {
"by_line": "John Kealy/BFA.com"
"filter" : {
"bool" : {
"must" : [
{ "terms" : {"people.person_id" : ["1", "2"]}},
{ "terms" : {"tags.tag_id" : ["1", "2", "3"]}},
{ "term" : {"location" : "some place out west"}}
