Ruby find like string array from an array [closed] - ruby

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Say that I have three arrays arr1, arr1 and arr3.
arr1 = ["apple", "book", "car", "dog"]
arr2 = ["apple", "book"]
arr3 = ["app", "boo"]
How can I check if arr1 includes: arr2, and arr3 with like wildcards.

You could use Enumerable#grep:
arr3.all? { |item| arr2.grep(/#{item}/)[0] }
#=> true
This matches substrings (e.g. ook), to match only prefixes use /^#{item}/.


How to get the index of a key in a ruby hash? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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If I have
footnotes = { "apple" => "is a fruit", "cat" => "is an animal", "car" => "a transport"}
How can I get the index of these?, something like:
# => 1
There's no need to first retrieve the keys:
footnotes.find_index { |k,_| k== 'cat' } #=> 1
As to the question of whether hash key-value pairs have an index (since v1.9), I would just point out that the Ruby monks decided to supply us with Enumerable#find_index, which of course means Hash.instance_methods.include?(:find_index) #=> true.
You can do
footnotes.to_a.index {|key,| key == 'cat'}
# => 1

What is the correct way to use variable symbols in a hash? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have two arrays:
people_keys = ['id', 'name', 'email']
people_values = [[1, 'Tarzan', ''],
[2, 'Jane', '' ]]
and I want to make an array of people:
people = []
people_values.each do |person_values|
person = {}
person_values.each_with_index do |person_value, index|
person[people_keys[index]] = person_value
people.push( person )
This gives me the following result:
people # => [{"id"=>1, "name"=>"Tarzan", "email"=>""},
# {"id"=>2, "name"=>"Jane", "email"=>"" }]
I want to make id, name and email symbols instead of strings,
so I came up with the following:
I replaced
person[people_keys[index]] = person_value
person[:"#{people_keys[index]}"] = person_value
This gives me the following result:
people # => [{:id=>1, :name=>"Tarzan", :email=>""},
# {:id=>2, :name=>"Jane", :email=>"" }]
This works just fine but seems like it could be done better/cleaner,
but I am unable to find a better solution.
I'd like to know if there is in fact a better solution for this problem.
Ruby's String class has a to_sym method:
Returns the Symbol corresponding to str, creating the symbol if it did not previously exist.
You could do something like this: { |person| }

I am trying to understand this standalone method for practice [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Im trying to write a standalone method named count_lines that returns the number of lines in an input string.
If i run this test code it should produce the output shown:
s = %W/This
print "Number of lines: ", count_lines(s), "\n"
# Output:
Number of lines: 4
I am fairly new to Ruby and I am trying to figure out if this pseudocode of the actual output or not. Please help me!!
I would assume count_lines is a method that counts the number of elements in a an array, you can count the number of elements using of the several methods ruby provides look up the Array Documentation for this, and %W is a one of ruby niceties which allows you create an array of strings, e.g:
arr = %W{a b c}
arr # => ["a", "b", "c"]
It takes almost any special character as a delimiter e.g using . as a delimeter
arr = %W.a b c.
arr # => ["a", "b", "c"]
So in your snippet from the question / is delimiter used, so s would evaluate as below:
s = %W/This
s # => ["This", "is", "a", "test."]
The above explains why the below works as it does
def count_lines(arr)
s = %W/This
print "Number of lines: ", count_lines(s), "\n"
# >> Number of lines: 4

Any good way of checking if a json object is a subset of another one in Ruby? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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By a is a json subset of b, I mean
For object, b has all the key-value pairs as in a.
For array, b has the same size as a, the order doesn't matter though
{"one":1}.should be_subset_json({"one":1,"two":2})
[{"one":1}].should_NOT be_subset_json([{"one":1},{"two":2}])
[{"two":2},{"one":1}].should be_subset_json([{"one":1},{"two":2}])
[{"id":1},{"id":2}].should be_subset_json([{"id":2, "name":"b"},{"id":1,"name":"a"}])
Just implementing your spec there seems to work.
require 'json'
def diff_structure(a, b)
case a
when Array ==
when Hash
a.all? {|k, v| diff_structure(v, b[k]) }
a == b
RSpec::Matchers.define :be_subset_json do |expected|
match do |actual|
diff_structure JSON.parse(actual), JSON.parse(expected)
describe "Data structure subsets" do
specify { '{"one":1}'.should be_subset_json('{"one":1,"two":2}') }
specify { '[{"one":1}]'.should_not be_subset_json('[{"one":1},{"two":2}]') }
specify { '[{"two":2},{"one":1}]'.should be_subset_json('[{"one":1},{"two":2}]') }
specify { '{"a":{"one":1}}'.should be_subset_json('{"a":{"one":1,"two":2}}') }
# Data structure subsets
# should be subset json "{\"one\":1,\"two\":2}"
# should not be subset json "[{\"one\":1},{\"two\":2}]"
# should be subset json "[{\"one\":1},{\"two\":2}]"
# should be subset json "{\"a\":{\"one\":1,\"two\":2}}"
# Finished in 0.00172 seconds
# 4 examples, 0 failures

How to split a Number to Natural Numerals in Ruby [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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for example:
input: 15
15 = 1+2+3+4+5
15 = 4+5+6
15 = 7+8
input: 4
output: cannot split
Here's one way:
def natural_numerals(value)
results = []
(1..value-1).each {|i| (i..value-1).each {|j| results << (i..j).to_a.join("+") if (i+j)*(j-i+1)/2 == value}}
if results.empty? then nil else results end
output1 = natural_numerals(15)
output2 = natural_numerals(4)
puts output1.inspect #=> ["1+2+3+4+5", "4+5+6", "7+8"]
puts output2.inspect #=> nil
