Hidden form submits on enter key pressed - model-view-controller

I've two form in the page. One is hidden by default. The hidden form submits when I press enter from keyboard.
How to avoid that ?
I've two form. One is HttpGet and another one is HttpPost. But when press enter key from keyboard, It always call HttpPost instead of HttpGet.

There are two possibilities to resolve this.
Remove the form which is in Http.Get.
If it is required, then have different action names for HttpGet and HttpPost.


Laravel Livewire text input with 2 submit buttons

I have a small problem that I cannot resolve because im new to Livewire
I have a form with a text input with a search button.
The user types a word, press enter and the search button finds the result on database... and with that result I enable the save button.
when the user press enter again I save that word on a table.
the problem later is when the user change that word. I press the enter key again and it tries to save and not to search the word...
how can I reset or something when the text input change? without executing it on every key press?
thanks !!
I have found my answer.. it was not on hydrate or dehydrate.. it was on updated function of the property, where I reset all inputs.
thanks for you and me

PowerApps Portal--> After Record is created (Insert Form) show that record as Edit Form

I have a Insert form for Account Entity.
Once user create Record, I want to move to another page and show same record as Edit Form.
Does anyone have idea way to achieve this?
You should be able to redirect the user to desired page using OnSuccess of form submission.
On success: Select one of the following options:
Show success message: Requires a message to be displayed to the
user on successful submission of the form. You can also select Hide
form on success to hide the form upon successful submission.
Redirect to webpage: Redirects the user to the selected webpage
in the portal. You must select a webpage from the Redirect to webpage
Redirect to URL: Redirects the user to the specified URL. You
must enter a URL in the Redirect to URL field.
Read more
Out of Box configuration helps!!!
There is a field on "Entity Form" records named "Append Record ID to Query String". This is to configure passing the id of the record to the page after form submission. This screenshot shows it in the Redirect Section in the classic interface
You can do this several ways. What I do, is use Navigate() to go to the new screen, and I pass in a context variable to the new edit screen.
Assuming you're using OnSelect() on a button to call SubmitForm(), you can do the Navigate() call via the OnSuccess() property of the form.
And within Navigate(), you just pass whatever data you need to in order for the next screen to properly bind it to the Edit Form. This is the UpdateContextRecord optional param. You'd have the Edit form take its values from a Context Variable.
Passing variables between screens has been discussed here, as well.

Why does APEX submit when I press Enter when I never programmed it to?

I discovered this behavior in Oracle APEX 4.2: you create a page with form elements and now when you press Enter in a textbox (text field), the page submits, even though you have "Submit when Enter pressed" set to No and haven't made any dynamic actions or other javascript checking for the keycode 13.
This can also end up making it look like you submitted twice: first with a blank/empty request, and then with the actual request. Interestingly, the first blank request is the only one Firefox sees, but Chrome and IE see both requests.
It turns out if you have exactly one text field on your page, APEX will cause the page to submit. I found the solution here: http://deneskubicek.blogspot.com/2008/06/textfield-item-submiting-page.html
Just create another text field and give it the following in the HTML Form Element attributes: "style="display:none". Voila, all set!

Oracle Apex submit when 'enter' pressed

I have an text field in an oracle apex form. A user can type in a search query and hit the "Search" button to submit the page. I also want to allow the user to just be able to hit the enter key to search.
On the text field I have the option "Submit when Enter Pressed" set to Yes. However this is not working. I think it is because I have other processes attached to other buttons on the page that are used to also submit the form for other purposes.
My question is, is there anyway to define specifically what process gets called when enter is pressed from a specific text field?
When you submit a page by pressing Enter in an item with "Submit when Enter pressed" set to Yes, the page is submitted with the Request value set to the name of the item. You can therefore make the process conditional on the value of Request being the item name.

JSF 2.0 Ajax Problem

I have some <h:inputText> on my form and two <h:commandButton>s, one commandbutton submits the form in a classic manner and the other one has a <f:ajax>, how can I prevent the form from submitting when the user presses Enter key in one of my inputs which triggers the second button?
If you don't have textareas in your form, just add the following to the <h:form>.
<h:form onkeypress="return event.keyCode != 13">
The Enter key has the key code 13, so the above returns false to the form whenever it is been pressed, so the default action won't take place anymore.
However, if you have textareas in your form (<h:inputTextArea> and on), where you'd like to have the Enter key to function as usual, then you need to put the onkeypress attribute in all non-textarea input fields instead. You can use JS/jQuery for this to minimize code duplication.
