Opensource Framework toolkit in perl for graphic operations [closed] - ajax

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to create a website for labeling the images and then storing the location of objects labelled in the image to the xml for that I am using the language at server end perl.
For this purpose i need a complete toolchain which has modern front end on HTML5/Ajax and server side backend on perl.
My application must contain:
Loading image,painting polygons on the images, storing and reading of xml files, user accounts and user-data, display of images, session management etc...
So i need to use a framework that can minimize my efforts.
any experience or suggestion are welcomed ...

For labelling images I found svg-edit as a client side wonderful framework using javascript.


Web-based RDF triplestore editor? (like phpMyAdmin for RDBs) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm developing a RDF database to be stored in a triple store. Visually editing the ontology is done with Protégé. However I need non-developers to be able to add records to the database.
I looked around but didn't have something that is as user-friendly as phpMyAdmin for a normal MySQL DB as an example.
Do I need to develop a visual interface for SPARQL? Or did I miss something that would allow a non-CS person to modify the records (individuals/instances not the ontology) in a graphical manner?
The best solution I found so far is to use a Semantic Media Wiki ( with Karima Rafes' awesome extension ( With this, you can have users that don't know anything about RDF/Semantic Web modify data through wiki Templates and then export to RDF.
But I'm sure there is something more suitable, still looking for it.
I finally found the perfect tool: OntoWiki (, it matches all the criteria listed in the question. It is supposed to be back-end (triplestore) independent, but installation guidelines are given for either Virtuoso or Mysql.

I am looking for a video annotation tool [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for a simple video annotation tool that contains the following future:
Create rectangles around objects in various frames and the tool allows to export these information (frame#, rect1.xy, etc...) into a txt file/excel file etc...
I have been searching the whole web today but could not find one solution. I only found vatic, but there you have to pay for Amazon's Mechanical Turk:
Anybody knows some tools that do the same thing?
You can still continue to use VATIC in offline mode without paying for Amazon's Mechanical Turk services.

How to connect to SQL server database from jekyll? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can anybody give me some sample code showing how to connect to a SQL server database from jekyll's _config.yml?
Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator that does its generation based on the files contained in a very specific directory structure. Accessing an SQL database is not something that it can do, at least not out of the box. You could look at Jekyll plugins and see if there are any that meet your particular use case, but beyond that you might be better off looking at something more sophisticated like Ruby on Rails or Django.

GeneXus X tutorials [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm currently evaluating GeneXus X, and I'd like to know where I could get tutorials (either in English, Spanish, Portuguese, it doesn't matter) on the following subjects:
Report Creation
Database Reverse Engineering Tool
Advanced transaction creation (relations, menu, rules, events)
Interoperation with external DLL's
I'm using GeneXus X ev1, My knowledge base is in C#.
Marcelo, all the topics your are asking for are covered, at least in spanish, here:,,MNU;E;19;2;MNU;
More under
You can download the GeneXus Quick Start Guide from this url,,61,1055,O,E,0,MNU;E;225;3;MNU;,
You can direct yourself to
Marcelo, specifically about the Database reverse engineering process with Genexus, here you can find an overview:

How do I test how customers use my Cocoa application? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm interested in finding out how customers use features in my Cocoa application.
I want to build up statistics on which features people use and how they use them, so that I can measure the value of features I'm implementing.
I'm building a desktop app to run on Snow Leopard.
This feedback of course will be opt-in and anonymous.
Does anyone know of any frameworks that have been developed that can achieve this without me having to write stuff from scratch?
Might want to look into Flurry Analytics. It's "free" and will track just about anything you're interested in.
