Ansible: How to change active directory in Ansible Playbook? - ansible

- name: Go to the folder
command: chdir=/opt/tools/temp
When I run my playbook, I get:
TASK: [Go to the folder] *****************************
failed: [host] => {"failed": true, "rc": 256}
msg: no command given
Any help is much appreciated.

There's no concept of current directory in Ansible. You can specify current directory for specific task, like you did in your playbook. The only missing part was the actual command to execute. Try this:
- name: Go to the folder and execute command
command: chdir=/opt/tools/temp ls

This question was in the results for when I was trying to figure out why 'shell' was not respecting my chdir entries when I had to revert to Ansible 1.9. So I will be posting my solution.
I had
- name: task name
cmd: touch foobar
creates: foobar
chdir: /usr/lib/foobar
It worked with Ansible > 2, but for 1.9 I had to change it to.
- name: task name
shell: touch foobar
creates: foobar
chdir: /usr/lib/foobar
Just wanted to share.

If you need a login console (like for bundler), then you have to do the command like this.
command: bash -lc "cd /path/to/folder && bundle install"

You can change into a directory before running a command with ansible with chdir.
Here's an example I just setup:
- name: Run a pipenv install
LANG: "en_GB.UTF-8"
command: "pipenv install --dev"
chdir: "{{ dir }}/proj"


Error when executing a linux script by ansible

I try to run a linux script with the shell module but I get the following error:
/bin/sh: sh: command not found.
To run this linux script, I need to run it with a different user (oracle) than the one I use to connect
This is the task of the playbook
- name: Execute
become: true
become_user: oracle
become_method: sudo
shell: sh P_05_2021
chdir: /fuentes01/vasmonitor
ORACLE_BASE: /oracle/oracle/app/oracle
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /oracle/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/lib64
ORACLE_HOME: /oracle/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1
PATH: /usr/sbin:/oracle/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/bin:/usr/local/bin
CLASSPATH: /oracle/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/jlib:/oracle/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/jlib
In the task I need to execute the script with the user oracle
When I execute the script with the user oracle manually, it works
In environment you specify a PATH that does not include /bin (or /usr/bin), so sh is not found in the PATH.

Change current directory and stay there [duplicate]

- name: Go to the folder
command: chdir=/opt/tools/temp
When I run my playbook, I get:
TASK: [Go to the folder] *****************************
failed: [host] => {"failed": true, "rc": 256}
msg: no command given
Any help is much appreciated.
There's no concept of current directory in Ansible. You can specify current directory for specific task, like you did in your playbook. The only missing part was the actual command to execute. Try this:
- name: Go to the folder and execute command
command: chdir=/opt/tools/temp ls
This question was in the results for when I was trying to figure out why 'shell' was not respecting my chdir entries when I had to revert to Ansible 1.9. So I will be posting my solution.
I had
- name: task name
cmd: touch foobar
creates: foobar
chdir: /usr/lib/foobar
It worked with Ansible > 2, but for 1.9 I had to change it to.
- name: task name
shell: touch foobar
creates: foobar
chdir: /usr/lib/foobar
Just wanted to share.
If you need a login console (like for bundler), then you have to do the command like this.
command: bash -lc "cd /path/to/folder && bundle install"
You can change into a directory before running a command with ansible with chdir.
Here's an example I just setup:
- name: Run a pipenv install
LANG: "en_GB.UTF-8"
command: "pipenv install --dev"
chdir: "{{ dir }}/proj"

how to install the script interactive via ansible playbook

I can run the script with the command line argument on the linux server it works fine.
for e.g.: ./ -n -I <IP address of the server>
The above command is able to install the script on the server.
When I am trying to do via ansible (version 2.5) playbook using the shell module it gives me an argument error.
- name: Running the script
shell: yes | ./fullinstall
Expect modules has been tried.
--my-arg1=IP address
- shell: "./ -n -I"
chdir: somedir/
creates: somelog.txt
You can look here for examples.
You can also place the file on the server as a template. Then you can set the variables as desired in Jinja2.
- name: Template
src: /
dest: /tmp/
- shell: "cd /tmp/ ; ./
Your contains:
IP adres: {{ my_ip }}
And set the variable on the command line with:
ansible-playbook -e my_ip=""
Use command module
- name: run script
command: /path/to/ -n -I {{ ip_addrress }}
ansible-playbook -e ip_address="" play.yml
If you want to interactively wanted to enter the IP address, use prompt module.

how to start the service in target server using ansible playbook

I'm trying to run the following ansible playbook to start the "nexus" service on remote server at path "nexux/bin" it gets failed :
- hosts: nexus
become: yes
become_user: nexus
become_method: sudo
- name: changing dir and starting nexus service
chdir: nexux/bin
executable: ./nexus start
Can someone troubleshoot here to deduce the root cause ?
As the ansible output very clearly told you, in that syntax you did not provide a command. The executable: is designed to be the shell executable, not the "run this thing" argument. It is very clear in the examples section of the fine manual
- shell: cd /opt/nexus/bin && ./nexus start
If you want to use the chdir: option, you must put it under a sibling yaml key to the shell:, like so:
- shell: echo hello world
chdir: /opt/nexus/bin
# I'm omitting the "executable:" key here, because you for sure
# do not want to do that, but if you did, then fine, put it here
Having said all of that, as the docs also indicate, what you really want is to use command: because you are not making use of any special shell characters (redirects, pipes, && phrases, etc), so:
- command: ./nexus start
chdir: /opt/nexus/bin
Try use the shell module, i also recommend to run with nohup and send the output to a file
- shell: |
cd /opt/nexus/bin
nohup ./nexus start > /tmp/nexus.log 2>&1 &

Setting an environment variable in Ansible from a command output of bash command

I would like to set output of a shell command as an environment variable in Ansible.
I did the following to achieve it:
- name: Copy content of config.json into variable
shell: /bin/bash -l -c "cat /storage/config.json"
register: copy_config
tags: something
- name: set config
shell: "echo $TEMP_CONFIG"
TEMP_CONFIG: "{{copy_config}}"
tags: something
But somehow after the ansible run, when I do run the following command:
in my terminal it gives an empty result.
Any help would be appreciated.
There are at least two problems:
You should pass copy_config.stdout as a variable
- name: set config
shell: "echo $TEMP_CONFIG"
TEMP_CONFIG: "{{copy_config.stdout}}"
tags: something
You need to register the results of the above task and then again print the stdout, so:
- name: set config
shell: "echo $TEMP_CONFIG"
TEMP_CONFIG: "{{copy_config.stdout}}"
tags: something
register: shell_echo
- debug:
var: shell_echo.stdout
You never will be able to pass the variable to a non-related process this way. So unless you registered the results in an rc-file (like ~/.bash_profile which is sourced on interactive login if you use Bash) no other shell process would be able to see the value of TEMP_CONFIG. This is how system works.
