I need something like that https://github.com/ilyakatz/resque-history
but on Sidekiq
does anyone know something about it?
I would like to know the best way to access and/or pass the output instance of a command to a queued job instance. All I want to do is be able to output info to the command line while my job is running from a working queue. It doesn't seem like there is any easy way to do so unless I'm missing something.
i personally do this in this way:
in terminal open tail -f storage/log/laravel.log and in your job handler \Log::info('output whatever i need');
I am using the delay_until functionality of sidekiq like this:
email.check_for_response_jid = CheckForResponse.delay_until(email.check_for_response).perform_async(email.id)
Is there any way I can test that the job is created when called like this?
I would like to be able to configure hue/hive to have a few custom jar files added and a few UDFs created so that the user does not have to do this every time.
Ideally, I am hopeful that there might be a feature similar to the Hive CLI's ".hiverc" file where I can simply put a few HQL statements to do all of this. Does anyone know if Hue has this feature? It looks like it is not using the file $HIVE_HOME/conf/.hiverc.
Alternatively, if I could handle both the custom jar file and the UDFs separately, that would be fine too. For example, I'm thinking I could put the jar in $HADOOP_HOME/lib on all of the tasktrackers, and maybe also on Hue's classpath somehow. Not sure, but I don't think this would be too difficult...
But that still leaves the UDFs. It seems like I might be able to modify the Hive source (org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.FunctionRegistry probably) and compile a custom version of Hive, but I'd really rather not go down that rabbit hole if at all possible.
It looks like this jira: https://issues.cloudera.org/browse/HUE-1066 [beeswax] Preload jars into the environment.
I'm studying the possibilitie of using Resque in order to store rake tasks as jobs, and executing them later across multiple workers. Is this possible? I've already read the documentation for redis+resque, and tried to search examples of someone doing this, without success.
The rake tasks that I would like to execute as jobs, would fire cucumber+selenium to perform some web automation tests, that takes some time to complete.
Thanks in Advance!
As Amar told, using the invoke worked just fine.
I'm trying to get migrations set up in Ramaze. I'm coming from doing mostly Rails stuff, but I wanted to give something else a shot. Anyway, I've got a directory in my project called "migrations" with a start.rb file and then my migrations. Here's start.rb:
require File.expand_path('../app.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__))
require 'sequel/extensions/migration.rb'
Sequel::Migrator.apply(DB, '.')
Now, first of all, I don't know why I can't just do
instead of that long require, but it seems to be working, so I'm not worrying about it too much. The main problem is that none of my migrations actually run. It creates the schema_info table, so I know it's trying to work, but it just can't find my 000_initial_info.rb file that's right there in the same directory.
I couldn't really find any documentation on this, so this is my own solution. I'd love to hear other solutions as well if I'm just going about this all wrong. Thanks for any help!
You can't use Sequel::Model.plugin :migration because migration is not a model plugin, it is a core extension. This will work:
Sequel.extension :migration
Sequel comes with the bin/sequel tool that you can use to run migrations with the -m switch:
sequel -m /path/to/app/migrations
Unless you have special needs, I recommend using that.
One of the problems with your setup might be that you started your migrations at 000. Start them at 001 and it may work better.
There's rdoc documentation for the Migrator:
Here's my solution:
Run "rake -T" to see the various db and migrate tasks I've written."
I use this "experimental" as my ramaze project template at the moment.