ExcelDna not working on one machine - excel-dna

As far as I can detect all machines are the same that excelDna is being used on.
On one specific machine I tried to use the code I have created, and ran into an issue. Logically I thought this was odd and instead tried to add a sample file that comes with the download.
So now, I am trying Errors.xll/Errors.dna that come as a sample. The same error occurrs. Therefore to me there is an issue on this specific machine.
The error I am receiving is "a problem occurred while an add-in was being initialized (InitialIntegration failed). The add-in is built with ExcelDna and is being loaded from P:\xlDna\Distribution\Errors.xll"
Has anyone encountered this? Help needed to understand why this is happening as it seems quite opaque to debug.

Hi what solved this for me was moving the xll and DNA to the users c:. Once located on the c: worked flawlessly.
Hope this helps someone else in the future.


Can't find certain .exe after starting up pc

Everytime I start up my laptop, I get the following error:
Can't find file C:\Users\robert\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\dhisevfi\eieteifb.exe Check if you have the entered the name correctly and try again after.
I can't find this .exe file anywhere on my laptop and even on the internet it can not be found. Check here to see the image of the error.
StackOverflow is my last resort to solve this problem since no one seems to understand why it happens.
I would be very grateful if someone could me out a bit further.
Thanks in advance!
I've just searched the internet and I didn't find the name of this executable, which most likely means that it has been generated automatically, which is a typical situation for ... a virus! (I had a similar situation several years ago)
So, apparently your computer has been infected with a virus, the corresponding executable is not (longer) present on your computer, but your computer (still) wants to launch it. (Don't worry: as the executable is not there anymore, there won't be any harm to your computer anymore)
I'd advise you to remove this entry from your startup folder, but this action depends on your Windows version. There are lots of entries about this subject all over the internet.

Program not running from 'Run' registry key

I have written a program in C# which I would like to open automatically at startup. As such, I have added a value to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run key:
Name: CustomTaskbar
Data: "C:\Users\test\Documents\CustomTaskbar\CustomTaskbar.exe"
Unfortunately, when I login, I am encountered with an error. Windows says 'CustomTaskbar has stopped working' and the details say this:
Files that help describe the problem:
I have no idea why this is happening, as it works just fine when I run it manually, either via Windows Explorer or cmd.
I have written the program in C#. Do I have to add anything to the code in order to make it compatible with the registry key?
I apologise in advance if this is a stupid question, with a simple answer, but I cannot find any fix online.
Following the instructions provided by the link (https://stackoverflow.com/a/3133249/17034) kindly provided by Hans Passant, I was able to catch the exception. It turns out that while I had thought it was an issue with the way Windows was running it, it was in fact a stupid error on my behalf. I was referencing local paths like ”appfolder” and ”config.xml”. Windows was running the program from the system32 directory and, as the program did not have admin privileges, it was throwing an error, saying it couldn’t write to them.
I feel utterly ridiculous for having not noticed what would be happening before.

Determine Cause of Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object

I have inherited a program written in VB 6 that is not working when the user tries to print. I had some ocx files I needed to register (regsvr32), which I found using Process Monitor, but I can't see where this error is coming from. Is it possible to find out what component the program was trying to create? This program was written by someone else and I don't have access to anything but the original setup program. Thanks.
So the issue was not the old program, but something to do with Access. I happened upon some articles dealing with this particular issue, but nothing worked. I had to install Access 2013 32 bit in order to make this work. I didn't really fix the cause of the problem, but I wanted to put this here to point any future sufferers they check Office and their program if they run into a similar issue.

Installing Z-Wave Device Applications

I am curious about the Lab of Things and i've just started to learn it.
I am studying it in the network lab of my university. We have a z-wave controller stick, 2 on/off switch, 1 dimmer receiver and 1 sensor.
To set and run the platform, i followed the instructions in this link below:
While running the source code and adding a z-wave device, I faced an annoying problem here.
After adding the z-wave driver and running the code i saw 4 different device on the dashboard, it looks like below:
I tried to install these nodes and applications but apps are not installed. I think that's why i get an error message like below when i run the platform:
I searched on the internet for this error and i found a discussion like this error but i couldn't apply the solution. In this discussion they say that the applications (alerts, sensor, lights etc.) should be compiled seperately. I tried to do it but Visual Studio still gives the same error.
Here is the link of discussion that i found on the internet:
All answers will be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
I solved this problem by following these instructions which are written in this link:
" For starters, it looks from the screenshot posted on stackoverflow that you have broken configuration at this point—the access control rules (in output\configs\config\rules.xml) have a reference to module Alerts but that module is not listed in output\configs\config\modules.xml
To fix the config, 1) run reset.bat, which will reset your configuration to default; or 2) fix it manually if you think you understand the semantics.
Then, make sure that the apps you want to use are compiled. Their binaries should show up in output\binaries\pipeline\addin\homeos.hub.apps.alerts.
Then, go through the setup process again, and things should work at this point in time.
A little more on this: we have confirmed that broken configuration will occur when app binaries are not found. We will post a bug fix soon, but for now, the remedy in my original response (reset, compile, then install device) should work. Let us know if you are still seeing issues. "
I hope this would be helpful for someone.

EDSDK EdsOpenSession EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal

I believe this is similar to the thread: Canon SDK 2.11 on OSX
However the solution there did not work for me. I'm perplexed because I'm not sure how to figure out what has changed. I had some working software, did not work on it over the holiday and now when I open it up to work it fails. Not only my software but the demo app included with the SDK, which I have never changed and indeed used to work just fine.
I have tried with two different cameras (5DmII and 5DmIII) with the same result.
when I try and run the application, the camera is recognized but, as it attempts to open a session it receives a EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal. In each program it happens when a call is made to EdsOpenSession() with this message...
*** -[NSConcreteData release]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x8157af0
Interestingly, when I tried to use the EOS Utility that would crash also. So I updated and now that works great. I followed the suggestion in the above thread and copied the EDSDK.framework from the working bundle to my program and recompiled but I get the same results.
I'm trying to figure out how to contact Canon to get some information but they don't make it easy to get help so I'm appealing to the one group I know is responsive.
The only thing I can think is that sometime over the holiday I updated some critical library without knowing it.
Has anyone else run into and been able to solve this?
I'm running OS X 10.7.5, xcode 4.1, and EDSDK 2.11.3
Solved this. It did turn out to be the same solution as the mentioned link. However, what I was missing was that I needed to also copy the new EDSDK.framework into /Library/Frameworks not just have it in my source directory. This may be because I don't have everything setup correctly in XCode.
