Mina deployment : invoke task once `current` symlink is updated - ruby

I'm using Mina (a simpler alternative to Capistrano) to deploy my ruby websites, and I am trying to run some tasks once the current symlink has been updated.
So far, here's what I have in my deploy.rb file:
desc "Deploys the current version to the server."
task :deploy => :environment do
deploy do
invoke :'git:clone'
invoke :'deploy:link_shared_paths'
invoke :'bundle:install'
to :launch do
invoke :restart
desc "Manually restart Thin web server"
task :restart do
in_directory "#{deploy_to}/current" do
queue! %[bundle exec thin restart -C "#{thin_yml}"]
My problem is that when Mina hits the to :launch block, the current symlink has not yet been updated, so either it does not exist (if it is the 1st deployment for this project) or it's still pointing to the n-1 release (and thus, the server uses an outdated version of the project).
So I'd like to be able to invoke my :restart task once the new release has been moved to the release directory and the current symlink has been updated.

I think it's a bug of Mina. in_directory seems to not work properly when used inside a to context. A quick and dirty workaround would be adding #commands[:default] = commands(#to) at the end of the in_directory block.
desc "Manually restart Thin web server"
task :restart do
in_directory "#{deploy_to}/current" do
queue! %[bundle exec thin restart -C "#{thin_yml}"]
#commands[:default] = commands(#to)


Capistrano Deploy, access ActiveRecord

I'm sorry if the title is not descriptive enough, but allow me to explain what I want to achieve:
I have a Rails 3 application
During my deploy, it needs to call pg_dump with the correct parameters to restore a backup
The task needs to be ran after the deploy is done but before the migrations.
The problem I have however, is that for this task, I would like to access Rails specific code, which is not working as Capistrano keeps throwing a lot of errors at me like gems not available or module not defined.
This is my Rake task:
namespace :deploy do
namespace :rm do
desc 'Backup the database'
task :backup do
# Generates the command to invoke the Rails runner
# Used by the cfg method to execute the ActiveRecord configuration in the rails config.
def runner
dir = "#{fetch(:deploy_to)}/current"
bundler = "#{SSHKit.config.command_map.prefix[:bundle].first} bundle exec"
env = fetch(:rails_env)
"cd #{dir}; #{bundler} rails r -e #{env}"
def cfg(name)
env = fetch(:rails_env)
command = "\"puts ActiveRecord::Base.configurations['#{env}']['#{name}']\""
"#{runner} #{command}"
on roles(:db) do
timestamp = Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
backups = File.expand_path(File.join(fetch(:deploy_to), '..', 'backups'))
execute :mkdir, '-p', backups
dump = "PGPASSWORD=`#{cfg('password')}` pg_dump -h `#{cfg'host')}` -U `#{cfg('username')}` `#{cfg('database')}`"
fn = "#{timestamp}_#{fetch(:stage)}.sql.gz"
path = File.join(backups, fn)
execute "#{dump} | gzip > #{path}"
In it's current form, it simply generates a string with the runner method and dumps that inside the cfg method.
I tried rewriting the runner method, but for some reason I keep getting the runner --help output from the remote server, but the command being generated in the output is correct, and works locally just fine.
We are using Ruby 2.2.2 and RVM on the remote server.
Is it even possible to do what we are trying to construct together?
I'd suggest writing a rake task inside your Rails app and invoking that from your Capistrano task. This is how the Capistrano rails tasks work.
within release_path do
with rails_env: fetch(:rails_env) do
execute :rake, "db:migrate"

Run command after gem install from gem root folder

I'm deploying a Sinatra app as a gem. I have a command that starts the app as a service.
We are using chef to manage our deployments.
How can I run the command to start the app service but only after it's fully installed (including run-time dependencies)?
I've tried Googling for trying to run a post-install script but I haven't found anything that is of use or concrete without some complicated 'extconf.rb' work around
I would prefer not to use an execute resource if I can help it.
EDIT: I tried what was suggested but it breaks thins in way that causes berkshelf not to work in our pipeline.
Here's the code I'm using:
execute "run-service:post_install" do
cwd (f = File.expand_path(__FILE__).split('/')).shift(f.length - 3).join('\\')
timeout 5
command "bundle && rake service:post_install"
# action :nothing
# subscribes :run, "gem_package[gem_name]" , :delayed
It doesn't matter if I un-comment or not the last two lines, it just breaks things but if i take out the whole thing it stops breaking things. Obviously I'm doing something wrong but I'm not sure what.
IT's the command itself that breaks it, when I change command to ls and action to :run, it breaks.
EDIT:after changing the command path around a bit I managed to get it to spit out a usable error, it was trying to run the command from chef cook books path, so I've (hopefully) forced it to use the correct path.
Why do you not want to use an execute resource? That is exactly what it is for, running commands from Chef. Chef obeys the order of the resources, so if you have a gem_package followed by an execute they will run in that order.
So, In the end I decided to try using the service resource because it allows you to set start, and stop commands.
The code that I used is :
service service_name do
init_command ("#{%x(gem env gemdir).strip.gsub('/','\\')}\\gems\\gem_name-#{installing_version}")
start_command "rake service:start"
stop_command "rake service:stop"
reload_command "rake service:reload"
restart_command "rake service:restart"
supports start: true, restart: true, reload: true
action [:enable,:start]
I'm still having problems but this is of a different sort.

Capistrano 3 does not restart after deploy

I've recently updated my capistrano gem to version 3.1.0, and since then cap production deploy passes fine, but the target deploy:restart is not called.
My server is deployed on Ubuntu 12.10 on Amazon EC2.
Why could that be?
Capistrano 3 no longer runs that task by default as many app servers don't require it. Add this to your config/deploy.rb:
after 'deploy:publishing', 'deploy:restart'
From the release notes:
Breaking changes:
deploy:restart task is no longer run by default.
From this version, developers who restart the app on each deploy need to declare it in their deploy flow (eg after
'deploy:publishing', 'deploy:restart').
Please, check 4e6523e for more information. (#kirs)
If you are using namespaces, you can also do the following:
namespace :deploy do
desc "My description"
task :my_task do
#do something
after :publishing, :my_task
In my case, in file 'production.rb' I had this roles: %w{web, app, db} which prevent block on roles(:app), in: :sequence, wait: 5 do in file "deploy.rb" from correct execution.You see, it needs to be roles: %w{web app db}

Is it possible to send a notification when a Unicorn master finishes a restart?

I'm running a series of Rails/Sinatra apps behind nginx + unicorn, with zero-downtime deploys. I love this setup, but it takes a while for Unicorn to finish restarting, so I'd like to send some sort of notification when it finishes.
The only callbacks I can find in Unicorn docs are related to worker forking, but I don't think those will work for this.
Here's what I'm looking for from the bounty: the old unicorn master starts the new master, which then starts its workers, and then the old master stops its workers and lets the new master take over. I want to execute some ruby code when that handover completes.
Ideally I don't want to implement any complicated process monitoring in order to do this. If that's the only way, so be it. But I'm looking for easier options before going that route.
I've built this before, but it's not entirely simple.
The first step is to add an API that returns the git SHA of the current revision of code deployed. For example, you deploy AAAA. Now you deploy BBBB and that will be returned. For example, let's assume you added the api "/checks/version" that returns the SHA.
Here's a sample Rails controller to implement this API. It assumes capistrano REVISION file is present, and reads current release SHA into memory at app load time:
class ChecksController
VERSION = File.read(File.join(Rails.root, 'REVISION')) rescue 'UNKNOWN'
def version
render(:text => VERSION)
You can then poll the local unicorn for the SHA via your API and wait for it to change to the new release.
Here's an example using Capistrano, that compares the running app version SHA to the newly deployed app version SHA:
namespace :deploy do
desc "Compare running app version to deployed app version"
task :check_release_version, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
timeout_at = Time.now + 60
while( Time.now < timeout_at) do
expected_version = capture("cat /data/server/current/REVISION")
running_version = capture("curl -f http://localhost:8080/checks/version; exit 0")
if expected_version.strip == running_version.strip
puts "deploy:check_release_version: OK"
puts "=[WARNING]==========================================================="
puts "= Stale Code Version"
puts "=[Expected]=========================================================="
puts expected_version
puts "=[Running]==========================================================="
puts running_version
puts "====================================================================="
You will want to tune the timeouts/retries on the polling to match your average app startup time. This example assumes a capistrano structure, with app in /data/server/current and a local unicorn on port 8080.
If you have full access to the box, you could script the Unicorn script to start another script which loops through checking for /proc/<unicorn-pid>/exe which will link to the running process.
See: Detect launching of programs on Linux platform
Based on the changes to the question, I see two options - neither of which are great, but they're options nonetheless...
You could have a cron job that runs a Ruby script every minute which monitors the PID directory mtime, then ensure that PID files exist (since this will tell you that a file has changed in the directory and the process is running) then executes additional code if both conditions are true. Again, this is ugly and is a cron that runs every minute, but it's minimal setup.
I know you want to avoid complicated monitoring, but this is how I'd try it... I would use monit to monitor those processes, and when they restart, kick off a Ruby script which sleeps (to ensure start-up), then checks the status of the processes (perhaps using monit itself again). If this all returns properly, execute additional Ruby code.
Option #1 isn't clean, but as I write the monit option, I like it even better.

Some Capistrano deployment hooks not working

I am using Capistrano v2.14.2 and trying to use the before and after hooks for deploy:create_symlink, but none of them seem to firing...
I was getting this Warning:
[Deprecation Warning] This API has changed, please hook 'deploy:create_symlink' instead of 'deploy:symlink'.
So I updated my code to use deploy:create_symlink instead of deploy:symlink
Here is a snipplet of my deploy.rb
namespace :foo do
task :start do
puts "starting foo..."
task :stop do
puts "stoping foo..."
before('deploy:create_symlink', "foo:stop")
after('deploy:create_symlink', "foo:start")
Here is a snipplet of the output:
* 2013-04-04 13:34:27 executing `deploy:symlink'
* executing "rm -f /web/example.com/current && ln -s /web/example.com/releases/20130404203425 /web/example.com/current"
servers: ["app1"]
[app1] executing command
command finished in 467ms
No hooks are called...
Hooks for deploy:finalize_update and deploy:update_code all seem to be working without any issue.
What has happened to being able to use before and after hooks for deploy:create_symlink ?
I'm running into a similar issue, using the same version of Capistrano. I'm also using capistrano-multistage, and I'm curious if that is causing the issue some how (haven't tested a plain Capistrano setup yet).
Basically, if you hook into a before/after trigger on deploy:symlink, it tells you to use deploy:create_symlink, but deploy:symlink is what actually runs. If I trigger on either of those, it doesn't fire.
I ran across this article, which got me thinking that i should trigger on "after deploy" instead, since symlink is the last step in deploy for me:
Here is how I resolved my deployment:
Moved my "before deploy:symlink" trigger to "after deploy:finalize_update" (since that was the previous task and it actually triggers)
Moved my "after deploy:symlink" trigger to "after deploy"
"after deploy:symlink"
"after deploy"
