List of today's updated files in VSS - visual-sourcesafe

I am using this command and this does nothing, not even an error message, I am confused where does the result go and where can I check it?
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual SourceSafe> ss.exe history $/myproject -Vd24/10/13~23/10/13 -R
I have also set the environment variable i.e. set ssdir which is working fine.
I have to get the list of files (just file names) which are checkedin (modified) today.

I have to get the list of files (just file names) which are checkedin
(modified) today.
You can Right-click on the directory in VSS Explorer and choose View History: you can add date filters to the search


Visual Studio/TFS 2012 - Retrieve original filepath from .tmp files in comparison

I'm working on developing a specific comparison tool in Visual Studio 2012 with TFS 2012 installed, and am having trouble getting around TFS's use of temporary files for comparison. In Tools > Options > Source Control > Visual Studio TFS > Configure User Tools..., shown here:
I'm modifying the command for comparing .xml files, and TFS gives me the following options to add as command lines parameters to Powershell:
The issue is, I'm calling a custom Powershell script that will do some processing and determine what action to take based on the files that are being compared. However, some of the information required to process is the actual source control filepath of each file; which would appear to be stored in command line args %1 and %2. Unfortunately, TFS uses .tmp files to actually perform comparisons, so each of those paths points to the .tmp (stored in local AppData) file instead of the original .xml filepath that I need.
The contents of the files do not have the information I'm looking for, and the filepath is guaranteed to. Is there any way at all to use any other of the command line arguments provided by TFS to pass through the original filepaths to Powershell, or can I somehow tie back the .tmp files to the .xml path? I'm kinda stuck at this point. Thanks!
There is no option to specify the file in the argument. I've tested on my side with TFS2015 + VS2015, when added the PS tool to compare .xml file, it did compare .xml files, not .tmp file.
You can also specify the Source Path and Target Path when you compare the .xml files:

Set global working directory alias in Git bash (Windows)

I've been trying for literally hours to set a global alias that I can use when I open Git bash on my Windows machine to cd to a specific location.
I want to be able to simply type the alias to get to the location. I've tried every which way. The attempt that got me closest was based on this:
...but it seems that to get it to work upon relaunching of bash, I have to use source .bashrc, which I don't want to do. Help appreciated.
I just jury rigged a solution with a simple shell script that acts like a global alias. If someone has a better solution, please do tell.
Opened text editor and wrote the following two lines:
cd blah/blep/directory_of_choice
Saved it as a text file with a descriptive name (like dirjump) somewhere and copied it.
In file explorer, navigated to the bin folder in the MinGW64 installation, e.g. "C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin"
Pasted the file into this bin folder.
While viewing the contents of the bin folder referenced above in Windows file explorer, from the menu bar selected "view > options", which opened the "folder options" dialog. Selected the "view" tab here and unchecked "Hide extensions for known file types" and clicked ok.
Deleted the ".txt" extension from the file copied into the bin folder.
To call this shell script that has the same result as a global alias, typed the following in Git bash:
. dirjump (the space between the dot and the dirjump MUST be included)

Saving SQL files into specific folders in Oracle

I am using Oracle 11g. When I open a new SQL file writing the command
ed filename.sql
A new file is created in my bin folder with the name as filename but, I want them to be in separate folders for my convenience. I am developing 3 application(well for my practice only). I want them to store in different folders for each project. I tried all of the following none of them worked please tell me how can I save the files into specific folders.
ed erp/logindetails.sql
ed 'erp/logindetails.sql'
ed "erp/logindetails.sql"
ed 'erp\logindetails.sql'
ed erp\logindetails.sql
These commands except where I used "" worked and opened the default text editor with the name afiedt.buf which I am getting when I enter only edit. No files are created with any of the above command.
You're giving EDIT a relative path to the file; since your current working directory seems to be the bin directory that the SQL*Plus directory is in (is this Windows, and are you running a shortcut that sets the working directory, maybe?) it will try to create a file like %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\erp\logindetails.sql, and you're unlikely to have created an erp directory there. Giving the full path to the directory will work:
edit c:\users\dibya\projects\erp\logindetails.sql
for example.
As noted in the documentation, EDIT will search for existing files, but that involves setting an environment variable - which you'd have to change as you move between the projects. You might find it easier to edit the files in the OS and just run them from SQL*Plus.
You might also be able to use separate shortcuts to launch SQL*Plus for each project, each setting the 'start in' directory to a project-specific location - then just edit logindetails.sql would be looking in the right place by default. Or, from a command prompt cd into the relevant project-specific directory and launch SQL*Plus from there, which is effectively what a shortcut would do.

How do I make sure every file in an included directory is copied to the destination in Visual Studio?

I'm building an application that has quite a few files that need to be included in the destination directory. So far, there haven't been very many files so I would simply change the settings of each file individually to Copy to Output Directory :: Copy if newer. The problem now is that I'm adding files at an exponential rate.
Do any of you know how to make all of the files that are sub of the "Some_Directory" have the Copy to Output Directory :: Copy if newer set how I want it?
You cam use a post-build event.
Using following posts, I made a post event that does exactly what you want:
Copying files into the application folder at compile time
Copy to Output Directory copies folder structure but only want to copy files
Visual Studio adds .dll and .pdb to project after compiling
Now, you can easily edit Post-build events, go to your project settings and go to the Compile tab, now click the Build Events and put following line in the *Post-build event command line" text box:
xcopy "$(ProjectDir)Test\*.*" "$(TargetDir)Test\\" /E /I /F /Y
See this image:
In your case you will have to change "Test" by "some_directory" and that's all.
There is one caveat, however. This copies every file every time my project builds. The folder that is being copied is over 3MB (I'm developing quite a large project). This makes debugging take quite a long time because every time I do a build it has to move all of the content over. Is there a way to make it only copy over files that have been updated since the last build? This is why I was using the Copy if newer option.
You can add the /D parameter (you can look that up with xcopy /? in your command prompt).
/D:m-d-y Copies files changed on or after the specified date.
If no date is given, copies only those files whose
source time is newer than the destination time.
You can write your own custom Post-Build event (Select project -> Properties -> Build Events) with xcopy command. You can use $(solution) macro for your solution directory and specify relative path to your files.
I had the same issue, but the accepted answer didn't solve it. What worked for me was to enable deployment in Local.testsettings (under Solution Items).

Finding all the visual studio projects a file belongs to

I'm working on a visual studio solution with over 30 projects and multiple filters.
What is the easiest way to determine all the projects a file belongs too?
First, open a command shell window and create a list of all project files in a text file. For example, for C# projects (having the ending .csproj), run this command in the root folder of your solution:
dir /s /b *.csproj >projectlist.txt
Then, you can easily determine all projects containing a specific file by the command
findstr /f:projectlist.txt /m Name_Of_Your_File
Just a suggestion: you can avoid much trouble for the future if you make sure each project has it's own folder, and all files belonging to that project are in or below that folder.
Use AgentRansack or similar tool that allows searching text contained in a file.
Use the following settings:
File Name: *.csproj
Containing Text: YourCodeFile.cs
Look in: YourSolutionFolder
Run the search and you will get a list of all project files that are holders of the CS file.
