magento magmi unable to upload multiple image via csv - magento

I am using magmi for multiple image upload, but I am unable to upload images, there is only one image uploading. Please help me with example.

Max, make sure that your csv should have media_gallery field and it should have multiple image url with (;) semicolon seprator like
and make sure 'Image attributes processor' option on magmi page is checked.


How to upload extra images to magento listing using Magmi media_gellery?

I am trying to upload listing to magento using Magmi. All works fine except adding extra images with media_gallery. I am using images from remote server and separating hrefs with semicolons as in example in docs. but still having problems.
Peace from csv:
Am I doing something wrong with this column?
Found the problem, it was image name, because it is same it gets overwritten. You have to make sure that images in media_gallery has different names. In this case renaming functionality in configuration would not help, as it will rename all images to same name again.

Stuck with image import using magento

I m importing magento product with native magento import profile. All the product imported successfully but image is not imported.
I have also put the images on media/import folder and in csv write image name like /image1.jpg but it still giving null image after successfully imported csv.
what will be the issue please help
I hope you have done trying below things
All required images are placed in media/import
setting 777 permission to media/import
Putting "/." in your csv coloumn
"image", "_media_image"("thumbnail", "small_image" if you want to)
Putting "_media_attribute_id"="88" & "_media_is_disabled"=0 on every image row aaccordingly.

add image url in CSV in magento

I need to customize product CSV and want to use images' urls to upload images in Magento. Can anyone advise me with how to do this? Thanks
I know you can't use URLs using the normal CSV import method(s). Use magmi instead. It's worth the while learning it.
Just put the image url in image column and upload all images to media->import folder

bulk importing magento

I need help with importing bulk products to a store in our magento multi-store configuration. the products should have the names, images, categories, descriptions, custom options (sizing with fixed pricing). I created a csv and was able to successfully upload products but the sizing did not show along with the pricing. Also the images did not appear on front end. I uploaded into media/import and edited in the three csv columns. I also created a direct under the letter system for example if the image name started with ab I would created directory a/b/image.jpg and put them in the three areas of the csv. any help is greatly appreciated.
Try: Magmi Mass Importer
Better than spending the $$ on Unirgy RapidFlow if you don't have any budget.
Please download Magmi Plugin.
And put Magmi under the root direcotry of your site
and run
Now configure the magmi according to your requirment.
(Note: you need to put csv file under the var/import)
It you want to Upload images You need also magmi image plugin
Download link:
Try adding one of the products to be imported manually. Then export it from the admin panel and see what corrections should be made to the csv.

How to connect images to magento when importing by xml file

I have imported 100 products in Magento without an image via xml file. (I didn't have the pictures)
Now I also have images and want to import them to Magento, so in the XML file I have placed the images in the map /a/l/ and also on my server I have placed them in the map /a/l/.
(/a/l/ is also the map where the images are stored when adding them manually in magento. I have copied this line from some other products.)
When importing the xml file by running the profile in popup I get the message "Image does not exist"
So I can't get the image import working.
Does anyone have a solution?
Put the images in /media/import/ directory instead. Magento will find them there and move them to the appropriate place for you.
Browse through your csv file to check your image path, and place it into /media/import/
