Openlayers WMS layer not zooming properly - geoserver

I developed an script to display 2 layers ob base map.
but it is not zooming properlly.
I am using following code
can you please suggest me
<script type="text/javascript">
var map, layer, select, hover, control;
function init(){
map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {
controls: [
new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom(),
new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink(),
new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation()
layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
"States WMS/WFS",
{layers: 'topp:india_road',transparent: true}
select = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Selection", {styleMap:
new OpenLayers.Style(["select"])
hover = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Hover");
map.addLayers([layer, hover, select]);
var wmsLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google('Google Layer',{} );
map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.Bounds(143.83482400000003,-43.648056,148.47914100000003,-39.573891).getCenterLonLat(), 5);

What do you mean by not zooming properly?
Are you finding that they are not matching up with the google maps when zooming in as far as you can go, or the zoom work until you try to pan and then the layers don't stay lined up with google maps? If this is the case then you are probably zooming in further than is supported by the Google map service. There is no easy way to fix this and I recommend you alter allowed scales and zoom with the following settings
minScale - float -- the minimum scale value at which the layer should display
maxScale - float -- the maximum scale value at which the layer should display
numZoomLevels - int -- Total number of zoom levels
Also please see this link on more information about google zoom scales.
If you are finding that none of your layers match the google background. I.E. they look like they are zoomed in out or offset then it is likely that your data is in a different projection to the google maps layer. Google maps uses EPSG:900913 as their SRS. The eisiest way to do this is to let geoserver do the re projection for you. Go to your layer setting in geoserver make sure you have the native projection set correctly and set the declared SRS to EPSG:900913.
If that doesn't help then I think we need more information on exactly what the problem is.


How to apply brushing on a dynamically growing dataset?

I have a dynamically growing timeseries I need to display in a zoomable/panable chart.
Try it out here (in fact: my first jsFiddle ever :) ) :
I tried to do it the same way as described here:
However, each time the chart updates, the zoom and filter are lost on the focus chart. (The brush is preserved on the range chart however.)
How can I add data without resetting the views and losing the zoom?
var chart = dc.lineChart("#test");
var zoom = dc.lineChart("#zoom");
//d3.csv("morley.csv", function(error, experiments) {
var experiments = d3.csvParse('pre#data').text());
experiments.forEach(function(x) {
x.Speed = +x.Speed;
var ndx = crossfilter(experiments),
runDimension = ndx.dimension(function(d) {return +d.Run;}),
speedSumGroup = {return d.Speed * d.Run / 1000;});
.yAxisLabel("This is the Y Axis!")
var run = 21;
() => {
var chartfilter = chart.filters();
var zoomfilter = zoom.filters();
ndx.add([{Expt: 6, Run: run++, Speed: 100 + 5 * run}]);
In this case, if you are just adding data, you don't need to do the complicated clearing and restoring of filters demonstrated in the example you cited.
That part is only necessary because crossfilter.remove() originally would remove the data that matched the current filters. An awkward interface, almost never what you want.
If you're only adding data, you don't have to worry about any of that:
() => {
ndx.add([{Expt: 6, Run: run++, Speed: 5000 + 5 * run}]);
Note that you'll get less flicker, and decent animated transitions, by using redraw instead of render. I also added evadeDomainFilter to avoid lines being clipped before the edge of the chart.
Fork of your fiddle
Removing data
If you use the predicate form of crossfilter.remove() you don't have to worry about saving and restoring filters:
ndx.remove(d => d.Run < run-20);
However, this does expose other bugs in dc.js. Seems like elasticY does not work, similar to what's described in this issue. And you get some weird animations.
Here's a demo with remove enabled.
In the end, dc.js has some pretty neat features, and there is usually a way to get it to do what you want, but it sure is quirky. It's a very complicated domain and in my experience you are going to find some of these quirks in any fully featured charting library.
Update: I fixed the replacing data example, that one is just ndx.remove(() => true) now.
zooming issues
As Joerg pointed out in the comments,
when the chart is not zoomed, it would be nice to have it also grow to show new data as it arrives
the X domain was clipped or even reversed if the focus reached outside the original domain of the chart
We can address these issues by adding a preRedraw event handler. That's the ideal place to adjust the domain; for example you can implement elasticX manually if you need to. (As you'll see in a second, we do!)
First, a naive attempt that's easy to understand:
chart.on('preRedraw', () => {
We can turn elasticX on and off based on whether the range chart has an active filter.
This works and it's nice and simple, but why does the chart get so confused when you try to focus on a domain that wasn't in the original chart?
Welp, it records the original domain (source). So that it can restore to that domain if the focus is cleared, and also to stop you from zooming or panning past the edge of the graph.
But notice from the source link above that we have an escape hatch. It records the original domain when the X scale is set. So, instead of setting elasticX, we can calculate the extent of the data, set the domain of the scale, and tell the chart that the scale is new:
chart.on('preRedraw', () => {
if(!zoom.filters().length) {
var xExtent = d3.extent(speedSumGroup.all(), kv => kv.key);
New fiddle with zooming issues fixed.
There is still one glitch which Joerg points out: if you are moving the brush while data comes in, the brush handles occasionally will occasionally stray from the ends of the brush. In my experience, these kinds of glitches are pretty common in D3 (and dynamic charting in general), because it's difficult to think about data changing during user interaction. It probably could be fixed inside the library (perhaps an interrupted transition?) but I'm not going to get into that here.

Using HTML Canvas to make a Choropleth Map

I attempting to make a Choropleth Map using HTML Canvas. If you are unfamiliar with Choropleth Maps they are basically a map that has different regions shaded with different colors. What I am trying to do is use the canvas fill() method to color different states on the US map. However, fill seems to only work if I have drawn an outline on my canvas.
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
Here I want to put something like var c =ctx.fillMap(); however this won't work as Map is the entire US map and I just want to fill in a single state.

Rendering geoJSON using D3 and Leaflet using imageOverlay

Quick version: I’m having trouble displaying a d3 element on a static image displayed by Leaflet. It works if I use d3noob’s ( example…but I’m having trouble extending it. I’m guessing it’s because of the lang and long translation or the projection but I’m not sure what I need to change. I’m trying to display the geoJSON in the centre of the image (my code on JSFiddle:
Longer version:
I'm trying to extend d3noob’s example so that I can display geoJSON on static images using Leaflet and D3 (an requirement from my boss unfortunately). I was able to reproduce d3noob’s tile based example but I've had trouble with the static version.
I've been able to display the static image but I've not been able to display the blue rectangle on the image. I'm not sure what I need to do to manipulate the position of the blue rectangle described in the JSON.
I've tried playing around with setting the coordinates in the projectPoint function but no luck:
function projectPoint(x, y) {
var point = map.latLngToLayerPoint(new L.LatLng(y, x));, point.y);
At this stage I’m thinking I need to describe a new projection but I’m not sure what.
Here is the code which I’m using to display the static image:
var map = new L.Map("map", {maxZoom:1,center: [0,0], zoom: 3,crs:L.CRS.Simple});
var southWest = map.unproject([0,882],map.getMaxZoom());
var northEast = map.unproject([1085,0],map.getMaxZoom());
var imageBounds = new L.LatLngBounds(southWest,northEast);
It would be great if someone could suggest a strategy for maniuplating the position of the rectangle (I’m new to d3 and leaflet)
Thanks a bunch
so after some tinkering I found that creating a new projection enabled me to set the location and scale the map so I could place it where I needed it to be :
var center = d3.geo.centroid(geoShapeInstance);
var scale = [800000];
var offset = [175, 1];
var projection = d3.geo.mercator().scale(scale).center(center).translate(offset);
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
Fiddling with the 'offset' variable allowed me to set the location and playing with the 'scale' variable allowed me to resize the map (scale is a [x,x] value)
Hope this helps someone.

How to prevent a d3.geo map to pan, but keep zoom

Using a d3 map like this one:
I would like the map to stay centered on the same spot.
is it possible to de-activate the pan, but keep the zoom active?
Yes, simply ignore any translation in the handler function. The only difficulty is to set the translation such that the center point is the same for different zoom levels (i.e. set the zoom on the projection first):
.scale(zoom.scale() / 2 / Math.PI);
var tiles = tile
.translate(projection([-74.0064, 40.7142]).map(function(x) { return -x; }))
Complete demo here.

Pinch To Zoom functionality in windows phone 8

From this post i came to know that there exist some platform improvements for
implementing pinch and zoom functionality. By using this new method(ManipulationDeltaEventArgs.PinchManipulation) how i can implement pinch to zoom functionality in windows phone.
Apart from this i need to implement scrolling feature too to the image control. In my current implementation, i am using Toolkit(gesture listener) for pinch and zoom functionality along with scroll viewer, now it seem both scrolling and and pinching events are overlapping and hence it produces a bad user experience.
Can anyone help me to solve this issue in my application. I am looking some code samples that help me to achieve the functionality.
I am not expected to get Multi touch behavior(codeplex) as answer. The assemblies using in the project are quite old and i heard that many of them are facing issues with marketplace submission only because of this.
As I said in my previous answer if you're building a WP8 exclusive app you can use the new ManipulationDeltaEventArgs.PinchManipulation for pinch & zoom effects. Here's a basic example of how to use ManipulationDeltaEventArgs.PinchManipulation data to scale, move and rotate an image.
First, we'll create a basic image hovering in the middle of a grid:
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel">
<Image Source="Assets\Headset.png"
Width="200" Height="150"
<CompositeTransform CenterX="100" CenterY="75" />
Next, we'll handle the ManipulationDelta event, check if it's a Pinch Manipulation and apply the correct Silverlight transformations on our UIElement.
private void Image_ManipulationDelta(object sender, ManipulationDeltaEventArgs e)
if (e.PinchManipulation != null)
var transform = (CompositeTransform)img.RenderTransform;
// Scale Manipulation
transform.ScaleX = e.PinchManipulation.CumulativeScale;
transform.ScaleY = e.PinchManipulation.CumulativeScale;
// Translate manipulation
var originalCenter = e.PinchManipulation.Original.Center;
var newCenter = e.PinchManipulation.Current.Center;
transform.TranslateX = newCenter.X - originalCenter.X;
transform.TranslateY = newCenter.Y - originalCenter.Y;
// Rotation manipulation
transform.Rotation = angleBetween2Lines(
// end
e.Handled = true;
// copied from
public static double angleBetween2Lines(PinchContactPoints line1, PinchContactPoints line2)
if (line1 != null && line2 != null)
double angle1 = Math.Atan2(line1.PrimaryContact.Y - line1.SecondaryContact.Y,
line1.PrimaryContact.X - line1.SecondaryContact.X);
double angle2 = Math.Atan2(line2.PrimaryContact.Y - line2.SecondaryContact.Y,
line2.PrimaryContact.X - line2.SecondaryContact.X);
return (angle1 - angle2) * 180 / Math.PI;
else { return 0.0; }
Here's what we did:
Scaling: PinchManipulation actually tracks scaling for us, so all we had to do is apply PinchManipulation.CumulativeScale to the scaling factor.
Transform: PinchManipulation tracks the original center and the new center (calculated between the two touch points). By subtracting the new center from the old center we can tell how much the UIElement needs to move and apply that to a translate transform. Note that a better solution here would also account for multiple Manipulation sessions by tracking cumulative original centers which this code doesn't.
Rotation: We figured out the angle between the two touch points and applied it as the rotation transform. More on that in this Nokia wiki article # Real-time rotation of the Windows Phone 8 Map Control
Here's a few print screens showing this code runs just fine:
I found the perfect soultion for smooth pinch to zoom and pan. It is actually a Microsoft Code sample at the following link
I just used it as boiler plate code and it worked wonders.
If you're looking to roll your own, you might want to check out this article about pinch zooming in Silverlight: Implementing pinch zoom correctly in Silverlight
Telerik also has an out of the box pan and zoom image control, but it does cost money: Telerik Pan and Zoom Control
