I have a little test script to run in Watir that searches "books" on google images and then takes a screenshot of the result.
require "watir-webdriver"
browser = Watir::Browser.new :ie
browser.goto "http://www.google.com/"
puts browser.url
browser.a(:text => "Images").click
puts browser.title
browser.text_field(:name => "q").set "book"
browser.button(:value => "Search by image").click
browser.screenshot.save 'screenshots\search-results.png'
However I would also like to include a log in a .txt file of the information I am "putting" into the console.
How would I go about doing this?
To do this I used:
require "watir-webdriver"
require 'logger'
$log = Logger.new('logs\search-books.log')
$log.info("** TEST 1 - Search books on google images and screenshot results **")
browser = Watir::Browser.new :chrome
browser.goto "http://www.google.com/"
$log.info("** PAGE URL **")
$log.info browser.url
browser.a(:text => "Images").click
$log.info("** PAGE TITLE **")
$log.info browser.title
browser.text_field(:name => "q").set "book"
browser.button(:value => "Search by image").click
browser.screenshot.save 'screenshots\search-results.png'
By using Logger it allows you to create a log file (.log) and insert into it as you go along the script.
Is there a way to capture the entire response from a query submitted via a watir-webdriver object/request. For example if I took the sample code below, is there an element that will capture the entire page from the form submission so that I may parse it for errors?
require 'watir-webdriver'
b = Watir::Browser.new
b.goto 'bit.ly/watir-webdriver-demo'
b.text_field(:id => 'entry_0').set 'your name'
b.select_list(:id => 'entry_1').select 'Ruby'
b.select_list(:id => 'entry_1').selected? 'Ruby'
b.button(:name => 'submit').click
b.text.include? 'Thank you'
The .html element will return the page's source.
puts b.html will return the source of the current page.
I just want to know how to open one browser when i am going to test a loop. or how to clear the last inputted values in the login page to change it in the new values.
Assuming you're using watir-webdriver, you can instantiate a browser like this:
require 'watir-webdriver'
b = Watir::Browser.new
b.goto 'bit.ly/watir-webdriver-demo'
If you want to clear text entry fields, you can use the clear method:
require 'watir-webdriver'
b = Watir::Browser.new
b.goto 'bit.ly/watir-webdriver-demo'
b.text_field(:id => 'entry_1000000').set 'your name'
b.text_field(:id => 'entry_1000000').clear
I pulled this info from http://watirwebdriver.com/, so you may want to check that out.
The code is given Below , where it is launching three firefox browser
, all browser has different proxy settings. Using watir how launch all three browser same time using tread in watir???
require 'selenium-webdriver'
require 'rubygems'
require 'watir'
require 'rautomation'
require './CLReport.class'
require 'win32ole'
# THE PROXY DATA CAN BE parameterized from Excel sheet
profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.new
profile.proxy = Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy.new :http => 'myproxy.com:8080', :ssl => 'myproxy.com:8080'
$b1 = Watir::Browser.new :firefox, :profile => profile
# THE PROXY DATA CAN BE parameterized from Excel sheet
profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.new
profile.proxy = Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy.new :http => 'myproxy.com:8081', :ssl => 'myproxy.com:8081'
$b2 = Watir::Browser.new :firefox, :profile => profile
# THE PROXY DATA CAN BE parameterized from Excel sheet
profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.new
profile.proxy = Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy.new :http => 'myproxy.com:8082', :ssl => 'myproxy.com:8082'
$b3 = Watir::Browser.new :firefox, :profile => profile
Now my question is how to join $b1,$b2,$b3 in a single browser using thread so that
only $browser.link(:text, "form application")click should work for all three browser parallely insted of writing
$b1.link(:text, "form application").click
$b2.link(:text, "form application").click
$b3.link(:text, "form application").click
i.e single line of code work work in three firefox browser same time parallely.
It is not possible because $b1,$b2,$b3 are instances of different browser,You can not make them equal.What are you doing is right. Or You can do some thing like that.
array = [$b1,$b2,$b3]
array.each { |browser|
browser.link(:text, "form application").click
I have this so far:
require 'watir-webdriver'
require 'date'
require 'nokogiri'
browser = Watir::Browser.start 'https://example/ViewReport.aspx'
browser.link(:text, 'Combined Employee Performance Report').click
today = Date.today
yesterday = today.prev_day.strftime('%m' '%d' '%Y')
t = browser.text_field :id => 'UC255_txtStart'
t.set yesterday
t = browser.text_field :id => 'UC255_txtEnd'
t.set yesterday
btn = browser.button :value, 'Run Report'
page = Nokogiri::HTML.parse('browser')
links = page.css("a")
puts links.length
When I try to parse browser, the variable that Watir is using for the site URI, it gives me a blank HTML page.
When you do
page = Nokogiri::HTML.parse('browser')
You are asking Nokogiri to parse the string 'browser'.
What you actually want to parse is the html in the browser.
To get the browser's html, you do:
So to parse it, you would do:
page = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(browser.html)
I want to select value from drop down box using Ruby with watir-webdriver. Here is the command
browser.select_list(:id, "ctl00_SampleContent_ComboBox1_ComboBox1_OptionList").select("Whiskey")
and i got an error
unable to locate element, using {:id=>"ctl00_SampleContent_ComboBox1_ComboBox1_OptionList", :tag_name=>"select"}
Any ideas what is wrong?
Here is full code:
# 1.Open http://www.asp.net/ajax/ajaxcontroltoolkit/Samples/Default.aspx
#browser = Watir::Browser.new
#browser = Watir::Browser.new :ie
profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.from_name 'WatirWebDriver'
#profile.add_extension 'autoauth-2.1-fx+fn.xpi'
browser = Watir::Browser.new :firefox, :profile => profile
browser.goto 'http://www.asp.net/ajax/ajaxcontroltoolkit/Samples/Default.aspx'
#2.Click ComboBox link on the left pane of the page
browser.a(:id, 'ctl00_SamplesLinks_ctl15_SamplesLink').click
#3.Verify that http://www.asp.net/ajax/ajaxcontroltoolkit/Samples/ComboBox/ComboBox.aspx URL opened
if browser.url.eql? "http://www.asp.net/ajax/ajaxcontroltoolkit/Samples/ComboBox/ComboBox.aspx"
puts "Error loading page \"http://www.asp.net/ajax/ajaxcontroltoolkit/Samples/ComboBox/ComboBox.aspx URL opened\""
return false
#4.Select “Whiskey” in the combo-box
#browser.select_list(:id, 'ctl00_SampleContent_ComboBox1_ComboBox1_OptionList').select_value('Whiskey')
puts "!!!"
browser.select_list(:id, "ctl00_SampleContent_ComboBox1_ComboBox1_OptionList").when_present.select("Whiskey")
This does the job:
require "watir-webdriver"
browser = Watir::Browser.new
browser.goto "http://www.asp.net/ajaxLibrary/AjaxControlToolkitSampleSite/ComboBox/ComboBox.aspx"
browser.button(id: "ctl00_SampleContent_ComboBox1_ComboBox1_Button").click
browser.ul(:id, "ctl00_SampleContent_ComboBox1_ComboBox1_OptionList").li(text: "Whiskey").click