Can I remove watermark from image programmatically using Ruby? [closed] - ruby

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to clean my images of watermark. I know that I can do it using Photoshop or other soft with the same functionality, but I'm interested in automating this feature.
I know that watermark is just logo on added to image layer. I know that ruby language have many gems, which works with images. For example, rmagik, paperclip and other.
I try to Google information about how delete watermark from image using Ruby, and don't found any positive answers. I read rmagik and paperclip gems wiki and as I understand, I can't delete watermark from image using it.
I know, that using carrierwave gem I can put watermark on image:
For example, I cat put image with watermark to Google image search, parse results of search and get this image without watermark. It will be very bad hardcore-style way answer,
but it will be answer! and this answer will give me some results.
Maybe I there is some methods for deleting watermark? Does other gem exists with this functionality? Maybe I don't understand something right in rmagik and paperclip gems wikis? Maybe someone have the same problem? So, that's why I am asking for help.
P.S.1: My question demonstrate understanding of the problem being solved. I don't ask for recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource. I ask: how can I resolve my problem programmatically and using ruby ( see title of question if you don't understand ). But sometimes using some tool or library can resolve some problem!
P.S.2: And if I need to repeat: I don't violate any ownership rights. It's just scientific question.

Generally watermarks will not be in a separate layer, they are be merged before saving image in image editing software such as Photoshop or Gimp.
There is no way you can clean it using Ruby/Imagemagick libraries.


Web-based RDF triplestore editor? (like phpMyAdmin for RDBs) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm developing a RDF database to be stored in a triple store. Visually editing the ontology is done with Protégé. However I need non-developers to be able to add records to the database.
I looked around but didn't have something that is as user-friendly as phpMyAdmin for a normal MySQL DB as an example.
Do I need to develop a visual interface for SPARQL? Or did I miss something that would allow a non-CS person to modify the records (individuals/instances not the ontology) in a graphical manner?
The best solution I found so far is to use a Semantic Media Wiki ( with Karima Rafes' awesome extension ( With this, you can have users that don't know anything about RDF/Semantic Web modify data through wiki Templates and then export to RDF.
But I'm sure there is something more suitable, still looking for it.
I finally found the perfect tool: OntoWiki (, it matches all the criteria listed in the question. It is supposed to be back-end (triplestore) independent, but installation guidelines are given for either Virtuoso or Mysql.

Use Ruby to read in uncompressed video file [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to create a script to read in an uncompressed video file, sample a frame every 1/2 second, and output a bitmap. I would need to do this in Ruby.
I am having an issue starting out. Is there a package that I can use to handle the metadata in the video file? Any suggestions on what format video file I should use?
I use ffmpeg pretty much all the time when working with video data, so if you have access to it then you can try any of the ruby interfaces available such as streamio-ffmpeg
If you're unable to find a ruby gem that is compatible with your environment, and you must (or prefer to) use Ruby, then you may consider making system calls directly depending on your needs.

Animation API's for frames? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I searched over Google, but I didn't find anything associated with my issues. However, I am able to use SwingTimer but it can do some basic things only, what I wan is some API that have multiple animation that I can select.
As it's none functional thing to my project(s), but it's a nice to have some animations to make the functional more comfortable with user.
Thanks for any suggestion.
Personally, I use the Timing Framework, this has more to do with the amount of library code I've built around it then it being superior to any of the other frameworks.
You may also wish to look at Trident, which has some nice mechanism for changing object properties and the Universal Tween Engine
Do you have to use frames? If i'm not mistaken, that's a pretty outdated element. Personally i'd use something like Twitter Bootstrap, they have a "tabbed system" that is much much better.

Object based image editor for Windows [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm not a designer but I sometimes have to create/edit images for our applications.
In the past I've used "Microsoft Image Composer" - I like its user interface because it's object based and easy to use. Unfortunately it was discontinued and the old version I am using has some problems with png files.
I've tried to find a good replacement but everyone seems to be using layers instead of objects.
Do you know any image editors that are object based?
Still haven't found what I am looking for ... the best alternative so far is Paint.NET even though it uses layers.
Have you tried Illustrator? As a vector graphics app it might not be exactly "object based", but you work with independent shapes instead of pixel layers.
Inkscape is a free alternative. I haven't tried it, but it seems like a winner.
Sticking to what's likely to already be on your machine, both PowerPoint and Visio are object oriented (but crude) image editors.
I guess no such software exists. That's a pity because I found that UI much better than the layer model.

Recommended face detection tools/SDK/etc [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a quick way to detect faces in pictures (stored as JPG or any other popular image format). Code in any popular programming language will do (Python, C#, Java, Matlab, etc.). I'm also willing to implement an algorithm by myself, as long as it is proven to be a good working one.
Alternatively, if there are known freeware (preferably open, but not necessary) tools or SDKs for the problem, I'll try them too.
Finally, Commercial products would be considered as well, if all else fails, so recommend those too.
OpenCV is a open source library that has support for face recognition.
Emgu.CV is a C# wrapper for OpenCV. There is a sample project that performs face recognition with adjsutable parameters just like in OpenCV.
Take a look at these guys, I've used this once partially for a project.
I wrote about resources and example code for face classification in this post.
If you want a quick way to do face recognition look at the example code for face recognition in OpenCV for Python or C++ here.
There is also a Matlab code that I found very useful and is ready to run with a single click right here
