How to get complete memberlist for a community - ibm-sbt

How do I get the complete memberlist for a Community (more than the first 10) using the Java API in the SBTSDK? It appears that there should be a way to use the GetCommunityMembers and get the total number and page through them. (sorry if this is too basic)

You should get the the CommunityEntity object then call getMembers, and then process the object.
String communityUuid = "1dba2e59-05da-4b9a-84e4-2444a6cac251";
Community myComm = new Community(communityUuid);
MemberList listOfMembers = myComm.getMembers();
Then call listOfMembers.iterator(); and process in a for loop (the data element is Member)
The docs are also in the sbtsdk download in docs/javadocs/index.html


Calling a custom api via c# sdk

I have this custom api called "pits_PostProjectLineEntries" which takes in a EntityCollection called Transactions. I am using the option to have the entities in that EntityCollection to be expando since I really not need to create a table to hold this entities. I am able to call the custom api via PostMan with some raw json, and it works perfectly. My issue is when I use C# Plugins, I am getting errors messages about the entities logical name within Transactions collection. Is there a way to tell the Xrm SDK that these entities are not tied to a physical table but are just expando.
Here is the code that calls the Custom API for ref.
_transactions = new List<Entity>();
Entity Transaction = new Entity("");
Transaction["date"] = userReport.GetAttributeValue<DateTime>("pits_date");
Transaction["project"] = userReport.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("pits_project");
Transaction["resource"] = userReport.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("pits_user");
Transaction["task"] = userReport.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("pits_task");
Transaction["worktype"] = response["WorkType"];
Transaction["shifttype"] = response["ShiftType"];
Transaction["quantity"] = RG;
Transaction["chargeable"] = true;
Transaction["tx_type"] = 361200000;
EntityCollection Transactions = new EntityCollection(_transactions);
OrganizationRequest request = new OrganizationRequest("pits_PostProjectLineEntries");
request.Parameters.Add("Transactions", Transactions);
var response = _context.OrganizationService.Execute(request);
The error message I get is:
An unexpected error occurred: The entity with a name = '' with namemapping = 'Logical' was not found in the MetadataCache.
I am trying to call this custom api and pass it an entity that is tied to a DV Table from the C# sdk.
Sorry if the formatting is bad, I have been using stack overflow for a long time, but first time posting
This is a known bug with Expando entities in the currently shipping SDK assemblies, The Dataverse ServiceClient version (.net / cross platform) of the SDK should be working correctly at this time. You can get that here:
The libraries from Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies will have the fix on next update (at the time of this writing)

Get a message's ts value from /archives link

Slack has a Copy link feature, which copies a deep link to an individual chat message to the clipboard:
Here's an example of such a deep link (obfuscated):
What I'd like to do is, get the details of that message from the Slack API given that link.
The first string after /archives/ is the channel's ID. I'm not quite clear about that second string though:
According to Slack's API documentation,
channels.history can also be used to pluck a single message from the
You'll need a message's ts value, uniquely identifying it within a
channel. You'll also need that channel's ID.
So, what I've found is that the p1234567898000159 value in the link above is almost the message's ts value, but not quite (the Slack API won't accept it): the leading p needs to be removed, also there has to be a . inserted after the 10th digit: 1234567898.000159
Putting all this together into an API request...
... I'm getting a response with all the message details, exactly what I need.
My question is: am I doing this right? Do I really need to craft the message's ts value from the URL parameter this way, or is there a better, more robust, officially supported way?
Im new in python, but i got same problem when i creating SlackBot (by SlackBolt), and i solved it like that:
link = 'https://***'
#Grab information from link
wrong_link_list = link.split('/')
wrong_ts = wrong_link_list[-1]
t_ts = wrong_ts.replace('p', '', 1)
dot = '.'
char_count = 10
#Put information in variables
channel = wrong_link_list[-2]
text = 'Hey dude!'
mess_ts = t_ts[:char_count] + dot + t_ts[char_count:]
app.client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=text, thread_ts = mess_ts)
Hope this will help you!

Object doesn't get updated after calling SaveAsync on Parse Unity 1.6.2

I have a column ("DataDict") storing type of Dictionary (let say the variable name is call "dataDict")
Recently I've updated to Parse Unity 1.6.2 and I found out that whenever I make an update to dataDict, it doesn't get updated to the server.
For example:
Dictionary<string, object> dict = ParseUser.CurrentUser["DataDict"] as Dictionary<string, object>;
dict["name"] = "something new";
// after I call ParseUser.CurrentUser.SaveAsync()
// the server should have updated the dictionary
// but it's no longer working as what I expected after I've updated to Parse 1.6.2
Does anyone know what's going on?
I noticed one of the keypoint that listed in the changelogs:
Removed 'mutable containers' functionality, significantly enhances performance.
Does this affected my codes? How should I fix it?
I've solved this by calling
ParseUser.CurrentUser["DataDict"] = dict;

How do I correlate two identically coded variables sent in the response from a Worklight server response string in LoadRunner 12.02?

I am trying to create a load test versus one of our apps that is used on web and mobile. I am trying to access this app from the web. I login to the website. Using this login, I click on the web version of the app. The below response is returned here.
This app is using SiteMinder and Worklight to negotiate with the main site I am coming from.
My question is, how do I correlate a value such as 'SMIDENTITY=' when it is being returned TWICE in the same string?
Here is an example of what is being returned by the server (I have broken up the string so the variables are separated:
Use the Ordinal (or index) number of the instance of the variable which you need as part of your collection
See training material or online help for correlation functions related to ordinal value
You didn't say what you're actually trying to do. Do you need only use the most recent? only use the first?
You use a web_reg_save_param_ex to capture all Ordinals of a parameter. It puts it into an array.
You can then do what you want with that array.
You can also use a web_reg_save_param_regexp
I coped the code from the official documentation and put your variable name in there to make it easier for you.
/* Getting individual elements from a parameter array.
Since the parameter created by web_reg_save_param_ex
is called "SMIDENTITY", the number of elements
is saved in parameter "SMIDENTITY_count".
The array elements are parameters "SMIDENTITY_1",
elemCnt = atoi(lr_eval_string("{SMIDENTITY_count}"));
lr_output_message("Number of items found = %d",elemCnt);
for (x=1;x<=elemCnt;x++) {
sprintf(arrayParamName, "{SMIDENTITY_%d}", x);
lr_output_message ("%s: %s",

Outlook 2007 Add-In - mailItem.To only available after hitting a breakpoint and looking at value manually

I am making an outlook plugin in visual studio and part of it requires gathering the recipients/subject/body content. I am able to gather the subject and body without problem but accessing mailItem.To I always find it's blank.
body = mailItem.Body
subject = mailItem.Subject
Dim readtest As String = mailItem.To
Is the code I am using, and what makes it worse is that if I put a breakpoint in before trying to populate readtest and then I manually just look at the mailItem.To value and resume or step through the code it will work just fine.
Does anyone know how I can get this working properly?
You could try to get the same functionality with mailItem.Recipients property.
It returns IEnumerable. Recipient object have a Name member so basically you could do the following (It's in C# but i think you could figure it out with vb):
string recipients = string.Empty;
foreach (Outlook.Recipient r in mailItem.Recipients)
recipients += r.Name + ";";
You should get the same result as if you use mailItem.To
