VHDL Pullup Resisters - vhdl

I am fairly new to vhdl, I am working to understand if I can use it for a project.
I created a project to see how to implement pullup resisters and see how they work. I must have done something wrong.
My constraints entry for the wire is
net "rx_i" PULLUP;
net "rx_i" loc="p88";
the process for the project is
Process (clk_i)
type state_type is (qInit, qZero, qZero1, qZero2, qZero3, qZero4);
variable state: state_type:= qInit;
if (rising_edge(clk_i)) then
case state is
when qInit =>
if (rx_i = '0') then
led_o(0) <= '1';
state := qZero;
end if;
when qZero =>
if (rx_i = '0') then
led_o(1) <= '1';
state := qZero1;
end if;
when qZero1 =>
if (rx_i = '0') then
led_o(2) <= '1';
state := qZero2;
end if;
when qZero2 =>
if (rx_i = '0') then
led_o(3) <= '1';
state := qZero3;
end if;
when qZero3 =>
if (rx_i = '0') then
led_o(4) <= '1';
state := qZero4;
end if;
when qZero4 =>
if (rx_i = '0') then
led_o(5) <= '1';
state := qInit;
end if;
end case;
end if;
End Process;
All of the led's 0 thru 5 light up. If the wire is pulled up high I would expect maybe a few spurious 0's but not 6 in a row. Any help would be appreciated.

First: you never set the value of your leds back to '0'. Once you have set all values to '1' in this state machine, you keep driving '1'. You could add a line like led_o <= (others => '0'); before your case statement.
Even then, you will be running through the states at the speed of your clock. Your leds will be blinking so fast that your eyes just sees them as "on", but slightly less bright. perhaps you can add a counter in each state, or check for another condition like a button pushed.
Finally, the code you have posted shows nothing of a pull-up. I'm just assuming you are using that in another part of your code. The problems I can see have nothing to do with pull-ups.

Your constraints file is only used when the code gets synthesized and turned into a bitstream to be loaded onto the FPGA. It has nothing to do with simulation. In simulation you can create a pullup by driving 'H' (high) onto a signal.
If you want led_o to be the signal pulled up you could do:
led_o <= 'H';
led_o <= LED_DRIVE;
So when LED_DRIVE is high impedance (Z) then the pullup will take over and pull the signal high. This is how you would implement a bidirectional interface such as I2C. But I think now that I've gone over your head. The tutorial here shows how you could create a simple LED blinker: http://www.nandland.com/vhdl/tutorials/tutorial-your-first-vhdl-program-part1.html


VHDL - Register for Push Button

I'm trying to create a simple push button in VHDL that turns on after an input switch or pb goes from 0 to 1 to 0 using a clock and a process. However, my code seems to be giving me undefined output. Here's what I have so far.
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
Entity captureInput is port
CLK : in std_logic := '0';
RESET_n : in std_logic := '0';
buttonState : in std_logic := '0';
buttonOut : out std_logic := '0'
end Entity;
ARCHITECTURE one of captureInput is
signal lastButtonState: std_logic := '0';
signal btnState : std_logic := '0';
process (CLK, RESET_n) is
if (RESET_n = '0') then
lastButtonState <= '0';
elsif (rising_edge(CLK)) then
if (buttonState ='0' and lastButtonState = '1') then
btnState <= '1';
end if;
lastButtonState <= buttonState;
end if;
end process;
buttonOut <= btnState
Try to initialize your btnState in the reset branch of your register and also have an else statement where you set your btnState back to 0, under some condition. I would bet that your undefined output comes from the fact that you do not define your btnState anywhere else outside your if conditions. It's good practice to not rely on the initial value of your declaration: Synthesis tools ignore it and some simulators will as well. Also, remember that the clocked body of the if will generate a register for every signal that gets assigned a value inside it, and that signals will keep the last value assigned to them inside a process.
You are also missing the Library ieee; statement at the top and a semicolon after buttonOut <= btnState.
Reading a button do need a debouncer.
Please take a look at:
VHDLWhiz generate statement
VHDLWhiz How to read a button in VHDL
Even though I see that you have already accepted Dimitris' answer, I can add that your code is almost right, you just need to toggle on the falling edge of of the latch instead of setting it to '1' as you do.
if(rising_edge(CLK)) then
lastButtonState <= buttonState;
if(buttonState='0' and lastButtonState='1') then
btnState <= not btnState;
end if;
end if;
buttonOut <= btnState -- etc...
You don't need to initialize anything to '0' but you DEFINITELY need a switch debouncer as lukipedio said otherwise your toggle will not be consistent.
If you think about it, what you're doing is putting a "clock divider" on your lastButtonState register by toggling in order to set the btnState register at half the "frequency" of lastButtonState, which is what you want.
BTW, if you switch your toggling condition to
(buttonState='1' and lastButtonState='0')
then it will toggle on the rising edge of lastButtonState, in other words it will be toggle-on-press instead of toggle-on-release.

i don't understand the utility of default values in state machine

I am trying to understand state machine in VHDL for detecting the edge on a signal in VHDL. in next state I dont understand why we put the:
"next_etat<= reg_etat" because I think it could work without any problem even without it .
I'd would what are the default value of reg_etat and next_etat when we have just run the program because their is no real default value like in c for example int var=0;
entity machine_etat is
Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;
rst : in STD_LOGIC;
entree : in STD_LOGIC;
tc : out STD_LOGIC);
end machine_etat;
architecture architecture_machine_etat of machine_etat is
type T_etat is (idle,edge,one);
signal next_etat, reg_etat : T_etat;
registre_etat: process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if rst = ’1’ then
reg_etat <= idle;
reg_etat <= next_etat;
end if;
end if;
end process registre_etat;
tc <= ’1’ when reg_etat = edge else ’0’;
etat_suivant: process(reg_etat,entree)
next_etat <= reg_etat;-- defaults values here i dont see their purpose
case reg_etat is
when idle =>
if entree =’1’ then
next_etat <= edge;
end if;
when edge =>
next_etat <= one;
when one =>
if entree =’0’ then
next_etat <= idle;
end if;
end case;
end process etat_suivant;
end architecture_machine_etat;
If you don't assign next_etat (pardon my French) in all situations, logical synthesis will infer a latch to remember it's state. A latch is something you don't want, as it is very sensitive to digital logic latencies and might become metastable: also something you don't want.
HDL programming significantly differs from CPU programming.

VHDL: having multiple clock enables in one process

Hello I am new to VHDL and I want to ask if it is ok to have a process like this
where I have multiple clocks in one process
C256Hz and C4Hz are clock enables driven from the 50MHz clock
process (Reset, C50Mhz, Go, start_flag, C256Hz, C4Hz)
if reset = '1' then
start_flag <= '0';
elsif rising_edge (C50Mhz) then
if C4Hz = '1' then
if count4 = "11" and single_run_flag = '0' then
start_flag <= '0';
end if;
end if;
if C256Hz = '1' then
if Go = '1' and start_flag = '0' then
start_flag <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process; `
It is okay, but whether synthesis will generate a good result depends on the fabric.
The sensitivity list should have just reset and C50MHz, because these are the only events that actually change signals. When C4Hz toggles, then rising_edge(C50MHz) is false, because these are not synchronized, and nothing would happen if the process were to run then.
The separate enable can be assumed to be available everywhere -- clock fanout is so high that everyone implements separate clock distribution networks, and the enable on the registers is required then. So this is safe to use.
The asynchronous reset might not be available on all fabrics, but usually is. Some devices will support asynchronous load (i.e. you can decide the value to be taken on reset), others only reset (i.e. you can set the register to zero only, and initializing to one would generate an inverted table, a register with reset-to-zero, and an inverter in the next LE.
So in general, this is fairly safe, this can be synthesized as
-- intermediates
do_clear_start_flag := C4Hz = '1' and count4 = "11" and single_run_flag = '0';
do_set_start_flag := C256Hz = '1' and Go = '1' and start_flag = '0';
-- to register
enable_start_flag := do_clear_start_flag or do_set_start_flag;
new_start_flag := do_set_start_flag;
The check for the old value of start_flag in do_set_start_flag cannot be optimized out even if setting start_flag has no effect if it has been set before, because it might just be reset in the current clock cycle.
If the block beginning with if C256Hz = '1' were an elsif instead, the second intermediate would read
do_set_start_flag := C256Hz = '1' and Go = '1' and do_clear_start_flag = '0'

Strange Behavior VHDL (process with if statement based on event in MIPS multi cycle processor)

So we have a code running that is creating a mips processor. The issue is we instantiate the original PC to a 32 bit std logic vector containing all 0s. The code to initiate this is below.
process (reset_N)
if (reset_N'event and reset_N = '1' ) then
pc_in <= "00000000000000000000000000000000";
end if ;
end process;
The issue is no matter what value reset_N carries (it only has 1 for the first 40 ns ) it will always pass the 0's into pc_in resulting in a conflict.
We commented the pc_in line of code out and received no conflicts, so we are confident this is the issue. We are just unsure why these checks aren't functioning properly.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
As Morten and David pointed out, you probably have two separate processes for setting pc_in, which is causing the conflict.
Since you're trying to detect a reset edge, not just a reset level, I assume you're trying to create a sequential process so that you have a registered version of pc_in. If so, there are a couple of ways to do that. You can detect the reset synchronously or asynchronously. Below are a couple of examples.
-- Registered version of pc_in with synchronous reset
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
if (reset_N = '0') then
pc_in <= (others => '0');
pc_in <= (others => '1');
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Registered version of pc_in with asynchronous reset
process(clk, reset_N)
if (reset_N = '0') then
pc_in <= (others => '0');
elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then
pc_in <= (others => '1');
end if;
end process;

Can't infer register for ... at ... because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge

This must be the most common problem among people new to VHDL, but I don't see what I'm doing wrong here! This seems to conform to all of the idioms that I've seen on proper state machine design. I'm compiling in Altera Quartus 9.2, for what it's worth. The actual error is:
"Can't infer register for "spiclk_out" at [file] [line] because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge"
ENTITY spi_state_machine IS
spiclk_internal : IN STD_LOGIC;
reset : IN STD_LOGIC;
spiclk_out : BUFFER STD_LOGIC
END spi_state_machine;
PROCESS(spiclk_internal, reset)
IF reset = '1' THEN
spiclk_out <= '0';
IF spiclk_internal = '1' AND spiclk_internal'EVENT THEN --error here
spiclk_out <= NOT spiclk_out;
Thanks for your time.
As written, the process would cause spiclk_out to toggle on spiclk_internal edges even when reset is active, which is not how flip-flops with asynchronous resets should behave.
What you probably want is
SPICLK: process(spiclk_internal, reset)
if reset = '1' then
spiclk_out <= '0';
elsif spiclk_internal'event and spiclk_internal='1' then
spiclk_out <= not spiclk_out;
end if;
end process SPICLK;
