Cant upload an app- stack on uploading - xcode

I guess that question have been asked yet , but i wonder if there is something else .
I have archived my app , check validate , than hit distribute .
It usually takes time, but today, i am trying of 8 (!!) hours to upload an update to an app.
iTunes connect is ready for upload binary .
I have tried to start again many times (after 1-2 hour stack in the window :
Your application is being uploaded //status bar have not even started
I just cant figure out why every time you are trying to upload an app,it takes so much time,
and today , its just not working .
Could be a problem with my app that the validation have not seen ?
The app is just 12M size.
What else can you do ?


Laravel app is very slow - over 3 seconds to boot and 2 seconds to load

The app is not even big,but it takes over 5 seconds to reload some pages,i don't think that is normal eventhough I read that laravel is pretty slow,but this is unusable,I've installed debugbar and it is showing that booting takes over 3.5 seconds while loading of the app is over 2.5 seconds,I've been following a course and instructor's app loads instantly,can someone tell me what effects the booting and load time?
Since this is a general question without specific detail here's a general answer:
Your first step should be to install the Laravel debug bar (which you say you have) and then look at the query time or controller time and narrow down the culprit. Based on that, you can ask more pointed questions on StackOverflow with the details of the specific queries that are slow, or if it's a controller that's slow, you can post the contents of that controller file. From there we can make recommendations in terms of what changes you can make.
One other thing to try is on the same machine try out a vanilla Laravel app and see what the baseline load times are. Maybe there's nothing wrong with your app at all and instead it has something to do with whatever is serving it.
Alright,I think I've got it fixed,was using XDebug for PHP lectures for collage and that is why app was running so slowly,so I've disabled it.
If anyone else will have similar problem here is the solution,but be aware that this will disable your xDebug:
Open XAMMP -> Click on config button for Apache -> Open PHP (php.ini).
Inside of that file look for "[xDebug]" and comment out all the commands that enable it ( in front of commands put ";" and space (" ") ) . It should look like this:
; [xDebug]
; zend_extension = C:\xampp\php\ext\php_xdebug-2.9.8-7.2-vc15-x86_64.dll
; xdebug.remote_enable = 1
; xdebug.remote_autostart=on
And then restart the server
If you need xDebug,then check out this post - PHP on Windows with XAMPP running 100 times too slow

Sparkle Shows Message "Your App is Up to Date" every time on launch after updating

I am using Sparkle framework for updating my Mac app . The updation is successfully done . But now after the updation on every launch of the application user gets a message "Your App is Up to Date". How can i disable this message on every launch ?
I am using SUUpdater.shared.checkForUpdateInformation() and uses the delegates
- (void)updater:(SUUpdater *)updater didFindValidUpdate:(SUAppcastItem *)update;
- (void)updaterDidNotFindUpdate:(SUUpdater *)update;
when a valid update is found i will call SUUpdater.shared.installUpdatesIfAvailable
Is this making the issue ?
ok .
Now i got the problem after playing around a bit. The delegate need to be set correctly on SUUpdater shared instance. After setting delegate it all works as expected.

Cannot upload hosted content for In-App purchases to iTunesConnect

I am trying to upload hosted content for in-app purchases, however I have been unable to succeed so far.
I have previously uploaded around 100 in-app purchases packages for my app using Application Loader. I used to be able to upload these packages before without any issues. Now I’ve noticed that the latest version of Application Loader (Version 3.0) doesn’t even give me the option to upload hosted content (see attached)?
So instead I’ve taken the time to use the iTMSTransporter bash script instead. However when I try to upload the content packs using:
iTMSTransporter -m upload
I am getting the following error:
Package Summary:
1 package(s) were not verified because they had problems:
/Users/Cortana/Documents/iOS/Clients/AccentKit/InAppContent/854413379.itmsp - Error Messages:
ERROR ITMS-90320: "The archive for In-App Purchase 'com.accentkit.AustraliaFemale1' is invalid. The 'IAPProductIdentifier' in the ContentInfo.plist must match the In-App Purchase Product ID."
[2018-04-14 07:12:45 MYT] DBG-X: Returning 1
I’ve double checked and the value for IAPProductIdentifier on the ContentInfo.plist matches exactly with what’s setup on the In-App Purchase Product ID on iTunesConnect. (see attached screenshots) This error is making no sense to me.
Any ideas?
If there was an issue with banking and your sales contract are according to you theoretically back in effect, they may not be effectively back in effect, that is, from Apple's servers point of view.
perhaps this is a process that takes up to a week and the only way to speed it up is to call their technical support.
this is where that'll happen :
I suspect it's likely that your app having been on monetary lockdown at any one point while the bank was an issue may have led into this buggy situation that apple may not have accounted for or that they have accounted for and want you to first go through their IT support process in order for them to first be able to asses that everything is in order.
cheers! :)

Increase first load speed in laravel project

i am new in laravel. I did worked in codeigniter for more than 40 projects but did not faced any load issue. Now in new project we are working in laravel, where i just setup and checked laravel then it founds that it load some time in first load. Once load then it works ok, but each time when new session is start after open browser then it takes some time approx 2 seconds evenif there is simple hello page. Any suggestion to improve this ?
1- check the console for any errors , maybe there is a loop not closed.
2- second : you can install some debugging packages like

400 error for profile image -- every other time, every time [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Facebook graph profile image unreliable
I am having a bizarre issue which is most likely the same as this post on the developer forum:
Every other time I load the page it will issue the 400 [Bad Request] error, and every other time it will load the image successfully. This cycle is consistent.
I am directly accessing the graph URL, without any middleware e.g.
I am worried it is a problem on Facebook's side because this just started happening yesterday. Ideas?
For me it's a similar problem, I got round it by displaying less images then I was doing (I was trying to request 20+ images at once), now I'm only requesting say 5. Seemed to fix my problem.
You are accessing the image as you are supposed to. Log a bug with Facebook (not that you will likely get a response) for any issues.
