How can one view the applescript code that executes on particular application? - macos

There is one application that controls Microsoft Word 2011 for Mac using AppleScript.
It does really nice things that I want to implement in my own app.
So, is it possible to intercept AppleScript calls to particular application, and reconstruct source code of AppleScript that made that calls?

It is impossible to view source code of applescript that executes on particular app.
But debugging apple events, can make sense to cast a light on what is going on.
So I just opened and executed a command:
env AEDebugReceives=1 /Applications/Microsoft\ Office\ 2011/Microsoft\\ Word
That will force Microsoft Word (in fact almost any application) to print all received apple events in terminal.


AppleScript — listen for mouse click?

I'm brand new to Apple Script and trying to write a simple script that, while running, logs a timestamp any time the mouse is clicked anywhere.
How can I detect/listen for mouse events, and execute a command (logging a date-time) when they happen?
(This seems to me like a pretty basic thing to try to do, but I may be misunderstanding what AppleScript is for.)
Mouse-clicks are events handled and distributed by the system. In order to capture them you'd need to set up an event monitor, but there are no hooks for that in vanilla AppleScript; the language isn't designed for it.
If you wanted to switch to AppleScriptObjC and create an application, you could certainly set up an event monitor of this sort (using something like NSEvent's addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:handler:. But I doubt AppleScript is the best language for it. At least, I can't think of a compelling reason to do this in AppleScript as opposed to writing a small cocoa app, and I anticipate a number of headaches trying to make the callback work correctly.

How to write a program that runs another GUI program inside it

I am not sure how to ask the question so here is a picture of some idea that came to mind
So for example, when you run my "custom launcher" it displays a window with a couple buttons on the side which you can assign values to. When you click on a button, the appropriate program will run in the big panel on the right (in window mode).
This is all from the user's perspective of course. They will just see that the program they want to run appears in that panel. The actual implementation may have nothing to do with "one program running inside another program"
My own use case is limited to windows desktop platforms only, but if it is possible to generalize it that would be nice as well.
Is this actually possible? Can I write such a program that will run another program inside a panel? The program that's launched may be someone else's, such as MS paint or calculator.
Just to expand on my comment above, here is an approach that may work for you: Fake it :)
When you launch the program, intercept all windows messages to the program that control it's position on screen. That way it 'appears' to be fixed in place, but in reality it's still attached to the normal Windows desktop.
Here's some light reading for you:
Windows Event Hooks
A hook is a mechanism by which an application can intercept events,
such as messages, mouse actions, and keystrokes. A function that
intercepts a particular type of event is known as a hook procedure. A
hook procedure can act on each event it receives, and then modify or
discard the event.
I would recommend against it in a commercial application because you are modifying the behavior of software you don't own - that software may make assumptions about what its parent window is, but for experimentation there's the SetParent Win32 function.

Convert applescript to applescript studio

This is my first time here. Anyway I have a question.
I just decided to try using Applescript studio, but currently I have trouble converting my script and linking actions to the GUI. I will provide more info if needed, but I just need to convert an applescript for use in Applescript studio. Is there any specific code I need to inject or something? Thanks.
Running on Mac OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard, Xcode 4.2
Using AppleScriptObjC in Xcode, the Interface Editor will use any handler with the right definition as an action method. An action handler takes a single parameter, which means that it has a single trailing underscore in the name - see the AppleScriptObjC Release Notes.
Once a handler has been declared, it will show up in the Interface Editor and can be connected by dragging from the Connections Inspector to the desired UI object, or by right-clicking on a UI object and dragging from the popup to the desired script class.
Example projects are a bit scarce, but a couple of resources to bring you up to speed are the introductory tutorials at, and Shane Stanley's excellent AppleScriptObjC Explored ebook.

Programming for the Apple infared remote controls

How do I get started with programming for the Apple infared remote control?
To start with, I only intend to support one control, and one type of receiver, that on the current unibody MacBooks.
What I mean by programming, is, how do I get started with writing an OSX, preferably Cocoa if there are APIs, app which intercepts commands from the control, and then sends commands to the OS.
For example, as a start, I'd like to be able to simply pick up a key press from the remote control, and then emit a keyboard command to the OS.
Like, say I've got this listener app running, if you press the menu button, and you're in the textedit app, it prints out the letter "a" for example.
Some searching around has revealed:
Other resources:
a video presentation and the slides
If I find more I'll edit my answer.

How can I post a Cocoa "sheet" on another program's window?

Using the Apple OS X Cocoa framework, how can I post a sheet (slide-down modal dialog) on the window of another process?
Edit: Clarified a bit:
My application is a Finder extension to do Subversion version control ( Part of my application is a plug-in (a Contextual Menu Item for Finder); the bulk of my application, however, is in a separate daemon proces. For several reasons, we've chosen to put virtually all the code into the daemon; the plug-in only defines the menu itself, and Apple-Events over to the Daemon.
Sometimes, the daemon needs to prompt the user for further information. It can toss a window on-screen for this, but that's disruptive (randomly positioned), and it seems to me the work flow here is legitimately modal, for example "select a file, pick 'commit' from the menu, provide commit comments, do the operation."
Interprocess cooperation (such as passing a reference of some kind) is acceptable: both processes are mine, but I want to avoid binding the sheet's code into the primary process.
Really, it sounds like you're trying to have your inter-process communication happen at the view level, which isn't really how Cocoa generally works. Things will be much easier if you separate your layers a bit more than that.
Why don't you want to put the sheet code into the other process? It's view code, and view code is inherently process-specific. The right thing to do here is probably to add somewhat generic modal-sheet support to your plugin code, and an IPC call that your daemon can make to summon that code. Trying to ship view objects over to the remote process is going to be nightmarish if you can make it work at all.
You're fighting the frameworks with this approach.
You can't add a sheet to a window in another process, because you have at most only the most restricted access to the windows in the other process.
Please don't do this. Make the interaction nonmodal if at all possible. Especially in something like a commit, it's much nicer to be able to browse around your files while you're writing commit comments.
OS X does have window groups, but I don't think they can (easily) span applications.
Another thing to consider is that in OS X it's possible to have many Finder windows open on the same folder (unlike in OS 9). Even if you did have sufficient privileges/APIs to add a sheet to a Finder window, it's not like the modality of that window would prevent the user from being able to continue working with the files.
(My personal opinion as a long-time Mac user is that this kind of interaction would drive me right up the wall.)
