where file is saved in wkhtmltopdf - pdf-generation

I want to use wkhtmltopdf for html to pdf conversion. The program seems to work but I dont know where the target file is saved. Ideally it should be saved in programfiles-->wkhtmltopdf folder.
Does anyone experience this problem before?

When you generate the document, you choose where to save the file. Refer to their usage wiki page for simple examples on how to use it. There is also a manual for the various options and detailed information on it. You can find different versions of the manual here.
wkhtmltopdf [OPTIONS]... <input file> [More input files] <output file>
wkhtmltopdf http://google.com example.pdf
wkhtmltopdf http://google.com f:\example.pdf
If you choose the first example, the file will be saved in which ever directory you are currently located in.


how to generate html output in sphinx-needs instead of needs.json

i am trying to use/understand sphinx-needs.
As soon as i run the following command it is generating needs.json
sphinx-build -b needs source build
But how to generate the html output from needs.json?
i don't want to have any custom layouts a default or predefined layouts (such as'complete') will do
Thanks for your answers
I have generated my sphinx folders using the quickstart command
$ sphinx-quickstart
you will have something that looks like this
After writing your needs in .rst format
the following command will generate the html files.
$ make html
PS: You should not have any dependency problems.
Sphinx-needs need to be installed separately.

Linux Shell Curl Command

I have a problem with using the curl command: I have to download a file from a site that is of "www.example.com:8000/get.php?username=xxxx&password=xxxx" form.
Now what happens is this: If I open the link from the browser, if that file exists, part of the automatic download, but if the link is not correct, nothing happens and the displayed page is white.
My problem is that by using the command
curl -o file.txt "www.example.com:8000/get.php?username=xxxx&password=xxxx", the file is generated to me is if the link is correct, by downloading the file correctly, is that the link is not right, generating the 0 byte .txt file.
How can I do that, if not corrected the link (and therefore there is no file to download), no file is generated to me?

Atom and Pandoc

Using Atom, I'm trying to generate a PDF file from markdown.
I installed markdown-preview-plus plugin, which supports pandoc, and then installed pandoc and configured the plugin to use it.
Now, markdown-preview-plus does recognize pandoc, but I cannot see any command to generate a PDF. Plugin's web page seems to say nothing about that.. Can you help me?
Atom's markdown-preview-plus package generates an HTML preview, as #mb21 alluded to. This is clear by the fact that you can right click on the preview and select Copy as HTML. With the Enable Pandoc Parser option enabled, MPP is indeed using pandoc to generate this HTML preview.
In light of your question, I tried adding the following to the Pandoc Options: Commandline Arguments setting in MPP:
--to=latex, --output=temp.pdf
Note 1: you can't specify --to=pdf because pandoc can only generate PDF by first generating a LaTeX file.
Note 2: the above doesn't work because MPP essentially passes the contents of the editor window through pandoc 'on-the-fly', so you can't really hijack the --output setting.
AFAIK, there is no way to get a "live" PDF preview (the way you can get a "live" HTML preview using MPP). This means you will have to build the document whenever you'd like to view what's changed.
Assuming you want to view the PDF in the Atom window, you can install pdf-view and open the PDF in a pane, side-by-side with your source. Otherwise, you could simply open the PDF in your favorite PDF reader.
Build from the command line
As #mb21 suggested, you can build from the command line. I sometimes use BAT/CMD files to store lengthy, or complicated build commands (since I'm on Windows). For example, in my document source directory, I might have make.cmd, which contains:
pandoc --filter=pandoc-crossref --filter=pandoc-citeproc --smart --listings --number-sections --standalone file.md -o file.pdf
Then I run make.cmd from the command prompt using `./make.cmd'.
Alternatively, you could use Makefile.
Build from Atom
Install atom-script. Then, configure your run options (Ctrl-Alt-Shift-O, on Windows) with something along the lines of the following:
Command: pandoc
Command Arguments: --filter=pandoc-crossref --filter=pandoc-citeproc --standalone file.md -o file.pdf
As you edit your source and would like to update the PDF, you can execute the command via Ctrl-Shift-B
Build from Atom using panzer
You'll still need Atom's script package, but you'll also need to get panzer which is a utility that helps manage build configurations for pandoc.
Automatically Build-on-Save via Grunt
Rather than having to press a key combination (e.g. building from command line or using atom-script), I thought of automatically building the output PDF upon saving using Grunt. I've captured the basic idea in this gist
I'm working on the same thing right now, only I am using embedded latex mathematical formulae etc.
The markdown-preview-plus gives a fair representation of what I'm likely to see, but I've been running the following command from the command line in order to compile my pdf
pandoc -f markdown myfile.md -o pdffile.pdf
This works in most simple cases, for trickier ones, or where I want to stitch a few things together, I'm taking my markdown files first to their latex equivalents using a command like
pandoc -f markdown+tex_math_dollars+pipe_tables myfile.md -o myfile.tex
Which creates a latex version of my original file that I can compile/combine with other latex files, or convert to pdf using
pandoc myfile.tex -o myfile.pdf
It's supposed to be possible to embed these various scripts into Atom, using the 'scripts' package, but I'm yet to try that - would be great if someone were to post up their methods too in this direction.
I got pandoc-pdf toolbar working on Atom after installing Perl on Windows, though PDF compilation is much slower with "Latexmk".
I recommend using markdown-preview enhanced and then use several other options available including pandoc, ebook etc.
markdown-preview-enhanced in Atom has support for PDF-on-save, similar to the Grunt workflow suggested above. The output command has several options in addition to PDF, such as MS Word.
layout: post
title: tentative tentacles
date: 2020-09-15 15:01
bibliography: bibliography.bib
output: pdf_document
pandoc: true

How to download multiple numbered images from a website in an easy manner?

I'd like to download multiple numbered images from a website.
The images are structured like this:
... And I'd like to download all of the images within a specific interval.
Are there simple browser addons that could do this, or should I use "wget" or the like?
Thank you for your time.
Crudely, on Unix-like systems:
for i in {1..3}
wget http://website.com/images/foo"$i"bar.jpg
Try googling "bash for loop".
Edit LOL! Indeed, in a haste I omitted the name of the very program that downloads the image files. Also, this goes into a text editor, then you save it with an arbitrary file name, make it executable with the command
chmod u+x the_file_name
and finally you run it with

How can I convert Markdown documents to HTML en masse?

I'm writing some documentation in Markdown, and creating a separate file for each section of the doc. I would like to be able to convert all the files to HTML in one go, but I can't find anyone else who has tried the same thing. I'm on a Mac, so I would think a simple bash script should be able to handle it, but I've never done anything in bash and haven't had any luck. It seems like it should be simple to write something so I could just run:
markdown-batch ./*.markdown
Any ideas?
Use pandoc — it's a commandline tool that lets you convert from one format to another. This tool supports Markdown to HTML and back.
E.g. to generate HTML from Markdown, run:
pandoc -f markdown index.md > index.html
This is how you would do it in Bash.
for i in ./*.markdown; do perl markdown.pl --html4tags $i > $i.html; done;
Of course, you need the Markdown script.
If you have Node.js installed, then you can use the [MdPugToHtml] converter (https://www.npmjs.com/package/md-pug-to-html). It massively converts Markdown to Html. Moreover, it is possible to use Pug templates, but you can use them without templates.
The conversion is performed in the terminal with just one command:
npx md-pug-to-html /home/content
npx is an npm command that installs md-pug-to-html at the first launch, and then launches the md-pug-to-html converter.
/home/content is a directory with your Markdown files. You may have another one.
The converter has various settings and can be used both in the CLI command line and has an API for use in applications.
There is detailed documentation on the MdPugToHtml converter in English and Russian.
You can do this really easily with VS Code. (Well, this is not a command line tool, but proved itself to be super helpful.)
Install the Markdown All In One extension by Yu Zhang
Open the VS Code Command Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P), and select Markdown All In One: Print documents to HTML (select a source folder)
Tip: If you want to make your export portable, you want to change absolute image paths to relative paths by using the following setting in your settings.json (Ctrl-Shift-P -> Preferences: Open Settings (JSON))
"markdown.extension.print.absoluteImgPath": false
In this way, after conversion, just copy all non-markdown files (images) to the destination folder and the HTML pages are portable.
I use this in a .bat file:
#echo off
for %i in (*.txt) python markdown.py "%i"
// using Bash in mac
for i in *.md; do asciidoc $i; done;
